The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 90

“Argh! Cough!”

She spat out a large mouthful of blood and followed with a heavy kick to the back, and was sent flying violently.

She happened to fly towards Jiang Mu, who was running in front of her.

“Little cutie!!!” Jiang Mu safely caught her in his arms.

Only after backing up the distance to cushion her for a while did he place her on the ground.

A quick look revealed that she had a bloody hole pierced in her abdomen.

Around the edge of the bloody hole, there were also four dark golden pupil water snakes attached.

“This snake …. is Black Water Poison!”

Jiang Mu’s face was grave.

He recognized at a glance that it was a snake transformed from Black Water Poison, and it was still very powerful!

The four snakes had now turned into poisonous water, seeping in and eroding the Black Water Fury’s body.

“Little cutie, hurry up and suppress and purify that Black Water Poison, I’ll take you away right now!”

Although he didn’t know what was going on, but one with discerning eyes could see.

That little boy in black, who was transformed by an ancient snake god, was trying to kill the Black Water Fury!

Jiang Mu was wary of the little boy in the distance.

Seeing him cloaked, his petite body was walking east and west towards this side step by step.

As he walked, he suddenly lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Then he got up again and continued walking.

He didn’t take two steps before falling down again.

He seems to be very uncomfortable with his body.

The whole time he was wearing a ruthless smile, and his golden pupils were fixed on the Black Water Fury in Jiang Mu’s arms.

The insidious words that kept coming out of his mouth were.

“This seat kills you …. Kill you …. Kill you ….”

It gave Jiang Mu a bad chill to look at.

“This little boy gives off a feeling, why is he so much like …. the evil version of Black Water Fury?”

“Damn, no matter what kind of bullshit ancient snake god you are, I’ll definitely kill you later!”

Jiang Mu was furious.

His woman had almost been killed in front of him.

He hated to skin that little boy alive.

However, his cultivation is at only a Spirit Gathering Mirror, so he couldn’t fight at all, but instead use Extreme Flash and flee in an instant.

And just as he was about to use Extreme Flash.

The Black Water Fury in his arms grabbed his hand and said weakly.

“Wait …. You can’t just leave like this ….”

As she said that, she borrowed Jiang Mu’s shoulder to stand up.

However, due to her injuries, coupled with the fact that she had already consumed a large amount of spiritual power, soul power, and a depreciated life span.

As a result, she was now extremely weak.

So weak that she could barely heal the bloody hole in her abdomen, and barely suppress the Black Water Poison that was spreading and eroding in her body slowly.

Jiang Mu frowned.

She was so ailing and near death, could she defeat her opponent?

If she didn’t run, she might as well die!

So he said, not to be denied.

“I don’t know what you’re hiding from me, though, but I can sense that you are very weak now, so weak that you can barely defeat me.”

“Even if we combined, we wouldn’t be able to beat him.”

“Whatever the reason, I will avenge you later, but for now, we must leave!”

Seeing how determined Jiang Mu was, the Black Water Fury’s face suddenly became alarmed: “No…

“No… No!”

Her original plan was to request Jiang Mu once she had successfully created the Black Water Seat, and bring it back with her.

But now. Black Water Seat, which was supposed to be sleeping for two days, had actually woken up unexpectedly early.

He even sneakily attacked her after waking up.

Could it be that the Serpent God Jidai…. Failed?

If it really failed, then everything she had done would be meaningless!

Black Water Fury was terrified. She looked closely at Jiang Mu and pleaded.

“Don’t go yet, give me some time, I have to figure out one thing!”

She had to know if the Serpent God Jidai, had succeeded or not.

Jiang Mu’s brow came together deeper as he looked at the young boy in the distance.

Finding him stopped in its tracks, it fell to the ground.

With a painful face, he clutched his head and rolled around, hissing “aaaaaaah” and screaming.

In other words, the two of them were safe for now.

He promised Black Water Fury.

“Okay, but as soon as there is danger, I will take you away in an instant!”

“Thank you, Master!”

The Black Water Fury’s joy was overwhelming, she said hurriedly.

“Master, carry me on your back so I can see the state of the Blackwater Seat!”

Blackwater Seat?

That was the little boy’s name, wasn’t it?

Jiang Mu knew it in his heart.

He picked up Black Water Fury on his back.

So that she could easily observe Blackwater Seat, who was rolling and screaming with a clutching head in the distance.

Black Water Fury watched carefully.

Her mind was running at breakneck speed, thinking, and analyzing.

She knew that the Blackwater Seat, who had been made into a puppet, was required to undergo two days of slumber while the soul and physical body were being bonded.

But now, he had woken up early.

So, did she succeed or not? Thinking about it.

She thought of a way to verify it.

Then she said to Jiang Mu.

“Master, can you attack him? Just a few random long-range attacks would be fine.”

“All right.” Jiang Mu didn’t ask why. Instead, he just raised his index finger.


The tip of his finger sparked purple lightning, emitting a loud sound like a thousand birds chirping in unison.

“Finger Thunder!”

A purple thunderbolt shot out from the tip of his finger.

The thunderbolt shot at the position of Blackwater Seat’s abdomen.

But it was blocked by a spatial barrier.

Jiang Mu continued to shoot out lightning and attacked several times in succession.

The lightning was all blocked by the spatial barrier, unable to harm the Blackwater Seat.

“So that’s how it is!”

Blackwater Fury came to a sudden realization.

She understood.

The Serpent God Jidai, had succeeded!

But it also didn’t succeed completely!

There were three reasons for this.

The first point was that the reason Blackwater Seat had fallen into a state of rolling and screaming holding his head was because he had awakened early, causing his soul to not have enough time to adapt to his physical body, so much so that it was now gradually beginning to grind its soul against its physical body, creating great pain.

The second point is that when Jiang Mu attacked, it was blocked by the spatial barriers around the Blackwater Seat.

Those spatial barriers, which were naturally created after the success of the Serpent God’s Jidai, served to protect the life of the puppet until its soul and flesh had merged before disappearing on their own.

On the third point, she had implanted a memory on Blackwater Seat: she must not kill Blackwater Fury and Jiang Mu.

But as soon as Blackwater Seat woke up, he attacked and tried to kill her.

In other words, Blackwater Seat, surprisingly, still possessed his own memories!

This reminded Black Water Fury of a secret.

This forbidden art, the Serpent God Jidai, was not insurmountable!

But the only person who could break this forbidden art was only one person.

That is the …. Founder of this forbidden art!

The Black Water Fury’s face gradually turned white.

She had counted on a thousand things, but she had not been able to calculate.

The puppet she had made …. This Ancient Serpent God ….. Was actually the …. Founder of the forbidden art of the ‘Serpent God Jidai’?!

In other words, Her Puppet Project …. Completely …. Failed ….

“What’s wrong with you?”

Jiang Mu sensed the Black Water Fury behind her and became in a bad mood.

“I …. I’m not willing!”

Black Water Fury gripped Jiang Mu’s shoulder tightly, teeth clenched as his gaze stared deadly at Black Water Seat, holding his head and rolling in the distance.

After all the efforts she had made!

But in the end …. But in the end, it was all for nothing!

Could …. My end …. I’m destined to sacrifice myself for Ling Aotian?

I am not willing! I hate it.!

The Black Water Fury was angry and resigned, and yet she felt frightened at the same time.

She asked Jiang Mu in a trembling voice.

“Master …. Will you …. kill me? ….”

She knew that Jiang Mu would definitely follow the plot.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone back to the trouble of entering the Lingyin Kingdom to approach Ling Aotian, desperately trying to restore the plot’s outcome.

In other words, Jiang Mu will eventually order her Black Water Fury …. sacrifice for the sake of making Ling Aotian a success!

“What he hell, did you go crazy?”

Jiang Mu was speechless at all times. She still had the heart to joke.

Black Water Fury was stunned.

Although, she had been scolded, and yet she didn’t feel angry at all.

On the contrary, she even felt a little …. Happy?

That’s right, happy!

So happy that she couldn’t resist asking again.

“Master …. Would you kill me, if you ever had to achieve some goal …. and let me die?”

“Fool, you are my woman, selling women, I don’t do it, if you ask such a stupid question in the future, ask it once, I will punish you.”

Jiang Mu was truly speechless.

Because of the master-servant relationship, he was able to sense Black Water Fury’s true emotions.

He sensed that Black Water Fury was truly afraid that he would kill her.

And similarly, Black Water Fury could also sense that Jiang Mu was being sincere when he said those words.

He was truly not going to kill her.

This made her happy, very happy, tremendously so.

Enough happiness that she couldn’t help but spit out her long, and drill it into Jiang Mu’s mouth.

A back and forth* kiss.


“F*ck! What are you messing with, wait until we get back!”

Jiang Mu was utterly speechless at her.

She was so out of character today.

Did snakes also have a mating period?

“Master! I’m going to tell you what I’ve done today …. Tell you everything!”

The Black Water Fury decided to be honest.

Since the plan to make a puppet had failed.

Then there was no need for her to hide what had happened today.

Besides, sooner or later, Jiang Mu would get to the bottom of it for her.

So she simply told the whole story on her own.

This would, at least, leave a good impression on Jiang Mu.

As for whether she would be ordered by Jiang Mu to sacrifice herself to make Ling Aotian whole?

She didn’t know, but knew now that Jiang Mu, would not kill her.

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