The War of Resistance: The Ten-Year-Old Warlord

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

After all, it is an initiative to attack a city, the enemy is behind a defensive position, and if you want to kill them, you must pay the price, this is the cruelty of war.

Chen Fan urgently recalled the four people, and then personally announced in front of Zhao Changsheng and others that all four people were promoted to regiment leaders.

Li Yunlong and the four of them actually felt flattered, and desperately straightened their waists to salute Chen Fan.

The reason why they were so excited was because they had seen the true strength of Chen Fan’s troops.

A battalion is even stronger than a regiment they used to have, and now let them be the regiment commander, how strong the energy of this regiment must be, it is exciting to think about.

Chen Fan asked Zhao Changsheng to arrange troops for the four people.

In fact, he had already explained to Zhao Changsheng in advance that Li Yunlong was brave and fierce, and his regiment was basically equipped with soldiers and weapons in the shape of a charge, and the equipment was mainly as firepower as possible to be easy to carry.

Chu Yunfei belonged to the strategic type, and what Chen Fan gave him was a mixed reinforced regiment, with a reinforced artillery battalion, equipped with ten 105mm howitzers, four 150mm cannons, and ten field guns of 75mm caliber.

In addition, his reinforced regiment included a heavy machine gun company dedicated to providing fire assistance.

As for Ding Wei and Kong Jie, these two fought conservatively, but in order to win step by step, Chen Fan arranged normal troops for them, which was also more suitable for their development.

That evening, Chen Fan held an emergency military meeting, with the participation of all officers at the rank of regiment commander and above.

Everyone attached great importance to this military meeting, because this was the first time Chen Fan had held a meeting in a real sense.

Usually he orders directly.

But today’s meeting was so grand, and everyone felt that something big was about to happen.

Sure enough, Chen Fan came with a calm face, and everyone was silent, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Even the newcomer Li Yunlong became very low-key, and I don’t know why, he inexplicably began to feel a kind of awe for Chen Fan.

“Everyone, the content of today’s meeting is mainly to discuss our next development.”

Chen Fan looked at everyone: “We now have four big cities, and we are already one of the top forces in Shanxi. But in terms of the whole country, we are inferior to the devils, even inferior to the national army, and even inferior to the eighth road. ”

“We can’t limit ourselves to the current territory, if we don’t develop, sooner or later we will be wiped out.” Regardless of which side I just mentioned, they will not allow a strong enemy to be around. ”

Zhao Changsheng slapped his hand on the table: “His grandmother’s, who dares to look at us unhappy?” Kill him. ”

Xu Shaohua said very grimly: “General, as long as you order, I will go to Taiyuan now.” ”

Li Yunlong and the four also expressed their willingness to share their worries for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan waved his hand in satisfaction to signal everyone to be quiet.

“It’s a certainty, but for now, we have to consolidate the existing territory first. Otherwise, the nest is unstable, and we will not be at ease even if we go out. ”

Chen Fan said coldly: “I decided to use one month to consolidate the territory, build a fortress city, and expand the troops. A month later, when our territory is stable.”

He turned around and walked to the huge map of Shanxi, and smashed a fist at the position of Taiyuan: “I want to capture the whole of Shanxi and be the king of Shanxi.” ”

Meng Sanjin was the first to stand up and roared excitedly: “Long live General Chen.” ”

The rest of the group followed suit, shouting feverishly long live.

That evening, Chen Fan and everyone made a detailed plan.

First spend a month on construction, training troops, and stabilizing the rear.

A month later, he attacked in two ways, captured other large cities in Shanxi, and finally completely isolated Taiyuan and gave him a heavy blow.

A troop count was also carried out that evening.

At present, Chen Fan has the strength of an ordinary army (major general), with a total of 40,000 people.

Chen Fan was the commander and Zhao Changsheng was the deputy commander, but his main role was to convey Chen Fan’s orders.

The rest of the division commanders were Meng Sanjin and other former regiment commanders.

They all followed Chen Fan all the way, and Chen Fan believed these old men more than Li Yunlong.

After making a plan, starting the next day, Chen Fan began to use various technologies to consolidate his territory.

The first is to build bridges and roads between cities, and the second is to turn several large cities into superfortresses.

However, the disadvantages of both technologies are the same, after using it once, you must wait until the next week to use it.

So for one week, Chen Fan can only build roads and bridges between the two cities, and the rest can only wait until next week.

With the road, the troops can pass normally, whether it is the transportation of materials or the movement of troops, it is very fast, and his entire territory is equivalent to being revitalized.

He also opened up a large amount of farmland in places such as Shuozhou and Xinzhou, specializing in the cultivation of super rice.

There is more territory, more personnel, and to feed so many people, it is necessary to have enough food.

While creating people’s livelihood, he also exchanged his unlimited points for more artillery and tanks, and recruited militias in various places to form local troops.

These local troops can protect the security of the place when the large army goes out, equip them with artillery of various calibers, even if the enemy sends a large army.

Just when Chen Fan was busy, he didn’t notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at him all the time.

Itagaki Seishiro sent hundreds of spies to infiltrate Chen Fan’s territory and knew everything he was doing.

“It seems that this kid is really not simple.” Itagaki Seishiro looked at the collected intelligence and said coldly: “We should find a helper and solve this guy together.” ”

On a not wide street in Lüliang City, there is a tavern that is not very noticeable.

Business doesn’t seem to be very good, but anyone who has lived on this street for a long time knows that this pub has survived for more than a decade and has not closed.

No one knew the reason, only a few people in the high-level of the Jin Sui Army knew that this tavern was a secret contact point of the Jin Sui Army.

In the past, Yan Laoxi had such contact points in every city in Shanxi, mainly intelligence agencies and safe houses.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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