The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Before the shipyard was built, Chen Fan did not feel that the resources were so insufficient.

If you want to build an aircraft carrier, the system gives a quantitative resource quota, and if you want to produce more, you can only provide materials by Chen Fan himself.

Today’s Huaxia is poor in all kinds of heavy industry, with no oil, no steel, and at most only coal to mine.

Chen Fan paid attention to energy for the first time, because if he wanted to develop, he must have sufficient energy.

But to extract energy, it does not mean that you can take an iron loach and dig it out with a few random digging.

In the case of oil, it is necessary to start from the initial exploration, then drill wells, then extraction, followed by refining, refining and so on

If subdivided, these links will be divided into “five one zero” into a lot.

In a short period of time, it is simply impossible to extract energy.

There was no way, Chen Fan could only go to the system mall to find help.

One option in the mall is energy.

In the past, he had never opened it to check on the territory and wars, and this time he could just see what could be used.

After opening the options, Chen Fan’s face immediately showed surprise.

There is almost everything here, oreworkers, steel plants, oil plants, gas plants.

Each energy source has a corresponding factory, and these plants are completed from exploration to final processing to finished products, and there is no need to open other supporting plants.

These factory technologies are also divided into several levels, ranging from level one to level three.

After the establishment of a first-level factory, all the resources in a prefecture-level city can be collected and exploited.

Secondary factories can collect resources from one province, while tertiary factories can pool resources from three or four provinces.

Each additional level, the higher the military merit value required.

Chen Fan checked it, the first level needed 50,000 military merit values, while the third level actually needed 500,000 military merit points.

He smashed his mouth, he didn’t need a third-level one for the time being, it was too luxurious.

Although there were many resources collected, Chen Fan’s military merit value was only enough to buy a few factories now.

After choosing half a day, Chen Fan finally decided to buy the second-level factories, each requiring two thousand military merit points.

At present, he needs steel plants, oil plants, molding plants, raw material factories, and non-metallic mining plants.

These are all urgently needed by Chen Fan at present, and they are also the core foundation in heavy industry.

He exchanged 800,000 military merit points and placed them in Ji Province and Lu Province respectively.

After the establishment of the four factories, Chen Fan recruited a large number of workers in the civilian sector, and then selected technicians with relevant experience from them, and all of them entered the Red Police Barracks for retraining.

One option in the barracks is to train engineers, and specific categories can be chosen.

After training, these technicians immediately become professionals in the industry and can solve all difficulties encountered in production.

The establishment of the factory also solved the problem of employment of a large number of laborers.

Steel mills were the first to produce high-quality steel, all of which were sent to shipyards along the coast.

With resources, the progress of various shipyards immediately accelerated a lot.

Heavy industry developed, but then there was a related problem, that is, insufficient electricity.

There are very few power plants in this era, and the power supply capacity is particularly poor.

Without enough electricity, even if there is heavy industry, it will be difficult to flourish.

Moreover, the various shipyards along the coast also need a lot of power support, otherwise they can only work during the day and stop work in the evening.

Fortunately, there are several power station technologies in the mall, and the cheapest is the coal power station, and 50,000 military merit values can be exchanged.

There are nuclear power plants, hydropower plants, wind power plants.

At least 300,000 military merit value starts, a large nuclear power plant even costs 600,000 military merit value, but as long as one is built, it can provide a province of electricity.

Chen Fan looked at his military merit value, and the military merit value accumulated with hard work was only 300,000, which was only enough to buy an ordinary hydropower station technology…

In the end, Chen Fan chose a power station that burns heavy oil and the most basic coal power station.

Coal power stations, as the name suggests, are the burning of coal to obtain electricity.

Coal Shanxi has, don’t worry about resources.

Heavy oil power stations are used to burn fuel that is not used after refining oil in oil plants to generate electricity.

This not only allows for waste, but also saves a lot of resources and also provides enough electricity, which is a triple win.

Chen Fan used these two technologies to build power stations on a large scale, covering three provinces: Shanxi, Hebei and Lu provinces.

After the rise of power stations, heavy industry and shipyards began to operate around the clock. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not only heavy industry has been developed, but even light industry has been driven.

Chen Fan himself did not expect that his series of actions would increase the industrial development of the three provinces by at least ten times, and the rapid rise of national industries one after another.

In just one day, a dozen privately owned factories opened in the three provinces.

Rapid development of heavy industry and military industry. All of a sudden, Chen Fan was a little stretched.

He has already invested all the money from the sale of weapons in the shipyard.

Now that there are more 0.5 exhibitions, money has suddenly become the most scarce thing.

The reason for the lack of money is because the current development is all internal consumption, all of which are produced for their own use, and no external sales create any value, naturally using a little less

Coupled with Chen Fan’s increased subsidies for the army, especially the recent payment of a large amount of compensation to the families of all the fallen soldiers, his savings were used up at once.

Now not only does he have no money, but he also has no money in his treasury.

Without money, there is no development, this is the simplest truth.

Chen Fan was ready to use the resources in his hand to make a lot of money.

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