The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 50

What did you want?

It seemed impossible for a boulder to say that the second prince had been pulling back in the rear palace for three weeks and no one had seen him.

There was also a kidnapping noise about Geese, and he said he needed to come back once to make sure he was safe.

Rather, it is surprising that even though there was a kidnapping noise about Geese, he was able to make a mountain cage (Yamago too) for three weeks.

As I was preparing to head to the plains for battle training this morning, I really wondered what I would do when the queen appeared in the mountain hut while I was leading a Kingsguard knight and a knight.

Second prince, I can’t tell you I was safe.

When I heard that the second prince was going back to the castle, I tried to stop the combat training, but the queen said she would definitely like to visit, so a tent for viewing the queen was quickly set up on the (cucumber) plain.

I ask the tent side by side with Chilali as she confronts Alice.

Surrounded by escorts, the queen looked at your created defensive wall with a funny look on her face.


Along with Alice’s hanging voice, fifty pale, thin red, stemless flowers float above the interior of the 10 Km diameter defensive wall.

One of Alice’s created bombing magic, “Floating Bomb Hua”

Thirteen seconds before the flowers open. When the flower opens, it keeps releasing explosive warheads as it rotates for a minute.

This bombing of “Floating Bomb Hua”, although not so powerful in itself, hurts if it hits, and the soil rises and my vision is poor.

By the way, as part of my training, I’m not the only one wearing ‘Vision Clear Goggles’.

In the thirteen seconds before a flower opens, you can ensure vision by how many flowers you can break.

“Cherry Blossom Five Flashes!!

Release the sword moves toward the flowers above.

What I have in my hand this time is the item Gacha’s ‘S Rare’, which appears in Ver 2, at an event that is the subject of an attack that I have studied from the East.

“Sakura Fengyue”, very similar to the Japanese sword. This is a Japanese knife.

A popular item where cherry blossoms, wind and moon patterns rise up in your body (Toshin) depending on the angle of view. My favorite, too.

When this item is sent out in a chatter, you can get the “Flash” and “Cherry Blossom Five Flashes” of Sword moves on the set.

By the way, “Sakura Fengyue” can be exchanged, but sword moves cannot be exchanged.

In other words, if you want sword moves, you have to turn them around and get “Sakura Fengyue,” which is “s rare” on your own. Running, you miserable commercial soul.

I have been using all this lately because Sakura Kazuki is better for releasing sword moves than a giant knife.

Beat and break 30 + ‘Floating Blast Hua’ with 3 seconds left. Leave the other 20 alone.

‘Cause it doesn’t matter at all. It’s in a very distant position. This is Alice’s bad habit.

Widespread bombardment is good, but it’s a waste of MP shooting to bomb wide enough to have no enemies, right?

And even if I let it go, the second prince will hit it down with an arrow.

I just need to hurt, but when I hit the second prince, it looks like I’ll be cautious because I’m badly injured. I think it’s good to be cautious.


Returning the gaze that was looking up at the flowers as to what was next, a carpet (carpet) made of a vast number of magic formations on the “side” of the ground inside the defensive wall of 10 Km in diameter.

This is the so-called mine-type bombing magic of ‘Blast Huano’.

Stepping on this carpet, the magic formation explodes and blows away. I’m fine, but the second prince is badly injured. The average person dies instantly.

Alice, you’ve grown surprisingly to be ready enough to fill 10 Km in diameter in 13 seconds…

You just don’t have to fill all 10KM with magic to target two kids, do you?!

“There’s a lot of waste!!

Yes!! Whose voice is it now that there is so much waste!?

Turning her gaze to those who spoke, the queen was benevolent.

“Don’t ask for flashfulness, but be sure to get killed (ya) with the least amount of power!! Not… kill you!!

My queen… where should I go in from?

In the meantime, let’s just stick it in where it matters.

This is combat ‘training’, so you can’t kill me. In this case, it’s me who got killed. Even your son is here.

I mean, don’t forget that you are here today not as an ‘A-level adventurer’ but as a ‘queen’. Speak up!!

Well, the first half of what you said is the opposite of Alice’s nature, but I strongly agree.

A special blow with minimal power. Plain but strong. That’s Deep Righteous.

Ignoring such an absurd queen with cancer, the second prince slowly shot and misdirected an arrow into “Blasting Huano” to broaden his range of action, and when he secured the scaffold, he released more arrows.

What, that? The arrows disappear…

“Duh!! Danger!!

Slap down the arrow that rushed towards you with a cherry blossom festival moon.

“Optical camo?!

So disappearing demon balls… not disappearing demons. The identity of ”arrows” lies in optical camouflage…

Second prince… not only “wind magic” but “water magic” and “light magic” were combined on the arrow to create an optical camouflage!!

Cover the arrows with water, flex the light and hide the arrows. You evolve diagonally. [M]

And you don’t want flashy, you’re definitely coming to kill with minimal power, right? Assassin!!

However, because I haven’t been able to do the precision operation of “Light Magic” yet, I can see that the arrows are coming because they are slightly shiny.

If this makes it possible to wipe out the arrows well, there will be terrible things.

Add two more, Alice and the second prince, and divide them by two… yeah. Either way, you don’t sound like a righteous ally.

Someone would like to ask for a modification of the two tracks somewhere. I mean, I want to throw it round.

I can’t do this. Here. How did this happen? I know it’s my fault, but I don’t think it’s all my fault.

At the same time as I slap down all the arrows, the second prince misexplodes when he shoots one ‘blast huano’ around me after another.

The ground creeps away, with scattered dirt and sand, slamming down arrows that fly out of sight, moving away.

While traveling, I doubt it.

“Why can’t the Second Prince’s arrows run out?

When I saw it right after the start, there were ten arrows the second prince was carrying.

But the second prince has already shot fifty.

Alice spends a lot of MP on bombing magic wastes, so there shouldn’t be many more magic attacks she can shoot.

If you don’t want flashfulness, I guess the number of bombing magic remnants is thirty.

By the way, Alice ran out of bombing items a week ago and doesn’t have them anymore.

But I don’t know the number of princes left. The number of arrows in your possession doesn’t match the number of arrows you actually use.

Feel the unpleasant feeling and [King of Greed] the Second Prince’s gear items.

What the fuck?

I don’t remember giving you that item, and the item with that feature wasn’t in “Love Magical”.

I don’t need that feature (item) for “Love Magical” in the first place.

Because [closet] is standard for the game.

That means I must have been created by you, Ursh.

I’m wearing a second prince, that waist pouch.

“Subspace Pouch”

A waist pouch incorporating space expansion magic for one legislative metre inside.

I mean, that’s commonly referred to as’ magic box ‘or’ magic back ‘.

Nevertheless, one legislative metre…

How many bows and arrows will be in…

Eh. Ten bunches. It’s definitely about this position, so it’s in a box about a meter wide, deep, and tall…

I dunno!!

I have no idea how many bows and arrows are left!!

Don’t bother me anymore!! Take it away from me!

It’s a hassle to think about, trying to get close to snatching the second prince’s pouch, but the second prince moves chorocholo well, and the arrows released are trailing. Yeah, it’s an optical camo, and Alice is assembling some giant magic formation over… what?!

What the hell, Ano, giant magic formation!!

Alice!! What are you doing?

This is the first time you’ve seen it?! Wait!! I only have a bad feeling about it!!

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Alice is ahead of the second prince!! We have to do something about that bombardment freak first!!

Looks like the Giant Magic Formation is done in a hurry.

The “formation” itself is white and glowing, but the surroundings are covered with a light purple aura, so how ‘magical formation.’ I like it a lot in the atmosphere, but I’m afraid I don’t know too much about power.

Worst case scenario, a second prince ”dead and resurrected” could happen in front of the queen.

Shit, shit, shit…

Alice!! Get back to your sanity!


Wow! No!!

“[bulimia] Huh!!

I panicked that I had to do something about the Magic Formation, and I activate [bulimia (gula)] against the ‘Magic Formation with no entity’.

Since [closet] cannot store effects without entities, it makes no sense to activate [bulimia (goulah)] this time…

[bulimia (gura)]. You do a good job. If [bulimia] thought it was a convenient skill, he would have been like a cheat skill.

The “Magic Formation”, which was in the air, whirled like a tornado, sucked into one of my eyes and went.

[bulimia]. If my vision captures me, does it work for magic too – Yikes!!

But there’s nothing in the [closet]. Where have you been?! Scary!! This scares me!!

Could there be an “effect item” somewhere that disappeared from the [closet] after a good search?! No, I’m scared!!

My human separation is serious!!

Alice seems to have been pouring all the remaining MP into the giant magic formation, falling out of MP on the spot and out of combat. I fell off.

Even if Alice falls, ‘Blast Huano’ still remains extensive, and the Second Prince’s arrows have not been exhausted.

Here, I could try something.

It’s “bulimia (gura),” but…

Can I recover other people’s property and equipment? I mean, it’s cheat skills, right?

If someone else’s possessions are in sight, we can take them, too.

So lock on the second prince’s waist pouch!!



“… wow…”

Everyone around him is silent and the second prince stands up after a faceless surprise.

I’m sorry. I was actually just going to take the porch.

I didn’t mean to take my pants with me!!

Second prince, you were passing the belt part of the pouch through the belt of your trousers.

And if you look from afar at the pouch you’re wearing on your hips, your pants will be in sight with you!!

The pouch and trousers are connected and they are in sight together, then things can happen that will be recovered on the set!!

Why didn’t you make a prediction, I…

I can’t believe I let the second prince round his pants in the middle of a plain where mine type bombing magic spreads!!

I thought you might get caught for disrespect… and look at Chirali and the Queen.

The queen rolled off her chair and laughed loudly, without a voice.

My queen, Nori is an adventurer or outlaw of the brain muscle system, isn’t she?

No, actually, I’m a woman adventurer.

During the tea party, around the act of catching the root of the second prince and packing him in a bag, I thought his treatment was too cluttered, but stop pointing at his trouser rounded son in the middle of a plain on a boulder and laugh at him.

The second prince is mentally damaging, incapable of combat. I fell off.

Now, Ursh, after removing the mine-type bombing magic of you and the plains, we’ll board the carriage and return to the King’s Capital.

The heartbroken second prince said from the queen, ‘You want to be on the side of justice? And yet, I’m not in the mood to become incapable of combat with that degree of mental attack. Fight to the end to be naked.’ He was unscrupulously packed in a carriage while being advised to complete his studies at the Lambert family, the Queen’s home.

Queen… stop throwing a second prince into the dungeon.

Alice, too, was packed by the queen in the carriage of the second prince and queen.

I confess to the Queen that I have turned Alice into a widespread bomber, and I will discuss how Alice is going to train.

While packing Alice into the carriage, the queen said, “That nature of Miss Amarillis is rooted, so it’s not something that can be corrected by an amateur. Leave the rest of your education to us (…). The Brunests must be used to correcting this fool. ‘And he took it on.

The Brunest family is the Brunest Marquis…

It’s Alice’s house, isn’t it? Why are you used to…

Me and Ursh, you were invited to the carriage with the queens, too, but I politely decline.

No matter how many royal carriages you say, six, including your squire, will be narrow to boulders.

And one more thing. I have something to check with you, Ursh, so I’d like to be with you if I could.

So, apart from the queens, me and Ursch are going home in the Snabble carriage.

The carriage of the queens leaves first, so I’ll drop you off alongside you, Ursh.

Then a second prince came out of the carriage window, so I wave with you, Ursh.

“Second Prince, I’ll see you again.

“Second Prince, skill control should go well by now. Good luck with your manipulation practice, huh?

Then, when the second prince puts his neck in a slightly troubled look, he hits us in doubt.

“… why… do you always call me the ‘Second Prince’?…

Because you’re the character to be attacked, and in case you become my fiancée, there will be a ruin flag, so you won’t be very close.

“… I want to get along… and that’s what I’ve always missed…

Stared at me like a dumped puppy, hanging out with me and Mr. Ursh.

Eh. I feel like I was hurting you, and I’m really sorry about something.

“” So, in His Highness Christopher…

Me and Ursh, you keep your voices together and I’ll try to call you names.

Then, when His Highness Christopher grabbed the carriage window with both hands chocolate, he shook his head full and sideways.

What, what don’t you care?

“… like ‘Alice’… better call me like a buddy…”

Would you like a nickname…

“” Dear Chris?

Then again, Master Chris shakes his head to the side. They don’t like it.

“… ‘Dear’ is… something yadda…”

Even when they say ‘Something Yada’…

If you are in trouble, Ursh, you tell Master Chris. [M]

“Dear Chris, it is impossible for me, a civilian on a boulder, to call you Chris any more casually. And since Isabella has a fiancée named me, she can’t call other men casual.

Yeah. Right.

So don’t look any further with those lonely eyes.

Ursh, you and I, having trouble attacking Master Chris’ sad and chilling gaze, the queen grabs Chris’ head and pulls him away from the window.

“It’s good to be able to float to your first friend, but don’t bother that friend. Well, then, both of you, you’ve taken care of our son. Thank you so much for making this child so normal for conversation. If you have any problems, say anything because me, the royal family and the Lambert family can help. Well, good day to you.

I wave with you, Ursh, to the carriage that the queen moves when she ends up thumbing up.

Master Chris looked out the window again and waved back at me.

Alice looks like she’s still out of magic and passed out.

It’s funny how Master Chris is asleep when he comes and Alice is asleep when he leaves.

If you wake up and realize you’re in a carriage with the Queen and Master Chris, are you surprised?

Until we lose sight of ourselves, after we drop off the carriage of Master Chris, who waved at us, we enter the carriage of the Snabble family.

Your man is as good as going, Mr. Paul.

When me and Ursh sit side by side on the carrier, the two of us talk about what happened at this mountain hut.

When the carriage was plugged in the middle of the road, Ursh asked you what you cared about and what you wanted to confirm.

“Hey, Mr. Ursh.

Speaking to me in a tense mood, Ursh, you laugh with your neck tied and fuzzy.

“What? Isabella.”

“Why did you hit Master Chris?

To my question, Ursh, you stopped moving with a smile.

Oh, that reaction. Was I intentional after all?

“Uh-huh. When did you say ‘bumped’?

I don’t know. I’ll come back with questions like that. I’ll ask you again, Ursh.

“It’s time for Chris’s first” anti-soul, “” yellow spring return. “Wolsh, you ran into Wazza and Lady Chris then, didn’t you?

Ursh, the smile disappears from you.

“Why, did you think so?

In today’s combat training, Alice was growing enough to deploy all that bombing magic, but she wasn’t able to deploy enough bombing magic to cover the entire 10KM area from the beginning.

In other words, initially, the bombing fell in the middle of a plain far from the defensive wall, mainly around the battle site.

And that event was in the really early days when the defensive walls were well broken with bomb stray bullets and shock waves.

Ursh, you were running to repair the defensive wall, and Master Chris was running for me with a bow and arrow while avoiding bombing.

Wolsh, you need help with the defensive wall, so it’s unnatural that you’re running around the edge of the wall, but the bombs are coming down one after the other and your vision is getting worse, poking through the middle of nowhere.

Besides, accidentally clashing with Master Chris is all kinds of suspicious.

“No matter how bad your vision is, you don’t have a good chance of two kids running around with different intentions colliding and falling within a 10 Km diameter. For example, even if it was a coincidence, then something strange happened.

“Huh. And then what?

Ursh, when you smile, you push ahead.

“Coincidentally, to Master Chris, who bumped into you and fell, coincidentally, Alice’s bombing magic strikes directly. Coincidentally, a large number of items worn by Master Chris died instantly without activation. By chance, Ursh, you’re intact.

If all this coincidence continues, it’s already inevitable.

It’s odd that Master Chris is dying instantly, especially without the item being activated.

Because even though it was all broken the second time, it was working properly to avoid getting hurt with stray bullets.

The second time, he was caught in a bombing and died because all his protective items were broken.

But then, magic attack resistance to physical resistance, automatic healing to defensive magic. He wore a variety of other items with various effects to his bad taste, but died instantly with a single bomb attack? Impossible.

“Well. That’s right. I couldn’t do it on a boulder, could I?

“Ursh, I didn’t really know what your purpose was, so after that, I let you ban working inside the defensive wall… What did you want? Mr. Ursh.”

Ursh, when you laugh like trouble, you whisper with your hand in my ear, trying to reveal a secret story.

“Actually. There, I needed Master Chris to die.

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