The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 124

What’s the situation…

Let’s save this moment for a thief who made a public scene twenty years ago.

Wolsh, that’s what you said too, ‘It’s a problem,’ and I’m sure you’ll give me an answer match next time.

In the meantime, the most important thing I need to think about right now is what to ask Marietta when she comes back. There are just a few kinds of things I can think of right now.

① About the “Demon King Worship Group” behind this fire incident.

② Information obtained during the loop. Especially about you, Ursh. Finally, on Isabella’s theory of replacing contents in a parallel world.

③ About the nursery rhyme called “The King’s Shard” and whether you know any other similar nursery rhymes.

④ Periods, causes, etc. related to the destruction of the world.

(4) I heard about the cause of the destruction of the world at the station’s home when I first met him.

I just remember saying, ‘I don’t know how many times I repeat it. The reasons for perishing are the same or different. But the only thing involving one great sage there was that I could grab it last time in my life’ kind of haz. Maybe.

I don’t know what it feels like, so I need a little more information.

To say that the reason for perishing is the same or different is to say that the reason for perishing has changed every time in the loop, so if you ask what happened then, you’ll know why? Not me, Ursh.

I can’t make that assumption, so I’m going to ask Wolsh once I gather the information.

With such a hard time in mind, I put a note on the list of things I wanted to hear in my brain, and the area around the main entrance became busy.

Some students cheer for the main entrance and run around jumping.

Apparently, the protected students returned, escorted by the gendarmes and knights.

We have an infant Bella, so we can see from a distance from the group.

The returning students appeared to have been dissolved as they entered the College premises. He had thanked the knights of the escort and left, and had been mocked by the students gathered.

From among the group, Marieta smiled and said, “Welcome back, I’m so glad you’re safe,” bashing and stroking, and came out messed up.

When he found that figure, Barbara, holding Bella, rushed to Marieta. Migliana chases after it.

I tried to chase him right after me, too, and I thought to myself.

Marieta should want to make sure her daughter’s okay first. How about I break in for the first reunion of my mother and daughter in a few days, not even that close?

As a mother, you will want to spend a good time reuniting with your daughter. But if I run over, you’ll have to deal with me.

Yeah. Let’s read some air and talk about it after one paragraph of inspiring reunion.

That’s what I think, watching the reunion of parents and children from a bit away.

I also looked around with some pleasure as I heard voices around me happy to reunite and be safe.

Second, discomfort.

In a voice boiling in joy, I really care about that feeling, looking around for the cause of discomfort.

It’s a good place to know. The main entrance I’ve been through many times in the last few days.

More than that, it was the main entrance I used to watch in my previous life. It’s the main entrance that makes the opening sound BGM when the game is logged in, along with the letter ‘Now Loading…’ to be shown in extensions. If you download it after an update or something, you can show it to the illusion that you’re looking at it more than your parents’ faces, it’s the front door to time eating.

On the game screen I’m looking at the main entrance from the outside. And on the other side of the main entrance is a square, with a fountain surrounded by flowers in the center of the square and sparkling crystals floating in the air around the center of the fountain.

Remember that much and notice the discomfort.

Sure enough, the crystal was spinning over the fountain the last few days. And I also had a crystal when I went by with you, Ursh, to pick up my robe this morning.

And, or even when I was talking to Migliana about the Phantom, I think there was a crystal at the edge of my sight.

But right now, there’s no crystal over the fountain.

Instead, a white stone statue of Fairy with one hand lovingly hiding her mouth is spinning. The stone statue was too white to be dazzled by the light. The winglike part of the dragonfly would be a thinly shredded crystal, reflecting light indiscriminately and normally dazzling.

The stone statue faeries twitch a simple piece, and the fluffy curly hair to the shoulders is like a cotton candy. The way he stretched his toes and freely spread his legs and one hand, some acts of rotation, seemed to be flying around and dancing with pleasure.

Very cute stone statue. If it hadn’t suddenly appeared.

I’m scared of what that is. Why did you show up all of a sudden? Some kind of secret event or something?

I look around to see if anybody else noticed, but they’re all happy to see each other again and I don’t see how they noticed.

I’m afraid I’ll try to get closer. I don’t care what you think, it’s not the usual crystal. Well, obviously not from a distance.

Ursh, should I call you? But while you’re calling, there’s a chance it’ll suddenly disappear, just like it did when it appeared, and what do we do?

All right, in the meantime, I’ll put you in touch with Ursh at the necklace and ask for a response.

I grabbed the necklace and tried to communicate with you, Ursh.

“Cole, Ursh”

Shortly after, a loud tinnitus strikes.

When the long, short tinnitus came through, the surroundings were silently wrapped.

Look around in surprise.

They’re all here.

Still smiling and joyful.

At a remote location, male students were torso lifted.

There are some people running around and making a fool of themselves.

And Marieta, holding Bella, talks with Barbara and the others in some fun way.

But I can’t hear anything.

I look down at the necklace that I gripped with hack. I just can’t hear you, Ursh, and I thought you might be returning a response, but the necklace wasn’t working.

Again, try to communicate.

“Cole, Ursh”

But my voice, which I hear, doesn’t sound as good as if I’m listening in the water.

The necklace is not working either.

I don’t know what to do, but I’m headed to them first to try to keep Marieta and Barbara informed of the anomaly.

But it doesn’t move forward at all, as if it’s also an invisible ‘konjaku wind jelly’ wall.

What’s the cause?

You know, all I can think of is a stone statue of Fairy that suddenly appeared.

Again, I put my gaze back on Fairy’s stone statue.

The water from the fountain is glowing in the light that the wings of Fairy reflect indiscriminately.

As I stood and stared at the stone statue, the girl’s singing sounded. It sounds like it’s coming from inside the fountain.

There was a lonely king on the mountain in Helbandagna.

I was king alone on the mountain in Helbandagna.

I’m not going down Mount King, and I still know better than anyone.

King, keep your hands together. Still, you were stronger than anyone.

Your Majesty, I can’t open my eyelids.

King, I don’t speak out. Still more attractive than anyone.

There was a lonely king on the mountain in Helbandagna.

I was king alone on the mountain in Helbandagna.

One day a holy knight came from the sky to help the king.

I divided it into ten kings.

beneath the mountains of Helbandagna. When the gentle Holy Knight disappeared

I mourn ten kings on the mountains of Helbandagna.

Beyond the distant, distant sea, on ten king journeys.

Seven disappeared per ground.

There is no strong king on the mountains of Helbandagna.

There is no one king on the mountain in Helbandagna.

The song is different!!

I didn’t exactly remember the contents of the song, but still, the contents of the song are partly different from what Marieta told me!

There is definitely something about this.

But in the present situation, Ursh, I can’t reach you, and the mysterious invisible wall is in the way and I can’t get out of the fountain.

If you don’t do something about the cause, you won’t be able to move.

I thought about it for a while, but I didn’t come up with a good idea that I could somehow break the status quo. I’m not good at thinking about saying that in the first place.

No more hands to hit but check the fountain!! Maybe! I can think of something else!!

Get ready and run for the fountain.

Unlike when I headed towards Marieta and the others, I could run without any resistance.

Then jump over the flowers around the fountain and stand on the edge of the fountain.

Despite all this behavior, the people around me didn’t even glance at me. Apparently, I’m out of other people’s minds.

I walk along the edge of the fountain and observe the fairy statue and fountain.

Blah, I don’t know anything about observation.

Looking at the fountain alternately with Fairey several times, a glowing letter emerged on the water.

It was a nostalgic letter. [Japanese].

Read the letters slowly floating up in your voice.

“‘If I’m on my side, I’ll do half the world to you’, which Dragon King line is Yikes!!

When I read it up and accidentally put a scratch in the content, I was sucked into the magic formation that floated in a flash in the fountain.

When I realized I was in a cave where the water dripped off.

Even though there’s nobody there, I squeal unexpectedly.

“What’s the situation…”

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