The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Tokyo was bombed indiscriminately, two bombs were dropped on even the military headquarters, and hundreds of people were killed.

The whole of Tokyo was in a sea of fire, and a quarter of the area was bombed, leaving only ruins.

As the prime minister, Koiso Kuniaki almost didn’t faint, he had just encountered such an unlucky thing when he took office, and now he feels that Hideki Tojo is much luckier, and he is simply an unlucky egg.

The planes of the Army Aviation Corps urgently took to the air to intercept the B5~2 bombers.

But after the bombing, the people have flown away directly, and they flew away in front of the eyes of the Japanese aircraft.

The Japanese army pursued for a long time, but not only did not catch up, but even the shadow of the other party was lost.

The speed of the jet is not something they can catch up, and in the end they can’t even see the taillights.

The island nation suffered such a big loss, the streets of Tokyo were full of homeless displaced people, and many government institutions were blown up in the airstrike.

The emperor was furious, and immediately called the little alum Kuniaki over and snorted fiercely.

Isokokuaki was also very aggrieved, saying that he had worked hard, otherwise you would change someone to be the prime minister, and he didn’t want to carry this pot.

The emperor was so angry that he almost lost his brain, and he suddenly pumped over.

Before the matter in Tokyo was finished, the island nation of Kobe was attacked and indiscriminately bombed by B52 bombers the next day.

Half of the city was destroyed.

Many of the valuable legacies left by the shogunate were destroyed in this bombing.

But this is not over, the third day Nagasaki, the fourth day Hiroshima, the fifth day Shikoku.

Over the course of a week, almost all the important cities of the island nation were bombed.

And the Japanese also fully demonstrated their incompetence, and even once the air defense siren was sounded, and not even a single plane was intercepted.

The Huaxia Air Force left after bombing with such swagger, leaving a bunch of messes for the island countries to clean up themselves.

Ten days of bombing left the island people without a temper.

Originally, there were demonstrations in China to protest the government’s incompetence, but after the third day, all the marches dispersed, and everyone hid in their homes and shivered, afraid that Huaxia fighters would suddenly fly over their homes and drop two bombs.

In Tokyo, the Emperor convened an imperial council.

Everyone was lifeless, as if their home had been blown up by Chinese bombers.

“Minai Mitsumasa, I agree with your plan.” The emperor said weakly, “Next, two-thirds of the country’s resources will be used by your navy.” I want you to buy or build a huge fleet for me, and I want to annihilate the Huaxia Navy at once!” ”

Minouchi Mitsumasa stood up excitedly, and constantly sighed in his heart, and the emperor’s head finally wanted to open

“Your Excellency, please be careful, just give us enough money and resources. I promise to build countless combined fleets within half a year. At that time, the Navy will be humiliated and sweep across the entire coast of China. ”

The people of the army are upset, the resources are given to the navy, then they make a fart ah.

“Your Excellency the Emperor, we also have to fight the Huaxia troops..”

The emperor directly interrupted them: “From now on, two-thirds of your income from Huaxia can be used by yourself, and the state will not collect all of it.”

In addition, half of the income of the overseas colonies goes to your army. It’s still the same as the Navy, I don’t care what method you use, give you three months, I will overturn that Chen Fan at once. ”

The army men shouted excitedly: “Hai”

Koiso Kuniaki reminded, “Your Excellency the Emperor, three months is still a long time, and China will continue to bombard us in the future, what should we do?”

The emperor looked aggrieved, as if he had just been strengthened by several big men.

“Peace,” the Emperor exclaimed with difficulty.

“Make peace with the people of China first, be sincere, and we will lose”

A few days later, the island country sent an envoy to China and took the initiative to demand compensation of 400 million yuan in war reparations, hoping that China would stop bombing the island country.

The envoys of the island nation were very sincere, saying that their emperor and prime minister knew that they were wrong and should not compete with China for the position of maritime supremacy.

I hope to use these 400 million to get Huaxia’s forgiveness, and the two sides will live in peace for the time being, and stop going to war.

Chen Fan said very much that this was a trivial matter, and it was easy to do things with money, and after receiving 400 million, he sent the islanders away.

He promised that for the time being, he would certainly not bomb the mainland of the island country, that the two sides would live in friendship and peace, and that the well water would not interfere with the river water.

When the islanders left, Chen Fan gave 400 million to the navy.

Since this time, Chen Fan has not let the navy be idle, and has been building warships non-stop.

He exchanged military merit points for the corresponding supporting factories in the system, specializing in the production of all ammunition and parts needed on warships.

Even Chen Fan himself did not expect that there were hundreds of supporting factories for various warships.

The factories that manufacture weapons and ammunition alone are divided into a dozen.

After the establishment of these factories, the logistical support of the Navy was solved. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But all this requires money, and the resources purchased also cost money.

It just so happened that the little devil sent 400 million, enough for the good development of the Navy.

In addition, Chen Fan exchanged the four technologies and systems given by the system.

Although these four technologies are weapons, they are all somewhat repetitive.

So Chen Fan discussed with the system and exchanged these four technologies for the technology he wanted.

After a long day of soft grinding and hard foaming, the system finally agreed.

Chen Fan directly chose the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier.

This is a new type of super aircraft carrier built by the United States after World War II.

This aircraft carrier is a light aircraft carrier, but the deck has been modified to accommodate jet aircraft.

Although the number of carrier-based aircraft is reduced, the standard fighter on the aircraft has become the F4 monster jet fighter.

It surpasses the Army’s Mustang fighters in all aspects of performance, and is superior to the Navy’s active Hellcat and pirates.

More importantly, the speed of production of this aircraft carrier is faster, which is what Chen Fan needs the most at present.

He immediately built three factories in the coastal zone dedicated to the production of light aircraft carriers.

Chen Fan understood that the next time was to compete in national strength.

The islanders’ quest for peace is just a delaying measure.

Chen Fan cannot be idle, and must expand the size of the navy on the existing basis.

Whoever has a stronger national power can become a real sea hegemon zero.

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