The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

This is equivalent to just leaving Xinshou Village, all of Lin Tianyin’s property, including the lunch box, was stolen by the monkeys. And the most important thing is that it also contains the scroll that records the spell of the great recovery spell…If you don’t have that, you can fight the Demon King, it’s almost tantamount to death?

Faced with such a predicament, Gagaf first proposed to inquire about the news after going to the town below the mountain. What else could be done? Looking at the monkey’s modus operandi, he was obviously a habitual offender, and the people nearby should know something.

Lin Tianyin started to feel hungry again while listening to Gagaf’s advice. Now my own body produces a sense of hunger much faster and stronger than other people. As a result, she rolled her eyelids and stared at the sky blankly while following Mirona and Gagaf down the mountain. Everyone’s footsteps were much faster than before, so after the sky was completely dark, they finally reached the town not far from the mountain.

This town is much more lively than the unnamed village where Lin Tianyin is located. The street is brightly lit at night, and the houses on the street are covered with the same crimson roofs, which look neat and beautiful. Lin Tianyin, who was already hungry and stupid, followed his instinct and stumbled along the gravel road to the entrance of the tavern, then looked expectantly at Gagaf, who followed her helplessly behind him, and asked, “Let’s go eat something. Right?!”

“But Shanoya, have you forgotten? All our property was robbed by monkeys.” Gagaf shook his head sadly.

Lin Tianyin’s eyes widened in surprise, and he didn’t dare to say anything: “Are you kidding? You are the son of the village chief, don’t you actually have a penny with you?!”

“No, didn’t everyone in the village hand over the sponsorship money to you?” Gagaf asked rhetorically.


The money is only enough for a few meals in the restaurant, okay? I’m going to fight the Demon King. Why are the people in this village so stingy? !

Lin Tianyin twitched the corners of her mouth, not knowing what to say, but after seeing Mirona who looked at her pitifully behind her, she suddenly had an idea, grabbed Mirona and pointed to the restaurant and said: “Mirona, It’s time to use yours and go to the restaurant for us to order something to eat!”

“Huh? Why?” Mirona opened her eyes wide in surprise, “Although I am hungry too, but…”

“Because the villagers like you, no one will refuse to invite a nice girl to eat.” Lin Tianyin frowned and urged, “Quickly, find a suitable person to cheat.”

“But, this is not so good…” Mirona looked like she was about to cry, tearfully asking for help from Gagaf on the side. Gagaf gave a dry cough, pointed to the pack of feathers he was carrying, and smiled stiffly: “Don’t embarrass Mirona, let’s sell these for money.”

“At this time, the market is already closed, right.” Lin Tianyin clutched his grunting belly, his eyes dull and said, “I’m about to have hallucinations again…”

“This… we will find a way to find out about the black market. If we are lucky, we might be able to find someone who steals our stuff…”

It seemed that Lin Tianyin’s words were more threatening than anything else, Gagaf comforted Lin Tianyin in a cold sweat.

However, at this moment, a little demon wearing a green beret hurried past in front of the crowd, followed by a squeaky monkey.

“We have to hurry Pippi, or we won’t be able to keep up with the auction!”


The three of them stared at the man and the monkey in a daze, and then Lin Tianyin instantly bounced off the ground, pointed at the monkey and screamed: “That’s it! There is still the red rope tied to the neck!”


“Grab it!!”

After the reaction, the three of them pulled their legs together and chased the kid and the monkey. The kid in the beret running in front suddenly saw someone chasing him, and grinned in surprise: “Huh-what’s up?!”

“Stop, return our package!” Lin Tianyin yelled and shouted, his face full of grimness.

As soon as he heard that he wanted to return the package, the beret kid ran faster, and turned his head to make a grimace at Lin Tianyin: “Idiot! How could it be returned to you! If you have the ability, come and catch me, fat lady!”

“What are you talking about?! How dare you call me a fat woman?!”

The monkey following the teenager also followed the same way and made a grimace at Lin Tianyin and the others. This action made Lin Tianyin flush with anger, and shouted at Gagaf on the side in anger and anger: “Quick, give it to you.” I shoot that stinky kid in the ass!”

“It’s not very good.” Gagaf said with embarrassment. “Even if he steals our things, he can’t do this to a child…”

“Damn it, there is our family’s ancestral scroll inside…” Lin Tianyin gritted his teeth and said, that little devil ran faster than a monkey. The three people chased him in the winding streets for a long time, but they couldn’t catch him.

“Hey, give it up, fat lady! You can’t catch me!” The kid ran and held the beret on his head, triumphantly mocking the panting three people behind him. Lin Tianyin was about to explode. Seeing that the little ghost was about to disappear in the alley, she suddenly became wise, and suddenly grabbed Gagaf who was running ahead and lifted him up.

“Sha, Shanoya?! What are you doing?”

Before Gagaf realized what was happening, Lin Tianyin suddenly threw it hard, throwing Gagaf often forward.

The acceleration brought by speed multiplied by power was unparalleled, only to hear Gaff whispered in horror, and then he fell like a giant bomb just right on top of the little ghost and the monkey.

“Huh, huh?!”

It was too late when the beret kid realized that something was wrong. Gagaf, who was thrown out as a cannonball, had already hit them. They both screamed at the same time and they were crushed by Gagaf, and they were chased away from behind. Lin Tianyin who came to hold his hands and feet.

At this time, the kid’s originally triumphant face finally showed a horrified expression.

“You, what do you want to do?”

The beret kid **** with the monkey watched Lin Tianyin move his **** back in terror. Lin Tianyin angrily pointed his hips to the kid’s nose and said, “Do you still need to ask? Of course, we are returning our backpacks.” !”

“…” The beret kid looked at Lin Tianyin with a puffed face, then twisted his neck with a grunt, and said in a bad mood, “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“What are you talking about?! Lie and be beaten!” Lin Tianyin raised his fist threateningly, and showed the beret kid the muscles that appeared on his stout arm after two months of training. Mirona hurriedly grabbed Lin Tianyin, and said in her usual soft tone: “Don’t scare this kid, Shanoya.”

Lin Tianyin thought she was not frightening, she would really beat it. But Mirona really played the halo of the Virgin Mary, the heroine of Mary Su, gently rubbed the heads of the beret kid and the trembling monkey, and smiled: “Can you return the package to us? There really is something in it. Very important thing.”


The beret kid stared at Mirona for a long time, then suddenly lowered her head and responded softly.


what? ! Is this agreed? !

Lin Tianyin’s chin fell off, so don’t agree to it, okay? Is Mirona’s Marie Su aura too strong, so easily provoked a thief boy? !

“Thank you.” Mirona showed a happy expression, looked at the boy like a virgin and smiled, then turned to Lin Tianyin and Gagaf and said, “Let’s untie this child.”

“Will he just run away?” Lin Tianyin had doubts about Mirona’s proposal, and Gagaf seemed to have the same doubts and hesitated.

“No, I believe in this child.” Mirona nodded firmly, as if she really had the power to move people’s hearts.

This time it was not only the little devil, but Lin Tianyin and Gagaf seemed to be infected by her, so Gagaf untied the little devil and the monkey and was about to let the little devil take them to retrieve the package. The beret kid and the monkey suddenly jumped up from the ground, turned and ran.

“Are you an idiot, would you believe it?! How could it be returned to you!”

The little devil screamed and ran fast, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw Lin Tianyin who had changed. They stared at the fleeing little ghost sluggishly, and then they came to realize and chased them together.

“It’s too much…that kid actually lied to me!” Mirona bit her handkerchief sadly as she chased. Just about to cry. Gagaf on the side had to comfort her stiffly: “Don’t be sad, we won’t be deceived again when we catch him again…”

Was that stinky kid not convinced by Mirona at all? Lin Tianyin was speechless for a while, not knowing whether he should be happy or curse. She remembered that Mirona’s love experience in the original book didn’t seem to go smoothly. Even the prince was not a normal good person… Forget it, she was about to remember the ending of Shanoya’s character being slashed. So she said coolly: “I said a long time ago that he can’t tell the truth if he doesn’t suffer from that kind of stinky kid.”

“Sanoya, you are right!” Mirona wailed sadly, as if full of despair in this world, “I don’t trust anyone anymore!”

Lin Tianyin twitched her mouth, she had no thoughts about Mirona. Seeing that the smelly kid was about to run away again, she moved her gaze to Gagaf again.


Gagaf, who understood what Lin Tianyin was thinking, grinned, his eyes quickly looking around for something that could replace him. However, after finding nothing, he sighed helplessly, and said sadly to Lin Tianyin: “…I’m ready, come on.”

“Haha idiot! The same trick won’t work on Saint Seiya!”

When the beret kid found Lin Tianyin lifting Gagaf up, he suddenly laughed arrogantly, and took the monkey into a low and narrow path with a sun visor. However, Lin Tianyin did not change her plan because of this. She quickly turned the Gagaf held high.

“Wait, what are you doing?!”

Just heard “Hula”, in Mirona’s stunned eyes, Gagaf was launched straight out like a missile, and directly hit the beret kid and the monkey who showed terrified expressions. In this quiet night, three screams sounded in the town at the same time.

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