The Unseen Angel in MHA


AN: I'm not going to delve into the honeymoon trip and this chapter is going to be the last major time skip, you will see as you read while also I'm dumping a lot of information.


The flight to Europe was long and boring as nothing really happened. All we did was sleep, eat, read, or watch whatever movie/show. I would have joined the mile high club with Rumi, but we both can get a little crazy when we go at it. So I did not want to be the reason a whole plane crashed or landed early for an unexpected 'problem'. Eventually, we landed in London, England and I rented a room from a five-star hotel in the city. We would spend two weeks in England, then France, then Germany, and finally Italy before heading back home.

The first day here though Rumi and I spent doing very little so she could adjust to the new time zone since she was jet-lagged. Afterward, we'd start our real honeymoon/ vacation. Waking up the next day Rumi and I headed out of the hotel room, before going sightseeing around the city and hitting all the top tourist spots. Rumi was most excited about touring Buckingham Palace. For getting around England I rented a nice roomy car, which we'd return before taking a ferry to France and renting another car there to explore the rest of the countries we wanted to hit.

The next two months in Europe flew by as we went around the four countries and sightseeing everything we could and wanted to. The flight back home was another long boring one and just like when we arrived in Europe we spent a day at home unpacking and relaxing so Rumi could readjust to our time zone. Life then seemingly went back to normal, with Rumi patrolling the city and steadily climbing the hero ranks in the country. While I got missions once in a while from the agency, with no major missions from the government yet.

I did tell Rumi about my real job as a true underground hero and the main contracted hero of the Japanese government. She was worried and surprised at first but then became happy for me. Time then flew very quickly with a lot happening over the years.

First Endeavor seemed to have changed drastically from a loving and caring husband/father to an obsessed person with only the thought of surpassing my Uncle. He even pushed his oldest son away as Toya ran away with no one knowing where he went. His other two older kids even began to resent him, his only daughter would come and visit Rumi and me frequently just to vent her frustrations.

Endeavor's youngest son Shoto became his newest obsession to surpass my Uncle. I tried to talk with Endeavor about changing but he basically told me to fuck off, so I cut ties with him. I do keep in touch with Rei, his wife, and kids other than Toya who disappeared. I told Rei I could beat some sense into him, but she denied it saying he needs to learn from his mistake on his own or he'd never truly change.

On a brighter note, Shota left the underground hero agency a couple of years ago to become a teacher at U.A. Along with Nemuri and Hizashi who joined him there as teachers shortly after him, as the two also didn't enjoy the normal hero work they did and would rather teach the next generation. Hizashi also ended up marrying Ryuko a few years after Rumi and I got married, at first, we all thought they'd go their separate ways, but they seemed to work things out. Like Rumi, Ryuko climbed the hero ranks but didn't reach as high as Rumi. Rumi made it to number six, with Ryuko as number eleven.

The last thing was Incognito retired as a real underground hero since he almost died in his last mission. That wasn't the first time he almost died, but it gave him an existential crisis I would assume, so he took that as a wake-up call to pursue another path in life as a police detective. My shrink would still see me once a month as it is mandatory for working as an underground hero, but we made some progress with my issues. As I felt my once very deeply buried emotions, are not so buried anymore but still not completely back to normal. Like I am missing something from healing my emotional damage or if this is actually as good as it will get.

"Welcome back," I say to Rumi while watching TV and mindlessly flipping through the channels.

"Another long day," Rumi says while collapsing on our couch and laying down in my lap, as I put the remote down to pay attention to my wife.

"Another boring day?" I ask as pull her into my arms holding her close to me, and she snuggles in closer to me.

"Yeah, just the same petty crimes and a few idiots who think they can do anything they want as long as they threaten people with their quirk," Rumi says while relaxing in my arms.

"Then it just means you are doing your job extremely well," I say while kissing her and she smiles back at me.

"You're right...though I'm still getting applications to work under me as a sidekick. How many times do I have to say I'm a solo hero for people to leave me alone!" Rumi says with an annoyed grumble at the end.

"Oh, you're a solo hero? Hmm, here I thought the paperwork says I'm employed at your agency too," I say to her with a teasing smile.

"As my husband, you are the only person I'd consider working alongside...under or on top too," Rumi says to me with a very suggestive voice at the end. She then kisses me passionately. I pick her up as she wraps legs around my waist and I bring her to our bedroom to continue our fun.

Waking up the next day Rumi and I are eating the breakfast I cooked while relaxing since it's her day off. We were watching the local news since Rumi likes to see if anything interesting is happening that she could help solve in the city. Then the next story comes on featuring my Uncle, who apparently saved two students who were attacked by a slime looking villain.

"Isn't that the villain your agency was hunting down?" Rumi asks as we watch the news which says my Uncle stepped in to save the two kids.

"Yeah, he called himself 'Sludge', and some of the other underground heroes were hunting him down. Seems my Uncle accidentally got to him first though," I say with a shrug as I eat my bacon.

"Huh, seemed he was beaten pretty easy….. At least he didn't show up here would've been a gross fight, though a fight is a fight I guess," Rumi says after some thought.

"What do you want to do–" I say to Rumi as she cleans up the dishes since I cooked, but I'm interrupted as someone entered our house. It could be any of our close friends since they each have an extra key to come over, even Rei has an extra key.

"Aunt Rumi and Uncle Akihiko, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I just needed to get out of the house," Fuyumi says as she enters the house and she is now a young adult.

"No, you're not, we were just about to try to figure out what to do today," I say with a shrug as I poured myself another cup of coffee.

"Yeah you're fine, what did Enji do this time?" Rumi says looking at Fuyumi with a concerned face like a mother would a child.

'Maybe Rumi and I should try for a kid soon as we've been married for a few years now,' I think to myself as I see Rumi's expression.

"The usual shit! Mom and he argued once again about his extreme training methods for Shoto, then I sided with mom which only pissed him off further. He then gave us both a cold shoulder, before going back to training Shoto like crazy especially since Shoto will be entering U.A. soon," Fuyumi says with a tired and annoyed sigh.

"I tried to talk with him before but didn't listen or heed my warning. Your mom doesn't want me to have a more…..pressing talk. Saying he needs to learn from his mistakes or he will never truly learn anything," I say after hearing her complaint.

"Yeah I know, I asked mom for you to talk to him, but she said the same thing. I just don't get her thought process either. Can you promise me that if he ever hurts one of us you will step in?" Fuyumi says to me with a worried and hopeful look.

"You don't have to ask, of course, I'll make sure he understands his mistake then for sure. Your mom might not be my real sister, but she might as well be," I say to her with a warm smile.

"Akihiko is right, if Enji oversteps we will be there to beat some sense into him," Rumi says immediately agreeing with me.

"Thanks, I knew we could count on you two," Fuyumi says with a tired smile. We then spend the next hour talking with her.

"I'll let you guys go, I've got work at the cafe anyway to get to," Fuyumi says before hugging us both goodbye.

"Ok, be safe!" Rumi says as she leaves us.

"So now what?" I ask Rumi.

"Let's see if we can beat our record," Rumi says with a seductive smile, pulling me into our bedroom. Currently, our record is ten hours of nonstop 'fun'.

A few weeks passed before I got a phone call from my work phone as Rumi was out patrolling the city. It was summer time too and all the kids were out creating more trouble, so Rumi hated summer now since she had to deal with destructive teenagers.

"Rapture, we have a job for you. Though it is considered a major one, your first official job as the chosen hero of Japan," the director of hero agencies says to me after I pick up the phone.

"Meet me in my office in Toyko, since this can only be further discussed in person," the director says before hanging up.

I stand up stretching a bit before changing into my hero uniform and then bring my angelic form out to immediately appear at Japan's government's main building. I pull my wings back in before dropping down in front of the building in my hero uniform. The guards in the area jumped in fright at my sudden appearance, with some pulling guns on me and others preparing to use their quirk probably. I take out my ID and hand it to the nearest guard without saying anything. He then makes the other guards stand down, before letting me in. I then walk to the Director of Hero agencies office, I give two knocks before entering after hearing a response.

"Rapture, glad you could make it so quickly," the director says before motioning to a chair across from him at his desk. I take a seat and wait quietly for him to continue.

"We received intel suggesting that a very dangerous villain from china has escaped custody and has entered our country illegally. The Chinese government wanted to send their heroes, but we denied them since…well they aren't that trustworthy. You are to find and secure this villain, he is wanted alive but a few injuries are acceptable. Here is everything we have on him including his last known location," the director says to me and then hands a file over to me.

The villain's name is Ozradar, his quirk seems to be use of a black fire and transforming into a monster that enhances all of his physical attributes. He has killed several dozen Chinese heroes, including some of which appear to be their equivalent of underground heroes. He is considered extremely dangerous, and only heroes with great abilities like myself can deal with it.

"I'll get right on it," I say after reading everything in the file and tossing it back on the director's desk before leaving the office. Once I left the office I texted Rumi using my work phone that I'll be out on a mission for maybe a day or two at most.

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