The Unseen Angel in MHA


After leaving the Director of hero agencies office, I snuck away from the public eye and changed into my angelic form before flying to Kumamoto, the last known location of Ozradar. Once I found a suitable place to land I changed back into my normal form which had my hero uniform on. I then went to look around the area he was last seen for any clues, though the local police are here investigating something too it seems.

"Excuse me sir, you can not enter this area it is under police investigation," the cop standing by the police tape keeping people out says to me, with a few local reports trying to get information from other passersby and police.

"I'm here for possibly the same reason, I have the authority to investigate for myself," I say handing over my ID, which the police officer looks at and sees my clearance level. His eyes go wide before handing it back to me and letting me inside the area.

Once I walk inside the tapped-off area, I can see that the man I'm hunting did show up here potentially. Since it appears to be a privately owned dock with some rusty and probably used for smuggling boats. Looking around outside I don't find anything of value, but upon entering the main building of the dock I saw two police detectives discussing something. They were standing over two dead bodies, one looks to be torn in half by sheer power, while the other looks to be burned slightly but also mummified.

"Who are you and what are you doing in here? Who let this guy in?!" one of the police detectives says at seeing me and some of the other forensic personnel just look over in confusion.

"I'm an underground hero, I was given a mission to hunt down a man who was last seen in this area. Seems he might have been the person who did this," I say while showing my ID to them which they look at before, the one who spoke earlier grunts in annoyance.

"So the government wants to give this over to a hero, great then what's the point of us police," the one who grunted says with an annoyed voice.

"You tell me," I say with an indifferent shrug making the man more pissed off, he seems about to yell in anger before his partner speaks up.

"Sorry for my partner, he is just upset since this is our first big case in a while," the other police detective says.

"I get it, my job doesn't give me much work either. When I do get work, I'd hate for someone else to take it. Though this whole issue is bigger than you two realize. I just need everything you two found out, plus I might need help your help in this since I can't be everywhere at once," I say to them while crossing my arms. The annoyed one just snorts at my response, still annoyed.

"Sure thing, though we got here about ten minutes ago. So our forensic team still hasn't made much progress it might take an hour or two for them to find anything solid. However, as I'm sure you can tell by the way the bodies look they were killed by someone with extreme abilities," the nicer detective says to me while motioning to the bodies on the floor.

"I noticed, did the forensic team go over the bodies?" I say to them and the nicer one nods in response.

"Good," I say before personally inspecting the bodies and getting a closer look at the possible way they died.

"They both had their wallets on them, we IDed them earlier. They are some known smugglers that ship, people, drugs, and whatever else from China to here or vice versa. Maybe the person they smuggled over here or tried to smuggle to China killed them for whatever reason," the annoyed one says having calmed down a bit, but still grumpy.

"From the looks at how they died, it seems like the person I'm hunting did this since his known quirks could have been this," I say once looking closer at the bodies and seeing that the one was torn in half really was torn by sheer force. The other one was charred slightly on the forearms suggesting he was being held still, while something sucked his life force dry.

"Care to share any information regarding that? Or is that something the big wigs won't allow?" the grumpy detective asks me while I inspect the bodies.

"I can only share a bit. The man is a known villain from China, considered extremely dangerous, and escaped their custody before killing several dozen people including their heroes. From the way the people died, it appears these recent two men match the other's death descriptions. He is wanted alive, so that is why you aren't to hunt him down since I'm probably the only person who can take him down while keeping him alive," I say to them withholding more secretive information, that is considered confidential.

"Well shit, then fuck it, be my guest I'd rather not die by some crazed psychopath," the grumpy detective says with some worry in his voice.

"We're still willing to lend a hand, but if he's that dangerous I doubt we could take him down," says the other nicer detective, with the grumpy sighing before nodding his head in agreement.

"All I could really use is for you two to ask around for anything about this guy. I'll have someone from my agency email your office a photograph of the man. Anything you find should be brought to my attention immediately," I say to them seriously before handing them my work cell phone number on my underground hero business card that we give out to law enforcement for this very reason.

"So your hero name is Rapture," the grumpy one says seeing my card which just has my hero name on the front and my work cell phone number on the back.

"Yes, now I'm gonna search the area for any more clues," I say before walking away and calling the director of hero agencies to email a photo to the local police.

Outside, I wander the area looking again for anything I missed, but seeing nothing. Then I walk over to the two boats docked here at the privately owned dock, one is much bigger than the other looking like a much smaller cargo ship. The other ship looks like a small fishing boat, but both seem very old. I jump onto the very small cargo ship, I begin to make a very long and detailed inspection of the ship trying to not miss a single thing. I spent the next four hours, checking every nook and cranny of the ship still not finding anything.

I then go onto the fishing boat, once I step onto the boat my instincts scream at me that a dangerous arura was once on the boat. The same type of arura that I or my brethren give off, except this one is much darker and sinister. My instincts told me that it could be a demon or something similar. With my entire being on edge and defense on high alert, I slowly check the ship for anything. The top of the ship seems empty of anything suspicious. However, there is a very well hidden hatch under the driver's seat.

My instincts are screaming at me, that the sinister and dark feeling is originating from this area. I almost release my wings on instinct since this feeling only got stronger once I opened the hatch. Looking inside I see it appears empty, so I jump down the hatch which is a very small space that could hold several people cramped together or several boxes of cargo. Thankfully it is empty, but my guard doesn't lower due to my instincts still screaming for me to burn this down in holy fire.

Looking around the very small cramped courters, I see in the back part a small satchel and some papers thrown about. There is also a bottle of water and some eaten snacks. Making my way over crotched down due to the cramped space, I look at the paper first. Each paper seems to be a drawing made by a crazy person, the sketches are of a monster that is standing over a person in the fetal position. I then look into the satchel, as soon as I open it my mood sowers immediately with my anger and holy fire flaring in response.

The satchel smelled heavily of blood because inside it was filled with dozens of human hearts with one looking to be several days old. I grabbed the papers and satchel before exiting the fishing boat, turning back at the boat I lit it on fire burning it to nothing. Though that makes the police freak out and the two detectives run over to me with shocked expressions.

"What the hell happened?!" the grumpy one asks me.

"Found some nasty shit inside, seems the man I'm hunting is here now and will possibly go around killing many others soon," I say handing over the papers and satchel for them to look at while I watch the boat burn to nothing.

"What the fuck!" the grumpy one says while almost throwing up, after looking inside the satchel his partner turns away also with a sick face.

"What kind of sick fuck does this?" the grumpy one says.

"The crazy kind, look at these drawings," the other detective says while they assume the man is an insane serial killer, but my instincts tell me something much worse is going on.

"You two hold onto those items as evidence, get someone to try to identify if they are really human hearts and if possible ID who they belong to. That may help us figure out this man's preference for killing," I say to them before the two nod at me as I stand there contemplating what I learned.

"Sure, you want to come back with us?" the nicer detective asks me.

"I'll meet you there, as I need to make a few phone calls first," I say to them and they nod before leaving. My first call is to Soma and then to Rumi.

"Hey Soma, I know I'm not on a mission for the agency but another one for the government. I could use your help, if possible could you look up everything you can about demons and send it to me," I ask her since Soma isn't helping me right now since this isn't an official underground hero agency mission.

"Uh, sure no problem Rapture. You finally got a job from the big bosses?" Soma says to me.

"Yeah and it sure is a crazy one," I say to her since she knows about my contract with the government as does Ms.Starlight.

"Seems like it, I'd ask why you need info on demons, but I figure you're busy," Soma says to me.

"Yeah, sorry though if possible I'll give you the details later," I say to her before hanging up. Then I call Rumi to let her know I might be gone longer than I thought.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Rumi says to me while she appears to be patrolling from the traffic noises in the background.

"The mission I told you about seems to be much bigger than I originally thought. It might just take me longer than I thought," I say to her.

"Shit, ok. Just be safe and I look forward to this story later," Rumi says to me with a slightly worried voice.

"I will and you be safe too. Love you," I say to her.

"Love you too," Rumi says before hanging up.

'Fuck, why would a demon be here? How did a demon get here? Is there anything I'm missing?' I think to myself as I watch the last of the boat burn to nothing even though it has sunk already, but my holy fire ignores the laws of physics.

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