The Unseen Angel in MHA


Time passed, with days turning to weeks and weeks turning to months. Eventually, it's been a year and a few months since we all graduated from U.A. Hizashi moved into an apartment with Ryuko in her home city a few months back. Nemuri has gotten her own apartment in the city I was from. Shota also got an apartment in my home city working as an underground hero in the city. Rumi has climbed the ranks of Japan's top heroes, going from the top one hundred to the top thirty. As for me, I've been taking a few missions from the agency, but still no major mission from the government yet though.

However, I asked Hizashi and Shota to come over today while Rumi was out patrolling. I felt it was finally time for me to ask Rumi to marry me. Though I wanted help from my best friends and after thinking about it, should Rumi say yes I want Shota to be my best man. As I was contemplating smashing the latest monitor since I made another bad stock trade, I hear some people knocking on my door. As I approached the door I knew it was Hizashi and Shota as the two were currently arguing before I opened the door.

"Hey guys thanks for coming," I say as I open the door and interrupt their argument before motioning for them to come inside.

"Yo Akihiko, Shota thinks me checking out other women is considered a form of cheating! Tell him he's wrong!" Hizashi says as they both come inside my apartment.

"No, I said flirting with women and acting like you're single is considered a form of cheating. Hizashi here hit on every woman we passed pretty much on our way over," Shota says while giving Hizashi a glare.

"Not true!" Hizashi says while I just sigh and close the door behind them.

"All I can say is, looking at the cars on the lot is no big deal, but taking one for a test drive is where you make a mistake. However, Hizashi I thought you really liked Ryuko, so what's with you being a horn dog again?" I ask as I toss them both beers and we all sit down on the couch catching up it seems.

"See Shota! I was just looking around, not 'test driving' as Akihiko said! Though I do really like Ryuko, but... I don't know....don't you feel like you want to try something new after being with them for a while," Hizashi says while glaring at Shota who just rolls his eyes and sips his beer. Then he turns to me with a confused face at the end.

"Sounds like you should dump her, instead of potentially cheating on her making it end even worse for both of you. They say you can't teach old dogs new tricks, seems you are gonna be a horny ass till the end of time," Shota says while smirking at Hizashi who flips him off in response.

"I have to agree with Shota here Hizashi, if you really don't feel a hundred percent invested with Ryuko it's better to break it off sooner before something bad happens. Though who knows really, everyone is different, maybe she'd be up to becoming an open relationship. I'd never do that and I don't think Rumi would either since we both get jealous easily," I say with a shrug while drinking my beer and they both seem to think about what I said.

"I guess….." Hizashi says with a thoughtful look and Shota just shrugs before drinking his beer.

"Anyway, speaking of relationships I need your guy's help–" I say after a few seconds of silence.

"Oh shit! Don't tell me you and Rumi are in a bad patch!" Hizashi says with surprise interrupting me, which then makes Shota also look at me with curiosity.

"No, we aren't you jackass! Just shut up and listen to what I'm trying to say before you interrupt me," I say with an annoyed glare and Hizashi just puts his hands up, while Shota chuckles relaxing again.

"Anyway, I've been thinking about it for a while and I'm gonna ask Rumi to marry me. Wait!..... So, I gonna need some help with the plan I have in mind," I say to them and glare at Hizashi who was about to make another outburst before continuing.

"Yeah of course I'll help," Shota says immediately while Hizashi seems to be contemplating something.

"Are you sure you want to marry her? I mean we just got out of U.A. a year ago, and you have your whole life ahead of you...not to say you don't love Rumi, but….I guess I'm just trying to say we're young and don't you want to live a little?" Hizashi says to me with a worried look for me it seems.

"Not everyone is unsure about what they want like you Hizashi," Shota says with a roll of his eyes and Hizashi just glares at him.

"Yeah, then what about you? How come you haven't found someone yet?" Hizashi says with an accusing look.

"Cause I'm focusing on my career right now. When I'm ready I'll try to find someone," Shota says in his defense and Hizashi just grunts with a look that suggests he doesn't believe Shota.

"Anyway, Hizashi you in?" I ask after they seem to have finished arguing.

"Yeah man of course I'll help you. You're my brother and unfortunately so is Shota," Hizashi says to me while smiling and Shota nods his head in agreement but gives Hizashi a side-eyed annoyed look.

"Great! So...I don't really have that many ideas. Any suggestions? I was thinking of the classic of going to a fancy restaurant and proposing to her afterward," I say to them since I've been wracking my brain to think about different ways to propose.

For the next few hours Hizashi, Shota, and I brainstormed ideas while the two slowly got drunk. However seems my enhanced body won't allow me to get drunk, so while the three of us ate pizza and the two got drunker Rumi came home. We scrambled to hide the ideas we wrote down since we lost track of time and started to get sidetracked since they both got drunk.

"Babe, I was thinking Chinese tonight," Rumi says after opening our door and walking into the living room seeing the three of us staring at her awkwardly.

"Hey babe, sure we can get Chinese," I say to her while she looks confused at what's happening.

"Hey Rumi! Been a while, how've you been?" Hizashi says with slightly slurred words and Shota nods his head in agreement.

"Fine...what are you guys up to? You all seem tense?" Rumi says with suspicion making Hizashi and Shota stiffen up at the question.

"Uhhhh, Shota was telling us how he's been experimenting with both men and women," Hizashi says quickly and we both turn to Hizashi with different looks. I was confused at what the hell made him say that, while Shota looked like he was about to beat the shit out of Hizashi.

"...Ok, well I'll order the food. I assume you guys are spending the night?" Rumi says confused even more and notices the absurd amount of beers we drank piled up in the corner.

"Yeah thanks love you," I say while holding Shota back from attacking Hizashi who is laughing at Shota's anger.

"Hizashi you motherfucker! I'm gonna kill you!" Shota says while I hold him back.

"Motherfucker?..... Why is your mom available?" Hizashi says with a drunken chuckle. Shota becomes more pissed and at this point, I'll let them beat the shit out of each other.

I just release Shota as he tackles Hizashi who yelps as Shota puts him in a chokehold. I stand up and make my way to our bedroom to talk with Rumi while the two idiots fight. I open the door seeing Rumi changing so I quickly enter and close the door behind me.

"Enjoying the view?" Rumi says with a smirk seeing me watch her change.

"Very much, though I wanted to tell you for this weekend I have something planned for our date," I say while enjoying her changing and she is teasing me by doing it slower.

"Oh! Ok, should be fun!" Rumi says with a smile before jumping into my arms and kissing me passionately. Then our kiss is broken from hearing something crash and break in our living room.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of those asses," I say with a tired sigh, Rumi just chuckles.

"Go deal with the kids and I'll order the food," Rumi says as I put her down and walk back out to the two morons.

"He did it!" they both say pointing at the other with my coffee table broken in half like someone was thrown onto it.

"You're both paying for it," I say with a sigh and sit down on the couch.

The next day I kick out my two hungover best friends while making some phone calls to people to ensure the plan I have goes smoothly. After getting everything set up and making sure everything should go smoothly, I nervously waited for the weekend to come. Though the day before I was picking up the ring I had made from the local jewelry shop. Finding Rumi's ring size was not that difficult as one night while she was asleep I made some measurements on her finger.

Rumi didn't wear much jewelry as she wasn't much of a makeup or jewelry kinda woman, more of an all-natural this is what you get. However, on date nights she does get dressed up and wears some makeup and jewelry but nothing crazy. With that in mind, I had a more simple design made for the engagement ring. Though it still cost me quite a sum, as long as Rumi liked the ring that's all that mattered to me.

The day finally came when I planned to ask her to marry me. It would start with her going out for a spa day with her best friends which are Ryuko and Nemuri funnily enough. Then while they all enjoyed their spa day, my friends and I would set everything up. After the spa, Rumi and I would go get something to eat at a local fancy Italian restaurant. Next, we'd go to another MMA fight just like our first date, afterward, I'd end the night on top of the roof at our apartment complex with some champagne while we star-glazed, then I'd ask her to marry me. That was the plan atleast, all I can do is hope it goes smoothly and my friends don't fuck up the part they do which is set up the roof before we come.

"So what do you have planned for today?" Rumi asks me after she comes home looking very relaxed from her Spa day with her friends.

"Nothing too crazy, just something I think you'll enjoy," I say to her with a smile, while I wore the suit I picked out today, nothing crazy fancy but better than average.

"Should I have grabbed a dress for today?" Rumi asks me after seeing me wearing the suit normally Rumi doesn't like dresses, as she prefers comfort over style.

"I was able to pick something out, that I hope you like," I say to her and she gives me a curious look before walking into our bedroom and seeing the dress I had bought for her.

It is a white tight dress that would hug her body very well showing her curves and complimenting her looks. She took some time getting ready, though we weren't in a hurry so I just sat on the couch reading. I then hear her come out and I turn to see her wearing the dress, it made my jaws drop slightly as she was extremely beautiful while wearing it.

"You look amazingly beautiful," I say with a smile walking over and giving her a quick kiss as she smiles at me.

"Thanks, now where are we headed?" Rumi asks me while I loop her arm in my mine not saying anything but leading her there.

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