The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Li Xiaoguo opened the window of the car and looked at the terrain that was completely different from the country of sticks outside, and his face was full of pride.

It has been almost ten hours since I entered Huaxia, and I see that it will soon be dark, but I have not encountered any Huaxia troops so far.

When he came, the Japanese commander repeatedly told him that he must be careful and careful, because the Chinese troops he faced this time were very strong, which wiped out the army of many famous generals of the island country.

Originally, Li Xiaoguo was also cautious, but since he entered Dancheng, he has not encountered any resistance, and he has already praised the Chinese troops of the Japanese commander.

“What shit Huaxia people, island people are afraid, I Li Xiaoguo is not afraid.” Seeing that the army of our stick country immediately turned around and ran, they didn’t even dare to fight, and they directly threw such a big place to us, what a bunch of fools. ”

Li Xiaoguo snorted coldly with disdain.

The adjutant sitting in front of the car immediately flattered: “Sir, you are so right, if they are not weak, they will not be bullied by the world powers in turn.” Just like a woman, she didn’t dare to resist if she was turned over. ”

Laughter immediately broke out in the car.

Li Xiaoguo patted the front seat of the car and praised, “If we can reach Shencheng tomorrow morning, I will promote you.” You boy, you really see the Huaxia people too thoroughly, they are a bunch of waste. ”

The adjutant’s face was full of surprise, and he was about to express his endless gratitude to Li Xiaoguo.

Suddenly, there was a low whining roar from the sky.

Li Xiaoguo poked his head out of the window and looked up at the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened.

A large dark cloud appeared at some point and covered the sunset.

And this dark cloud is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole sky is going to be dark.

“It’s a plane,” someone suddenly shouted.

Li Xiaoguo had not yet sensed the coming crisis, and said with a surprised expression: “Commander Kishimoto didn’t say to send aircraft to support.” Where did these planes come from?”

Just as he was wondering, the plane in the air suddenly began to dive towards the ground.

In an instant, a piercing roar sounded in the air, and the Stuka bomber was like a messenger of hell, swooping towards the ground with the roar of death.

One bomb after another fell from the magazine and bombarded the heavy troops of the puppet army of the stick country.

“Boom boom”

Five hundred Stuka bombers bombed together, and the long troops of the puppet army exploded one flower after another.

Li Xiaoguo was stunned, but the explosion was still a kilometer or two away from his troops.

But the whole earth was trembling, the sound of the explosion was deafening, and he was so frightened that he immediately jumped out of the car.

“Xiba, how can the Shina people have so many bombers? Is what Commander Kishimoto said true,” Li Xiaoguo’s eyes widened in horror.

Because behind the Stuka bombers, five or six hundred 7 bombers came quickly.

All the B17s quickly dispersed, but in the air they appeared to form a cross and spread around.

Aerial bombs smashed mercilessly towards the ground.

The puppet army of the stick country on the ground suddenly encountered a tragic bombardment.

At this time, they just happened to march to an open area, and there was no hiding place within a radius of more than twenty kilometers.

The puppet army of the stick country is like a bunch of targets with lights on, and bombers in the air can accurately bomb them.

“Quick, order all troops to find a place to hide.” Li Xiaoguo roared impatiently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although he hadn’t fought much, just by looking at the bombing posture, he knew that it wouldn’t be long before even 200,000 of his troops would be bombarded.

The puppet army units immediately became confused after receiving the covert order.

One brigade and two brigades scattered, looking everywhere for places to hide from air strikes.

After the B17 bomber group, a bomber formation of 600 B25 bombers came to the battlefield again.

The three bombers bombed alternately, this is the combat plan given by the deputy commander of the Air Force, Luo Fang

The three bombers had different performance and bombed in different ways.

If you combine the three bombers, the effect is better.

His idea was confirmed, and Stuka dived and bombed at low altitude, first blowing up the enemy’s heavy troops.

B17 medium and low altitude bombing, focusing on confusing the enemy.

When the enemy began to hide, the B25 appeared, and the way to drop a large number of bombs was not to kill and injure the enemy, but to completely separate them, and they could no longer form a strong combat force.

A few kilometers on the mountain, Chu Yunfei put down his binoculars, his eyes full of smiles.

“These fools, entering the territory of our country without looking for ambushes around, rush forward like a group of big-headed flies.” Chu (Li Li Zhao) Yunfei said with an innocent look: “I thought it would take some means to get them into the encirclement, but I didn’t expect them to be so stupid.” ”

Huang Ligong, who had been promoted to the chief of staff of the division headquarters, sneered: “The army of the stick country has always had poor combat effectiveness, thinking that if you are trained by a devil, you can turn a chicken into a phoenix?” It’s a dreamer, do you attack? Dress up”

Chu Yunfei nodded: “Their large forces have been dispersed, and now they are fighting separately, even if there are more people, there is nothing to worry about!” ”

“Tell the armored troops, use their wolf pack tactics, and teach these puppet troops how to behave.” In the face of the Celestial Dynasty father, they should kneel. ”

“Yes” Huang Ligong immediately picked up the radio: “Armored troops, attack.”

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