The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

To the north of the iron collar, surrounded by mountains, the vanguard of the Kwantung Army advanced rapidly.

The force spread out left and right for more than a kilometer, searching the mountains and all hidden places along the way, making sure there were no ambushes on the way.

After Kong Jie and Ding Wei heard the report of their subordinates, a sneer appeared at the corner of their mouths.

“It is worthy of being the elite of the Kwantung Army, and the degree of caution is much stronger than ours.” Ding Wei sighed.

Kong Jie snorted coldly: “What if you are vigilant!” They are fine, and we are better than them. The troops are in ambush at a distance of three kilometers, and even if they expand their search, it will be difficult for them to detect us. ”

Ding Wei took a deep breath and said to the report’s subordinates: “Inform the front line and let them go.” These are small trash fish, and we’re going to catch the big fish in the back.”


The vanguard of the Japanese army quickly passed and continued the search forward.

Ten minutes later, the iron-blooded officers and men who were in ambush finally saw the large Japanese army.

As long as there are no problems with the vanguard forces, the large Japanese army will not stop.

They are fast and move forward quickly in neat steps.

Even though they have already walked tens of kilometers, the pace of falling is still very neat, and from this point, the officers and soldiers of the Iron-Blooded Army can judge that this is definitely the elite of the Kwantung Army.

“Grandma, these devils are not tired ah 787” A lieutenant took a sip, looking at the neat ranks of the Japanese army from a distance: “They have all run dozens of kilometers, why are they still so spirited?”

A soldier next to him laughed and said, “Platoon commander, don’t you see that they are short?” The strength is grown on the legs, and it must not be tired to run. ”

The lieutenant took another sip, “Yes, save the strength and wait to run for your life everywhere.” They entered our heaven and earth net, and they will suffer later. ”

At this time, some officers began to relay the orders of the two division commanders on the position.

“Everyone paid attention, this is the elite unit of the Kwantung Army. The division commander ordered that as long as fire was fired, it must be hit hard, with all his strength, and no mercy. ”

The soldiers laughed silently when they heard this, do they still need the order of the division commander?

Even if it is not a ghost elite, then it must be beaten hard.

As long as they wear the clothes of little devils, they all deserve to die.

More and more Japanese troops entered the encirclement.

But because of the long march, the devil’s line was very long.

Seeing that their vanguard troops were about to leave the encirclement (BGAC), there were less than two divisions of ghost troops in the entire encirclement, and even less than half of the main force of the Kwantung Army this time.

The people at the front did not grasp whether they should fight or not, and immediately came to find Ding Wei and Kong Jie.

When the two heard the news, their expressions also became solemn.

If the attack starts now, the large forces behind the Japanese army will concentrate their forces on storming the two wings of the encirclement and freeing their troops.

Even if they can’t fight, they can escape quickly.

If you wait any longer, there will always be so many devils in the encirclement, and it is impossible to increase.

If the time comes, the two units in front and behind the Japanese army outside the encirclement can quickly attack, and the iron-blooded officers and men will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

After all, they had only two infantry divisions. The total strength of the Japanese army is only one-third of the Japanese army

“How do you fight this mother?” Kong Jie slammed a fist on the table: “Otherwise, let’s request air support and bomb the Japanese rear first.” ”

Ding Wei shook his head: “It’s too late, it’s already dark, unless it’s a night bomber, but even if we call support now, they need time to prepare.” ”

“So what to do? To fight or not to fight?” Kong Jie asked anxiously.

Ding Wei thought for a while, and asked the armored division commander who was responsible for supporting them on the side: “Division Commander Sheng, if you are allowed to attack the enemy troops from the front and back ends of the encirclement, can you rush them out?”

Master Sheng smiled slightly: “Lao Ding, I’m waiting for you to ask me, what am I here for?” I’m not here to embarrass you

Tell you, I have six hundred Panther tanks, four hundred Tiger tanks, four hundred self-propelled guns and two hundred armored vehicles under my command. You ask me if I can wash away the devil? What do you think?”

Ding Wei laughed, “Niu, you are our lucky star.” ”

“In this way, we attack the middle section of the Japanese army.” Wei sneered and said, “The devil’s heavy troops are all concentrated together and transported in a unified manner, and the intelligence given to us by the Air Force clearly explains that their heavy troops are in the middle and back a little bit. ”

“As long as we hit their heavy troops, the Japanese army will definitely divide the troops. Some of them went to rescue their heavy troops, and some came to beat us. ”

Ding Wei said to Division Commander Sheng: “Your troops are responsible for defeating the troops attacking us, and the rest is left to us, how about it?”

“In a word.”

The fists of the three men slammed together

The large Japanese army marched very fast, and after an hour, the heavy troops of the Chinese army finally entered the encirclement.

All the officers and soldiers who had already received the order tensed, all clutched their weapons tightly, their hands already on the trigger, ready to fire at any time.

When all the devil’s heavy troops entered the encirclement, the red signal flares soared into the air and exploded with a bang in the night sky.

The Japanese soldiers on the ground all looked up at the signal flares in confusion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this moment, all the troops ambushed on both sides rushed out and rushed towards the Japanese army.

They laid ambush far away, but the trenches were dug very close to the Japanese.

That is why the vanguard of the devils did not find people.


The artillery of the two divisions frantically shot at the devils in the encirclement.

One by one, large-caliber shells tore through the night sky, smashed into the ground and immediately exploded a large crater, killing and injuring all the people and animals in the explosion range.

The entire road was suddenly bombed on their backs, and there were flames everywhere.

“Baga, the Chi Na people are going to rush over, hurry up and fight back.”

The ghost officers shouted one after another, and the soldiers of the Kwantung Army braved artillery fire and quickly set up fire points on both sides of the road, strafing the iron-blooded officers and soldiers who rushed around.

Hishita Jing had just come out of the encirclement at this time, and when he looked back, he saw that there were explosions behind him, and half of the troops were all left behind, and his eyes were red.

“Order the troops to rescue the heavy troops at all costs.” Hishita roared: “All attack.” “。

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