The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 64

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons, Stewart Baird, BookDragonling, Braulio Alvarez and Dandy Ghost.

Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Conradt Moore, Austin Lloyd, Joaquin Israel Mendez Ojeda, Drake, SomeFatGuy and Vincent Burroughs. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to my Legendary Hero Patrons, Caimbeul, fun vids for you all, Arkay and Bungyy. Thank you for your immense support.

Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons, Luis Barreda, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, Milo Farrell, Greatestkhan, Jason Lopez, Hassan Nur, Clocker, Parzivel, Ryan Cesario, Gerard Steeghs, Daoist Mufasa, Joshua Fletcher, Torrent and Cody Schwartz for your extraordinary support.

Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patrons Cooldad King, Luci alarri, Overlord susanoo, Arkhad, Josh W, Lord Mehheh, Seto Soujiro and Ahmed Ayub. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 64- Battle For Sanity.

So, to recap on how I found myself here. I found my actions since I came to Hogwarts a bit weird, and so I went into my mind to check it. Everything seemed fine through my mind, but then I realised that the NPCs in my little mindscape were not acting as they were supposed to. Just like me, they were acting weird. Well, weird for them was not following the script I gave them to the letter and disappearing somewhere in the town. Investigating, I found a door I don't remember in an alleyway. Above the door was a sign that said Row and Die to Them. And inside, I have no control of my mindscape anymore. And inside, I found... An orgy. 

 Looking into the dingy, dimly lit dungeon, because that's the only thing I can describe it as, I watch on in shock as the housewife I had first noticed missing was getting spit-roasted between the blacksmith and the fisherman. Nearby, her husband was on all fours dressed like a gimp, complete with a bright red ball gag and getting whipped by the sweet old granny that's supposed to give sweets and pie to all the kids in the village. I wish I could bleach my eyes to get rid of the sight of the saggy old granny in BDSM gear.

Lots of the villagers were here, getting involved with sordid, disgusting things that even my mind hadn't entertained the idea of. I mean, you are a guy; why is she doing that to you? Surely it should be the other way around? I don't care if you are just mental constructs. That is not something I want to see. Fuck, I like the idea of a sex swing, but not when it's a midget one. Yeah, I made some little people in my village, but I didn't want them to do this. Also, yes, the blacksmith is a little person.

I try to blot out all the horrible sexual ongoings of the room and find the source of the interference with my mind. I need to remember my goal here and see through all the sensual acrobatics occurring around me. Stepping into the room, I feel the whoosh of wind, and the door closes behind me, but I don't hear the door slam. 

Moving through the crowd, I have to suppress the shivers, both the ones of desire as well as disgust, as multiple people, both men and women, proposition me. Hands drifting over my chest and shoulders, trying to pull me into their sordid clutches. I had to truly work to tear myself away from the group of multiple naked women, but I just reminded myself that they weren't real and that they were slags. Everyone here is a slag, and you should ignore slags. That was my mantra as I trawled through this den of sin.

And then, finally, through all the bodies, I managed to spot the only person I didn't recognise. Right at the back of the room, sitting on a regal throne, with people kneeling at their feet but not daring to touch, is a stranger to my eyes. She sits there on her throne, the picture of royalty and cold, distinguished beauty. Her pale white skin glimmers beneath her silky blue and white dress, which is simply draped across her body, unable to contain the curves that beckon beneath.

Her piercing blue eyes that seem to glow look out beneath her wavy brown locks, looking across the room and locking gazes with me. I feel my soul leave my body as her eyes go through me, and not in a sensual way because while she admittedly is quite hot, the feeling of darkness and death cannot be ignored. Even the people worshipping at her bare feet, who are basically thralls, dare not touch her even while reaching for her long legs.

She slowly lifts a slender, beautiful arm, and with a single dainty finger, she orders me forth to come towards her. An unseen force wraps around me, and I move forward. No, I am dragged forward, my feet skidding across the ground as I try to stop it. Still, I continue to move towards her, unable to stop it before finally, I remember the wand in my hand, my only weapon. Instead of fighting against the drag, I let it take me and rushed forward, whipping my wand forward and casting a spell.

"Confringo!" the twirling fiery spell rushes forward, heading directly from my hauntingly gorgeous enemy, but before it can get to her, the numerous people at her feet jump up and in the way of it, protecting their master. And with a big blast, I witnessed what were originally my own constructs get blown up and sent everywhere. To be honest, I just thought they would be disintegrated and dissipate or something, but no, I am proven wrong. Blood, guts and all sorts of human entrails go flying with a copious amount of blood, covering the walls and floor, and also the woman who is still sitting on her throne uncaring.

Even covered in human bits and pieces, blood covering her head to toe, dripping from her eyelashes, she still looks lovely. She isn't even bothered by the mess, just continuing to look at me with ice in her soul, and then she lifts her hand, and instead of being dragged to her this time, I am blasted away, crashing into several different people and interrupting their sexual exploits. I roll on the floor before quickly scrambling to my feet, and when I look, I see a green glow coming from the bitches finger. I know what that sickly green glow means, and before I can prepare for it, the beam shoots out at me.

"Accio!" I whip my wand, dragging several different townspeople in front of me, taking the blow for me and exploding everywhere. I used her own method against her; how about that, you frigid cow. Seeing all of the blood and gore still in the air, not having landed, I use it to my advantage and with a quick Depulso, I send it all shooting towards the back of the room, directly at the bitch.

"Glacius!" I cast, directing it at all the gore I just shot forward, and it all froze into bits and pieces while the blood froze into blood icicles that shot forward towards my new enemy. But even then, I wasn't about to let my guard down or think I would win. This bitch is just too scary. No, I cast a silent Difindo at her, hoping that the cutting charm would slice her in two since I sent it at her midsection right behind the wave of ice attacks.

"Protego!" I shout in a panic as a spell blasts through all of the stuff headin' right from me, and though I don't know what it is, I understand it isn't good for me. I block it with a shield before retaliating with a stunning charm, which she annoyingly blocks by dragging the pillars on the edge of the room in front of her with a flick of the finger. How powerful is this woman? No, whatever fucking monster this thing is because this is definitely not a woman.

I quickly dodge to the side, just skirting by the pillar she just flung at me, and I quickly reply with a Confringo, sending the fiery spell at her feet, which, for some reason, she doesn't respond to at all. It explodes at her feet, and debris goes flying everywhere, and so do pieces of her throne, but they all just phase right through her, and she shows no change. Taking a moment to think this through, I feel the beginnings of a theory begin to stir in my mind.

I continue the battle with her, both of us attacking and defending against each other, though I am doing a lot more moving than her as she isn't moving from her position at all. It is really freaky because her throne is half exploded, and still she sits, even though the seat is mainly gone, and her form is picture perfect; she feels and looks inhuman like that. Even so, as we continue to fight, my mind spins through various yarns as I put things together and start coming up with ideas.

Whatever this thing is, it is responding to me specifically, as well as my magic and actions. What I mean by this is she was just sat there earlier, but when I got close, she reacted and attacked. She only responds to me. Like earlier, I exploded those people, and their blood got all over her, but she didn't even flinch. It didn't bother her, or more like, it didn't even register with her.

Again, when I used my magic to send all that blood and gore at her, she didn't really care and ignored it, but when I cast Glacius on it, she blasted through it and sent an attack at me. All of this, in my mind, makes me think she is only reacting to me, like she is working off of a script, just like my NPCs. Actually, it makes sense in my head. No wonder she is inhuman. She's not human; she is doing her job, but the question is, what is she doing here? Who put her here? And what the hell is her fucking job!? Because it sure as shit isn't making these worthless NPCs I created in my head get their freak on.

Having dodged a particularly close spell that is very sharp and actually gouges out a bit of flesh, I get angry and pissed and point my wand at her. "Crucio!" I shout, wanting her to feel intense pain, but the spell hits, and she doesn't even feel anything or show anything resembling pain, and I have to quickly scramble out of the way of another attack from her. Well, that's the only forgivable I am familiar with out of the bag. Well, I am also familiar with Imperio, but that's purely because the old Gilderoy used it a lot. I find it distasteful, and the other mind magics more graceful and full of finesse.

The only reason I even have such a familiarity with the torture curse is that I used it on Digby D Digworth whenever the mood struck me or I felt particularly pissed. I am not a good person. I have never pretended to be. But torture isn't something I like to do. Except, that motherfucker tortured me and really tried to kill me, so I learnt all about the intricacies of that unforgivable by using it on him. Plus, my experiments on the mind with him were so much that sometimes I had to utilise it to see if he was still in there. Wait, why the fuck am I thinking of that now? Fuck, whatever this thing is, it's fucking with my stupid brain.

Continuing to fling spells at her, I begin to think of how I can overcome her. She is just like an enemy NPC, but she is also different as the only thing that can affect her is me and my magic; everything else she can just ignore and will phase through her, just like the stuff from earlier. Except... the blood and stuff didn't phase through her and instead covered her. Is that because I originally made them, and because of that, they affected her, even if it was not an attack. Okay, so my mind can help me out here, though something, something to do with her, will just revert it soon after, so I have to strike fast with it.

And she has a big fuck off fire brewing in the palm of her hand, and that motherfucker is reaching boiling point. Then, she pushes her arm forward, and the colossal orb, which is so massive it is moving slowly, begins to move my way. Thinking quickly, I retreat to the very back of the room, and finding myself able to get there with no obstructions, I realise that all of the corrupt people down here no longer exist anymore, having died during our battle. Good, as it makes it easy for me to get to the back of the room and then use transfiguration to raise a giant metal stone sphere around myself which I then cast the strongest Glacius at, hoping that the cold ice would help to dampen the fire attack.

Then, I cast my strongest Protego, layering it just under the transfiguration and hoping that this would hold up against it. No, that isn't the right mindset. It will hold up against it. I am proven right when I can see the stone wall melt the icy stone sphere in front of me, and flames lick the outside of my shield before the fire ultimately recedes from existence. Dispelling my Protego, I immediately dash to the left but find myself surprised when no attack is coming my way. Stopping, I look suspiciously at the bitch still sitting all the way over at the other end of the room.

I keep my guard up but don't move, merely staring at her, not risking anything. "Oi bitch! What the fuck are you doing?" I shout, risking it a bit. But she didn't reply, and nothing happened. Hm. Cautiously, I begin to take some steps forward, my wand in hand, ready to react at any moment. But nothing happens, and I continue to approach. But then it seemed like I took one step too much as she suddenly reacted, pulling the same trick as last time and pulling me forward. I quickly attack and disrupt it as she defends, and I dart backwards. And out of range, it seems as if she stops attacking. Huh, seems like she has a range where she will attack, and I am just out of it. A defence mechanism.

I tested it a few times, and it is the same, and I can make use of that. Now that I have time to relax and plan, that's what I do. I then see about the changes I can make with my mind, but no matter what I try, it reverts as soon as I finish it. However, I did find that if I attempted to make rapid changes, then, while they did revert, they would, one by one, slowly. Also, the more considerable the changes I made, the more time it would take to revert. All this added together in my mind began to constitute a strategy.

After a few more tests, I was ready to try this out. And I did; I tried it a few times, and though it failed, it was becoming more apparent, and finally, I had arrived at the final solution. 

Standing at the back of the room, I ready myself into a stand with a wand and then close my eyes and focus. I focus my mind to its fullest and begin to imagine what I want in my mind, but I do not yet manifest it into existence. I picture it so very clearly, every line, every edge and every single iota of what it is. I imagine the sharpness I want, and in such vast amounts that any mind would boggle. What I was imagining was spikes coming from every inch of the room and aiming at her. Of course, where I would be was protected.

And then, when it was so clear in my mind that it was getting painful, I released it. Instantly, spikes appeared out of the walls until there were no walls left. Coming down from the ceiling as well, all of it heading straight for the bitch. The woman immediately put up defences and defended against the strikes. I could see some of them beginning to fade, but their jobs were done. "Difindo!" I immediately cast the most potent cutting charm that I could, sending it blasting forward towards her. 

She can't do anything to stop it, focused as she is on the spikes and the cutting charm blasts straight through her midsection, bisecting her. But even then, she isn't gone. However, her concentration or whatever is powering her is lessened, and the spikes are able to power through and spear right through her. And then more spikes go down and smash into each other until there is just a big pile of rubble. Waving my wand, I blast it all to the sides, still a safe way away from her and out of her range so she can't get me if she survived.

My caution is undeserved, though, as I see black smoke where she used to be, writhing and squirming as screams ring out from it as it slowly dwindles in size, lessening and lessening until ultimately it disappears, leaving my mind and freeing it. I feel so much clearer now with that gone as if I am thinking properly for the first time in months with nothing trying to bog me down. With the black smog dissipated, I felt relief.

Now with the fucking bitch or whatever she was gone, I can restore my mind as well as put up new defences to make sure this never happens again. Though I do wonder what the fuck that was and how it got in here.

Still playing Hogwarts Legacy, I think I am nearing the end.

I watched Kung Fu Pand 4, and I really loved it. I've come to realise no one can not enjoy a Jack Black film. Also, damn, that guy can sing. He should do covers for loads of other songs. Tenacious D, indeed.

Invincible, the last part of Season 2 is out, and I've not watched any of it. I really need to get in on it. He goes Fortnite, apparently. Whatever that means.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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