The Villain Just Wants to be a Salted Fish

Chapter 19 - 【19】

“I’m sorry, this time I am tired of everyone.” Tang Jing apologized to everyone with red eyes.

Yu Yan’s lips moved, and after a long while, he would swallow the words back in his throat.

Wan An didn’t even know what to say, so he kept silent.

But Jiang Ran said, “It’s okay. At any rate, the instructor also cast two votes. We still have the audience to vote, and we don’t necessarily lose. Right, Ye Zexi?”

Ye Zexi nodded, but before he could speak, he heard a familiar voice saying—

“It’s rare. I didn’t expect Tang Jing to make mistakes.”

Everyone looked back, Cui Yi didn’t know when he came over, with a strange smile on his face.

Jiang Ran frowned, a little unhappy.

Yu Yan helped Tang Jing to say: “Anyone will make mistakes, and you don’t have to come down so quickly. Besides, the result of the game hasn’t come out yet. It’s not always certain who wins and who wins. Isn’t it, Ye Zexi?”

Others also looked at Ye Zexi, including Tang Jing.

The five-person team is already faintly dominated by Ye Zexi.

Ye Zexi didn’t answer Yu Yan’s words. He just turned his head and glanced at Cui Yi.

There was a hint of water in his beautiful peach blossom eyes, and he seemed to be a little puzzled, carefully looking at the people in front of him.

Cui Yi was totally uncomfortable by him, but he was worried about Ye Zexi’s identity. He could not tear his face with Ye Zexi, so he could only endure impatience and ask: “What’s the matter?”

Ye Zexi curled his lips and smiled, and the doubt disappeared from his eyes. He shook his head and said: “It’s nothing, I’m just curious about your makeup products today.”

Cui Yi frowned: “What?”

Ye Zexi’s slender finger clicked on his eyes, and pointed out: “It covers your panda eyes. I’m thinking, if the brand knows, it would be very willing to invite you to be the exclusive spokesperson.”

Cui Yi’s face suddenly changed.

The bruise left by his fight with Tang Jing the other day has not completely disappeared. In the past few days, Cui Yi has always put on heavy makeup for fear of being seen by others.

Jiang Ran couldn’t hold back, he let out a laugh. Ye Zexi’s stunned appearance was exactly the same as that of stunned herself that day.

The other people’s faces were full of unconcealable smiles, and the corners of Tang Jing’s mouth were also bent.

“You…” Cui Yi gritted his teeth.

Ye Zexi pretended to be surprised: “What about me?”

“You are really strong, but…”

“I’m very strong, I know, you don’t need to emphasize this point anymore,” Ye Zexi interrupted Cui Yi, smiling deeper and with a firm tone, “and we will also be promoted.”

Cui Yi still wanted to refute something, but looking at Ye Zexi’s appearance, it was clear that he wanted to protect Tang Jing. He didn’t want to have anger with Ye Zexi, so he could only swallow this breath.

Cui Yi was filled with anger, comforting himself to be long in the future.

Glancing angrily at Tang Jing, Cui Yiqing left with a face.

It wasn’t until Cui Yi walked away that Yu Yan hummed, “Make him proud!”

The depression in the group was wiped out, everyone’s expressions were much more relaxed, and Tang Jing’s mood became more stable.

Looking at Ye Zexi with a small smile in front of him, Tang Jing’s heart moved slightly. Where did the man in front of him still look like he was stalking him at the beginning?

It was because of his disgust that he only saw all the shortcomings and bad points of Ye Zexi, and deliberately ignored Ye Zexi’s excellence.

Tang Jing lowered his eyes.

Jiang Ran didn’t know when he sat next to him, poked Tang Jing with his arm, and lowered his voice: “You should understand how I felt at that time, right?”

Tang Jing watched Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran didn’t put his eyes on him, and followed Jiang Ran to look over. Tang Jing saw Ye Zexi lying on the sofa.

The pink boy hung his head, Liu Hai hung down to cover half of his face, his pale skin was glowing with the light of jade, and the corner of his mouth was curved in a nice arc.

Through the gaps in his hair, he could vaguely see the eye-catching mole at the corner of his eye.

Some people are born with light, just one glance will make people become filthy.

Ye Zexi is such an existence.

Tang Jing was taken aback.

Jiang Ran sighed.

He was relieved anyway, Tang Jing needed only time.

That night, the result of the game was announced.

Just as Ye Zexi said, Ye Zexi and his group of five members successfully advanced.

The overall position was released, Ye Zexi remained firmly in the first place, and the second place became Cui Yi, and Tang Jing retreated one place to become third.

Jiang Ran and Yu Yan were fifth and sixth, respectively, and Wan An was a little bit short of being seventh.

After knowing the result, Yu Yan cried out excitedly, rushing up with tears and snot just to hug Ye Zexi.

Ye Zexi took a step back and refused to hide.

The camera happened to arrive at this scene, and the audience and fans leaned forward with laughter.

Yu Yan hugged him, so he could only retreat for a second, and hugged Wan’an, who was as excited as him next to him.

Jiang Ran was equally excited, and he knew that he had not followed the wrong person!

Tang Jing couldn’t help but looked at Ye Zexi next to him.

Ye Zexi noticed his gaze, looked at him sideways, smiled and asked with his mouth: What’s wrong?

Tang Jing’s heart was suddenly filled with an emotion called sourness, and his throat was a little choked.

The Adam’s apple rolled up and down, and Tang Jing knew in his heart that it was Ye Zexi who could achieve this result today.

Although unwilling, he can only admit defeat.

Tang Jing pursed his lips and smiled, and said silently: Thank you.

The arc of Ye Zexi’s mouth became wider, and the two smiled at each other.

This scene will naturally not be missed by careful netizens.

The barrage exploded in an instant.

“Damn! Where are the fans who knocked on CP before? Add me!”

“It’s so sweet to look at each other and laugh! It’s the second time!”

“Western sugar becomes wedding candy! This is the victory of CP powder!”

“Oh, I don’t care! West Sugar szd!”

Most of the hot search lists that night were related to “Time Idol”.

Among them, #叶泽西后空翻# and #西糖CP# have aroused heated discussion among netizens.

The film went live on the second day, and the audience realized that when they were cheering for the game, there was a strong cheering voice that was particularly attractive—

“Come on, Ye Zexi! Ye Zexi is the best! Ye Zexi, I love you!”

The netizens who watched the show were delighted in an instant.

“This is the voice of a male fan!”

“Really worthy of being a male fan! Hahahaha, the voice is so unique!”

“You love a fart! My brother belongs to me! Don’t **** me!”

“The people in front speak carefully, because of your words, Ye Zexi coaxed me all night.”

More attentive netizens watched Ye Zexi and his group’s performance at 0.5 times speed, and discovered another incredible thing—

@吃瓜看戏: Pure passers-by, really don’t knock CP, but if this is not love, then what is it?

The video is a slow motion of Ye Zexi and his group’s dance movement. The camera shows Tang Jing. The clear red arrow points out that Tang Jing’s foot slipped. Ye Zexi, who was next to him, immediately flashed over to catch Tang Jing.

The CP fans of Xitang Chaohua were shocked when they saw this video.

“Damn! As expected of you! I didn’t even find out!”

“This is love!”


Some netizens said: “I’ll be honest, although there is no victory or defeat in this battle of rivals, we all know that Xitang szd!”

In this regard, both fans have an indifferent attitude.

Chaohua is busy with the lottery, how can there be time for CP fans?

On Saturday night, a more important thing attracted the attention of fans—

Ye Zexi Studio is established!

Gao Shu had already spotted the time. Taking advantage of the highest popularity on the Internet, he asked the operating staff to post the official announcement on Weibo. At the same time, @了the “time idol” program group and the instructors, please help forward it.

The program team and the tutor Gao Shu passed the anger a long time ago, and the tutors were very happy to help.

Ye Zexi was the first to set up a studio before he made his debut.

Fans are simply ecstatic, what does it mean?

This means they have hope in the future!

You know, the most taboo of the talents who make their debut on the talent show is that their debut is the peak, and resources can’t keep up afterwards, leading to a lot of waste of youth.

In the end, it faded out of the public’s field of vision. Without new works to keep up, it would be difficult for fans to persist.

The announcement of Ye Zexi Studio’s establishment at this point undoubtedly gave fans a powerful booster.

Also on that night, the Ye Zexi Support Association also announced the official announcement immediately afterwards.

Fans are even more excited. The support club is a hub connecting artists and fans. The studio has just two actions to tell them directly that fans have a home!

Ye Zexi’s fans were very happy.

CP fans say they won?

Whatever it is!

It’s just that no one thought that half an hour after the studio’s official announcement, a discordant voice appeared in a cheering comment area—

@叶: “No, right? A young artist who hasn’t made his debut yet, doesn’t say he buys hot search every day, but he still sets up a studio? Now he doesn’t need to rely on marketing for his work to enter the entertainment industry?”

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