The Unseen Angel in MHA


AN: Sorry for not releasing a chapter yesterday, I just needed a mental break for a bit. Though now we can return back to normal once again.


The exam takes a while to finish with only two of our class not passing, one of them Shoto and the other Bakugo. As it seems the other schools made a temporary alliance to team up against our school. Our students were quickly being pushed back and as it looked like they would all fail the exam, somehow they turned it around after splitting up. In the last few minutes of the exam, the hero 'Gang Orca' and his sidekicks jumped down into the arena. They fought the remaining students, with the majority of our class passing in the end. Gang Orca even admitted to us three teachers at U.A. that our students almost beat him.

Once we returned to U.A. with only Shoto and Bakugo were slightly depressed they did not get their provisional licenses. The next few days passed with life continuing on, until Shota told me he was going to have the three top students of the third year talk with his class about the hero studies program. I came along to officially meet the three top students of the third year, plus see how the class will react to the hero studies they will have to do. On my way to Shota's class, I came across the top three students, so I figured to talk with them as we walk to his class.

The three top students are Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado. Mirio Togata is an average height young man with blonde and blue eyes, with his quirk being called 'Permeation' which allows him to become temporarily intangible. He can easily pass through objects, making his quirk very versatile. Tamaki Amajiki is an average height young man with dark purple hair and eyes, his quirk is called 'Manifest'. His quirk allows him to take on the abilities of things he eats. Nejire Hado is an average height young woman with periwinkle long hair and light blue eyes. Her quirk is called 'Wave Motion' it allows her the ability to convert her own vitality into energy and release it in the form of exceptionally powerful spiral shockwaves.

"Hello you three, I'm Sensei Yagi. I heard about you all, though you probably don't know me as I just started halfway through this year," I say to them and they each turn to look over at me.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Sensei Yagi," Nejire says bowing her head slightly, with a very happy voice and a friendly smile.

"Hello!" Mirio says with a smile, which reminds me slightly of my Uncle's signature smile. Tamaki just nods his head silently at me, he reminds me of a younger Shota.

"I'm coming with you three to see Sensei Aizawa's class's reaction to their hero studies program," I say to them and motion for them to follow me.

"I've heard and read about you three after coming here. You three have done a lot of amazing things, I look forward to your graduation and seeing you all as active heroes," I say to them since the three appear to be just like their records suggested.

"Thanks, though we aren't anything like you or All Might," Mirio says with a chuckle, as I just raise an eyebrow curious how they know me.

"I'm studying under Sir Nighteye, a classmate of yours back when you were at U.A. He told me how strong you are and plus the school still has your personal records for pretty much everything. I doubt anyone will beat any of them any time soon," Mirio says seeing my curious look.

"Mirai is still actively taking sidekicks, good for him," I say nodding to myself. Then remember all the records I set in the school that most if not all the hero studies students would know about.

'Seems Shota didn't tell his class yet about the records I set, would've been easier dealing with Bakugo if he knew,' I think to myself.

"What about you two?" I say to the others curious about who they are studying under.

"I'm working under Ryukyu," Nejire says surprising me further as Hizashi never mentioned his wife took a student as a sidekick.

"Wow, ok. She is a great hero, you will learn a lot from her. Next time you see her tell her I said hello," I say with a nod of my head after hearing her response. Then I look towards the Shota copycat for his response.

"Fat Gum," Tamaki says with an awkward voice. I just nod my head, then with a few more minutes of small talk, we arrive at Shota's classroom.

When we walk in Shota introduces the class to the big three as I go and stand in the corner watching this happen, next to Shota.

"Ok you three introduce yourselves to the class please," Shota says to them as the classroom goes in awe at seeing the top students at U.A.

We see that Tamaki goes silent as he is the first to talk, then mumbles to himself before turning around and refusing to talk. Though it appears the class takes it as him being too serious for it, after meeting him I know he is just socially awkward. Then Nejire speaks up and her bubbly airhead personality is immediately shown.

"Hi everyone! This is Tamaki Amajiki and my name is Nejire Hado," Nejire says which makes the introductions much more smooth until she doesn't shut up. She then starts asking questions to all the students in a rapid session, not giving them time to answer. I can see Shota is becoming increasingly annoyed at this diabolical.

"Oh relax Shota, after having you as their homeroom teacher the kids could use some lightheartedness," I say with a slight chuckle making Shota shoot me a glare.

"This is getting out of hand," Shota says to Mirio who gives a small awkward laugh before speaking up.

"The future's gonna be…." Mirio says while waiting for the class to respond to his statement, joke, or whatever the hell he is on about. Even Shota and I look at him with confused expressions. The whole classroom goes silent for a few seconds confused.

"Grim! That's what you were s'posed to say, right?" Mirio says now showing that his first statement was a very shitty ice breaking joke. I let out a small chuckle seeing this shit show, as Shota just lets out a small sigh.

"All right, my call-and-response was a huge fail!" Mirio continues to say after the silence continues, which makes me let out a small laugh. Mirio turns to me and gives a smile with a thumbs up.

'Ok this kid is trying to be just like my Uncle, Jesus how many fanboys are in this school,' I think to myself seeing Mirio look at me.

Mirio figures the first-year students have little idea about what's going on, so he decides to explain by showing rather than telling. He challenges all of Class 1-A who earned their provisional licenses to fight him all at once. Everyone changes into their gym clothes and moves to Gym Gamma. Tamaki tells Mirio not to kill the younger students' spirits. Eijiro and Fumikage suggest that they don't need a handicap from Mirio and the latter tells them to attack whenever they're ready.

Eijiro tries to attack first but Izuku steps up to the challenge and activates One For All: Full Cowl. Members of Class 1-A specializing in close combat decide to surround their opponent. Everyone arms themselves with their Quirks until they're taken by surprise when Mirio's clothes suddenly fall off his body. He rushes to get his pants back on and Izuku kicks at his head. Izuku's foot phases clean through Mirio's head and the former confirms Mirio's Quirk allows him to pass through things.

Mirio turns his attention to Izuku and gets attacked from behind by Yuga, Hanta, and Mina's Quirks. Their attacks slip right through Mirio's body and he disappears in the ensuing explosion. He suddenly reappears behind the class and declares he'll take out the long-range fighters first. Fumikage uses Black Abyss to try and attack Mirio from behind, but the upperclassman slips through the ground and hits Fumikage in the gut with a powerful surprise attack. He quickly moves in and knocks out Hanta and Minoru with two punches. Yuga, Mina, and Tsuyu try to subdue him together but end up knocked down by his quick attacks.

Using a combination of his Quirk and technique, Mirio defeats half of Class 1-A within a few minutes; Mezo, Denki, Kyoka, Mina, Fumikage, Momo, Tsuyu, Yuga, Minoru, and Hanta. Shota tells Class 1-A to take this great opportunity and learn from it because as he knows it, and reveals that Mirio is the closest hero to being No. 1, even including the Pro Heroes.

Having dealt with the long-range combatants, Mirio turns his attention to the close-range combatants of Class 1-A. Eijiro is shocked that Mirio has a Quirk that can make him invincible, but Izuku rallies his remaining classmates and says they need to wait to counterattack once Mirio comes to them. Whatever Mirio does, he will use a direct attack and during that moment they should counter-attack. Eijiro thanks him for the tip since it might work.

Mirio charges and slips through the ground. Mirio rises up behind Izuku, but he predicts this and delivers a One For All Full Cowl-enhanced kick toward Mirio's face. Mirio is impressed with Izuku's perceptive skills and uses his Quirk to pass through Izuku's attack. He fakes out Izuku with his Ultimate Move Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush and then knocks him down with a swift punch to the gut. Mirio comments that everyone counters him that way so he is naturally trained to counter back.

Tenya calls out to Izuku, but before he can do anything, Mirio quickly moves on and appears behind Tenya and hits him in the stomach, defeating him. Then he knocks out Eijiro, Koji, Rikido, Mashirao, Ochaco, and Toru. Mirio stands victorious and yells 'power' while all the first-year students lie knocked down in pain.

Nejire asks Tamaki if Mirio's gotten stronger and the former comments that Mirio needs to learn more restraint. Mirio asks Class 1-A if they understand more now, but Izuku says they haven't learned anything by getting punched in the stomach. The students claim Mirio's Quirk is too powerful and ask about its nature. Nejire and Mirio explain his Quirk Permeation gives him the ability to phase through anything, including the ground.

Mirio explains the drawbacks of his Quirk and how he had to train to make his Quirk strong. Experience gained through a work-study gave him the ability to fight with his head and learn how to properly utilize his Quirk. Mirio wanted to fight Class 1-A to show them this through experience rather than simply telling them about work studies. The class thanks the Big Three for explaining and the third-year students exit the gym.

"As you can see all of you have a lot of work ahead of you," Shota says once the third years leave the room. All the students nod their heads in the realization of how easily they were defeated by someone who doesn't even have that strong of a quirk, at least on paper.

"Good, then you all with decide which hero you will work with during the hero studies program. Once you have decided who it is, give the paperwork to Sensei Yagi," Shota says to them and gives me a smirk since I will have a lot of paperwork ahead of me. I just shrug indifferently.

Over the next week, I get all the papers for the places the kids want to study under. I then reach out to each place confirming they will work with the kids. Then I finalize the paperwork before, finally heading home for the day.

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