The Unseen Angel in MHA


I led Rumi to the local Italian restaurant where I had reversed a table. Once we arrived and were seated, Rumi and I had some small talk. Though during the whole time eating I was nervous as hell about what I had planned later. I also suspected that Rumi maybe knew what I had planned as she had this knowing look the whole time we were eating. Though that could be my nerves or paranoia for the worst-case scenario tonight even though I was confident she'd say yes. After a nice evening of eating food, I led her to the MMA fight that was happening in town.

"No way you got tickets for the main event again?" Rumi asks me while we walk to our seats which are in the VIP section.

"Yeah, I have my sources," I say with a confident smile, Rumi just smirks looking at me.

"Your Uncle or work connection?" Rumi asks me while smirking.

"Doesn't matter, let's just enjoy the fights," I say with a dismissing wave and motion to the ring as the first fighters are coming out now.

Once again we enjoyed the MMA fights and Rumi as her normal self got really involved. She was screaming at the fighters and telling them about the mistakes they made or what they should be doing. At one point I thought she was going to jump over the fence blocking us from the ring and personally get involved.

"Akihiko pick me up!" Rumi says and immediately turns back to yell at the fighters.

With a chuckle, I pick Rumi up just like on our first date, and placed her on my shoulders. Though this time I was an inexperienced virgin that had trouble not getting turned on by having her legs wrapped around my neck. Though that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy this moment, especially since I 'supported' her by having my hands on her ass. I would enjoy a squeeze here and there while she practically jumped off my shoulders getting really into yelling at the fighters.

"Enjoyed the fights and the main event?" I asked Rumi while we left the building hosting the MMA fight.

"Yeah was fun, though I feel some of these 'fighters' just don't know how to actually fight! I mean put them in a real-life or death situation and half of them would fuck it up!" Rumi says with an annoyed sigh, I just chuckle while holding her close to me. As we walked back to our apartment Rumi kept talking about the fights.

"Though I know I'm not the only one who enjoyed the fights," Rumi says to me with a smirk.

"Yeah I enjoyed the fights, but you know some of them could you more practice," I say with a nod and shrug.

"Not what I meant," Rumi says while stepping away from me and swaying her hips as she walks into the elevator.

"Don't think I didn't feel you enjoying yourself while I was on your shoulders," Rumi says with a seductive smile, while I just chuckle and enter the elevator with her.

"Hey given the opportunity, I'm gonna take it," I say as I press the button leading us to the floor right below the roof.

"Well the opportunity will be presented again once we get inside….wait where are we going?" Rumi says to me with a seductive smile and pulls me in for a kiss, before noticing we aren't going to our floor. Though I almost said fuck it, propose after the sex, but I held my hornyness at bay for now.

"....Well I had one last thing planned for tonight, though maybe we could have a few drinks while star gazing," I say to her, she pouts a little since she is in the mood too but it disappears with a happy smile taking its place hearing me.

"Never star gazed before, should be interesting," Rumi says while we walk onto the roof. I see that my two idiots of friends didn't mess it up and had the place set up.

There were two patio chairs, a bottle of champagne, and two glasses. There was also a small table between the two chairs that held the glasses and champagne bottle. I had the ring in my pocket the whole night, so that was ready since we left the building. We both sat down and just talked, Rumi asking me a bunch of questions about stars and the various constellations, luckily I read up on them slightly just in case. Then after about thirty minutes of having an internal struggle and hyping myself up, I snuck the ring box out of my pocket as Rumi was looking up at the stars.

"Rumi, I really love you. More than anything else. Will you marry me?" I say to her as I take a knee in front of her. Rumi looked at me confused at first but then connected what was happening before freezing up at me in surprise.

"Fuck yes!" Rumi says snapping out of her stupor and tackling me to the ground giving me a very passionate kiss. Thank god for my superior reflexes or I'd have lost the ring from the sudden tackle.

After having a very passionate kiss, we broke it as I placed the ring on her hand. Then she kissed me again before we said anything else. The kiss got very heated very quickly, as she began to unbutton my shirt. I held onto it as I brought us to our apartment very quickly. Rumi wrapped her legs around my waist kissing me and pulling my upper body clothes off very quickly. I made it to our apparent quickly enough to not be naked in public. The rest of the night was very eventful and I don't believe we got more than an hour or two of sleep.

The next morning we laid in bed just enjoying each other's company, Rumi took today off too thankfully. As most of the day was spent not leaving our room. As Rumi likes to say we did what her quirk's second half is used for and enjoyed ourselves all day. However the next day came and Rumi would have to go to work, leaving me to ensure that everyone we knew was informed about the engagement. Except Rumi wanted to head over to her parent's house tonight for dinner and tell them together.

I texted or called everyone we were friends with informing them of the engagement Rumi and I now have. They all congratulated us, and some I'm sure will text Rumi about it too, or call her. My Uncle came over in person soon after I texted him that I got engaged.

"Akihiko! It is I, All–" my Uncle says opening my apartment door and about to do his signature entrance before I interrupted him.

"No, please shut up. Plus you're loud as fuck, I don't need any neighbors knowing I know All Might," I say to him as soon as I hear him bust down my door.

"Sorry Akihiko and you're right. I'm used to houses being more private," my Uncle says to me with an awkward smile.

"Sure, whatever you say. Though why'd you come over?" I say to him with an eye roll, before asking me.

"I got your text and wanted to congratulate you in person. Plus I haven't seen you in person for a while now. I thought maybe we could catch up too," my Uncle says to me with a happy smile and thumbs up.

"Sure why not, I don't have anything to do today. Plus I need to buy another monitor anyway," I say as right before he came I punched a hole into my newest monitor. Seems no matter how much I study stocks or read books about ways to make money day trading, I still make bad choices.

We walked together to the local computer store, while my Uncle and I caught up. Thankfully he wasn't wearing his hero uniform, so he didn't really stand out too much. Though people did recognize him once in a while and asked for pictures, autographs, or both. Afterward, we headed back to my apartment to just talk.

"Akihiko, now that you are getting married and possibly going to have kids. Would it not be a good idea to retire as an underground hero or join as a regular hero?" my Uncle says to me with some concern in his voice, but I just sigh at him.

"No, plus if my parents serve any example it shows that even being a 'normal' hero can lead to the death of loved ones. Neither Rumi nor I will stop being heroes, and I don't believe we will be having kids anytime soon," I say to my Uncle with some annoyance in my voice in his attempt to convince me once more.

"You… aren't wrong. I just worry that you will wake up one day with many regrets, just like I do now and I don't want that for you," my Uncle says to me with a tired sigh.

"The difference is, I won't fail anyone and make sure the threat is dealt with once found," I say with some contempt in my voice.

"....Well I will be heading out. I look forward to the wedding invite," my Uncle says to me with an awkward smile before leaving. I just sigh and nod my head, since our relationship has gotten more strained over the years. Funny how as a kid I looked up to him as borderline worship and now I see a husk of a hero.

After fixing my pc once again for the third time this month, I decided to stop day trading and instead read or play some video games until Rumi came home. Once she came home she quickly changed and we headed over to her parent's house to tell them the news. Over the years her parents have gotten better around me, though now I understand Rumi's mother disliked me for 'corrupting' her daughter while her father just hated the fact I 'stole' his one and only daughter.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs.Usagiyama, long time no see," I say to them as Rumi hugs them in greeting. Though ever since Rumi and I moved to the city together her mom has been over once a week and sometimes her dad tagged along too.

"Akihiko, good to see you too. Though retirement has been getting to me as I'm bored at home now. Rumi was telling me you've been day trading, maybe you can teach me a thing or two and I can do that with my free time," Rumi's dad says to me after I shake his hand in greeting. Rumi snorts in laughter upon hearing her dad's statement.

"What?" Rumi's mom says seeing her daughter's amused smile and my annoyed look.

"I'd be careful dad, if Akihiko didn't make a lot of money he'd be broke since he's shit at day trading," Rumi says with a teasing look while I just let out a long annoyed sigh.

"Oh! Well then maybe we should both pick different hobbies," her dad says while giving me a teasing smile too, and her mom is holding back some laughter.

"Whatever! I'll learn eventually! And I limit the amount I can spend!" I say to Rumi with a very annoyed look.

"Sure babe sure and don't you mean you limit the amount we can lose?" Rumi says to me with a chuckle and gives me a quick kiss before walking into the kitchen to help her mom.

"Fuck you too!" I say with an annoyed but amused smile as Rumi and her mom go into the kitchen.

"I didn't tell you this, but I've never seen my daughter as happy as she is when she is with you. So when's the wedding?" her dad says to me looking at the two women leaving us.

"What?" I say surprised as Rumi wanted to surprise them.

"I'm not blind, I immediately noticed the ring on my daughter's finger she wasn't exactly hiding it. My wife may have not noticed though, me however I always looked since I figured one day I'd see it," her dad says to me with a knowing smirk and I try to figure out what to say.


AN: Sorry for not uploading yesterday, as I adopted a new puppy and got them yesterday. So I took the whole day helping him adjust to his new home. Though moving forward should be back to normal.

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