The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 89

The Black Water Fury looked at the unconscious little boy on the ground.

This final step in the creation of the puppet was crucial but also very simple.

It was to cast the ‘Serpent God Jidai’ forbidden technique to permanently imprison that Serpent God’s soul, inside the little boy.

At the same time, the memories of the snake god’s soul are deleted, tampered with, and then a specific memory fragment is implanted.

Thereafter, little boy would be like a puppet, living forever according to these memories and no longer being his original self.

“Perfect, this God must be an unparalleled genius that cannot be found in ten thousand years!”

The Black Water Fury was so excited that she was unable to stop praising herself.

As long as it succeeded, then, this little boy, instead of herself, would return to Ling Aotian’s side to follow the plot, until self-sacrifice became Ling Aotian’s strength and for herself.

Then she could live!

“This God, in the future, will definitely bring back the glory of the Black Water Snake Clan and lead the Blackwater Serpent Clan, back to the summit of the Demon Clan!”

The Blackwater Fury’s eyes were burning.

It was as if she could see the Blackwater Serpent clan dominating the demon land!

But for now, she had to focus here, so calming her mind, she looked at the little boy on the ground.

Her palms snapped together with a complex seal, and she performed the forbidden art of the Black Water Snake clan.

“Snake God Jidai!”

The next moment, her long, black, straight hair slowly began to fade.

Her body, faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her white and tender skin began to become rough and wrinkled.

This was the price of casting ‘Serpent God Jidai’.

The caster must double their lifespan and lose half of their lifespan limit in order to perform this forbidden technique.

This is equivalent to her, who was originally 997 years old, overdrawing her life expectancy by 997 years.

The 5,000-year life span limit was reduced to approximately 2,500 years.

In addition to the two times she had performed the Black Water Soul Erosion Technique before, she had consumed a total of over 100 years of her life expectancy.

In total, she is now over 1,100 years past her life expectancy.

All in all, she could have lived for 4,000 years, but now she can only live for 400 years at most.

“Even if I only have 400 years left, it’s still better than the end up sacrificing myself like an idiot!”

The Black Water Fury’s face was determined and ruthless, without the slightest regret.

She continued to overdraw her life.

When the process was over, she turned back to petite, with long straight black hair.

She turned into long white skin and bones, with a sickly look of old age.

“And I wonder if that son of a b*tch… Will he still keep this god …. when he sees this ghostly look? take off upside down?”

For some reason she actually felt a tinge of apprehension inside.

So she subconsciously turned her head, and looked at Jiang Mu at the edge of the cave.

She found Jiang Mu’s eyes wide open and his mouth so wide that it could fit into her hand.

He looked like he had seen a ghost.

“F*ckin’ hell, what’s wrong with her?”

“How come all of a sudden ….. Like she’s getting older?”

Looking at Black Water Fury’s white-haired, leathery appearance.

Jiang Mu was really shocked.

“Damn it! She must be plotting something to keep me out of it!”

Jiang Mu wanted to rush over and teach her a lesson, to teach her to know how to respect her master and be honest with him.

But he was being separated by a spatial barrier and could not get out at all.

So he could only call out to Black Water Fury.

“Open the barrier now! I want to come to your place!”

However, the Black Water Fury, who was in the midst of casting a forbidden spell, could not be distracted from anything else.

She changed her seal.


The little boy’s body, then, floated out of the snake god’s soul.

Then, stretching out, her withered and dried three fingers and pointed at the snake’s soul.


At the tips of the three fingers, three lines of red, white and green were drilled out, respectively.

Those were the lines that represented memory deletion, memory tampering, and memory implantation, respectively.

The three memory threads were inserted into the snake soul’s skull.

She carefully perceived all the memories of the snake soul and used her own soul power to mark and classify them.

Then, using her soul’s power to manipulate the red thread, she deleted the vast majority of the Snake Soul’s memories, such as mutilating the clan, being executed by the clan, and having his soul sealed.

Then manipulate the white thread to tamper with a portion of the memories, such as tampering with the memories of the Blackwater Fury from past years, the Blackwater Fury’s personality hobbies, behavioural habits, etc.

The green thread is then manipulated to falsify strong memories out of thin air for implantation.

These implanted memories include but are not limited to: not to kill Black Water Fury and Jiang Mu, not to kill Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong, to assist in teaching Ling Aotian, to be submissive and protect Ling Aotian, and must self-sacrifice to make Ling Aotian strong and whole, etc.

She also, incidentally, gave the snake spirit a new name: the

Black Water Seat.

After half an hour of manipulation.

Black Water Fury finally made the little boy, successfully creating a second ‘Black Water Fury’!

“Great success!!!”

The Black Water Fury was so excited.

Looking at the unconscious little boy, she was so excited that she could not help but let out a wild laugh.


“This God, has changed the heavens against fate!!!”


After the cathartic laughter.

She carefully analyzed the situation in her mind, to see if there was any major problem.

After the analysis, the only one problem was gender.

“The soul of this ancient serpent god, is male.”

“So the Serpent God Era can only create a male ‘Black Water Fury’.”

“But there’s no harm in that.”

“Because the bastard’s diary says so.”

“It’s a harem but pure, master-disciple relationship line between the ‘Black Water Fury’ and Intimate relation was banned by a officials from above halfway through.”

“So, the master and disciple duo, are not going to have any intimate contact.”

“Which means that this issue of gender is almost negligible.”

Black Water Fury was not worried at all about whether Black Water Seat was male or female.

It couldn’t be that Blackwater Seat would be forcefully defeated by Ling Aotian, right?

Besides, it was useless to worry about it.

If she wanted to create a second ‘Blackwater Fury’, then the cultivation realm of this ‘Blackwater Fury’ had to be at the same Demon God realm as she was.

And in the entire Black Water Snake Clan, the only surviving Demon God Realm was her and the Ancient Snake God.

And since the Ancient Serpent God’s soul was male.

So only the male ‘Black Water Fury’ could be created, which was the current Black Water Seat.

The Black Water Fury scanned the small, cloaked, petite, black-clad boy on the ground.

“Next, It’s time to have Black Water Seat, instead of myself, return to Ling Aotian’s side!”

She could not wait to go back to the ruined ancient city within the Lingyin Kingdom right now, immediately, and shove the Black Water Seat to Ling Aotian.

She turned to look at Jiang Mu, showing a sincere smile from her heart.

She was very happy.

It was true happiness to have resolved a major concern on her mind.

So happy that she couldn’t help but shout out.

“Master! Release!”

She released the spatial barrier that was blocking Jiang Mu.


Jiang Mu was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong.

“She seemed so happy just now ….. calling me master?”

“Didn’t she resist it?”

“How come after turning into this white-haired, leathery ghostly look, her nature has changed like a different person?”

“Could it be that she’s addicted to sex and is afraid I’ll abandon her?”

With doubts, Jiang Mu walked towards Black Water Fury.

The Black Water Fury grinned and her eyes looked closely at Jiang Mu.

I don’t know if it was because of the successful creation of the Black Water Seat, or because of the addiction with Jiang in the past two days.

Or maybe it was both.

So much so that she was now, eager to be punished severely by Jiang Mu.

“Master, come and punish me!”

The Black Water Fury stood in place and opened a pair of skin and bone-withered hands.

Gave a naughty smile, she waited for Jiang Mu to come and take her upside down.

However, instead, she saw that Jiang Mu’s face suddenly turned fearful.

That fear, as if he …. Was about to lose something precious.

This made the Black Water Fury’s smile, disappear gradually.

“I see, he doesn’t want… Wasted me anymore?”

“He really is ….”

“Disgusted with me!”

Blackwater Fury narrowed her golden pupils and dropped her withered hands.

It could have been an illusion; her heart felt a slight pain.


“There’s no way, I-I am—”

She didn’t know who she was cursing, and her dry fists clenched slightly as her face turned ugly.

Jiang Mu’s expression, however, became even more fearful.

And he rushed forward.

As he rushed, he shouted in panic

“Run, little cutie!!! Run!!!”

Run ….?

Blackwater Fury’s gaze was suddenly confused.

Why? Is he disgusted with me so much, that …. telling me to get lost?

It might have been an illusion again, her heart felt a stabbing pain.

Then, suddenly, at the same time, from behind her came a, ruthlessly cold, hoarse voice was heard.

“Die for this seat! Snake God Poisonous Water Fist!!!”


Her abdomen was pierced from behind by a hand entwined with a black water viper.


She screamed in pain.

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