The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“Huh? What’s the matter with you, Kane.”

From the depths of the forest walked out a young man in light armor wearing a cloak. The young man’s short blond hair was particularly dazzling in the sun, his appearance was very handsome, and his walking posture was quite peculiar. After seeing the Silver Knight known as Kane, the blond youth suddenly showed a somewhat surprised expression.

“Wan, I’m extremely sorry…His Royal Highness Rey was conspired by the group of thieves and accidentally let them go…”

There was still an uncleaned ball of **** on his face. The Silver Knight looked very embarrassed. The blond prince pursed his lips and smiled generously, and walked towards the Silver Knight generously: “You have done your best, Kane, don’t blame yourself, they go to town. Ran away in the same direction, we will definitely catch those…”

The prince walked up to the Silver Knight and wanted to continue to comfort him. However, as if he had smelled some odor, his face changed drastically, and he couldn’t help covering his nose and frowning, “What is this smell?”

“Return your Highness, I was able to kill all the thieves, but they used despicable means to attack me with animal feces, which allowed them to escape successfully…”

“What? Shit…” The Silver Knight’s explanation made Prince Rey’s complexion dark. He quickly stepped back two steps, but still pretending to be sincere and looking at the Silver Knight with concern, “It’s okay, I saw the group of thieves. Looks like, you stay where you are. I bet on the reputation of the Wang family and will catch them personally.”

“How can the Prince try his own risk?!” Kane knight clenched his fist angrily, stepped forward and said, “I’m going to catch them!”

“No, I’ll do it myself!”

But the prince suddenly turned his head when Kane approached and ran away. Kane was stunned for a moment, staring at Prince Rey’s rapidly disappearing back with a little surprise, and a touch of emotion arose in his heart-what a considerate and considerate prince…

At this moment, on the other hand.

Lin Tianyin and his group, who rushed back from the forest outside the town, were in shock. The monkey running with the purse was almost exhausted. Finally, they returned to Ah Fu’s home and poured out the contents of the purse. The whole room was surrounded by golden light.

“Okay, a lot of gold coins…”

“I’ve never seen so much money. I am worthy of being a prince…”

The four people including Ah Fu stared at the gold coins scattered all over the floor like a turtle. Ah Fu couldn’t help getting excited and said happily: “With this money, I can live a good life with my sister. Up!”

“Congratulations, hey, we worked so hard, but we didn’t get any reward…” Lin Tianyin said sourly. In fact, she was very envious. One gold coin is equal to one thousand beni, and there are hundreds of them. This kid can not only redeem his sister but also make a fortune. But at this time Lin Tianyin can’t let the little devil divide the money, it’s too embarrassing, even she can’t do it…

“Don’t be discouraged, Shanoya! There will be bread!” Mirona saw Lin Tianyin’s disappointed look, and she encouraged herself, “We have a chance to grab the prince again in the future!”

“…Why are you so smart!” Lin Tianyin’s mouth twitched, and Mirona began to turn into a bad person!

Gagaf seemed to have lost his mind about the sisters, his face was covered with black lines and there was nothing to say. But Ah Fu was immersed in the happiness of becoming a rich man in this second. He quickly put all the gold coins back into his purse, and said cheerfully: “I will redeem my sister!”

“Slow down, slow down!” Lin Tianyin grabbed Ah Fu, who was rushing out, “Aren’t you going to go now?”

“Of course! When are you waiting? I must rescue my sister as soon as possible!”

“Don’t worry about this, since two months have passed anyway, any bad things should have happened so many times…” Lin Tianyin muttered, looking up and seeing Ah Fu’s horrified expression, she felt like she had said it. The truth is too cruel, so he changed his words quickly, “No, I mean you are too naive. The robbed prince is now penniless, so when he comes to town, he must first go to the local tyrant Drew to borrow money. Hey. And when you go to Drew with a large sum of money at this time, it is tantamount to throwing yourself into a snare. Not only will you not be able to save your sister, but you will be put in prison…”

“Then what should I do?” Ah Fu was a little anxious when he heard this, and couldn’t help looking at Lin Tianyin nervously, “When can I save my sister?!”

“I’ve been waiting for two months anyway, it’s not bad for a while.” Lin Tianyin suggested to him like an expert. “Just wait for the limelight to pass. A few days later, at least you have to wait for the prince and the others. I’ll talk after leaving here.”

“Understood!” Ah Fu clenched a fist, “Your great kindness A Fu will not forget!”

“You are polite.” Lin Tianyin pretended to wave her hand nonchalantly, looking at the gold coins in Ah Fu’s hand, she had already begun to plan to grab one again when she saw the prince next time.

So it’s almost time to add some food to continue on the journey, and the first thing to do now is to change some travel expenses. Gagaf carried the blue-headed bird’s feathers to the market and sold it. Mirona planned to stroll around the town, and forced Lin Tianyin to accompany her. Lin Tianyin knew exactly how passersby would look at him when he walked next to Mirona, so he refused directly without thinking about it. Because I am not hungry all the time, I simply lie down and rest in order to lose weight and reduce food intake. Several people plan to spend another night in this town, and set off early tomorrow morning for a boat trip to the seaside town’s port.

After waiting for too long, Lin Tianyin started to doze in Ah Fu’s dilapidated house. It was not long before he fell asleep. Suddenly someone rushed in from outside the door and woke up Lin Tianyin who was lying on the ground in large letters anxiously and said: “No good. Now, Shanoya, wake up!”

“What…” Lin Tianyin opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw that the person in front of him was Gagaf, he couldn’t help but feel a little strange, “Have you already sold your feathers and returned? What happened?”

“Our wanted order appeared on the street!” Gagaf looked a little flustered, and took out a crumpled roll of paper from his pants pocket. “The bulletin boards on the street are all posted up, and I secretly tore it. I got one back, look at it!”

“What? A wanted order appeared so soon.” Lin Tianyin murmured, although this was the result she had guessed a long time ago, it is not surprising.

However, after opening the roll of paper and seeing the wanted warrant from Gagaf, Lin Tianyin suddenly became furious.

The wanted order reads “The king’s important offender, the bounty is 2500, 500, 500”. Naturally, Lin Tianyin is the 2500. There are three people painted on it. Both Mirona and Gagaf have only one outline, which can only be seen as an ordinary person, while Lin Tianyin’s portrait is a meat ball—that’s right! She is three times as big as hers, or she doesn’t look like a human at all!

“Who recognizes us?!” Lin Tianyin slammed the wanted warrant to the ground, shrugging his shoulders and stepped on it several times.

It’s too much. How is this drawn? I really blinded the head of the Knights! How could that idiot think she was so fat? ! Even if she didn’t do this at her peak, okay!

“This…” Gagaf shed a cold sweat on his forehead, and looked at Lin Tianyin who was walking away comfortingly: “It may be that he didn’t see clearly. Anyway, it’s not wrong to be cautious.”

“Oh! I’m very curious when it comes to this.” Lin Tianyin dropped the wanted order, turned his head and looked at Gagaf viciously, “Why do you think it’s me painted on it? How do you recognize it?”

Lin Tianyin’s fierce eyes were too threatening. Gagaf stiffened, and then looked away guiltily, “Oh… I guess, the wanted order was posted just now. There are three people on it, although the drawing is a bit exaggerated. , But we should be right.”

“…” What is a painting is a bit exaggerated, is it very exaggerated? !

Lin Tianyin felt speechless for a while, but she was not in the mood to argue with Gagaf. There is no denying that she is still a fat man, but she has changed from being a super fat man to an ordinary fat man now…

Lin Tianyin angrily tore the wanted warrant to pieces.

After this happened, Lin Tianyin felt it was better to slip away as soon as possible. However, there are soldiers tracking them everywhere, and they will be strictly investigated if they want to leave the city gate. Lin Tianyin wondered if he would temporarily hide for a few days to avoid the limelight. Not long after, Mirona came back. She looked very nervous, holding a roll of paper in her hand and exclaimed: “Sister! Our wanted order has appeared outside!”

“I already know about it.” Lin Tianyin rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to see the portrait anymore. Before Mirona opened the paper to her, she took it and tore it to pieces.

After a while, Ah Fu and the monkey who went out to buy groceries came back, shouting “It’s not good, it’s okay,” and holding a thick stack of paper in their hands. Only after asking the little ghost did they find out. After arriving at the wanted order, I was so frightened that I tore off all the posted portraits with the monkeys while people were not paying attention.

“What should I do?!” Ah Fu anxiously turned round and round: “The city gate has been blocked. They are going from house to house to find the thieves, saying that the prisoners are a group of people with monkeys… The people from the underground chamber of commerce will confess me and find it. Sooner or later here.”

“The prince is really making a fuss. Isn’t it just that the wallet was robbed? I’m not afraid of being embarrassed…” Lin Tianyin murmured, looking at the anxious people, she suddenly fell into deep thought.

What should I do? If caught, she would definitely be thrown into jail, but she can’t escape easily. If she is killed, she doesn’t seem to have that kind of strength now…

However, when everyone was very nervous, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, followed by a rapid knock on the door.

“Open the door! Check it out!”

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