The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

As early as when he arrived here a few days ago, Lin Tianyin had heard of the name of Governor Helim. Knowing that this person is equivalent to the ruler of this place, what he said is equivalent to the law. The Governor is a very powerful person. He manages this place in an orderly manner. He has repelled the outsiders who wanted to take this place several times, and has quelled the riots of the traitors. The residents here respect him very much and absolutely obey his management. It can also be said that because of the existence of this person, the residents in the safe area can survive stably.

“…Once we found a few wooden barrels in Area C, thinking that they were full of mellow wine. If anyone could give me a bottle of wine, I would exchange my food for a month… Oh, at that time I Full of excitement and happiness, but after the barrels were opened, they were actually **** by the pirates. The few people were thrown into the sea by their captain, crying for us to save them, and we took them with them. Back to the safe area. They are very disobedient. You know, the pirates are fierce and lazy, do not create value, and only destroy. The residents here can not bear to propose to drive them away, but the governor still insists on giving them another chance. They provided water and food, but the greedy pirates wanted to **** this place. One day they broke into the governor’s mansion with weapons and tried to kill the governor Helim who treated them tolerantly—but they were too naive! The governor was not only too naive! Benevolence is still very strong, so he has enough strength to defend here. Oh, he himself has subdued the rebellious pirates!”

On the way to the governor’s mansion, Chorov kept telling Lin Tianyin and the great achievements of the Kophailim governor, and explained that their governor is a gentleman who loves the people like a son, and even after subduing the pirates, he did not kill them, but instead They were expelled from the safe area.

Lin Tianyin actually felt that Chorov didn’t tell the truth. He must have concealed something. This kind of behavior that would leave countless hidden dangers was either a brain injury or a virgin to the extreme. If the Governor is really a person as he said, he will definitely not be able to sit firmly in this position. Lin Tianyin felt that these guys were a bit hypocritical, but she obviously wouldn’t have any conflict with the governor, and at this time she also pretended to listen respectfully to Chorov’s narration.

“In short, the rules here are all made by the governor. After decades of chaos, after the governor appeared, now this place has finally become orderly…”

“Then what happened to the pirates who were expelled?” When Chorov was talking emotionally, Celil suddenly asked aloud.

“I don’t know this.”

His own words were interrupted. Although Chorov was a little unhappy, he still laughed and said, “Why? Are you curious about those? Speaking of which, I heard that brother, you are also a pirate, but you feel like Much better than those people, hardworking and willing to endure hardships, don’t let our governor down!”

“Ah, naturally it is impossible for me to do that kind of thing.” Celer grinned, he paused, and then continued to ask Chorov, “but why don’t you know? Even if they die, In the end, the bones will return to Zone D, right? Those pirates should not have a chance to escape from the belly of the sea monster Umms, right?”

“Of course they can’t escape. Most of them are lost in which danger zone and they have encountered a monster.” I don’t know why, Chorov was a little evasive when answering this question, and obviously began to change the subject. “Don’t worry about the trivial things. Anyway, there are often residents who accidentally step into the danger zone and then the body disappears. Ten of them are eaten by monsters. You have joined the exploration group, right? Be careful, curiosity will kill you. Enemy number one.”

Chorov’s last words seemed to have no meaning, Celer smiled non-committal: “Thank you for your advice.”

Although Celer agreed very readily, but there was a hint of disdain in his attitude, and he didn’t even mean to pretend.

Lin Tianyin couldn’t help but feel a little strange, what’s the matter with this guy?

She didn’t understand the young pirate leader a bit. When facing John before, he was obviously hiding well. What did he want to do at this critical moment?

“Yes, I’m doing it for your good.” Chorov put on a serious expression, “You are still very young. Just do your job… When you see Governor Helim, don’t It can be rude.”

When Celer’s unfriendly expression became obvious, Lin Tianyin was afraid that he would say something bad, and immediately kicked him in the calf like a warning, and quickly responded to Qiaorov’s words, “Yes. Yes, I see, we will be very obedient.”

Chorov hummed. Fortunately, Celir didn’t say anything. She quickly looked up to see Celir’s reaction, only to find that she seemed to worry too much. She didn’t need to worry about this guy’s acting skills. Celir returned to his smile and hearty look. After noticing Lin Tianyin’s gaze, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, and suddenly grinned.


Lin Tianyin narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

The safe area is such a large area. After walking through the residential area and the forest, Chorov and the three people came to the largest and most gorgeous building in the area, and then stopped to introduce it. It’s the Governor’s Mansion.

“I’ll report it first.”

Chorov made a wait gesture to the two of them, then stepped forward and said something to the guard, then the guard ran into the house and asked the three of them to wait outside.

This kind of interview method that needs to be transferred to many layers is almost like an emperor. Isn’t it the highest ruler of this area? Lin Tianyin sneered in her heart. She vaguely remembered that she had been warned not to enter the building at will. It turned out to be the place where the governor lived. Lin Tianyin didn’t believe that the Governor was just like Qiaorov bragged, but she still had some doubts why the Governor should see her and Celer. It happened that after she and Celer proposed to visit the old captain… Is there any weirdness?

After a while, the person who had notified them ran out of the building and nodded to inform them that they could go in.

“follow me.”

Qiaorov made a gesture to the two of them, and Lin Tianyin and Celer immediately followed. After entering the palace-like building, Lin Tianyin couldn’t help being stunned by the decoration inside.

Wonderful workmanship… No, there is no way to describe this place in other words except for its magnificent beauty. The wall is made of aqua-blue stone. The walls are inlaid with various shining gems. In addition to sofas, tables and chairs, tea sets, there are also various furnishings that seem to make people feel happy. In contrast, Lin Tianyin I feel that their dormitory for the exploration team is simply not a place for people to stay. This governor’s mansion is like a dragon palace!

“This… why are there these things here?!”

Lin Tianyin opened his mouth wide and screamed in surprise. This this this! This is unscientific! There was a beautiful carpet under her feet. When she saw the wolf head specimen hanging on the wall, she almost forgot that she was still in the belly of the sea monster!

“Probably something found from the shipwreck.”

Celir wasn’t surprised, he seemed too calm, but he also looked at the room with some curiosity, when suddenly a low voice rang from above.

“Yes, this little brother is very clever, these are indeed things that were brought back from the ship that was killed.”

Lin Tianyin was taken aback, immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a middle-aged man with a gray beard slowly walking down the escalator on the second floor.

“Very good, isn’t it? The pirates always hide a lot of treasures. Of course, these things are not unique to me. After becoming a high-level tenant, they can also enjoy all the resources they can obtain.”

The man said as he stepped into the first floor, he looked a little old, but he was very tough. After he walked slowly to the first floor, Chorov immediately saluted him. The man waved his hand to indicate that he did not need it, and then put on a humble smile on his face, and then stretched out his hand to the two of them, “Hello, I am the governor of this place, Helim Wood.”

“Celir.” Celir reached out and shook hands with the governor.

When it was Lin Tianyin’s turn, the governor suddenly withdrew his hand, but still looked at Lin Tianyin kindly and asked, “Where is my little sister?”

“Sanoya.” Lin Tianyin felt a little strange, why didn’t she shake hands when it was her turn? Is it the habit of this world? Alas, the original author is very sloppy no matter what he writes, even if his vocabulary is poor, there are almost no details in her novels…

But this is not a big deal, so Lin Tianyin didn’t care. After the two introduced themselves, Chorov suddenly bowed to the governor acquaintedly, stepped back and said, “Then I will wait for them outside.”

“You have worked hard, Chorov.” The governor nodded at the man, and after watching Chorov exit the room, he gestured to the sofa, table and chairs in the room, and said to Lin Tianyin and Celer, “Please sit down,” What kind of tea?”

“There is still tea?” Lin Tianyin was slightly surprised, “Is this also found on the shipwreck?”

“It’s not all. Oh, let’s just have some Ke Luo Cao.” The governor smiled, and while he opened the tea set, he took out a delicate small box from the cupboard. The man slowly opened the box, pinched a little purple leaf into the tea cup with his fingers, and when the hot water was poured into it, the three cups of tea actually exuded some incredible and charming fragrance.

It smelled very good. Lin Tianyin took a deep breath. The smell almost smelled like cocoa with milk, which made people feel warm and satisfied.

“What is this?” Lin Tianyin stared curiously at the tea cup brought by the governor. The magical thing was that the tiny bits of crushed leaves made a cup of very rich tea. She curiously licked it with her tongue and tasted it. The taste of cocoa.

“That is the Koluo grass growing in Zone C. It is rare, but there are many in Zone B. During the winter break, our bravest warriors here risk their lives and go to those places to collect.” The governor went to the sofa. After sitting, he explained to everyone in an easy-going manner, “Its mesophyll is very plump, and the stem juice is very sweet. After the leaves are dried, they can be made into tea, which is a good thing to replenish physical strength. When the exploratory team is trapped, These crocodile are all life-saving food.”

Is that right? After hearing that Lin Tianyin became more curious, she hesitated and took a sip of tea, and found that, as the governor said, when the strong cocoa smell dissipated from her tongue, she almost felt that the physical strength that she had consumed all day was instantly restored. .

That’s not bad… so if you enter Zone B to find your way, you don’t have to worry about food consumption.

“The taste is also very good. The children like it very much, even those of us who are getting older.” After seeing Lin Tianyin and the others drinking tea, the governor smiled and looked at the two of them as if they were comforting. Said, “The environment in Umms’ belly is rather strange, and he has many things that the outside world doesn’t have. In fact, it is not all bad to enter here. We should thank the gods for giving us the opportunity to survive again. Survive here. Everyone who comes down is like this, and may not be able to accept it at first, but since it is no longer possible to leave, one day they will get used to life here.”

“…Oh.” Lin Tianyin nodded. She felt that even if she pretended, she couldn’t give the Governor any enthusiastic response, and she looked quite depressed. But the Governor obviously didn’t expect much from her, or that such a reaction was considered normal. After all, he was a young man who had just arrived in the belly of the sea monster not long ago. So the governor nodded, turned to Celir who was also unresponsive, and asked with concern: “Are you still comfortable with life here? If you have any needs, don’t be polite.”

“There is nothing special. If I insist, I hope there will be more places where I can move freely.” Celer said with a grin, “I was warned by the captain of the exploration team before. I can’t go to many places.”

“Hahaha, as long as you raise the level of residents, the restrictions here will be reduced.”

“There is also a little bit of food.” Lin Tianyin added aloud.

“Hahaha, there is no way. We are short of resources here. There are only those that can be allocated to each person every day, so everyone must work hard to survive. Little girl, just treat it as a weight loss, believe you It will be more beautiful if you lose weight a little.”


The governor laughed boldly again. Lin Tianyin had realized that he seemed to control people’s hearts. The governor said things that seemed to care about people, but in fact, no one could break away from the rules he made. What is certain is that the governor has no intention of leaving here… he even enjoys the feeling of dominance.

“We will work hard.” Lin Tianyin pretended to nodded obediently. But she still cares a lot about one thing, and feels she doesn’t know if she should speak.

What are these people going to do with the captain who refuses to cooperate? What is the purpose of keeping someone who cannot create value?

There are too many mysteries here, and it seems that the atmosphere is not really that friendly. After Lin Tianyin hesitated for a while, he still didn’t ask, even if he asked, he would not get the truth. So she decided to put her suspicion away first. Nothing has happened yet, so their only goal now is to find a way to break into Zone A. Of course, she and Celir alone couldn’t do this thing. What they needed was a guide who was familiar with the route: an aboriginal who could be trusted and would not betray them. However, to find such a person in this place is also the biggest problem they need to face now.

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