The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 123

Yeah, you’re right.

In the evening, Ursh broke up with you and waited at the main entrance for the students protected by the Knights, including Marieta, to return.

Waiting, Ursh, I rebuke the words you said.

‘Well, I’m just saying that this is what my grandfather thinks, and I’m not sure. I don’t know, I suspect that for once. But if I may, I’d like you to remain vigilant when Brother Walter or my father comes into contact with me in my absence. I’d rather not see you in my absence if I could.’

‘I wonder if this is the place where it’s clear now and it seems good to teach Isabella. And then if I could figure out who the “blameless Phantom” was following, I guess I’d be clear.’

“Huh? Who’s the” bland Phantom “? Isabella is also a nickname for someone who knows her well. Some of you might know it because you’re a celebrity. ‘

In the end, Ursh, you said, ‘Well, I’ll make this a problem. I didn’t tell you when I found out the answer,’ and you didn’t laugh and tell me, but who are you talking about?

With that in mind, I look around at all things. Around the main entrance, my other students, gathered to welcome me, were gathered little by little. Some students have sketchbooks with names on them. I guess I know a student who comes back. It’s like welcoming someone you know at the airport, watching, slapped him in the shoulder from behind.

Looking back, it was Barbara holding Bella and her sister Migliana there.

“Barbara and Migliana! Are you two here to pick up Marieta?

Speaking so, Barbara answers with her jaw up in a twinkle.

“Not naturally. I’m keeping my daughter Bella. We should rendezvous with our mother right away.”

Migliana came out before me, laughing bitterly at Barbara’s twisted attitude like that.

“Long time no see, Isabella. It’s been, like, five years? My sisters really took care of me during that Bloody Doll case. You and Ursh are the benefactors in our lives. I am delighted to see you here again. And I’d also like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to start over with Marietta. I’m hoping that we can go deeper together again in college life.”

That’s what I said and Migliana came offering me one hand, so I take that hand and shake hands.

By the way, referring to the ‘Bloody Doll case’ is a series of beautiful girl hunting murders that inspired me to reunite with this Barbara Migliana sisters when I fled to you and the kingdom of Deanna.

When I say reunion, these sisters don’t know that we arranged to remarry our two mothers to divorce and move to the kingdom of Deanna during the Colors Collector case.

Anyway, I happen to know the girls involved in the Bloody Doll case, me and Ursh, who are supposed to solve the case.

What’s more, there’s a similarly named incident called “The Bloody Maiden Case” at the story event on Senior Hunt Route, vr. 2 of the game Love Magical.

Well, nothing. It’s just that the culprit in these two cases is the same person. I was working a case in the kingdom of Deanna.

The killer comes southbound and commits a crime in this country. The crime involves Marieta the heroine, and Senior Hunt, who was to follow the case with her to hang things up with her, will develop a love affair as she uses her legal shot looks to dress up or be imprisoned with her. In doing so, Senior Hunt’s personality also improves and becomes masculine, unfortunately. The case has been solved by me and you, Ursh. There will be no story events. There won’t be an event with Senior Hunt either way because Marieta has kids.

“Right, I’d love to interact more with you two. Barbara and I have been in the same discipline, and I think we will have the opportunity to deal with it from now on. As for Marieta, I just relied on her because I didn’t know anyone else who could keep Bella. As for improving the relationship, I can’t say anything about the outsiders, so the three of us should do something about it.”

With that said, Migliana lays her eyes down and smiles as she draws up her forehead.

“Oh, I know, this is about our sisters. Still, I appreciate the good incentive to apologize to Marieta. And then we’ll work hard to improve our relationship. By the way, did you know that Isabella was sent to the School of Sorcery to deepen the interaction between the two schools in the wake of this fire incident and the mysterious ritual incident?

“I don’t.”

“Right. The Knights School is not the same as the School of Magic, because you can’t enroll unless you have a clear identity. Even though he was a student, he was driven out by the magic school guard because he was a knight’s egg. The knights of the country are busy crusading warcraft and demons, maintaining law and order, and they want us to interact with the students of the near-year-old School of Magic and the Cavalier School to deepen our bond so that we can get along with each other about their roles after graduation.”

Yes, the School of Magic says’ nationals whose magic power meets the figures prescribed by the state are compulsory enrollment (but are exempt from those who register as adventurers and are active) ‘, whereas the Knights School can only enroll’ those whose identity is guaranteed or who have been guaranteed and referred by a leading person or designated body ‘who have been able to’ break through the entrance exam set by the Knights School ‘. Having the potential to become a knight or Kingsguard knight in the future seems to confirm his identity and strength well.

Before I remembered my memories of my previous life, Brother Dymon had forced me to undergo a rigorous training that combined, apparently, with the aim of being able to break through the ‘entrance exam set by the Knights School’ if I had no magic.

Apparently, if I had no magic, I would have been thrown into Knights School by Brother Dymon.

Married to Brother Dymon and became the next Duchess of Rottenstein, my sister-in-law Marin. My brother-in-law Dymon always said, ‘If you’re my youngest sister, my country’s first general is not a dream either’.

No, I never said I wanted to be a general, because I’m not aiming. Don’t take the liberty of setting your future course and training me. Schedule me to be admitted to an aristocratic school or Wangdu Academy of Women normally.

Well, at the end of the day, I had magic, so I ended up enrolled in the School of Magic. Is that it? Then I’m a trained loser… Yeah, well, let’s not think about it because it’s going to get annoying.

That’s right, the Knights School I might have attended is my neighbor from the School of Magic. The premises are separated by brick walls and barbed wire about 3 m.

Migliana says that from there, students combine their training and take turns in attending daytime security. But I can’t insult my students enough to break the entrance exam for the Knights School of the Brain Muscle State, so my strength comes with origami. I don’t know what ‘with origami’ means though.

For the record, “Love Magical” has ten hidden characters in all three parts.

V.R. 1: Dear Chris (Magic Warrior Department), Geese (Magician Department), Brian (Magic Warrior Department in Games: In Reality, I went to Knights School)

Vr. 2: Senior Hunt (legal shota in alchemy), one of the international students from the East (samurai in magic warriors. senior), a magic classmate (an ododod-based aesthetic with a hidden face in his forehead)

V.R. 3: Teachers at the Knights School, classmates in the Department of St. Magic (Livestock Belly Black Cleric), classmates in the Department of Magic (serious glasses of the Chairman attribute)

Hidden Character: Attacking nine attacking targets appears. A mysterious man of double personality (presumably immortal) wandering in search of his best friend who broke up a long time ago

Would you have understood? Yes, you have an instructor attacked by a student on V.R. 3. It will depend on whether or not people make it safe because they are students and instructors from other schools.

The chivalry school teacher and Marieta the heroine meet up, but from the time of VR. 3, students from the chivalry school will be participating in the magic school security, and they will be involved with the teacher who was coming to supervise the students in that relationship, right?

I’m in a position to supervise, but what makes me feel so good with girls from other schools? I don’t think so, but it’s not that that’s where I pay attention, it’s that students at the Knights School are driven out by security.

From before, it seems that this concept was between the two schools. That’s what made this fire an advance.

Speaking of foreclosures, it seems that it was planned a few years after we graduated that Marieta’s so-called Demon King worship group would have a fire incident at the college, but that’s also foregone. There’s got to be a cause for that somewhere, but we don’t know it at the moment.

I want to hear about it, and I wonder if Marieta will be back soon…… I look outside the main entrance thinking.

Two, I’ll think of it and ask Migliana, who was looking at the main entrance the same way next door.

“Hey Migliana. Do you know what an impudent Phantom is?

Then Migliana looks back and looks down at me.

“The Phantom of Invisibility”? ‘Thieves’ who made a scene in the surrounding countries about twenty years ago, right?

“Or ‘Thief’…”

“That’s right. There were rumors that he disappeared after being turned back, aiming to see if it was a valuable item or a family heirloom held by Ursh’s grandfather’s chamber of commerce. Isabella never heard that from Ursh?

“… hey, no”

“Right. Then perhaps the rumors are rumors and untrue. I wonder if there really was such a ‘thief’ in the first place. It doesn’t matter what you think about sending out a ‘notice’ to someone before you steal it. There’s a possibility of someone making it up.”


Hearing my reply, yeah nodded, Migliana glanced back at the main entrance again.

But I was cold sweating inside.

I knew there was someone at the Snabble Chamber of Commerce who had the skills to be a ‘thief’.

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