The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

A luminous “nucleus” hangs above the safe area, which is similar to the sun in the outside world, and it is also one of the most important conditions for people here to survive. The “nucleus” continuously releases energy for a moment, so there is no alternation of day and night in the sea monster’s belly. Only the ringing of the bell in the square every hour can make the residents who have been numb feel that time is still passing by.

After counting the third 24 bells, Lin Tianyin unknowingly realized that it had been three days since he had been to this place. Under the current situation, it seems impossible to go to Area A, even Area B and Area C can’t even go. Now they have too little information. She has to follow the exploratory team with Celir. The area of ​​D is really large. It is not easy to remember the road here, especially the water level. The changes are always great, and if you don’t pay attention, you will even lose your way back, and finally die in this huge garbage recycling station.

For three days, Lin Tianyin and Celer didn’t find anything, but John told them that this is a common thing. The sea monster Umms moves very slowly, and most experienced captains know how to avoid it, and its dormant period. It’s almost here. After two weeks, it will slowly reduce its activity frequency, and then the water level in its body will gradually stabilize in two or three months. At that time, it will enter a more difficult state for the residents. You may just Go to C area to find resources.

For the residents here, the dormant period of the sea monster may not be a good thing, but if the water level is stable, that means she may have the opportunity to enter Zone A to find out. Lin Tianyin secretly made up her mind. Although this is a very risky plan, she will never let go of any possibility of leaving here.

In these three days, apart from getting familiar with the basic situation of Area D, nothing else has made any progress. The food distribution in the sea monsters is extremely limited, and most of them are mainly caught deep-sea fish. Due to limited land resources, the production of food and vegetables in the planting land is very small, and only those high-ranking residents, that is, people equal to the management can enjoy it. The rest of the ordinary households can only obtain part of the food unless they make a major contribution or on festivals.

Yes, there are festivals in this place. It’s incredible, isn’t it? It is said that on a certain day of each month, people in this place will hold celebrations to thank the gods for allowing them to survive even after being swallowed by sea monsters. At this time, someone from the management distributes vegetables to ordinary residents. John said Lin Tianyin and the others With good luck, you will be able to participate in this month’s Thanksgiving celebration in about a week or so.

Lin Tianyin actually didn’t care about this. She didn’t like to eat vegetables much. What’s ridiculous is that the cheapest and humble food written in the outside world has become the most precious and scarce thing here.

Sure enough, the environment affects life.

Because she was very concerned about the things Celer said, after the fourth day of the exploratory mission, she and Celer went to visit the old captain of the passenger ship.

The old captain’s stubbornness is a bit weird, but this is not incomprehensible. A few days before sailing, he received a call from the Wang Family Research Institute, saying that it was a secret task to be handed over to him. When it was officially handed over, the person who handed him the box specially asked him and the sailors to protect the transported items, and absolutely not let anyone know about this. It was originally just a foolproof item that was shipped with the passenger ship, and it was enough to hand it over to the responder after arriving at the destination port. There was no need to hire mercenaries at all. As a result, the group of pirates did not know where the news came from, and they attacked and looted their ship. In any case, the old captain stated that for the sake of his own honor, he would never steal his life and insist on dying for his duty under the premise that the royal property he transported was taken away and the ship that had been traveling for decades was sunk.

Because the old captain really refused to cooperate, he seemed to be put under house arrest by the residents here. When Lin Tianyin and Celier went to Qiaorov and suggested that they wanted to see the old captain, Qiaorov showed a faintly flustered expression, and some Gu Zuo said to him: “This… he is not in a good state now. Stable, let’s not meet.”

…Sure enough, it was a bit suspicious. Lin Tianyin and Celier secretly exchanged glances, wondering if they really quietly dealt with the disobedient?

“But there is something very important, and I want to ask the captain anyway.” Celer showed a very sincere appearance, politely and in a pleading tone, said to Chorov, “Please… the captain now Are you still alive?”

His words seemed to touch something, Chorov’s body suddenly stiffened, but he quickly recovered. He turned his head unnaturally, and put a smile on his face and said to Celier: “Ah, of course, how can we let the fellow who died in the same disaster easily give up their lives… He is very good now. If you really want to see the captain, just follow me. bring it on.”

Chorov changed his words very happily, and seemed to have no guilty conscience at all. This surprised Lin Tianyin—did she guess wrong?

Or is there any other conspiracy? Lin Tianyin was puzzled, but Celier responded quickly and thanked him immediately. Ignoring the unnatural part of it, Chorov happily led the two of them, and finally came to the door of a house built in a fringe area.

There were two shirtless men with strong physiques guarding them outside. They were not very energetic at first, but they immediately became alert when they saw someone approaching.

“Hi, Pico, Tick!”

Chorov waved to them. When the two saw Chorov, they relaxed a little, nodded at him, and said respectfully: “Master Chorov.”

“The guards have worked hard!”

Qiaorov laughed haha, turned around with a smile and introduced Lin Tianyin and Celier, and then directly explained his intentions.

“These two are new little brothers here. They want to meet the captain.”

The two guards didn’t look very friendly, and even said that their guard was a little outrageous. They frowned and looked at Lin Tianyin and Celier, and then simply refused: “No way, Lord Chorov, Governor Helim has explained that no one can approach here, and we cannot open the door without receiving an order. ”

Why should it look so tight? Lin Tianyin felt very strange in his heart, the old captain had nothing else besides unwillingness to cooperate. This was obviously the treatment of prisoners. However, Celer reminded her to show her obedient appearance as much as possible and not to question them. Even though she felt a great sense of contradiction, Lin Tianyin held back and said nothing.

“It’s okay, I’ll tell the governor later.” Chorov akimbo, looking very bold, explained to the two people in a loud voice: “These two little brothers want to know what the old captain is now, we should Let them see, even for those victims who can’t accept reality, we didn’t treat them badly, right?”

Chorov emphasized the last sentence in particular, and the two guards suddenly seemed to have realized something, and their expressions changed immediately.

“It turned out to be like this… I understand, you can go in.”

Their attitude changed quickly and was a little unnatural, Lin Tianyin felt more and more weird in her heart, but after following Qiaorov into the house, she was a little surprised.

There were two cell-like cages in that room, but there was a person in the cage on the left. There was untouched water and food on the ground. The person sat quietly on the ground with his head down, looking completely ignorant. Loveable appearance.

“Then you talk slowly.” Chorov took a step back and said to the two of them kindly, “I will avoid it first and wait for you outside.”

Chorov spoke and left the room.


Lin Tianyin carefully stared at the gray-bearded old man in the cage, and tentatively greeted him.

…Is he still alive?

After hearing the sound, the old captain slowly raised his head tiredly, but after seeing Celier next to Lin Tianyin, he jumped up from the spot as if he had been beaten with blood.

“It’s you—that **** pirate!!” He was so excited, he rushed forward and grabbed the fence. “What do you want to do! Want to live? Shameful scum! Get back what you stole!”

“Yo, grandpa.” Celer grinned and waved to the old captain. “Everyone is like this. Don’t think about those things. Let’s get along well.”

“Who wants to get along well with the smelly pirate!” The old captain was so angry that his beard was crooked, and his eyes were bloodshot. “Don’t think that you can sit back and relax, being your retribution! You will be with the things you stole forever Buried here!”

“I said… so Grandpa, you said so, why do you have to entangle things that I can’t take out.” Celer looked helplessly sighed: “You are too stubborn, look at us. I have accepted to be a resident here. Isn’t it good to cooperate a little bit? Instead of insisting on dying with dignity, it is better to live mediocrely. Nothing is more important than living.”

“Shut up, I can’t tolerate a guy like you to teach an old man.” The old captain blushed, but I don’t know if it was an illusion. The captain’s expression showed a slight wave of vacillation, and suddenly he resented as if he became angry. The brat who doesn’t know how to write!!!”

…Short oil?

Lin Tianyin suddenly realized that this stubborn old captain might not want to die that much now.

The look in his eyes can tell that he actually wants to live… But this guy is too stubborn and can’t admit it out of self-esteem. It seems that there is only a step away from him…

“Really, there is still no way.”

The old captain was still cursing, Celil snapped his fingers suddenly, turned his head and looked at Lin Tianyin and said, “Okay, we can go back.”

“Ah? I went back so soon?!” Lin Tianyin was surprised at Celier’s reaction, she couldn’t figure out his thoughts, “Aren’t you going to persuade the captain again?! It’s halfway through, don’t give up halfway.” what!”

To be honest, she almost thought she had seen the shadow of the male protagonist in the boy manga! So when you speak with confidence and a little moving lines, why do you suddenly change when you say it changes? ! And it’s about to succeed, right? !

“No, why have to convince Grandpa?”

This unfolding made the old captain dumbfounded, as if he hadn’t expected him to give up so simply. Celir looked indifferent, shrugged and said, “I don’t care anyway, we are not here to do this.”

“Huh–?! We are here to confirm some things, but…” Lin Tianyin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he seemed to have accidentally HIGH and forgot the original purpose. Indeed, since these people didn’t say anything to the captain, then there is no way to prove anything… But is Celir too simple! She really almost forgot that this man was actually a pirate…

“Have you not found it yet? What a dull little fat girl.” Celier frowned, and suddenly reached out and pinched Lin Tianyin’s fat face, lowered his voice in her ear and said: “Did you really not realize anything?”

“What do you realize? The captain is doing well now, and still very energetic…” Lin Tianyin looked at Celier a little confused, and then suddenly, she noticed a problem.

Yes, such an obvious sense of disobedience, she had already felt it since Chorov brought them over.

In this living space where resources are already very scarce, they locked up a person who was completely uncooperative or even lacking the desire to survive, and provided water and food, but did not let him do anything. Why on earth? In this difficult environment, is it necessary for them to raise a worthless person? “Could it be…” There were some bad guesses in his heart, and Lin Tianyin’s eyes widened slightly because of the unknown anxiety. Celir let go and made a “soft” gesture to her. At the same time, Nong Luofu suddenly pushed the door and walked in, saying loudly to the two of them as if they were announcing something good: “Have you finished talking? Come with me, the governor said to see you!”

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