The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

It was bad to shout in his heart, and Lin Tianyin felt shocked in his heart. She didn’t expect those guys to find them so soon. If you want to open the door now, you will surely be caught and get all the stolen goods. Fortunately, Mirona is the heroine. She may have passed away after blinking her big eyes at the prince. As for Lin Tianyin, she must be locked up in prison and the world is destroyed… No, maybe she doesn’t need to be shut down, she will be executed directly!

“What should I do!”

“Maybe they are just checking house-to-house, and they may not know that we did it.”

Ah Fu was madly scratching her hair, Mirona still innocently holding a trace of fantasy, but Gagaf shook her head, and said in as calm as possible: “Many people in this town know what Ah Fu is doing, and with him We are more suspicious if we are together at the same time. So the most important thing at the moment is not to let the soldiers discover that we are staying with Ah Fu.”

It seems that there is finally a normal-brained person in the team… Lin Tianyin sighed in his heart, then grabbed the monkey and the money bag and climbed to the window, and greeted the others: “Come on.”

“Where are you going?” Ah Fu looked a little anxiously asked, his gaze rested entirely on the purse in Lin Tianyin’s hand, as if he was afraid that Lin Tianyin would never come back again after running away with the money.

“Avoid the wind first.”

After Lin Tianyin said this, Gagaf had already happily pulled Mirona out of the window sill. Ah Fu watched them disappear into his vision at a loss, until the knocking at the door became louder and louder, he finally remembered to rush to open the door in a panic.

“Why make us wait so long?!”

Standing outside the door stood menacing soldiers holding spears, and they swept around the room guardly. Afudian smiled and scratched his head and said, “Sorry, I just had a bowel movement…”

“Stools have been so long!” The soldiers looked unhappy one by one, they stared at Ah Fu fiercely, “You also know that you have a criminal record? The boss of the black market has already confessed you, honestly, this time Is there a copy of you among those who robbed the prince?”

“Absolutely not! My monkeys ran away because they had no money to eat!”

Ah Fu repeatedly waved his hands, denying all kinds of denials. But the soldiers didn’t believe his words, so they entered the room suspiciously and began to search.

Ah Fu sighed nervously, thinking that fortunately the money bag was taken away by the adventurers in the next village.

At the same time, on the other hand.

After escaping from Ah Fu’s house, Lin Tianyin and the others looked around nervously with the monkey in their arms, making sure that they were not caught by the chasing soldiers.

When did Mirona experience this kind of thing, and kept saying that they should return the money to the prince. Gagaf said you are stupid, even if you pay back the money now, the prince may not be willing to let them go, and what about Afu’s sister.

“Then what should we do.” Mirona seemed to be only saying this, her whole body fidgeting.

“What else can I do, hide first.” Lin Tianyin said nonchalantly, anyway, the soldiers can’t find the moneybags and can’t take Afu, at least this is not something they wouldn’t mess around in the Middle Ages…

Because the three were a bit eye-catching together, Lin Tianyin decided to act separately from Gagaf and Mirona. At least, if Mirona, the original heroine, is absent, her aura will be much smaller and she won’t be able to meet the main characters so easily. However, the monkey followed Lin Tianyin. She put the money bag in her backpack, hoping that the unlucky prince would leave the town soon. Aren’t they going to the unknown village to find the descendants of the legendary sage…

But now, as a fat man through and through, Lin Tianyin has no interest in shopping. She intends to go back to see the situation after two laps on the street. Speaking of the wanted order, it was like a decoration. It was posted in the middle of the road and many people were watching. Lin Tianyin also went to join in the fun, but no one recognized her—no, it shouldn’t be said. Who would recognize the person painted on it? Lin Tianyin was sweating profusely, if this thing was drawn by the leader of the knight order, then he would be too funny…

After all, I walked back after walking around. When I was approaching Afu’s house, Lin Tianyin suddenly saw a group of vicious men surrounded by Afu’s door. At this time, the monkey in his arms squeaked in horror, Lin Tianyin hurriedly held the monkey and carefully hid back into the alley.

“Don’t make a noise.” Lin Tianyin whispered to the monkey. The monkey nodded in panic as if he could understand humans.

What happened over there? Lin Tianyin secretly looked over and saw Ah Fu kneeling in front of the group of men, crying bitterly, “I really don’t know…”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, our master knows that you did it. His Royal Highness said that a monkey robbed his wallet. It’s your monkey.”

“not me!”

Ah Fu bitterly refused to admit it, a man with a scar on his face kicked Ah Fu’s stomach, Ah Fu squatted down in pain, and the group laughed.

“Be acquainted and hand over the purse, so that Master Drew might be kind and not report you to the prince. Otherwise, you will stay in jail for the rest of your life and don’t want to see your sister again.”


Ah Fu wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He hesitated deeply, then raised his head unwillingly to look at the group of people: “If you hand over the money bag… Will Drew return my sister to me…”

“Hahaha! How is it possible!” The group burst into laughter, “At best, you don’t have to go to jail. As for if you want to get back to your sister, you should make money slowly and still chant. We all know that the monkey you raise will steal things. Better luck next time, don’t steal on such a noble person, hahahahahaha…”

That group of beasts, they actually want to take away and swallow the prince’s money!

Lin Tianyin, who was eavesdropping by the side, was immediately filled with righteous indignation, wishing to rush out and beat them all. But she knew that she had to control herself now, and it would be bad if she couldn’t impulse.


Ah Fu lowered his head, clenched his fists hard, and said nothing amidst the laughter of the crowd.

“Hmph, give you some time. Get the money ready by noon tomorrow, the master will send someone to pick it up. Don’t try to run away with the money secretly, unless you never want to see your sister again.”

Sister, sister, these people kept threatening Ah Fu’s sister. When Lin Tianyin saw Ah Fu’s hands trembled, he watched the people leave the door without saying a word, then knelt and started crying.


The monkey in Lin Tianyin’s arms broke free. She ran towards Ah Fu. Seeing Lin Tianyin walking towards her, Ah Fu sobbed, wiped away the tears and looked at Lin Tianyin and said, “I’m not reconciled…”

“Yeah.” Lin Tianyin replied. She walked over to Ah Fu and sat down, and said lightly, “I’m not reconciled to give the money to Drew and the others in vain.”

“But what can I do.” Ah Fu hit the ground hard, and shook his head sadly and angrily. “If you don’t give Drew the money, you will never see your sister again! Damn… if those bad guys are finished. All right!”

“Then let them die.” Lin Tianyin still continued lightly.

Regarding Lin Tianyin’s calmness, Ah Fu couldn’t help being stunned. He stared at the fat girl in a daze, looking a little angry: “How can you say such easy things?! How can you do this kind of thing…”

“It’s just a question of whether you plan to do it.” Lin Tianyin glanced at Ah Fu and smiled slightly at him. Now her face is fleshy, but at this moment Ah Fu has a moment of dazzling.

“Since I accidentally let us meet, I’ll help you to the end. Who said I am a good person.” Lin Tianyin yawned and said leisurely, “Tell me what your sister looks like.”

Ah Fu was stunned by Lin Tianyin’s plan, she actually planned to break into Master Drew’s house and rescue his sister. That’s right, with such a sum of money, he could leave the town with his sister, but this idea is too crazy. Are these three people really planning to do such a dangerous thing for him?

“Don’t worry about us, you will definitely rescue Ah Fu’s sister.”

With a gentle smile like a virgin on Mirona’s face, she touched Ah Fu’s head. Mirona and Gagaf didn’t have any objections to Lin Tianyin’s plan, and even happily agreed, because they were brave men who wanted to save the world.

“But there is a group of ice wolves in the dungeon of Master Drew’s house. They can eat people without spitting out bones!”

At this time, Ah Fu, who was the party concerned, flinched a little, but Mirona seemed to be more excited than anyone else and clenched a fist to cheer Lin Tianyin.

“What is the ice wolf! Shanoya is a warrior who can defeat even dragons! Don’t be afraid of getting hurt, bravely go to Shanoya! My treatment will follow.”

Should this sort of thing be left to the remote… Lin Tianyin was a little speechless. Although it was a team directly composed of simple villagers, they had archers at any rate. Is Gagaf used to display it?

“Uh… I will cheer too.” Fortunately, Gagaf is not too unconscionable. He really intends to let Lin Tianyin, who is good at melee combat, go to blame. The young man scratched his head and said a little uneasy, “I’m a little worried. The thing is, now the prince and the leader of the knights are still staying at Master Drew’s house, shall we go now? I always feel that the leader of the knights should be much more difficult to deal with than the ice wolf…”

“It’s okay, the knights leader’s eyes should not be very good… Anyway, as long as you don’t meet them head-on.” Lin Tianyin made an OK gesture and grinned: “And if that happens, I There is also plan B.”

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