The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 101

I wasn’t shaken even by the words of those who didn’t blink an eye.

“My disciples don’t trust me this much. As your Master, I couldn’t be sadder.”

“Well, you’ve told so many lies, it’s only natural we’d doubt you.”

“Y-yeah, I guess that’s true.”

“I am sad. Arisha, do you trust your teacher?”

“Yes! I believe in you! So, I think you should believe in me too!”

Arisha, who held my hand tightly, smiled brightly.

“I will make sure to never leave you alone from now on!”

So, she’s saying she’ll stick by me since I could leave anytime. Well, that’s fine.

I didn’t expect this situation to happen either.

“If you’re saying that much, then I have no choice.”


“Do as you wish. But I hope you still keep up with the Academy schedule properly.”

You can only see the true ending of Ragnarok after defeating the final boss and going through the winter vacation event.

In other words, it means I have to stay put until then.

I accepted the fact that they would be keeping an eye on me with a smile.

“If Master wishes for that, I will accept it. But I hope you can also accept our request.”

Sowol, holding my hand, said seriously.

The feelings in her eyes were worry and concern.

“We’re always worried that someday you might leave us.”

Was it because she experienced it once already? Sowol seemed frightened.

sigh What can I say when my disciples say such things?

I embraced Sowol, Lena, and Arisha with a smile.

“I thought you all had grown up, but you’re still just kids.”


“Yeah. Let’s stay together.”

At least until we see the true ending.

After defeating the heirs of the Magic Empire and returning to the Academy, a grand welcome event awaited us.

It was nothing less than a festival supported by various countries, and it was quite enjoyable.

“Of course, this doesn’t mean we won’t have to take the final exam.”


After the festival, I smiled at the students gathered in the classroom.

Honestly, it might be a bit harsh to tell these guys who saved the world to take a final exam.

But that’s that, and this is this.

“The world is usually a place with no blood or tears.”

“Isn’t there any bonus points?”

“I will give extra points for the practical. But other classes will also get a fair amount of points, so don’t let your guard down.”

“Should I just flop? I feel like I can still move up a grade…”

“By the way, this time’s reward is a resort ticket for Long Bake Mountain.”

Just like the Emerald Resort event during summer vacation, if you get first place in the grade, you’ll see the winter vacation event.

Of course, not seeing this doesn’t mean you can’t see the true ending, so I didn’t care much about the schedule.

But it seemed different for the kids.

“Long Bake Mountain?!”

“Isn’t there a hot spring there?!”

“I heard there’s a ski resort too!”

“I heard the food there is amazing!”

The expressions of the students changed at the mention of the first-place reward.

They sparkled with excitement, looking like they wanted to go there immediately. I chuckled at these materialistic kids.

Looks like they need something to really get going.

“Well, I believe you’ll all do well on your own.”

“Eh~. Teacher~. You seem unmotivated~.”

Honestly, whether I go there or not doesn’t really concern me.

But with my students’ passionate gazes on me, I couldn’t just say that.

“Alright. You want me to be motivated, right? Then stay after class. We’ll have supplementary lessons.”


“Do we really need supplementary lessons?”

Do these kids look down on getting first place?

If they knew how hard other classes were preparing, they wouldn’t say such things. I shook my head at the students who were in an uproar.

“From now on, I’ll show my true intentions.”

After the morning assembly, when I returned to the instructor’s office, it seemed busy with everyone.

Perhaps because the exams were approaching, some instructors were preparing the problems while others were betting on who would get first place.

“Lee Hyun, what do you think this time?”


Because my class got first last time, Class A seemed to have a high chance of winning.

After reading what was written on the blackboard, I shrugged.

“Isn’t it likely our kids will take first place again?”

“That’s quite a bit of confidence. Alright, should I put my trust in you, Lee Hyun?”

Seeing the instructor smiling while casting a vote for Class A, I comfortably sat in my chair.

These noisy days aren’t going to last much longer.

After stretching lightly, I started preparing for the work ahead.

Time flows even if you leave it be.

After several days of supplementary classes and special lectures for the students aiming for first place, the day of the exam finally arrived.

I could see everyone was nervous.

I stood at the podium and scanned the faces of my kids.

They were the same bunch of rookies I first met at the beginning of the semester, but now they were different.

They seemed capable of doing well on their own no matter where they got tossed.

Of course, to me, they still looked like rookies.

“Is everyone well prepared?”


“Good. No encouraging words from me. I just hope you get the results you worked for.”

The written exam will last a week from now.

During that time, there was nothing I could do for them.

All I could offer was my encouragement.

“Instructor! Is there anything for the class’s top performer?”

“Am I taking the test for my benefits?”

“Ah~! But still!”

“The top performer, huh… Hmm. What could be good?”

Receiving the eager gazes of the students, I shrugged my shoulders.

I had almost spent all my remaining wealth matching artifacts for them.

What I could offer might just be buying them a cup of tea in town.

“How about a date?”

Lumina, sitting in front, raised her hand and suggested. A date? Are the boys okay with that?

“How about an entire day of training instead of a date?”

Ludwig said with an expectant face.

Did they really want to volunteer for such hard work? But there were quite a few who didn’t mind.

Hmm… It’s not particularly hard, so I guess I’ll just offer it.

“I’ll give you one day off during the break. Work hard. I’ll teach something good to the top performer.”

Offering them a reasonably useful skill should do the trick, right?

As soon as I granted my approval, the students’ enthusiasm visibly heightened.

They were kids with a strong desire for growth.

I’m sure they can handle things next year on their own too.

“Then do well on the exams.”


Hearing their vigorous cheers, I stepped outside.

As the waiting examiner entered, I looked over my kids through the window.

Seeing their serious faces flipping through the test papers made me think I’ve taught them well.

Do well, kids.


While I was working in my room, I heard the door burst open, and I turned to see Arisha looking tired.

Has the exam already finished? When I checked the time, it was already late afternoon.

I hadn’t even had lunch and was working.

“Did you do well on the test?”

“Uhh~! I’m not sure~!”

“As the class president, you should work hard.”

“But it was hard, you know?”

Was today’s first exam a compulsory liberal arts test?

I patted Arisha, who clung to me and whined.

“Arisha, you shouldn’t bother Master.”

“I-I’ll go in.”

Sowol and Lena entered through the open door.

The once quiet room became bustling with three beauties.

Students and instructors passing by the hallway glanced this way and smiled.

“You guys. If you cling to me like this, others will tease us.”

“We don’t care about other people’s gazes. By the way, Master, do you have any special plans for the vacation?”

Plans? Not really.

I was just thinking about crashing in my room and sleeping well.

“Then why don’t you go to the Eastern Trading Company?”


“My father wants to see you again. And others in the company do too.”

“T-the tower is the same… There are a lot of people wanting to see their Master.”

“Um. I don’t really have any plans, so it looks like I’ll just be hanging out with the teacher!”

Looks like they don’t plan to leave me alone during vacation either.

However, it would be difficult for me to spend a lot of time since I have other people to meet.

“But I think I can spare a day or two.”


“Hey, it’s a promise.”

They seem so excited.

I ruffled their hair as they bounced with joy, and Sowol and Lena dashed out.

But why isn’t Arisha leaving? I looked at her, and she beamed while holding my hand tightly.

“I want to stay with you today! Even at night!”

“Is that going to work?”



“Really no?”

“Really no.”

Even if you pout, no means no.

I stretched Arisha’s soft cheeks.

“I don’t quite know what you’re worried about, but I won’t suddenly leave. So don’t worry and go sleep inside.”

“…That’s so mean. I really like you, but it seems like you don’t like me back.”

Still holding her sulking face, I planted a kiss on her forehead.

As Arisha, who stared at me with round eyes, slowly started to smile.

“Ahahaha~! Yay~!”

“Now, hurry back and study more.”

I lightly patted Arisha’s back, and finally letting her go, she exited the room.

Left alone in the suddenly quiet room, I sat comfortably in my chair.

Looks like they’re really starting to watch me closely now.

I’ll have to be careful from now on.

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