The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 86

Jiang Mu arrived at the library collection.

Thinking course of events.

“Following the original plot.”

“When Han Yuqing gets my internal affairs order.”

“On this day, she’ll issue a series of regulations for developing the Wuyou Sect.”

“And at night, she stays inside the Library, dealing with the sect’s records of the past three years.”

The library was eight stories high.

Jiang Mu went in and went straight up to the top floor.

It was his personal study that he hadn’t entered in three years.

He pushed the door open and walked inside, glancing over in the room, and there he saw it.

Han Yuqing under the candlelight.

She was sitting in front of the case, intently flipping through the animal skin scrolls in her hands.

Her brow was sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed.

The beast bone pen in her hand is still recording information on the paper from time to time.

When she gets tired, she stops and rubs her temples.

Then she continues flicking through and taking notes.

It’s as if she doesn’t want to waste a moment.

At her feet, she had already pushed the finished records.

“This woman, when she’s not perverted, she’s dedicated and serious in her work.”

Jiang Mu walked straight in.

“Wife, have you been taking care of the sect today?”

Since the two of them were already married, their relationship had warmed up well in advance.

So Jiang Mu simply went along with the persona, calling her wife instead.

So far, it hadn’t affected the main storyline.


Han Yuqing first froze.

Then she revealed an expression of surprise.


She immediately threw away the scroll and pen in her hands.

The whole person jumped out, and lunged at Jiang Mu.


She even gave Jiang Mu a fierce Hickey on his face.

Hmm… No matter when or where.

She always wants to please me, to increase her status in my heart.

Jiang Mu secretly nodded his head.

Han Yuqing, behaving like this was very much in line with her persona.

“Husband! Did you just call me wife? I’m so happy! Hehehe.”

Han Yuqing was smiling happily, really happily.

That kind of mood.

It was like a lackey at the bottom of the status ladder had been promoted to the head of the family overnight.

She felt that the entire Wuyou Sect would soon become her possession!

“Husband, will you call me wife again?”

Han Yuqing whined and pouted.

“Call you hell, don’t care about these details.”

Jiang Mu propped her up and then asked.

“What have you done today? Tell me about it.”

“Okay~!” Han Yuqing, one by one, she told them what she had done.

Han Yuqing continued one after another.

For example. The criteria for selecting disciples of the Wuyou Sect were eased.

Double the number of months for disciples.

Within three days, fully open the Trial Forbidden Grounds, the Hall of Spiritual Weapons, the Formation Pool… etc.

There was also a heavy reward for Uncle Fu.

“Why are you offering a reward to Uncle Fu?”

Jiang Mu was stunned.

He remembered, that Uncle Fu, who was watching the mountain gate.

After cursing the Wuyou Sect in the first place, he had run away, become a mountain gate watcher.

“Because he insulted my Wuyou Sect, this madam has to deal with him!”

Han Yuqing’s face was ruthless, and the authority of the Patriarch’s wife radiated without fail.

But, it was fine.

After all, she had already become the Patriarch’s wife, so it was normal to defend her sect’s reputation.

Jiang Mu didn’t think it was a big deal.

“I have to go out tomorrow, so you should take good care of the sect.”

He said as he turned around and headed out, planning to go back to the room to sleep.

“Husband wait a moment!”

Han Yuqing hurriedly called out to Jiang Mu.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Mu turned around.

“Hehe.” Han Yuqing smiled and pressed against him, hugging his waist tightly.

“Husband, I miss you, did you miss me?”

Left squeeze.

Right squeeze.

Mountains view.

Down rubbing.

Jiang Mu: “…”

In order to conceive my seed and thus gain control of the entire Wuyou Sect.

She is wonderful at seizing every opportunity and every moment to the fullest.

Jiang Mu ordered without a refusal.

“Let go, I’m going back to bed.”

He had only come to see if there was anything unusual.

If he messed around with her and made some kind of mess.

It wouldn’t be good.

“Aw, okay…….”

Han Yuqing was obedient and reluctantly let go of his hand.

But just before letting go of the hand halfway.

She whispered softly again into Jiang Mu’s ear.

Shyly, she said.

“Husband, I can stand upside down, upside down~~.”


Jiang Mu didn’t understand what she meant for a moment.

Wasn’t a handstand a normal exercise?

But then he looked at the shy look in her eyes.

He quickly understood.

Good grief.

It had only been two days, and she had already learned how to do this?

I guess it wouldn’t be long then.

It wouldn’t take long for her to get the hang of extreme pervert play. Ignoring time, and space, walking around, dancing, while talking about the scriptures…

She’ll be able to do it all by herself.

“Standing upside down is good for your health, take your time.”

Jiang Mu pushed her away and headed out.

He remembered his diary reward for today, and hadn’t read it yet.

However, as he walked towards the door.

A creepy laughter was heard from behind him.

“Heh heh heh…”


Jiang Mu subconsciously turned around to look.

And saw Han Yuqing was slowly disappearing into the void

Crap! Jiang Mu felt in horror.

His own neck was clamped by something long and slippery.


An 180-degree jolt came from the bottom…

The next day, early in the morning.

The sunlight shone through the window and fell on a snow-white, scarred leg.

Jiang Mu moved the leg away from his face.

He gets off the table, then climbs to the top of the bookshelf and pulls down a long lake blue dress.

Then he covered Han Yuqing’s naked body on the table.

“Hmmm… I couldn’t resist the temptation of something new in the end.”

“Got to reflect on that.”

Looking at the sweetly sleeping Han Yuqing, Jiang Mu silently reviewed his introspection.

He noticed, Recently, he seemed to have indulged in a bit too much lust.

He had actually had s*x with Black Water Fury and Han Yuqing consecutively in one day…

“Could it be because of the ‘goodly waist’?”

“It must be it, the dog system purposely sent this reward to me, it must be to make me fall deeper into it and not be able to extricate myself!”

Jiang Mu was at peace with himself, blaming the ‘goodly waist’, a useless reward, for his indulgence.

“Oh yeah, I haven’t read yesterday’s diary reward yet.”

“Let’s hope for a kick-ass skill!”

Jiang Mu couldn’t wait to sit down on the chair.

Opened the diary reward.

Check it out.

[Date: March 16th]

[Temperament +2 (26/100)]

[Face Value +2 (26/100)]

[Reward received: Finger Thunder (Immortal Technique)]

[Reward Description: Eat Master’s Finger! Gather spiritual energy into your fingertips in order to form a thunderbolt of extreme power and shoot down your enemy.]

[Note: The power of Finger Thunder depends on the amount of Spiritual Energy consumed.]

[Note: If too much spiritual energy is consumed, it may result in weakness and unconsciousness]

“Finger Thunder…”

“It’s a good reward!”

“This is another combat skill after ‘Spiritual Energy Stimulation’!”

Jiang Mu liked this kind of simple and brute skill.

He wanted to try out the power of Finger Thunder.

So he raised one index finger.

“Finger Thunder!”

Kree kkk–!

Purple arcs of electricity twisted out from his index finger.

The arcs of electricity flashed and emitted a piercing sound like a thousand birds singing in unison, filling the entire attic.

Jiang Mu pointed towards the window.

“Shoot~!” A purple lightning bolt shot out from the tip of his finger.

It eventually disappeared into the endless sky.

And where the thunderbolt had passed, it had ignited into a brief line of vacuum.

“Fierce, If I were to fight against yesterday’s two-tailed giant scorpion with this.”

“Then I wouldn’t need to use my spiritual energy, I could just use this finger thunder and shoot it down.”

“Immortal Technique Finger Thunder, awesome!”

“It’s even more awesome if you combine it with Spiritual Stimulation!”

Jiang Mu’s sense of security instantly skyrocketed.

As expected, one needed to beat the iron.

“It’s a pity that three of the rewards from the diary are gone.”

“Otherwise, I would have been able to use Void Divine Concealment, hide in the void, and play all sorts of finger sneak attacks.”

“Damn it, dog system!”

Jiang Mu was suddenly irritated.

His own Void God Concealment, Body of Forcing Steel, and Soul Book, the three rewards.

All of them were gone.

They were taken by the resurrected Han Yuqing, Ding Nanrong, and Black Water Fury.

“Just very f*cked… Hmm, wait?”

“No, it doesn’t seem like the rewards are gone completely, after all they are still within.”

“One’s my wife.”

“One is my Daoist partner.”

“One is my loyal slave.”

“Since, I am allowed to bring them back to reality after clearing the Story.”

“So, if you look at it that way, these three rewards, isn’t that basically the same as mine?

Jiang Mu suddenly thought.

It seemed. Just Maybe…

For the character’s early death…

It didn’t seem to be too bad?

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