The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 51

Yeah. I’m fine.

‘I needed Master Chris to die.

I don’t know why you had such a need, Ursh, but I was aware that you would have intentionally killed Master Chris.

But the problem for me is, Ursh, you moved on to execution without saying anything to me about ‘purpose’ or ‘doing’.

Maybe it’s about you, Ursh, so when something went wrong, you didn’t know anything to keep me out of it, and you were prepared for something so that you could manage on your own.

I don’t know what to say, but since Master Chris was royal but was supposed to be ‘mad with a curse’ and was going to be shut down, and taking him out was the Queen’s consent, if that Chris died in an accident of training between children, and if an ordinary royalty died in the same way, unlike modern Japan, there is a slight but possible difference in the punishment imposed.

My house is too powerful, so even if it’s a problem, my life is going to be manageable, and Alice is a marquise.

So it is likely that Ursh, the ‘civilian’, will be punished for being held accountable for all of this as’ endangering the children of the nobility ‘, and Ursh was prepared with the intention of making you do the same.

So, really, I was really glad that “Anti-Soul Neck Decoration” was activated and nothing happened.

I don’t know what the purpose is, but I’m glad it didn’t turn out like you’d be punished by yourself, Ursh.

“Ursh, I somehow knew you were going to let Master Chris die, but the reason… what was the” purpose ”?

“Because if Chris is able to control his skills, it won’t be a fundamental solution.

Ursh, you were hitting me in the ear. Take off your hand, put your posture back and look forward.

I lean over to you, Ursh, to be heard even in a small voice, and pull in with my knees.

Nothing to whisper about, but I don’t need to pull it off, Ursh, but I felt like you were going somewhere and I wanted to touch you.

“A fundamental solution?

When I ask, Ursh, you also pull on me perfectly and answer me whispering.

“Isabella, you saw the change in ‘status’ after Master Chris came back to life, didn’t you? Me and Chris, that’s what I was trying to do.

Indeed, I checked Master Chris’ status. And I was aware of a certain change in status, but… you mean you did it for ”that change”?

And the way to make that change is anti-soul… wait a minute.

Now, Ursh, you…

“Did you say” Dear Chris ”and” Ursh, “was your purpose? That means that Master Chris…”

“I know. We have a common interest. What’s the matter? I had a magic item of recorded footage leave me a will for the time being. Now, it’s safe to fail.

Dear Chris!! You are GULL too!!

And if Master Chris had left me a will for when he was a collaborator and Uccari died, I’m relieved… so how about that?!

Master Chris, what are you thinking? I’m not sure what it is, but you mean you tried to die one or eight times?! You mean, “Okay, for a purpose, I don’t know if I’ll succeed, but let’s die at the top”? I don’t understand a bit!! It’s like self-defense, isn’t it lacking? What kind of thought circuit are you?! How did that happen?

“What?! Hey!! What the fuck!? So… what about you, Alice? Alice, too?

“I didn’t say ‘I am’ to Miss Amarillis. Oh. That’s why I don’t know if you know it or not. I don’t think you know that by prediction, but… what do you think? Come to think of it, were you hitting Master Chris a little too hard on the pinpoint? And I wonder if I’ve ever felt like it.

Well, for one thing, Ursh, you’re not asking Alice to help you.

And there’s a chance that Master Chris might have asked for help, but you don’t even know what’s going on around here, Ursh.

“Mr. Ursh, I don’t know what’s good anymore, so why don’t you follow the order? I don’t know if it’s going to be a fundamental solution or anything like that anymore from around here.

“To explain in turn, at least, how much this country returns to about 800 years before it was founded.

“Such a retrospective (retrospective)!? What the hell!?

Hasn’t the story gotten any bigger and grander?

“Uh-huh. This is what one guy told me, hey. If you believe what the man says, the skills that Chris possessed, such as” King of Arrogance’s Ear “and” King’s “, were created by combining an additional” object ”into the original skill,” artificial skill ”. The skill that I was able to do that was” The Great Sin King’s Shard, “which appeared about 1,000 to 800 years ago, but that” something ”includes” incorporate “or” fix, “that action, too. I was wondering if you would ‘anchor’ or ‘incorporate’ into ‘blood’ in that” clan ”so that your skills would be expressed in” a particular blood group of people “by that action? I don’t know how.

“How does anyone who gave that information to you, Ursh, know that? Are you someone you can trust?

If anyone knew so much about the circumstances, I guess I didn’t have to suffer because Master Chris thought The Arrogant King’s Ear was a “heart disease” or “phantom hearing”.

“I hate that man to death, so you’re not willing to trust him. But it’s true so far when I verify what I’ve been asked… Isabella has met the man before.

Ursh, who hates you to death and I’ve met before? Who is it?

“Well, leave the man alone… Isabella called” The Eye of the Seven Sins “a skill that she purposefully extracted from her” Once Upon a Time, Incorporated, Something ”skill. It’s not a” former “thing, it’s a” thing ”that was incorporated once to create a” Big Sin King Shard, “right? Don’t get me wrong around that.

Hmm? Purposefully extract only ”a thing” from the “Great Sin King Shard” skill? To say…

“Is it true that the person who extracted The Eye of the Seven Sins has been somewhere, and that person has come into contact with all seven of them with the” King of Great Sins Shard “skill?

“Right. And the man went back (back) to Isabella’s previous life,” incorporating “all seven extracts into Isabella’s” soul. ”


What do you mean?

Did you go back to my last life?

I was reincarnated because I was in Isabella’s past life, and someone came to embed my skills from the next life?

“Eh… I have a lot to ask you, but… for now… why?

“It seems because Isabella’s soul happened to be fit to incorporate all seven, huh? There are probably three limitations. Well, there are seven other souls that can be incorporated, but Isabella was chosen as an experimental object because the range of activities was worn with the man at a time when he was fit to observe it.

“Experimental experience?! Watching?! Wait a minute!! Who is he? Who’s that crazy guy with that head?!

Unexpected information, from the state of attachment, will be further stuffed by you, Ursh.

You were asking me why I killed Master Chris, but gutsy I’m here to relate to the story!! What the fuck!!

“That man is the only one who told me this story… I’m not willing to cooperate with him, or rather, I’m willing to interfere with Soytz… Maybe Isabella won’t see the man again.

Are we going to see each other again? But I care!! Who is it? Tell me, Mr. Ursh!!

I listen persistently, Ursh, but you’re not willing to tell me at all, and I finally gave up on taking root and listening out to Ursh, who just laughs and doesn’t crack his mouth at all when he grabs his shoulder and shakes it.

“Well, I hate the guy, but the only time I’ve met Isabella is because of the man, so I wonder if he appreciates it in that regard. So, it goes on, but hey… if you incorporate” The Devil’s Eye of the Seven Sins “into” Soul “and mix it with” The Great Sin King’s Shard Skill, “it evolves into” The Great Sin King’s Skill “. However, in order to incorporate the Seven Sins Demon Eye into your soul, you need to” die once ”with a” recipe ”for that skill. Can I say that dying with a recipe completes the Seven Sins Eye? As Isabella died in her previous life with a” recipe ”and was reborn in this world with the” Devil’s Eye of the Seven Sins “. I did the same thing this time with Chris. By letting him have the” recipe ”and kill it once and revive it.

“I’m here to talk about something difficult… But, Ursh, where did you get the” recipe ”that you gave to Master Chris?

“I was wondering if it was my first day at the mountain hut? While Isabella and the others were wiping out the worm, I tried extracting the” recipe ”from the sleeping Chris. Because there’s no way I can do this to that man. Master Chris woke up and came while I was extracting it, hey.

Yeah, that said, the first morning, Ursh, you were explaining to Chris why you were in the mountain hut while Alice and I were on the level, and that the identity of “phantom hearing” was in the “Ear of the Arrogant King” skill.

“So, when I explained the status quo to Chris, who was awake… when I found out that the reason my great-aunt had been locked in the tower until her death was not a ‘curse’ or a ‘heart disease’, Chris asked me to help her cry.

“… the same suffering as my great-aunt and our ancestors who were trapped in the tower before that… as our grandchildren and their children will never feel,… here, will you help me end it? You can’t think like this until I do. From there, the people ahead don’t have to know this kind of suffering…. you can create an item that can seal this power, so can you help erase this power itself?

Can you risk your life for that?

‘… I’ll spend as much as I want. I decided to help someone who was suffering…. so even my own descendants want to help…. there’s no way I can save a lot of other people to a man who can’t even do that…

“You don’t say” fundamental solution ”… Even if Chris was able to control his skills, he wouldn’t know if the next person he inherited could control them, would he? On the contrary, because I don’t even know if the information will be communicated correctly to the next skill heir. It’s a nasty ability to read people’s thoughts, so they might cover up the very existence of skills and hear it’s a ‘curse’ again. In other words, Chris thought that if we didn’t do something about the very existence of a skill called the” Ear of the Arrogant King “that would be inherited, we would have descendants who would suffer like ourselves.

So, Ursh, I hear you’ve decided to give Chris the ”recipe” you extracted.

All you have to do is ask Chris to die once and find a way to bring him back to life.

If that succeeds, ‘arrogance’ evolves into ‘arrogance king’ by matching ‘arrogance king’s ear’…

Skills are anchored in “Master Chris’s” Soul “.

Yes, because the “Eye of the Seven Great Sins” is incorporated into the soul, so does the “King of the Great Sins”, which evolved accordingly.

“So you also asked the man to tell you that by doing so, the Great Sin King’s Fragment would no longer be inherited by the Crown?

“Isabella hasn’t tested my status since The Eye of the Greedy King became The Greedy King, has she? Why?”

Huh? What, suddenly?

“Uh-huh? The next day, Mr. Ursh, you were able to see your status, weren’t you? From then on, whenever my skills and levels went up, I didn’t need to see them because they were telling me, and the status of people I like, I mean, it’s hard to see them back… I wonder if it doesn’t feel right to be watching my fiancée when I check it again and again? That.”

Other people who don’t care. I don’t care if I see them.

By analogy in my previous life, I felt like she would shut up and check her boyfriend’s phone, wondering if it would be good…

Ulsh, you’ve noticed, and I don’t want you to hate me.

“So, you’re going to take a look at my status now?

“Uh… oh, yeah? Okay.”

Ursh tells me to [King of Greed].

Ursh, it’s been three weeks since Ursh asked you to do an appraisal at your workplace?


People: Ursh Snabble (6) LV: 35

HP: 54/54

MP: 590/607


Second child of the Snabble family of the Kingdom of Rosary

Second son of the Snabble Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom of Rosary

Roseal Kingdom Alchemist

Vocational Skills * Maximum Level:

[Alchemist] [Blacksmith] [Merchant iv] [Mage iv]

[Pharmacist iii] [Toxicist iii] [Spellman iii] [Sage iii]

[seamstress ii] [healer ii] [cleric i] [perfumer i]

Inheritance Special Skills

* Inheritance disappears because this skill meets the criteria. Converted to Absolute Appraisal and moved to Special Skills.

Special Skills

[Absolute Appraisal] [Increased Experience] [Increased Skill Acquisition Rate]

“Unique Skills” * Maximum Level: (10)

[MP Consumption Relief] [Magic Modification] [Magic Grant] [Magic Grant]

[HP Consumption Relief] [Magic Activation Disruption]

[Magic Moments Activated] [Parallel Thoughts]

[Thunder Attribute Magic] [Sealed Magic III]

[Holy Attribute Magic II] [Dark Attribute Magic II] [Spatial Magic II]

Skills * Maximum Level: (10)

[Status anomaly disabled] * No level.

[Fire Attribute Magic] [Water Attribute Magic] [Wind Attribute Magic] [Earth Attribute Magic]

[Light Attribute Magic] [All Attribute Tolerance] [Auto Recover]

[Weapon Enhancement] [Magic Enhancement] [Signal Detection] [Signal Blocking]

[Magic Detection] [Magic Block] [Variety Improvement] [Weapon Improvement]

[First Aid] [Information Operation IV] [Collection] [Mining III] [Exploration]

[Unlock] [Sovereign] [Track] [Hidden] [Sense iv] [Intuition]

[Concealed] [Disguised] [Duplicated] [Modified] [Collected] [Refined]

[Formulation] [Cuisine II] [Fine workmanship] [Disassembly] [Dismantling] [Extraction III]



…… I don’t know how the others have changed because I haven’t noted the results of my last appraisal, but there are certain things that I can see have changed.

The [Eye of the King of Greed] in the Inheritance Special Skills has disappeared and turned to say [Absolute Appraisal].

“Why? Why is’ The Eye of the King of Greed ‘disappearing?

“Maybe, but I think it’s because The Eye of the King of Greed is The” Shard “of the King of Greed. I don’t think there are any more shards because the” Shards ”were used to create the complete” King of Greed “. Maybe the” Eye of the King of Greed “skill was created by combining” something ”with this [absolute appraisal] skill. That” something ”anchored his skills to blood or clan, so his inheritance disappeared. No one is born in the Snabble family with the Eye of the Greedy King anymore. It’s a handy skill, but I can’t help it.

“What?! Does that mean I took the” King of Greed’s Eye “from the Snabble family?! Sorry!! Mr. Ursh, you Snabble family are all sorry!!

Compared to Master Chris’ “The Ear of the Arrogant King,” “The Eye of the Greedy King” should have been a pretty important skill for the Snabble family, a merchant.

I’m so sorry if I took that away from you in the process of getting The King of Greed!!

“I didn’t know this was going to happen, so I don’t care, Isabella. I’d rather apologize. [M] I didn’t know how, either, but I knew that Greed would evolve into King of Greed. That’s why I had to predict better. [M] I’m the one who told you to” be jealous “of” King of Greed’s Eye. “But as a result, we know the terms of evolution.

I see, having experienced the evolutionary process of the “King of Greed” and the consequent disappearance of the “King of Great Sins Shard”, has it been possible to erase the inheritance of Master Chris’ “Ear of the Arrogant King” skills based on it?

“By the way, Isabella stopped checking her status since she got The King of Greed, didn’t she?

“Ahhhh. After you had” King of Greed, “you went off the specifications of the game and turned MP and HP into the same easy-to-see stuff you’re looking at, Ursh, didn’t you? But I’m out of levels, so I no longer feel the need to check my status too closely… What’s more, I don’t really want to see it because my” identity ”place is making a disgusting change…

Even in the game, when I was trying so hard to get my level up, I was checking it out seriously, but after I kansted, I didn’t see how my status was growing at all.

And since the time Greed changed to Greed King more than that, my status has changed in part, a bit disgusting, and you didn’t really want to see it.

When you look at something, you feel like you’re freaking out, you’re going to break your mind, you feel like you’re going to get some kind of mental anxiety.

Other skills are visible properly, though they are easier to understand and more helpful than before.

Besides, at that time, I saw a status that went crazy, and I was getting advice from you, so maybe it’s an extra big deal? I’m a little nervous.

“Isabella, if you find any other people at the Tea Party tomorrow with” The Great Sin King Skills, “you should never be ‘jealous’, right? ‘Cause I can’t make sure it’s safe, huh?

So, Ursh, following your advice, when I checked Chris’ status, ‘The Arrogant King’s Ear’ had been evaluated as’ jealous, ‘but I didn’t do anything to get it.

More than that, I was willing to say that I would be scared if my status turned out disgusting…

And there are people who are making the same changes as me.

Master Chris ”succeeded” in successfully evolving The Arrogant King’s Ear into The Arrogant King (Lucifer) with your plan.

“So Isabella doesn’t realize that ‘arrogance’ has disappeared from her status. You should check more…

“Heh?! ‘Arrogance’ is gone?! But you’ve been using my Arrogance ever since, haven’t you?

Ursh, to your words, do your skills checks in a hurry.


n;; k: Isabella Allie Rottenstein (6) LV 26 ⑤

HP: 67800/67805

(10) P: 10770/10770


(b) Real kingdom Ro no. ■???? child

Lady Rozelle?

“Shigeru” * Maximum level *

[Mage] [Swordsman] [Assassin] [Hunter]

[Cook iv] [Healer iv] [Cleric iv]

Special Skills

[Closet] [King of Greed (Mamon)] [Anger (Eela)]

[bulimia (gura)] [jealousy (inwiddia)]

[lust (luxuria)] [laziness (acadia)]

[Thousands of Miles]

* No level.

… abbreviated below.

If you look closely, it’s not just “identity” that’s going crazy…

And then [arrogance] is turning into [thousand eyes]… I didn’t notice because it was normally available.

“This is why ‘arrogance’ is disappearing…

“I guess it’s because Master Chris got ‘King of Arrogance (Lucifer)’. Isabella would have noticed, but since she got Master Chris’ status and King of Arrogance, the” identity ”place is crazy… and the race place, too… I’m glad Isabella didn’t get The Arrogant King. Then, because Isabella’s status would have been crazier.

By the way, the last time I saw it, this is certainly what Chris’s status looked like.


(6) Lv: 2ii

HⓅ: 20/20

MⓅ: 70/70


(b) The fourth death of the royal family of the RRRR

◇ Zeri aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa//////child

“Occupational Skills” * Maximum Level: (10)

[Swordsman ii] [Mage iv] [Sniper iv] [Hunter iii] [??? of eggs i]

Inheritance Special Skills

* This skill is full of conditions, and the inheritance ga disappears. Evolution to [Arrogant King (Lucifer)] Shimashita to Shi “Special Skills”.

“Special Skills” * Maximum Level: (10)

[Sworn magic i]

[Arrogant King (Lucifer)] * No level.

* Unable to activate “Jealousy (Inwidia)” against [Arrogant King (Lucifer)].



Yellow Springs Return

“Isabella, don’t ever lay your hands on the other ‘Big Sin King Skills’ in the future, huh? This time, because Chris took over the King of Arrogance, we were able to prevent Isabella from bringing all seven of the Great Sin kings together, but we still don’t know what changes Isabella’s body and physique will make by having more than one?

“With that said, Ursh, he said you and Master Chris had” a match of interest, “but could it be that Ursh is your purpose…

“It’s about pushing the Arrogant King against someone else so Isabella doesn’t get all of the Great Sin King, huh? Because of my mistake in judging, I gave Isabella the King of Greed… Isabella, are you sorry? Isabella’s status is abnormal because of me. [M] I don’t know how this is currently affecting Isabella, but I can imagine it’s not very good. I’m sorry, Isabella…

Ursh, as you apologized, held me in his arms.

Whoo-hoo?! They’re hugging you?!

They’re hugging you, ma’am!! Me, Ursh, you’re hugging me. Yikes!!

Ok, ok ok!!

“Ursh, you’re not bad at all, but I’m apologizing, and I’m not sure, but forgive me!!

I just said I don’t need to apologize, Ursh, because I’m not going to convince you, and if you forgive me, I’ll fix it!!

“Isabella… you’re sorry. I haven’t told Isabella anything else. But that’s still not my decision, and I can’t tell you.

Is there anything else…

But somehow, Ursh, I don’t think you have anything to do with this.

Even though it’s not bad, I expect you’re feeling responsible and apologizing that you’re bad. This is a woman’s question. Maybe I feel like hitting it.

“Oh, yeah. If only I could say so. Ursh, I’ll wait until you’re ready to say so. And I don’t know what the story is about, but maybe I’ll forgive you, so you don’t have to think of it.

“Yeah. Thanks Isabella.

Ursh, you squeal like you bury your face around my neck.

I get worried about you, Ursh, the weak Ursh, who is rare and has something that I can think of that much.

At least a little bit, Ursh, as you fall, turns one hand to hold you back, Ursh, and gently strokes the back of your head.

He is sinking or floating to match the hand his fluffy hair strokes.

It was you, Ursh, who was caressed in silence for a while, but I’m just going to tell you what I can tell you now if you’ve calmed down, and I’m going to start talking to the potatoes straight away.

“There are only two limitations to being able to plant” The Devil’s Eye of the Seven Sins “in my soul in a pseudo way that I tried with Chris.

“Did you ask the man who said he didn’t like you, Ursh?

I ask you gently and quietly, Ursh, with his face buried.

“Yeah…. the man has tried everything and realized that in order to incorporate all seven into his soul, he needs to plant the” recipe ”in the fitter before his soul can get the ‘flesh’.

So, you’ve come all the way back to your last life… He said he would be sure if he planted the body of the afterlife without it yet.

But why did you have to plant all seven of them on one person?

“Once we have evolved all the” seven great sins “that we have incorporated into Isabella into the” Great Sin King, “Isabella becomes the” King of the Seven Great Sins “. That’s no longer human.

I guess. Even though “The Devil’s Eye of the Seven Sins” alone feels like a human being is separated, once all of it has evolved, you will definitely quit the human race.

“The man… he happened to find, as an experimental subject, an artificial attempt to create Isabella in good condition as a material…. the Demon King.

Hey, where is it, that guy? Let him hit me once.

Instead of human separation, he was about to become a demon king…. Seriously.

Mr. Ursh… thank you so much for stopping me.

And thank you, Master Chris, for taking on King Arrogance.

“I hate that man. How can you use my Isabella as an experiment? I don’t make Isabella the ‘demon king’. I won’t let such a crazy experiment get in the way.

Mr. Ursh, we feel good. I hate that guy, too.

“Yeah. It’s okay. I’m not the Demon King, I’m your wife, Ursh.

Instead of a villain warrant lady, a demon king…

I, definitely, will marry a common man (Mr. Ursh).

Well, Ursh, you and I are going to a relaxing business. Definitely.

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