The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Lin Tianyin looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. It seemed that there was a **** rain in the air. Miller, who was still alive just now, turned into a skeleton and was thrown down by the strange birds and scattered into a pile of fragments.

Because the scene was so shocking, after a brief silence, Mirona covered her head in horror and screamed.


The strange birds didn’t seem to mean to disperse, Lin Tianyin bit her lip, and she was shaking with fear. Yes, this is not playing games or watching movies, she is standing in this world alive, and just in front of her, a person is killed by monsters alive!

“Damn beast!”

Gagaf was about to shoot an arrow into the sky. Lin Tianyin let out a cry in his heart when he saw his movements, it was useless, this guy couldn’t even shoot a rabbit! They are all over before the story starts, Mirona! Use your Mary Su halo to summon men to come out and rescue them!

However, at this time the miracle would not happen, Gagaf did not shoot anything, and a blue-headed bird had swooped towards them from the air. Mirona hugged her head and squatted down again. Lin Tianyin glanced at the two teammates who seemed to be completely useless, gritted her teeth, fisted and swung a fist towards the strange bird flying towards her with her mouth wide open.

The strange bird’s movements were quite agile, and it suddenly lifted up at the moment Lin Tianyin punched. Lin Tianyin’s fist slammed empty, and at the same time he heard Mirona shouting “careful” behind him!

Lin Tianyin regained consciousness, but still took a bit slower, and another blue-headed bird rushed over from behind her, attacking Lin Tianyin’s shoulder with its sharp claws as if aiming at a prey.

Gagaf quickly adjusted his bow to Lin Tianyin and aimed at it, but the blue-headed bird that had caught Lin Tianyin flapped its wings a few times, but did not fly.

Mirona and Gagaf suddenly showed stunned expressions. There is only one reason for this result-the prey is too heavy, and the bird monsters can’t fly with her!

The bird monster was still flapping its wings, but no matter how hard it tried, the behemoth underneath remained motionless. Such a scene immediately made Lin Tianyin feel an unprecedented insult. She felt very sad and indignant. She grabbed the bird monster’s foot in a violent rage, threw it to the ground, and punched it.


She only heard the sound of a heavy hit, and the bird monster was hit by her. The bird’s blood sprayed Lin Tianyin’s face, and the intestines and pieces of meat flowed all over the floor like bursting pulp. Mirona and Gagaf opened their mouths at the same time-is this the power of their nameless village heroes? !

“…I can’t lose either! Miller’s grudges will be reported by me!”

Lin Tianyin’s iron fist seemed to awaken Gagaf, as if he had realized his consciousness, he drew his bow again.

“The biggest one seems to be their leader!” Gagaf shouted, “I will shoot it down!”

“Come on, Gagaf!” Mirona clenched her fists to the side to encourage her, seeming to concentrate all her hopes on Gagaf, which is completely in line with the role of the heroine of her Mary Su-she can only cheer.

In fact, Lin Tianyin didn’t expect this villager who had never caught prey before. She was still thinking about how to get rid of these birds and monsters. But a miracle happened. Gagaf pulled down the bowstring, and the arrow flew straight out, directly into the eyes of the blue-headed bird leader.


The huge strange bird screamed, and fell from the air instantly after a few flutters. Seeing this situation, the three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then almost everyone rushed forward together without hesitation, punching and kicking around the big strange bird.

“There is a flaw!”

“Oh oh oh oh oh!”

The blue-headed bird’s head was still covered with scales, but it quickly died under the beating of the three. The blue-headed birds that had lost their leader hovered in the air for a few times, and then quickly disappeared as birds and beasts. The valley, which was still full of murderous aura just now, finally fell silent. The three of them panted heavily, and were unable to recover from what had just happened.

“Xiao Miller is dead…Should we take his bones back?” Mirona looked at Lin Tianyin anxiously, as if waiting for her decision.

“No, we can’t go back. If Mr. Miller is told that Miller is dead, he will not survive.” Lin Tianyin really didn’t want to go back to the village and run back so much, so he casually found a reason. “Let’s bury him. Miller certainly doesn’t want Mr. Miller to know that he has died now… We must work hard together with Miller’s share!”

“Woo…Poor Miller…”

Mirona was moved to tears by Lin Tianyin’s words, and Gagaf nodded in agreement: “Yes, don’t be sad, we will definitely defeat the devil and avenge Miller!”

Although this was not directly done by the Demon King, the account was still taken to him. All in all, when the adventure journey just started, the only brave in the team with the sword died…Because Lin Tianyin was not familiar with Xiao Miller, he didn’t feel much sad. After the three dug a hole together to bury Miller, they turned their eyes to the blue-headed bird again.

Mirona seemed to swallow nervously, her eyes gleaming with unknown light.

“I heard that the feathers of the blue-headed bird are high-end clothing materials and can be sold at the market for a good price…”

Gagaf’s eyes were very shaken: “What shall we…”

“Of course, if that’s the case, what are we waiting for?!” Lin Tianyin said as he rolled up his sleeves, so the three of them rushed up and plucked the hair off the body of the blue-headed bird leader.

After harvesting a pile of trophies and pushing away the boulder, the three continued on the road. Losing a teammate Mirona and Gagaf were both immersed in pain and no one said anything along the way. It may be that they had the smell of blue-headed birds on them, and there were no beasts or monsters to attack them on their way up the mountain. But Lin Tianyin soon began to feel hungry. She was consumed very quickly after a brutal battle, so when she climbed to the top of the mountain, she finally couldn’t help stopping the two sad teammates.

“Shall we eat before we go?”

After hearing Lin Tianyin’s suggestion, the two hesitated for a while, and then looked at Lin Tianyin with embarrassed eyes: “But it takes a day to walk from our nameless village to the next town. We only brought a box of lunch. I’m going to be hungry. It’s no good if I don’t persist until the last moment. I will have no strength to go down the mountain.”


But Lin Tianyin was already running out of energy to walk, so despite the two people’s persuasion, Lin Tianyin sat down under the tree and untied the package behind him. However, when she put the package on the ground, she suddenly heard Sasha’s voice from the bush above her head. Lin Tianyin looked up suspiciously, and suddenly saw a monkey jumped out of the tree, jumped off the trunk with great agility, grabbed the package on the ground and turned his head and ran.

The three were dumbfounded for a moment, and then finally reacted.

Except for the box lunch, the recovery scroll is still in that package!


Lin Tianyin pulled his legs and chased the monkey, Mirona and Gagaf followed closely behind, but the monkey was surprisingly agile, running fast, and the distance between the three and the three increased. Lin Tianyin, who was panting, couldn’t help but shouted at Gagaf behind him: “Hurry up, shoot the monkey down!”

“This can’t be done.” Gagaf shook his head and resolutely refused: “I will not harm harmless animals.”

“Is it harmless to steal our things?!” Lin Tianyin said furiously, “Do you want to tell me that you have not been able to kill prey because you are reluctant to hurt them?!”

Lin Tianyin originally yelled casually, but Gaff was slightly startled, and then smiled embarrassedly: “Forget it, I didn’t want others to know.”


Lin Tianyin twitched the corner of her eyes, and Mirona, who heard the words, instantly looked at Gagaf with a respectful look and exclaimed: “It’s amazing…what a respectable spirit.”

Don’t give up treatment, okay? !

Lin Tianyin groaned, why there is no normal person around him. The most tragic thing is that the monkey who snatched their package didn’t know where it went. The money and other things in the package are trivial matters, and it is troublesome if the scroll containing the spell of the great recovery spell is lost, and they will have to catch the monkey anyway.

Damn it, is there no way…

After the monkey was completely lost, the three stopped, Lin Tianyin seemed most disappointed, Mirona looked worried and asked Gagaf: “Is there really no way?”

“It’s not necessarily.” Gagaf took a breath and looked at the town that was gradually visible at the foot of the mountain. “I think that monkey was instigated by someone. There is a red rope tied around its neck. It may be a special purpose. Trained to go up the mountain to rob travelers’ things.”

“That’s really asshole!” Lin Tianyin stomped angrily when he heard the words: “The thief must be caught! No, the robber!”

“We can first go to the nearby town to find clues.” Gagaf analyzed, “The owner of the monkey has to deal with the looted items, and he must have underground trading channels. Then someone in the town must know this.”

“Um…” Lin Tianyin felt that Gagaf’s words made sense. The villager was smarter than she thought. She began to look at Gagaf again. The young man with light blue short hair and mid-point hair looked a little reliable. Although this person was not mentioned in the original work, it might be feasible to continue this way…

Even if there is no prince, if they are not related to the original protagonists, maybe their team might defeat the demon king?

It’s not impossible to think about it. Just find someone who can use a sword to join her and they can kick the prince and team up. Lin Tianyin instantly felt that she saw the hope for the future, so she decided to go to the next town. To recruit new teammates, at least find someone to fill in the vacancy of Miller…

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