The Villain Just Wants to be a Salted Fish

Chapter 18 - 【18】

The enthusiastic cheers at the scene reached its peak at this moment, and fans began to shout and revel, and the sound waves directly overwhelmed the background music.

It wasn’t until a soft “hush” sounded that the audience at the scene accepted their excitement, their emotions, and stared at the center of the stage intensively.

The audience was quiet, only a glazed glazed light flashed across, and five figures showed hazy outlines. The mist ignited by the dry ice rose slowly, and their figures were even more ethereal.

Suddenly, a red figure rushed out from the back, and the boy smiled charmingly. He stood still for a second without giving the audience any buffer time. He helped his body to vacate on the spot. After a perfect backflip, he landed steadily.

The whole audience lights up, the music suddenly sounded, and the other four teammates immediately followed, and the uniform dance instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

The audience at the scene failed to suppress the screams of their throats, accompanied by the sound of music resounding across the stage—

“Damn! That backflip just now was so awesome!”

“Gosh, Ye Zexi’s opening action is too handsome!”

“Damn! Ye Zexi’s dance is so strong, I thought he would only dance house dance!”

“Handsome! Cool! Backflips are really harder! But house dancing is not easy either!”

Some fans have chased stars, and some are chasing stars for the first time.

The movement of backflip is unfamiliar and familiar to them, even unclear. But when they saw it with their own eyes, they had to admit the shock and burst that that moment brought.

The music is more exciting and high-pitched, the dance on the stage is smoother, and the atmosphere of the scene has reached its climax.

All the audience couldn’t hold back to follow the rhythm and waved the aid in their hands.

The burning stage is unfolding before their eyes.

But the most difficult thing to look away from is the red figure-Ye Zexi.

It was clearly a dance of five people, but the four people around him were dimmed at the same time, and the eyes of the audience could only follow him.

He is like a king in the crowd, he is proud, he is intoxicated.

Every jump, every stretch of arms, is full of agility.

He raised his arms, and the audience shouted and screamed.

He smiles confidently, fans are crazy about it.

The applause continued, and the shouts continued.

The five-person team dance was led by Ye Zexi alone.

Suddenly someone sighed at the barrage:

“This dance gives me the feeling that Ye Zexi is the protagonist, and the rest are all accompanying dancers.”

Someone quickly agreed:

“Same sympathy! I want to see other people, but I can’t help but keep my eyes on him! So handsome!”

People who have the same idea are not only the audience.

Even Tang Jing on the stage thought so.

Ye Zexi’s position is not forward, not C, and every time he is either on the edge or in the corner.

But despite this, it still makes people look at him involuntarily.

Being close, Tang Jing saw the most carefully.

Ye Zexi on the stage faded away from the laziness in the audience, with a relaxed and comfortable expression, and a strong and powerful dance.

Occasionally, when he turned his head, Tang Jing could still look at Shang Ye Zexi’s peachy eyes, and the small moles under his eyes became stunning and moving.

Ye Zexi is a confident powerhouse.

When they were not moving, they could only see Ye Zexi’s laziness and coziness.

But once it moved, all the scenery around Ye Zexi would be dim.

Including Tang Jing.

A huge panic quickly engulfed him, a loss of consciousness, Tang Jing’s footsteps slipped, and he was about to fall straight.

Ye Zexi suddenly flashed away, and one arm caught Tang Jing’s slightly slid body.

“Be careful, I will push you up, so that your expressions will not show up.”

Ye Zexi’s voice was dumb, with a hint of magnetism.

But Tang Jing was already panicking, his rhythm was interrupted by himself.

Although Ye Zexi was in danger to save the field, Tang Jing did not respond to him with a perfect cooperation.

“Just… was that a mistake?” Qu Xiao whispered.

“It should be, Ye Zexi reacted very quickly.” Shan Zeyu nodded, so the audience didn’t see it.

Yuan Ming frowned and shook his head: “I haven’t adjusted it yet.”

At this time, other teammates on the stage also discovered Tang Jing’s mistake just now.

Tang Jing’s movements are no longer smooth, and the smile on his face is somewhat reluctant. Even several actions, he was delayed by half a beat.

Not good.

Everyone slowly passed this thought.

At this time, the audience also saw something wrong.

“What’s the matter with Tang Jing? Why do you move slowly?”

“How do I feel that he is watching other people’s movements and following them, and forgot to move them?”

“The support between him and Ye Zexi just now, how do I feel that it was a bit like Tang Jing’s mistake in Ye Zexi’s rescue?”

Tang Jing’s brain on the stage is now blank. He has studied two all-night dances. At that moment, he was completely forgotten.

How to do?

In the next ten seconds of his solo solo, he can watch other people in the team’s movements, but other people will not follow him in the next movements.

Panic engulfed Tang Jing, and a dense layer of cold sweat formed on his forehead.

Almost, he will be there in ten seconds!

What is he going to do?

The next time he changed positions, Ye Zexi moved in front of Tang Jing without warning.

The moment he turned sideways, he lowered the volume: “Look at me.”

Tang Jing was surprised.

Looking up, Ye Zexi was already standing in front of him.

Ye Zexi stretched his body and started the first movement—that was Tang Jing’s solo movement.

Ye Zexi remembered everything, and even had a higher degree of completion than Tang Jing.

The muscle memory was awakened, and Tang Jing dumbly followed Ye Zexi to move.

In one or two seconds, the speed suddenly accelerated, and the curvature of the body became larger. Ye Zexi’s mouth always hid a faint smile, confidently blooming in front of everyone.

The cheers of the audience grew louder.

Qu Xiao said in disbelief, “I give full marks to Ye Zexi’s adaptability!”

Shan Zeyu and Yuan Ming nodded in agreement: “Who isn’t?”

It was also at this time that Shan Zeyu suddenly understood why He Jinyun had to be Ye Zexi.

Not everyone has such a strong adaptability.

A solo of one person becomes a dance of two people.

Except for the mentor and teammates, no one could tell.

Netizens saw the two people in the same frame, and the barrage was swiped faster:

“Ahhhhhh! Mommy, my CP is sugary!”

“It’s really a fateful showdown 2333.”

“Both of them are too strong!”

“Damn it! My friend and I used to bet on Tang Jing to win, now how do I think Tang Jing is going to lose?”

The dazzling lights are flying, with the last one

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