The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Li Yunlong came hard: “If it can’t be completed, the battalion commander is not the right one, go down and start as a small soldier.” ”

“Yes, me too!” The other three were enraged and yelled one after another.

What Chen Fan was waiting for was their words: “Tonight, each of you will bring a battalion of troops to Datong. Before tomorrow evening, if you can take Datong down, you will complete the task. ”

“Datong?” Chu Yunfei said in embarrassment: “Chief Chen, your task is too difficult for us, right? Datong has a wing of devils, and they are also equipped with heavy weapons”

Chen Fan sneered and said, “Why, are you afraid?” They have heavy weapons, don’t you? I will equip each of your battalions with four guns, two howitzers, two field guns. In addition, mortars, grenade canisters, and M14 rifles are no less. ”

“Seriously, any regiment commander under me can beat down. If you think you can’t, be honest and I’ll send someone else. ”

The four people looked at each other, how could such a good opportunity be missed.

Li Yunlong stood up and shouted: “Chief Chen, let’s talk and count, before tomorrow evening, we will definitely win Datong.” ”

Chen Fan immediately called Zhao Changsheng over and asked him to arrange troops for Li Yunlong and the four of them, and distributed weapons.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Li Yunlong and the four hurriedly left Shuozhou with their respective troops and advanced towards Datong.

When they left, Zhao Changsheng asked with some hesitation: “General, Datong is a very important place, and there are all mediators there.” Let them take four battalions, will they”

Chen Fan waved his hand: “Don’t underestimate them, the people I fancy will definitely be able to do it.” Well, go about your business and wait for their good news. ”


Li Yunlong and the four of them marched quickly with their troops and arrived in the Datong area at about ten o’clock in the evening.

Datong is a vast and sparsely populated place, and in the early years it was a barrier against foreign invasions in China.

Later, it was found that there were a lot of coal resources here, and the first thing the little devil did after coming here was to occupy the coal mine and then fully develop it.

Coal mines can be called black gold in this era.

If all industries want to develop, they are basically inseparable from coal.

The small island nation is also a very barren country with few resources.

The coal mine that got Datong was the same as getting the gold mountain, and sent heavy troops to guard it.

In the past, Shinozuka Yoshio sent heavy troops from all over the world, but he did not transfer people from here because it was very important.

“How to fight?” Kong Jie asked as he lay on the ground.

Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei glanced at each other, and both of them obviously had their own ideas.

“Brother Yunfei, what do you mean?” Li Yunlong asked.

Chu Yunfei smiled: “My playing style may not be the same as that of Brother Yunlong, so let’s each say the playing style.” ”

Time was urgent, and they were not too pretentious, and immediately exchanged combat methods with each other.

Li Yunlong suggested a frontal attack to attract enemy fire, and then sneak attack from both sides.

Chu Yunfei suggested that artillery fire go first, bombard the important fire points of the devil, and then attack the whole army.

In the end, everyone synthesized their opinions, Chu Yunfei concentrated all the artillery to bombard the important areas of the devil, and Li Yunlong and the three attacked from three sides, taking advantage of the chaos to attack the Japanese army.

After deliberating, the four people immediately moved separately.

A total of sixteen artillery pieces were all concentrated here by Chu Yunfei, including ten 100-mm mortars that were also called by Chu Yunfei.

The other three quietly walked towards Datong with their troops.

At twelve o’clock at midnight, the scouts sent out by Chu Yunfei came back and marked the important fire points of the devils in detail.

“Brothers, bombard me according to these places, and blow them all to the ground.”

With Chu Yunfei’s roar, one shell after another suddenly roared and tore through the night, smashing towards the Japanese fire point like a bolide.

The 105mm shell emitted a death scream, like the roar of death, and a shell went down, directly blowing up one of the devil’s machine-gun positions.

Although the 75 mm caliber shell is less powerful, two or three smash into an area at the same time, and they can blow up a pillbox in an instant.

“Boom boom”

At this time, ten 100-mm mortars also began to roar.

“It’s fun, it’s really fucking enjoyable.” Chu Yunfei laughed excitedly.

In the past, his 358th regiment also had an artillery battalion, but all the guns were 70 mm caliber, and they were all guns eliminated by some European countries, which could not be compared with the 92 infantry guns of the little devils.

What’s more, there are still eight howitzers bombing, this feeling, Chu Yunfei has never tried in his life.

“Brothers, it’s our turn, rush!” Li Yunlong let out a low roar, and all the troops rushed towards Datong like ghosts

The booming cannon woke up the sleeping commander of Datong.

He jumped straight up from the tatami, grabbed his hat and saber and ran outside.

The barracks outside were all in chaos, and many devils didn’t even wear military uniforms, so they ran around wearing a fart curtain and holding guns.

The ghost commander roared angrily: “Baga, what kind of system, are you still like an army?” ”

He was just about to grab a person to ask, when suddenly two 105-mm large-caliber shells fell not far away, and the rumbling artillery fire directly blew a barracks into the sky, and all the ghosts inside were blown up.

The ghost commander hurriedly ran towards the front line, and just happened to meet several of his men running over with guards on the road.

“Sir, we have been attacked by heavy artillery. The enemy’s fire is so fierce that our perimeter defenses are completely useless. ”

“Nani?” The ghost commander roared: “This is impossible, Datong’s defense is very strong, how can the troops of the Chinese people break through?” ”

“Boom boom”

A burst of cannon answered his next words, and two pillboxes were shattered right in front of him, and a dozen devils screamed and disappeared into the flames.

The next moment, the sound of the charge trumpet suddenly came from all around.

Countless people shouted and rushed towards Datong.

It was so dark that I had no idea how many people rushed over.

But listening to this momentum, the ghost commander judged that there were at least three or four thousand people.

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