The Unseen Angel in MHA


As the other underground heroes continued to work in their assigned cities, I waited until my meeting with whoever it was. Rumi took a few days off from work to just get her head straight, though she is an extremely tough woman. After two days off, she got right back to work and seemed even more energetic in being a hero. Her experience seemed to push her to make sure no one else had to go through that. Plus with Thunderclap being exposed for his crimes and then death, Rumi became the top hero of our city.

Eventually, the meeting came with whoever it was Ms.Starlight had scheduled and I went to the underground hero HQ to meet them. Walking inside the selected conference room I see the Prime Minister of Japan, the minister of defense, and the director of all Hero Agencies which includes underground heroes. Ms.Starlight was also in the room speaking with them, but they all went quiet when I entered the room. I took a seat next to Ms.Starlight who was opposite the three men.

"Rapture, I'm sure you can recognize these men. They are here to tell you about the position. I'm going to head back to my office now, should you need me give me a call," Ms.Starlight says to me and turns to the men, then takes her leave.

"Akihiko Yagi or Rapture as your hero names, after witnessing your achievement at the casino and sparring with the three pro heroes in your second year of U.A. It seems your strength is equal to All Might in his prime, if not stronger. Because of that, we want to offer you a special position, that has only been offered to a select few in the past," the Prime Minister says to me as the other men sit there looking at me with neutral expressions.

"This position was offered to your Uncle when he was your age but denied the position. Before him, it was offered to your Uncle's Sensei, and she took the position, but once she passed it was left empty," the Prime Minister continues after seeing me listening quietly.

"This position doesn't exist in the eyes of the people, but only in the eyes of world governments. Each Nation picks a hero who can represent them should the need arise, you would also be joining a secret group of international heroes. You all are given free passes to enter any nation for the most part and do as you please as long it is for the greater good. Japan would like you to be our represented hero, this position also comes with a huge pay raise and lifetime benefits for you and your immediate family," the Prime Minister continues and then looks at me while they each seem to be waiting for an answer.

"I have some questions," I say as I look at them and they all nod for me to ask.

"Would I still be able to work in the agency? How often would I be given jobs for this position? What kind of jobs are we talking about? Can I leave the position once taken?" I ask them one question after another, before waiting for answers.

"Yes on paper you would be still a 'normal' agent of the underground hero agency, so you can work here until a mission is required by this new position. The jobs for this position are very infrequent due to them normally having to be for national security or a request by another international hero, which is very unlikely due to their strength and pride. Yes, you can retire at any time, but only after holding the position for ten years minimum or you are physically unable to continue," the Prime Minister answers my questions.

I then lean back while thinking about the pros and cons of joining this position. Seems to have very few cons other than painting a target on my back by big international villains. Though with Rumi and my work, we already could be targeted, so it seems the pros outweigh the cons. After thinking quietly for a few minutes, I have an answer while the three men wait patiently for my answer.

"I'll do it," I say sitting back up and nodding my head. The three men smile at me happy at my answer. Then hand me more papers to sign, which like joining the underground hero agency just say I won't talk about anything I learn or do in my new position.

"We look forward to working with you in the future and hope you can keep our beautiful country safe and peaceful," the Prime Minister says while shaking my hand, and then I shake the hands of the other two men before they all leave.

As I made my way home I looked at my new underground hero ID, which had a new clearance level of 'SS'. According to Ms.Starlight and the Minister of Defense, gives me the same clearance as the Prime Minister. It also can be used in other counties that are part of the international hero agency giving me free rein to work without being prohibited. All the countries that are a part of the U.N. are also a part of the international hero agency.

Another month passes by with Rumi and I hanging out with our friends or visiting family. Then as Rumi and I are relaxing on the couch just enjoying each other's company I get a phone call from my work phone. I'm kinda pissed since Rumi only takes one day off a week and they are calling me on her day off.

"Yes?" I ask answering my phone.

"Rapture, the PSIA has gathered everything they could on Mr.Tetsuo. They are ready to make their move, but apparently with your new position you can get him for us without us having to rely on the Chinese government's assistance," Ms.Starlight says to me and with a curious voice after learning my new position's allowances.

"When?" I ask with a slightly tired sigh.

"Now if you can, but tomorrow at the latest," Ms.Starlight says to me.

"Ok, then I'm leaving now. Send over his location to me and where to drop him off. I'll get it done in a few minutes," I say since I just want to hang out with Rumi who is looking over at me with a cute curious face.

"Ok, sending it now," Ms.Starlight says before we both hang up.

"Work?" Rumi asks with the same curious cute pouty face, as her ears drop slightly.

"Yeah, though it'll only be a few minutes," I say as I put my underground hero costume on in case I leave my angel form and then I turn into my angel form while looking at the address sent to me.

"Fine….though when you get back stay in that form! Been while since I got to enjoy you like that," Rumi says with a seductive look. Though I just chuckle and nod my head.

"No problem, be right back," I say before giving her a kiss and jumping out the window.

In a second I appear above the house hidden in China's outskirts, which has several dozen armed guards walking the grounds. After looking at them all I see they are each sinners and since I want to get home asap I bathe the grounds in holy fire killing all the armed guards. I hear several voices scream in fear at seeing golden fire wash over the house. Dropping down I land outside the glass back doors, before walking through them as they shatter. I see Mr.Tetsuo who currently has several naked women shaking in the corner in fear, while he pours himself a drink and gives a tired sigh.

"So, I've been found out. Anyway, I can pay you to leave me alone?" Mr.Tetsuo says to me after taking a sip. The number of sins he has committed is atrocious and it takes all my willpower to not incinerate him since he is wanted alive.

"The fact I'm letting you live in itself is a miracle for you," I say with deep anger in my voice while he looks at me with a defeated expression.

"Then do what you must," he says but then grabs a gun before shooting me which I let him.

"You done?" I ask as I walk over and he drops the gun while giving me a smile.

"Didn't hurt to try," he says with a defeated chuckle as I cuff him. I then kick his leg out from under him and grab his ankle dragging him across the floor back through the way I came in. The broken glass on the floor cut him up with him cursing at me the whole time.

"What kinda hero does this?!" he says with anger in his voice as his face and chest are cut up and bleeding.

"One who'd rather see you suffer, plus they never said I couldn't hurt you only to not kill you," I say with an indifferent shrug.

He gives me a shocked look before cursing at me while I fly back to Japan. Though I learned as long as I keep someone held by the neck, my speed won't kill them or give them whiplash.  We arrived above the PSIA headquarters where I recalled my wings as I landed on the roof. I pulled open the roof door breaking the lock in the process since I didn't feel like waiting. I made my way down while dragging Mr.Tetsuo by his ankle down the flight of stairs with him being knocked unconscious a few flights down.

I opened the door leading to the director of the PSIA's office, then walked my way through as all the workers stopped to look at me while I dragged a bloodied and unconscious man behind me. Without knocking I opened the director's door who was currently talking with someone on his computer. The man looked up very annoyed about being interrupted but stopped in his about to be outburst at seeing me.

"Here is Mr.Tetsuo," I say lifting him up by the ankle while he is upside down and unconscious. I then drop him like a sack of potatoes before leaving without waiting for a response. I hear the director call people into his office as soon as I leave. Back on the roof, I jump off and bring my wings out as I go back home to Rumi.

I sneak into our bathroom and get naked before changing into my angel form to surprise Rumi. Since my angel form remains naked if I change into naked, I learned to call the armor on and off my angel form a few weeks ago.

"You ready?" I ask walking out into our living room with my hands on my hips and wings spread out. I then notice Rumi is not alone as she looks at me with wide eyes and I notice Nemuri is here, but she looks over my body with a very lust filled look.

"Akihiko! Got put clothes on!" Rumi says jumping up and tackling Nemuri to make her stop looking at me with her lust filled eyes.

"Rumi! It's not a big deal! Well, I guess he is a big deal…," Nemuri says with a suggestive voice and tries to look back at me as I quickly make my way into our bedroom.

"So why are you here Nemuri?" I ask after coming back out in my normal clothes. Though Nemuri looks a bit roughed up since Rumi is very territorial, Rumi is still glaring at Nemuri, but her glare then directs itself to me.

"Rumi told me to come over to hang out, said she was off and you were working. Since I was in the area, I figured why not and I'm glad I did," Nemuri says with a smirk and looks back down at my junk, hearing her Rumi snorts in annoyance.

"If I'd known I'd have not dressed in my birthday suit," I say with an embarrassed chuckle. Nemuri laughs it off, while Rumi is sulking in annoyance.


AN: For those saying that Akihiko is OP, yes I'm aware he was always going to be OP. Think of him like One Punch Man, every fight is going to be stupidly easy for the most part. Though I have plans for the future so calm down and just try to have patience and read.

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