The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

“Baga, it must be the force that just occupied Shuozhou.” The face of the ghost commander turned white with fright: “How did they come so quickly, they just fought a vicious battle, and their troops don’t need to rest?” ”

Several subordinates loudly persuaded: “Sir, it’s too late to say this, let’s hurry up and stop the counterattack, otherwise Datong won’t be able to keep it.” ”

The ghost commander reacted violently and immediately began to direct the troops to retreat and enter Datong City for defense.

The Japanese attached great importance to Datong, and in order to protect the resources here, they set up strong positions not only outside the city, but also inside the city.

Once the perimeter was breached, the Japanese could retreat into the city to continue fighting and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

The intention of the commander of Datong is also obvious, since I can’t beat you outside, then come to the city to fight, there is a kind of you can bombard the whole city ah, anyway, there are a large number of Chinese people to be buried, he has no regrets.

Sure enough, after all the devils retreated into the city, Chu Yunfei ordered to stop firing.

“Tuanzai, don’t bomb?” Huang Ligong asked.

When Chu Yun flew over, not only did he bring the entire 358th Regiment over, but the old people who followed him had also been following him around and listening.

In this operation, he arranged all his men as company commanders and platoon commanders, after all, it was still his own people who were easy to use.

Chu Yunfei patted the cannon and sighed: “If the devils don’t retreat into the city, I will definitely blow them up today.” But not now, we can’t slaughter our own people. ”

“All of them, except for the artillery left, the rest of them, follow me into the city and kill all the little devils.” Chu Yunfei roared.

At this time, Li Yunlong had already led his troops to rush into the city first.

As soon as I arrived at a large road, I was violently blocked by the devil.

On the street, the devil made two rows of fortifications, and three Type 92 heavy machine guns swept wildly at the people who rushed over.

Li Yunlong hid behind a pillar, and the bullet crackled in the pillar.

“Dog day, what about our heavy machine guns? Suppress the fire power of the little devil for me, quickly! Li Yunlong roared.

Soon, ten MG42 universal machine guns were mounted in different locations.

The ghosts hiding behind the fortifications saw the muzzles of black holes aimed at them.

In the next second, ten universal machine guns opened fire together.

The sound of the cloth tearer tore through the night, and the bullets smashed towards the devil like hailstones.

The terrifying power instantly pierced the devil’s sandbag, and the ghost hiding behind fell to the ground with blood all over his body, and even their Type 92 heavy machine guns were beaten into a pile of scrap iron.

Li Yunlong was stunned when he saw this scene, and he had never seen such a fierce machine gun since he started to fight as a soldier.

“Zhang Dabiao, did you see it on dog day?” Li Yunlong shouted.

Zhang Dabiao was wiping his eyes: “Regiment leader, I didn’t dream, right?” Is this really from our machine guns? ”

Li Yunlong laughed: “You kid didn’t dream, rush me, kill the little devil.” ”

Zhang Dabiao seemed to have chicken blood all over his body, rushed out with the M14, raised the gun and pulled the trigger fiercely on the devils who were not yet dead.

“Bang bang”

Dense bullets swept the entire street, and those devils who were not killed by general-purpose machine guns were all pierced through the body by the continuous bullets of M14.

Zhang Dabiao looked at the gun in his hand excitedly, and then shouted to Li Yunlong: “Regiment commander, this gun is also so powerful, you don’t need to reload the bullets, and you can finish all the bullets in the magazine at once. It’s so fucking cool! ”

Li Yunlong jumped out with a gun and kicked him on the butt: “Then what are you kid still stunned for, if you have a good weapon, you will beat Lao Tzu hard.” ”

At the same time, Kong Jie and Ding Wei entered the city with their troops from the other sides.

They also found that the weapons equipped with them were very advanced, whether it was firepower or rate of fire, they were completely crushing the devils all the way.

If the devils hide behind any fortification and really can’t fight down, they still have small-caliber mortars and grenade canisters, and a bomb will solve everything in the past.

Ding Wei and Kong Jiele’s mouths couldn’t close, this was the easiest battle they had fought in their lives, and they were relieved as much as they wanted to beat up the little devil.

The defense line of the devils is constantly shrinking, the slain devils are everywhere, and their number is rapidly decreasing.

The ghost commander is now repentant, and he originally wanted to use street fighting to drag down his enemies.

But he didn’t expect that his enemies were stronger than him, and they were not afraid of death.

He was horrified to see that the Huaxia soldiers were not afraid of bullets rushing over, and in order to cover the charge of their comrades, the flesh and blood of the upper body were blurred and still charged, until they lost all consciousness and fell to the ground.

It was so shocking that the ghost commander felt that he was encountering a devil army.

Not long after, Chu Yunfei joined the battle with his troops, and the last straw that pressed on the devil’s body broke.

All the Japanese troops were defeated, and they fled to the center of the city in a hurry, and finally all surrounded by the Japanese headquarters.

Li Yunlong was ready to charge, but was pulled by Chu Yunfei.

“Brother Yunlong, don’t forget, we have a lot of large-caliber mortars now.”

Li Yunlong patted his head and laughed: “My old Li is used to poverty, and he can’t use good things.” Hahaha, Brother Yunfei, thanks for the reminder. ”

Chu Yunfei waved his hand and asked his subordinates to start setting up mortars.

“When the explosion is finished, we will go to revenge with Chief Chen.”

Li Yunlong couldn’t help but touch the M14 rifle: “In the future, even if he gives me a company commander, Lao Tzu will definitely have no complaints.” This troop is too fucking enjoyable! ”

Early the next morning, Chen Fan just got up and received a message from Chu Yunfei.

The entire territory of Datong had been occupied, and all the Japanese troops were killed, leaving not a single living mouth.

The most important thing is that the entire Datong coal mine has been completely preserved.

Chu Yunfei reported that the ghosts buried a large amount of explosives around the coal mine, but because they attacked quickly, the ghosts were wiped out before they could detonate.

At the same time, Chu Yunfei reported casualties.

The Japanese were annihilated by a large group, but their casualties were not small.

In particular, Li Yunlong’s battalion lost half of its people in battle, and the four battalions together lost more than 500 people.

However, Chen Fan was still quite satisfied with this result.

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