The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Lin Tianyin no longer remembers what happened last night. She finally remembered that she was forcibly pulled away by a group of emotional villagers while she was biting a huge turkey, and then… it seemed that there was no more.

In short, when Lin Tianyin woke up, she had a splitting headache, and then found that her parents had prepared meat and porridge for her. After devouring it, Lin Tianyin finally recovered a part of his sanity before realizing what he did last night.

In the middle of the village, there was a red dragon **** with a chain. Its mouth was also locked with a thick chain. From time to time, a little flame spewed from its dark nostrils, struggling desperately. However, when the furious red dragon saw Lin Tianyin, his eyes widened in fright, and he instantly became honest.

After some sorting out, Lin Tianyin finally figured out the specific situation—this is the case. Last night, she smashed the skeleton soldiers sent by the demon king to attack the village, and took the red dragon on the mount as a delicious roast turkey for crazy tears. bite. Although it is said that the current Demon King has just awakened and his servants have not recovered their power, but this is really…

Unexpectedly, I was hungry and fainted to do such a thing… Lin Tianyin felt very embarrassed, especially the villagers still looked at her with worshiping eyes, and greeted her in a simple manner:

“Hey! Minova’s little fat guy! Thanks to your village, it’s saved!”

“I’ve seen you demolish Tangtang’s house empty-handed before, but I didn’t expect Shanoya that you were so powerful and knocked down the dragon!”

“Now even if the devil comes, we don’t have to be afraid? Haha, I want to feed my daughter to be as strong as you!”

…Can you stop talking, uncles and aunts? ! She is trying to lose weight!

Lin Tianyin feels a little broken about the development of this matter. You must know that the village in the original work should have been burned down by the Demon King’s army last night and escaped to death, while Shanuoya and Mirona hid in the basement together before escaping. A catastrophe. The fire dragon and the skeleton soldier were killed by the prince in the middle of the story, that is, after the prince avenged Mirona, she really fell in love with the prince… then this story is about to end.

Lin Tianyin, who has changed the plot of the story unknowingly, feels a little overwhelmed. Will the Demon King send stronger monsters to hunt them down next? Sure enough, I’d better persuade my parents to move to the royal capital. At least there are strong guards and knights guarding them. Even the Demon King Army generally does not dare to attack the royal capital easily…

Lin Tianyin decided to discuss this matter seriously with his family, presumably knowing that it would not be too difficult to persuade them to move after the Demon King awakens. However, after Lin Tianyin returned home, he saw that his parents including Mirona were sitting at the dinner table seriously, waiting for her as if they were having a family meeting.


Lin Tianyin felt a little inexplicable, and when she was about to say something, Mirona interrupted her aloud, and said a messy thing from her mouth.

“Let’s go to seal the Demon King, Shanoya!”


Lin Tianyin’s expression was dull, she couldn’t keep up with Mirona’s thinking.

However, Mirona seemed to have not seen Lin Tianyin’s expression. She clenched her fists, as if she was fighting with high spirits and said to Lin Tianyin: “I saw Shanoya’s performance last night! It is too powerful. According to the legend, she can kill. The people of the dead dragon are the brave men who have the ability to seal the demon king, and our family happens to be flowing with the blood of the people who once sealed the devil king, then Shanoya must be a brave of this generation!”

“This is a complete misunderstanding.” Lin Tianyin said blankly, “I’m just starving, and I didn’t kill the dragon.”

“You defeated the dragon, that’s the same.” Mirona seemed to be completely immersed in her own world, and continued to instill emotionally to Lin Tianyin, “The devil is resurrected, and we can’t let it kill the creatures. As the descendants of sages, we should Take up the responsibility of sealing the Demon King. My mother will give us the magic scroll left by our ancestors. After the Demon King is resurrected, the magic of the world will be revived, and the era of low demons will pass.”

Mirona was totally serious. Lin Tianyin looked at this high-spirited heroine silently, and the plot changed again. In the original novel, the heroine’s parents didn’t tell her anything, but they followed the prince and they visited one elder after another before they learned about it. the truth. Moreover, the healing magic scroll left by the ancestors was also burned when the house was on fire. Mirona relied on her own comprehension in the later stage of the story to learn the great healing technique. Now it seems that the story has started to go off track…

Mirona looked very stubborn, Lin Tianyin thought to her that she really planned to do that, right? Are you kidding her? How could she have such thoughts when her head is broken? Wait for her to wait for the princes to find her! Lin Tianyin looked at her parents with a look of help, expecting them to say something quickly to stop Mirona!

But what made her desperate was that her parents seriously took out a wooden box that looked a little old, and then handed it to Lin Tianyin, and looked at her very seriously, saying: “Mirona is right, the devil has already Resurrected, then in order to save the world, we, the descendants of the brave men, must shoulder the task of restoring the devil’s sleep.”

“But mom… what do you think we can do with the two of us…” Lin Tianyin felt a break. She found that both Mirona and her parents had an unusual paranoia, and their brains were definitely not in the same parallel. on-line.

“Oh, of course it’s not just you two, the team of adventurers is already there!”

My mother appeared to be a little happily clapped her hands and said: “The neighbor Miller’s son Miller decided to join your adventure team.”

“Xiao Miller?! Are you kidding?!” Lin Tianyin yelled in shock, “He can only plow in the fields with a hoe! Let him fight with a hoe?!”

“It’s the same for letting him take the sword.” The father of the two sisters interrupted Lin Tianyin impatiently, “Almost it will do, as well as the village chief’s youngest son Gagaf… After many houses in the village were burned yesterday, he decided to protect everyone. , Expressing his willingness to join you. Oh, he often hunts in the mountains, don’t be picky anymore.”

“But he couldn’t even shoot a rabbit?!”

“It will get better. We can’t fight with you when we are old. In short, you young people are the hope of our humanity.”

Father stared at Lin Tianyin earnestly, not as if he was joking.

What else can Lin Tianyin say? She glanced at Mirona, who looked completely awakened. Lin Tianyin twisted his head silently, and the story had completely developed in a strange direction.

In short, there is no prince, no knight leader, and no American mercenaries. In the next morning, Lin Tianyin had to start to examine this team of adventurers directly composed of villagers—Xiao Miller: a 16-year-old red-haired boy with a popular face, equipped with cloth pants and straw sandals, and carrying a smithy. The long sword that doesn’t look very sharp; Gagaf: The youngest son of the village chief, aged 17 years, with short blue hair and a short blue hair. His hobby is hunting, but he has never seen him come back from hitting prey from the mountain. Miller is a little more advanced with leather clothes, leather pants and leather boots. The long bow on his back looks shaky…

As for Mirona, she wore the “white gauze skirt with a pure breath” that the original author had repeatedly described in the article several times. Lin Tianyin wondered if the author’s vocabulary was so poor that she could not write other compliments, so much so that Mirona always The sentences in the next appearances were “the pure girl who appeared in the pure breath”, which made Lin Tianyin feel that he almost didn’t recognize the word pure.

“Don’t worry, we will definitely defeat the devil and guard the world!”

Facing the villagers who came to see off, Xiao Miller and Gagaf showed firm determination in their eyes. What did Lin Tianyin think he could say? She was forced to go on the road like this, and her parents will move to the capital for refuge after packing up. Before the trip, they also got a cloth bag prepared by the villagers—in it was an earth bomb, two hundred bow arrows, a bottle of holy water, 500 beni (probably enough for two meals in a restaurant), and a master key. Put (what do you want to do?), and four box lunches. Since Lin Tianyin and Mirona still couldn’t comprehend the big recovery scroll left by their ancestors, they put the scroll in the cloth bag.

All in all, Lin Tianyin is ready to hit the road.

While complaining in their hearts that the parents of the sisters were really willing to let their daughter go to death, Lin Tianyin led the team towards the mountain road. So far they have been reminded by the village elders that in order to seal the devil, they must get a wand made of unicorn horns. Because Lin Tianyin didn’t finish reading the broken story, he didn’t know where to get the thing. He had to find the unicorn living in the westernmost Sengel Lake in the world. But would the unicorn give them the horn? This is also a problem…

But Lin Tianyin didn’t have much time to deal with the unicorn problem, they had already encountered the first trouble. After the earthquake last night, the mountain road was blocked by a boulder. However, to leave their remote mountain village, one must pass through this mountain to reach the next town.

“We can wait until the soldiers of the kingdom come, anyway, the carrier pigeon has sent the message that the dragon has been caught.”

Seeing Mirona and the two villagers looking at her with expectant eyes, Lin Tianyin shrugged a little unnaturally.

However, Mirona and the two villagers stared at her unblinkingly, and said seriously: “Then I don’t know how long it will be. Our journey cannot be interrupted.”

“What do you do then? Take earth bombs to blow up the boulders?” Lin Tianyin was a little irritable. The group of people completely regarded her as the captain, and seemed to ask her opinions on everything.

“No, maybe it will cause a bigger collapse.” Gagaf shook his head resolutely and looked at the boulder and said: “Sanoya, you go and move it away.”

“…Why me?” Lin Tianyin asked in surprise, “Can’t you two boys move?”

“Because you have the greatest strength, we can pretend to be next to you, but don’t expect it to be of use.” Gagaf and Miller looked at Lin Tianyin together.


Lin Tianyin felt speechless for the bluntness of these two people, but the two villagers were actually right, but being honest was a bit annoying. In desperation, Lin Tianyin could only try to push that boulder—it was heavy enough. Is it her illusion? I always feel that the original hero of the story will not appear like this… However, when she was thinking about it, shadows gradually appeared in the sky, and a group of huge blue strange birds flew towards them. , And surrounded everyone.

“What’s going on?!” Lin Tianyin stared at the strange bird in the sky in surprise, Mirona and Gagaf were also close to the boulder in panic, Xiao Miller yelled in disbelief, “I like to steal people. Blue-headed birds of prey! I usually see one or two at most, how can there be so many?! And they generally don’t dare to attack humans!”

“After the devil’s resurrection, the activities of the monsters have become more frequent…” For a moment, Lin Tianyin’s mind remembered what the author had mentioned in the original work, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she hurriedly said to everyone, “Let’s hug and hide together. Behind the rock! Wait until they have left!”

However, when Lin Tianyin yelled, a huge blue-headed bird suddenly swooped down, a pair of sharp claws clamped on Xiao Miller who was still stunned, and instantly grabbed him off the ground.

“Xiao Miller—!” Gagaf suddenly yelled. He gestured to draw a bow and shoot at the blue-headed bird that grabbed Miller, but when the blue-headed bird that grabbed Miller flew into the sky At that time, the strange birds on the side also surrounded him, and in the blink of an eye they pecked the ground with the screaming Xiao Miller.

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