The Unseen Angel in MHA


Since all the students went to their hero study program agencies, me being a hero studies teacher had nothing really to do. As all the hero course students are gonna be gone for a bit. The school gave me paid time off until the kids come back, so just like when I was an underground hero, I had a lot of time on my hands. Being bored and having almost broken the computer three times this week already, I decided to go meet with Rei and see how she is doing. As I walked up to the house early in the morning, I came across Endeavor who was leaving the house with a somewhat upset face.

"Akihiko, what brings you here? Did Rei call you?" Endeavor says to me with an accusing voice at the end.

"No, she didn't call me…why? Should she have called me?" I say to him with a threatening voice and he tenses up.

"Akihiko, it's fine. We just had the usual argument about how he is pushing my kids from us and if he doesn't change very soon I'm taking the kids to my parents. I've waited long enough for him to change," Rei says to Endeavor with a very serious face, I know Rei loved Enji deeply and he loved her, but it's like something broke inside him making him crazy.

"I'm going to patrol the city," Endeavor says with a grunt after hearing her statement, but I can also see the worry in his eyes at her threat. Rei rarely threatens people and when she does it means she is serious. We watch Endeavor walk away with obvious anger in silence.

"So what brings you here? Not that I care you come to visit, just you don't come as much as you used to," Rei says to me once Endeavor has walked away.

"Bored, the kids are all doing their hero studies, so the school gave me off until they come back. I would visit more...but you know," I say to Rei and then make a head motion to the way Endeavor left at the end of my statement.

"Yeah…I know...Though I'm glad you visited, come inside let's catch up," Rei says giving another long look towards where Endeavor left with a complicated face. Then she turns to me with a forced smile.

"Anyone else home?" I ask once I enter following Rei to the kitchen.

"No the kids are all out either working or at school," Rei says since Fuyumi works at a cafe and Natsuo is going to college. We both know Shoto is out at his hero study and Toya hasn't been heard from in years.

"Want some coffee?" Rei asks me since it's still early in the morning. I just nod my head.

"Thanks...Though Rei are you serious about leaving him finally? Why did you wait so long?" I say to her as she pours me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah...I'm serious…..I waited this long because Enji is…or was the love of my life. I couldn't just throw away my love that easily, which I guess was selfish since it condemned my kids to a harsh life," Rei says with an emotionally drained sigh.

'I guess I kinda get it, it would take a lot for me to leave Rumi since I love her more than anything else,' I think to myself trying to understand Rei better.

"I guess I understand. Though what changed all of a sudden?" I say curious about what was the final straw.

"Not sure, just woke up this morning, and after having the daily argument with Enji… it's like something inside me snapped. Then I realized I no longer want to live like this, so either he changes overnight or I'm taking the kids away once Shoto comes back," Rei says with heavy conviction in her voice.

"Oh…...well you can call Rumi and me anytime if you need help. I'll come over to make sure Enji does nothing stupid too," I say to her and she gives me a small smile.

"Sure I'll call you should it come to that," Rei says as we both fall in silence drinking our coffees.

For the next two hours, I catch up with Rei and then head home. Once Rumi comes home we try again to get her pregnant, but still, nothing seems to happen. We even saw a fertility doctor the other day and they told us we both are fertile. That it just seems luck is not on our side, they said we could do in vitro fertilization. Though Rumi and I are not sure we want to go that route just yet. We even considered adoption, though for now we are just gonna keep trying. Another couple of weeks pass until I get a call from an unknown number on my personal phone, as my work phone is gone since I'm no longer an underground hero.

"Hello?" I say after answering the phone and stretching since it is the early morning.

"Akihiko?" I hear a voice that sounds somewhat familiar.

"Yeah, who is this?" I say now curious about who the hell called me.

"It's Mirai Sasaki. All Might told me to call you, he said you'd be a good addition to a mission I'm leading. I realized that you'd make a great addition once he mentioned you, due to your abilities, plus the more heroes the better," Mirai says to me and my sleepiness disappears once he introduces himself. I remember this is where Mirio and Midoriya are studying at.

"Uh…Sure what's the mission? Also when and where do you need me to meet up?" I ask him.

"In an hour if possible and at my agency. I'll give you the details once you arrive," Mirai says to me.

"Ok see you soon," I say before hanging up. Then I stretch one more time before quickly getting ready and putting on my old underground hero uniform.

I then fly to his agency appearing ten minutes before the required time. I then withdraw my wings landing outside his agency. Entering it I can see sixteen other people, most are pro heroes with some students from U.A. here too. There is a handful of police too and two agents of PSIA (Public Security Intelligence Agency). They all turn to me seeing me enter and they all recognize me from the news after I stopped All For One. That is another reason I stopped being an underground hero since the entire world now knew about me.

"Now that Rapture is here we can begin," Mirai says getting everyones' attention and then leads us all to a large conference room. We all take our seats and wait for him to continue, though many of the heroes and students look at me in awe.

"My two students from U.A. discovered that the largest remaining Yakuza family is working inside my city. We also have reason to believe they are working with the organization calling themselves 'League of Villians'," Mirai says once everyone sits down and waits for him to speak.

"I've been investigating them and the Yakuza has been making contact with several other parties and they appear to be gearing toward accumulating funds for an unknown operation," the hero known as Centipeder says to us all after Mirai finishes introducing the mission to everyone.

"Though we aren't too sure that the Yakuza is working with the League of Villians. Since we did confirm that Overhaul, the leader of the Yakuza, made contact with the League of Villains and that a fight occurred," one of the PSIA agents says to us all.

"I've discovered too that the Yakuza group 'Shie Hassaikai' are distributing bullets that have the ability to erase Quirks. What's worse is that, unlike Eraser Head's ability, these bullets have the potential to damage a person's Quirk Factor. Meaning the erasing might be permanent," Fat Gum says making all the heroes mummer in surprise at that information and worry about the outcome even more now.

"We know this because my student, Tamaki Amajiki got shot with one a week ago. Though his injuries from the previous battle healed and luckily his Quirk returned, but this drug still holds dangerous potential," Fat Gum says while gesturing to Tamaki who has a nervous look on his face from all the attention now.

"Through research involving one of the confiscated bullets, we discovered it contained blood and human cells. This means that this drug derives from someone else's Quirk. The Shie Hassaikai are likely using middlemen organizations to deal with the bullets just like they do for Trigger," Fat Gum continues to tell us all he knows.

"The quirk used for the bullets might be from a little girl called Eri, that the Yakuza have. My two students discovered her when they were patrolling my city and she was taken back by the captain of the Yakuza by the name of Kai Chisaki," Mirai says after hearing Fat Gum's statement. After hearing everything from Fat Gum and Mirai, both Midoriya and Mirio have a look of anger and regret on their faces.

"We know that Kai Chisaki's quirk is called 'overhaul', his quirk can disassemble and reassemble anything. This means he is highly dangerous, plus the addition of bullets that can remove quirks, makes this mission that much more dangerous. So anyone who does not want to part take in this mission should leave now," Mirai says to everyone and looks at everyone with a very serious face.

"Good, then I thank you all for the help," Mirai says after waiting for a minute to see if anyone leaves and no one leaves.

"My agency has been trying to track down the hideout and Eri, but we haven't had any luck yet. I would ask everyone in this room to help us track down this organization's hideout so we can properly dismantle it," Mirai says and everyone nods in understanding. Then everyone leaves to go about finding ways to locate the organization's hideout.

"Sir Nighteye, I may be able to find it faster if I use my methods. Though I'm not sure if you want me to do that since it might alert them that we are searching for them," I say to Mirai since I could possibly find it much faster but at the cost of lives and possibly alerting the Yakuza that we are onto them.

"While that may work faster, you are right Rapture it is best we try to locate it without alerting them yet. Though should they find out about this mission, then do what needs to be done to find the hideout," Mirai says to me with a thoughtful expression.

"Ok, then I'll see what I can do," I say thinking about how to go about this if my usual methods won't work.

"Sensei Yagi?" Midoriya whispers to me even though it is just Mirai, Mirio, and me in the room with him.

'Seems he recognized my voice,' I think after hearing him whisper to me.

"Yes Midoriya, it's me," I say with a chuckle, as my underground hero identity is not a concern right now.

"Wait! That means you were the one who beat All For One so easily! No wonder you are so powerful!" Midoriya says with extreme excitement and thankfully we are with people who I trust to not spread my identity.

"Yes and just remember I wear a mask for a reason," I say with a sigh and now it dawns on him his mistake. He stutters not sure what to do or how to respond.

"It's fine, Mirai knows it is me and I trust Mirio not to spread my identity around," I say with a laugh. Midoriya just nods his head sheepishly, while Mirio gives him a smile and Mirai just shrugs indifferently.

"Well, I'll be going. Let's see what I can come up with," I say turning and leaving the three behind. Just as I leave the room Bubble Girl runs in and over to Mirai. I hear them talk about what she should do before I leave the room. Once outside I think about how to go about this.

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