The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 85

Black Water Fury was not someone who was hesitant.

She came in front of Jiang Mu and asked straight to the point.

“Can you teach this god your instantaneous movement technique?”

“No.” Jiang Mu didn’t even think about it and gave it a straightforward no.

Because it couldn’t be taught.

Even if he could teach it, he wouldn’t teach it to her.

After all, it was preferable to avoid unnecessary problems.

“Why can’t you?” Black Water Fury asked.

“Because it can’t be taught.”

Jiang Mu told him truthfully.

“Can’t teach?” Black Water Fury frowned.

She believed that Jiang Mu would not lie to her.

Since it couldn’t be taught, after thinking about it, the Black Water Fury simply asked this.

“Then can you use the Instant Migration technique to take this god to a place?”

“What place?”

The Black Water Fury paused for a moment, stared at Jiang Mu, and said heavily.

“The Blackwater Jedi, the Ancient Tomb of the Serpent God!”

“The Ancient Tomb of the Snake God?”

I’ve never heard of it, wasn’t it the Serpent God’s altar?

Jiang Mu tried to think back and search through his memories to see if the Serpent God’s Tomb had appeared in the original plot.

Did the route of the Serpent God’s Tomb ever appear?

But no matter how much he thought about it, no information about the Serpent God’s Tomb could be found in his mind.

It didn’t make any sense.

Jiang Mu felt strange, so he asked.

“Are you talking about the Serpent God Altar, or the Serpent God Tomb?”

“No, It’s the Serpent God’s Tomb.”

“What is that place?”

“You don’t know?”

The Black Water Fury was surprised.

Wasn’t he supposed to be omniscient?

How come he didn’t know about the ancient tomb that sealed the ancient snake god’s soul?

“I don’t know.” Jiang Mu was also puzzled.

He only knew about the Serpent God Altar, which was where the Blackwater Serpent Clan regularly sacrificed some snakes, to the Serpent God.

But this whatever Snake God’s Ancient Tomb. It was the first time he had heard of it.

Could it be a new route?

Did the dog system start messing around again?

Shit! Jiang Mu felt suddenly very worried.

The only explanation he could think of now.

Is the fact that the Black Water Fury’s persona had collapsed, causing a new route to appear.

“Little cutie, what’s the Serpent God’s Tomb? Why do you want to go there?”

He had to understand this new route, and Black Water Fury’s intentions.

After all, she was still the third female protagonist, and any move she made could directly affect the outcome of the main plot.

Black Water Fury pondered a little and replied back.

“The Ancient Tomb of the Serpent God is located beneath the forbidden land of the Blackwater Jedi.”

“Inside the ancient tomb, the soul of an ancient snake god is sealed away.”

“This god wants to go back in order to make–.”

“It is to pray to the Ancient Serpent God for blessings.”

She was going to say ‘to make permanent puppet of mine for Ling’.

But as the words came to her lips, she swallowed her words and lied.

She was afraid that Jiang Mu would reject her if she knew her intentions.

After all, it was better to be careful.

“Praying to the ancient snake god?”

If that was all it was, then Jiang Mu would think nothing of it, but he didn’t want to go.

Because unknown, meant uncontrollable and uncertain happenings.

So he asked rhetorically.

“Why do you want to pray to the snake god? Can’t you not pray?”

The Black Water Fury narrowed her pupils and stared at Jiang Mu with a deadly gaze as she replied word for word.

“Because this god’s virginity was offered to you, the son of a b*tch, so I want to pray for a blessing to celebrate.”


A broken V and a blessing to celebrate?

What kind of damn reason is that.?

Jiang Mu was speechless.

He felt that this reason was nothing but bullshit.

So he simply retorted.

“No—.” He didn’t finish his sentence.

The Black Water Fury jumped up and hung on him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

The little mouth printed down hard.


Shit! Why are you doing this to me too!

Five minutes later.

Chu~! Lips parted.

The Black Water Fury licked her little lips.

His face was flushed for the first time in her life.

Those ruthless golden pupils actually contained shyness.

Yet it was only what she pretended to be.

She said in a shy voice.

“Master, praying is my little wish, please master satisfy me…”

(How humiliating!!! So want to kill!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh”) Black Water Fury, inwardly thinking.

Jiang Mu: “…”

It wasn’t clear if she was really shy or faking it, but not to mention.

This ruthless loli’s shy look of hers was really something to behold.

“Fine, I will take you there tomorrow morning.”

After thinking it over again, Jiang Mu finally chose to agree to her.

For one thing, this was the first time she hadn’t called herself ‘this god’, which made Jiang Mu realize that she really, really wanted to go back and pray to celebrate breaking V.

Secondly, she was already his woman, so there was no excuse for him, as her man, to follow her back for a little blessing.

Thirdly, the blessing wouldn’t take long anyway, and after it was done, it would be good to immediately teleport back to the Spiritual Sound Country.

“Thank you, thank you, master.”




It was evening.

With what little strength she had left, she transformed her naked body into a black mist and entered the Space Ring.

Finally weak and exhausted, she slumped over on the bed and fell asleep.

“This little cutie.”

“Just this much fight and you presume to make me kneel down and beg for mercy?”

“Hah~, Too naive.”

Jiang Mu twisted his waist and actually didn’t feel tired.

“This goodly waist of mine seems to be a little perverted.”

He felt pretty okay about this reward.

“Oh yeah, the reward for writing in the diary today, I haven’t read it yet.”

“Forget it, let’s go and check it out first, Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong.”

Jiang Mu intended to go and see if there was anything unusual about Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong first.

So he picked up his clothes from the table, under the bed and inside the bathroom and put them on.

He didn’t forget to jump up to the ceiling, take down Black Water Fury’s black dress, and stuff it into the Space Ring.

And finally, he headed straight to the cliffs at the back of the mountain.

It didn’t take long before Jiang Mu arrived behind a big tree.

Looking at the edge of the cliff not far away.

He saw a sexy and lonely back, staring blankly up at the moon.

Wind from the cliff blew by, blowing up the beauty’s twin braids with the fragrance of the short bustier dress.

The fragrance drifted.

It eventually drifted into the nose of Jiang Mu behind the tree.

The smell made him drift off for a moment.

“Well, this old maid, still so serene and beautiful.”

“She is now, I think, reminiscing, the childhood image of grilling lamb kebabs.”

Jiang Mu had no intention of disturbing her.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual about Ding Nanrong, he turned around and left.

But due to the panic just now, he accidentally stepped on a tree branch.

It made a noise.

Shit, my leg.

Jiang Mu immediately looked back fearfully.

He found the cliffside empty, with only a lone moon hanging in the night sky.

Turning back.

There he found that Ding Nanrong was already standing in front of him.

“That, Rong’er, good evening.”

Jiang Mu scratched his head, and it was no good pretending that he couldn’t see her.

“When did you come back?”

Ding Nanrong’s face was calm as her beautiful eyes scanned Jiang Mu.

She smelled a strange smell.

“I Just got back.”

Jiang Mu casually lied.

After all, he had been doing ‘dragon and snake play’ with the Black Water Fury all afternoon. There wasn’t much to say about it.

At that point, Ding Nanrong didn’t say anything more.

She then passed by Jiang Mu and walked towards the cliff.

Jiang Mu looked at her back in the moonlight.

For some reason, a feeling of loneliness came over him.

This was a feeling he had never experienced even after seventy times of reincarnation.

Hmm. Could it be that the dog system, too, has secretly changed my persona of the villain?

Shaking his head, Jiang Mu dismissed this possibility.

He knew that this was just how he really felt.

After thinking about it, he called out to Ding Nanrong.


Ding Nanrong stopped and turned around.

Not knowing what Jiang Mu was calling out to her for.

Without any extra expression or movement, Jiang Mu spoke naturally and said.

“Some day, I’ll take you to eat grilled lamb skewers as a thank you for your protection for these three years.”

Well, as the Patriarch, it seemed reasonable to treat his personal servant girl.

Ding Nanrong’s eyelashes trembled slightly as she opened her mouth.

Yet she didn’t know what to reply to.

She could feel the sincerity of Jiang Mu’s words as he spoke them.

It took a long time.

Only then did she faintly reply.

“Feel free.”

Then she turned her body and walked towards the edge of the cliff to sit down.

Resuming her blank stare up at the moon.

“Hmm, this old virgin, still cold and few words, nothing unusual.”

Jiang Mu turned around and went down the mountain.

Then he went to find Han Yuqing.

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