The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Chen Fan calculated that the funds he could mobilize could only last for half a month at most.

Half a month later, neither the army nor the local generals had much money.

In order to improve the economy and make the region and the people really rich, he proposed not to collect any taxes for two years.

Without taxes, his finances would not have increased.

Therefore, open source throttling will not work, and the only way is to make a lot of money.

In fact, Chen Fan can sell a lot of arms, and the resources mined can be realized immediately.

But this piece of resources, at present, Chen Fan himself is just enough, and there is no more gold to sell, so this piece was rejected by him.

All that remains is arms.

As long as there is a war, arms are always the bestseller.

It happened that the Germans introduced Chen Fan to several large customers.

Since the last time Chen Fan sold them a large number of weapons, Germany’s performance in Europe has been even more handy, and the eagle-haired coalition has been retreating 15 times, and will soon be beaten to Dunkirk.

Germany became so brave that Italy was envious, and even the neutral country of the West was envious.

Italy can be said to be a complete pit-like teammate, basically defeated on the battlefield, and has no dignity in being beaten.

If it weren’t for Big Brother Germany’s protection, I’m afraid it would have been cleaned up by the Eagle-Haired Alliance long ago.

The West is even weaker, and the current regime is supported by Germany.

But their national strength was too weak, and the army’s weapons were too poor, so they did not dare to join the pace of German expansion of the world, for fear of being destroyed.

So in the European theater, it is basically Germany itself that is fighting, and these allies are of little use at all.

In order to relieve their own pressure and make these little brothers strong, Deutsche recommended to them that as long as they went to Huaxia to find an iron-blooded weapons company, their troops could naturally become stronger.

Hearing the recommendation of the German Big Brother, the two younger brothers immediately sent people to Huaxia.

They were accompanied by Austria and Hungary, which regarded Germany as their country.

Just when Chen Fan had no money to use, the envoys of the four countries came to the door.

Chen Fan, as the chairman of the Iron-Blooded Weapons Company, received them very warmly, and his eyes were full of golden light.

The Italian representative asked, wondering what weapons the iron-blooded company could provide so that the Italian army could become strong in a short period of time.

The representatives of several other countries also looked at Chen Fan blankly.

Italy is the weakest, and if they can all be strong, then the other three countries will not be a problem.

Chen Fan did not answer his question, but asked directly: “Do you bring enough money?”

The Italians sneered and told Chen Fan that they lacked everything, that is, they did not lack money.

They have many colonies overseas, and now Italy just has money and does not know how to spend it.

Chen Fan laughed: “If you have money, it’s easy to do, even if you want to be armed to become the world’s number one power, it’s no problem.” ”

Chen Fan showed the Italian people the book that had been prepared long ago, and it was based on a division.

Luo lists all the weapons. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Replace all the current Italian rifles with the M1 Garand rifle, and the following describes how brave the Garand rifle is and how many enemies have been killed on the battlefield.

Each platoon is equipped with an MP40 infantry squad, and Chen Fan also noted below that it is best to equip all of them (so that you can make more money)

Immediately after, the machine gun was the MG42 universal machine gun, and the mortar was a 100-mm mortar.

Below what bazooka, 105mm howitzer, 150mm cannon are all equipped.

In terms of armored vehicles, Chen Fan not only sold Panther tanks and ordinary tracked armored vehicles, but even sold Tiger tanks in small quantities.

Chen Fan patted his chest and assured that if these weapons were equipped with the Italian army, their combat effectiveness would be increased by five times.

God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha, and the battle is invincible.

In the clouds where the Italian envoy was fooled, he did not understand how good the performance of weapons was. But seeing the performance introduction of the weapon, I still feel very good.

The envoys of the other three countries also had their eyes shining, and this list of weapons opened by Chen Fan was too tempting for them.

As far as the weapons now equipped by their country are compared with these given by Chen Fan, it is just a pile of garbage.

“Generalissimo, how much such equipment can you give me?” The representative of Italy asked.

Chen Fan smiled at him and said, “I said that if you have as much money as you have, you can buy as much as you want. It is no exaggeration to say that even if you arm your entire Italian army, my weapons are more than enough. Another big word, even if you expand your army by one million now, I can arm you all. ”

The Italian representative gave a thumbs up in shock: “I really didn’t expect that Huaxia’s military industry is now so powerful, no wonder even the Germans recommended us to buy it.” ”

Chen Fan smiled slightly: “Then you want more?”

The Italian representative smiled awkwardly, “This time I brought an international money order, a total of 500 million, I don’t know how much I can buy3?”

Chen Fan calculated for him, if calculated according to the configuration on the table, he could buy up to two armies of equipment, which could arm 60,000 or 70,000 people.

Chen Fan also specifically emphasized that he sold it at the market price.

Because everyone is friends and making a deal for the first time, he has kept the price very low just to take care of these good friends.

Italians are grateful for their deception.

I really thought I had picked up a big bargain, and I was so excited that I almost cried.

“We still have planes, warships for sale” Chen Fan said with a smile: “You have also heard, the island country that claims to be the world’s three major naval countries was defeated by us some time ago.”

This is enough to prove that our Huaxia-built warships and aircraft are world-class, if you want to boost the navy and air force, welcome to buy, the quantity is excellent. ”

The Westerners immediately stood up: “Generalissimo, we all want the Navy and the Air Force, let’s talk about the price.” ”

The Italians also suddenly stood up: “Generalissimo, give me a little time, I will immediately contact the country, we have made this business!” ”

Chen Fan’s heart was furious, sure enough, it was still the most profitable with arms.

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