The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 102

“Eh~. And lastly, don’t forget that you’re students of the Academy…”

I didn’t know how many times it was the “last” already, but the principal was making his final remarks in front of the students.

I guess I wasn’t the only one thinking it was boring.

Among the students sitting below, some were dozing off, while others were meditating with their eyes closed.

Let’s just overlook the ones playing around with their friends.

“Uh, and one last thing…”

When the heck is this guy’s last going to end?

I stood with my arms crossed, watching the students while letting the principal’s lecture drift in one ear and out the other.

“…And that concludes the winter vacation ceremony.”

Finally, it’s over.

The long and tedious lecture finished, and the boring winter ceremony was wrapped up.

The students gathered in the auditorium started to pour out like a flood, and the instructors shook their heads in exhaustion.

“Hey, Hyun! Want to grab a drink today?”

The winter vacation at the Academy had begun.

That meant it was time for the instructors to have some fun too.

“After all the trouble during the final exams, we deserve to unwind a bit, right?”

One of the combat instructors approached me with a grin, putting his arm around my shoulder.

Man, this guy really loves his alcohol.

If I go with him, he’ll probably drink like there’s no tomorrow.

“Sure, let’s do that.”

Sounds good.

I felt like having a drink until I couldn’t tell up from down.

While the male and female instructors were huddled together planning to drink, the principal approached me.

“Hyun, I’m counting on you again next year.”

When I first said I wanted to become an instructor at the Academy, the principal looked quite skeptical, now he looked at me with an eager gaze that was almost burdensome.

I have done a lot in the Academy so far.

“I heard Class A ranked first again. Truly, the Sage is a Sage. I didn’t know you could lead the students this well. I hope you can take care of the third years next year…”

“Hahaha. Let’s talk about that later.”

The third-year position?

After this winter vacation ends, I’ll see the true end on the day the kids advance to second grade.

Then my role in this world will be over.

“No, we need to talk about that now so you can be assigned to a new class…”

“Hahaha! I need to go drink now, let’s discuss it later!”

Waving goodbye to the principal, I followed the instructors outside.

Once outside, I noticed a group of students huddled together.


Upon closer inspection, it was Class A.

Were they planning to have an after-party? Sowol, who was part of that group, ran over as soon as she spotted me.

“We’re going to the after-party, want to join us?”

“I have to join the instructor’s after-party.”

“Ah… What a pity. Then…”

Huh? Today’s ending feels oddly clean?

Seeing Sowol decide to leave neatly, when I usually expected her to cling to me, made me feel a mix of relief and regret.

Yeah. It’s about time for her to move on.

As I watched Sowol leave with her friends, an instructor approached me from behind.


“Oh. Where are we going?”

“Huh? Didn’t you hear from the last meeting? We decided to go to the Blue Inn.”

Oh right, did we? I was too busy daydreaming during the faculty meetings.

“Come on, let’s hurry. Today’s drinks are on the Academy, so let’s really drink like there’s no tomorrow.”

“Haha. That sounds great.”

Free drinks? Can’t turn that down.

I marched over to join the gathered instructors.

Since it had been a while since their last gathering, everyone was bursting with energy.

So we followed them to the bar, the Blue Inn, located outside the Academy streets.

The Blue Inn was a food and alcohol establishment that was almost empty, as reservations had already been made.

Half of the place was occupied by instructors.

“Come on, let’s start with a toast! Hyun, give us a toast!”

“Ahem! It’s my first time as an Academy instructor, but we’ve wrapped up a whole year! This is all thanks to the wonderful seniors!! Here’s to the everlasting glory of the Academy, bottoms up!”

I downed the drink to the brim in one go.

The instructors cheered, raising their glasses.

Wow. What a comfortable atmosphere to unwind.

I had poured everything I had into seeing the true ending.

In other words, I had been living in constant tension until now.

But now, the biggest hurdle was behind me.

There was nothing left but the passage of time, and I truly could relax for the first time in a long while.

“Whoa! Hyun! You really can drink! Here! Take mine as well!”

“Oh~! Headmaster, you’re offering such priceless alcohol!”

I downed a big drink from a massive cup in one shot.

The alcohol was sweet.

With my mind at ease, it truly tasted great.

“Appetizers are here!”

As drinks circulated around the table, food started appearing.

All of it looked delicious.

“Hmm. This is something Sowol loves.”

There it was — an omelet, the dish that Sowol always ate whenever we had meals together at the Eastern Trading Company.

As I muttered while staring at it, the instructor next to me chuckled.

“So? Who’s Hyun, then?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I mean… Is it the Saintess? Or maybe the Colorless Mage? Or is it Class A’s class president?”

“Yeah, yeah. Word has spread all around the Academy, huh? Those three have completely set their sights on Hyun?”

The instructor next to me said it amusingly, and a female instructor in front of me smiled broadly.

“Isn’t it common for students to date instructors? All three are beautiful women. Doesn’t the instructor have any feelings?”

“Not really.”

“Oh? Could it be that you’re having a hard time at night?”

“Hey! What kind of talk is that! To me, students are just students.”

“Hmm? Then what about colleagues?”

“Colleagues are just colleagues. Hahaha!!”

“You sure sound like a ‘blue blood’! Now! Let’s have a toast for that!”

With each clink of glasses, people around us began to get more and more tipsy.

Some were drunkenly singing, while others had completely passed out.

“Wow! This alcohol is really strong?! How come your face hasn’t changed color at all?”

“I can hold my liquor a bit…”

Just then, the door to the Blue Inn swung open.

“Second round is here!!”

It was a familiar voice. Ludwig, who ranked first in the recent exam, was leading the charge.

“Oh? Are you here, instructors?”

“And what are you guys doing here?”

“Oh, we came for the second round.”

Had they already finished the first round and come this far?

Looking around, it seemed about half the group had returned.


Was she a bit tipsy?

Ariya, with her flushed face, jumped toward me.

Now it was completely natural for her to snuggle into my chest.

“Why didn’t you come to the after-party with us~!”

“Cut me some slack. I want to drink in peace for a bit.”

“Oh my? Master, are you saying it’s uncomfortable being with us?”

“If I’m with you guys, I’m the one in charge, right?”

“That, that doesn’t have to be the case…”

“Is it really that easy to shed responsibility? Anyway, you guys came to the second round, so enjoy yourselves.”

“Teacher! Come over here!! We need to talk about special training during the break!”

Ludwig raised his hand energetically as he sat down.

What do you mean, go?

I ignored his shout and downed the drink the headmaster was pouring me.

“Teacherrrr~! Look over there~! Aren’t those kids from your class?”

A female instructor sitting in front of me turned her gaze to one side.

She then glanced at Sowol, Lena, and Arisha before suddenly standing up.

“Whoa, Yulia, are you okay?”

I grabbed the staggering Yulia, who was trying to head over there.

She seemed completely drunk, hanging onto me tightly, and boldly shouted.

“Hey, kids!”


“What, what are you doing, teacher?”

“Why are you all sticking to the teacher?”

“You lot…!! Huh?! I haven’t gotten married yet! And you all are trying to leave me first! Huh!?”

This woman. She’ll probably kick the covers if she gets sober.

“Of course! You and our Hyun look good together! But! Huh?! You should introduce me too!!”

“Should I introduce you to a Paladin?”

“Or maybe a Mage from the Magic Tower…?”

“I don’t know anyone!”

“Anyone is fine… I don’t want to feel lonely at night either…”

Let’s pretend I didn’t hear that.

I used psychokinesis to lift Yulia, who was clinging to me, and sat her down in a corner.

I turned my attention away from her, who was clutching a bottle and muttering that couples should die.

I looked around at the instructors; a few were clearly tipsy like Yulia.

What’s with these people? Why are they so weak to alcohol?

“Let’s call it a night here.”

I wanted to drink more, but it was what it was.

“Hyun, you seem fine. Go have another drink with the students!”

I smiled at the students who were looking at me with expectation.

“It’s alright.”

Kids should enjoy themselves, after all.

Returning to the Academy dormitory, I felt a bit disappointed.

I hadn’t properly enjoyed my first drink in ages.

Debating whether to drink more, I decided to go outside, fetching more booze and returned, sipping alone when suddenly, the door burst open.




The door swung wide open.

Wouldn’t they usually knock?

Sowol, Lena, and Arisha entered, their faces a bit tipsy.

Behind them, Ripa was apologizing repeatedly and bowing.

“It’s fine.”

“I’m so sorry!!”

Ripa bowed and returned outside, and I closed the door.

The three tipsy girls were squinting their eyes at me.

“Master, how could you do this? Don’t you know how much I like you?! All you do is say you hate me every time! Huh? If you keep acting like this, it won’t be fun!”

“Teacher, do you… not like me? Huh? I’d do anything you want, so why do you have to make it so hard for me?! Do you really want me to be trapped?! Huh?”

“Teacher… Teacher… Ugh… Ugh… I can’t breathe not being close to you… My chest hurts… Teacher, don’t go… don’t go…”


These girls are going to kick the covers pretty hard tomorrow.

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