The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 65

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

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Chapter 65- Theories.

Yeah, so remember when I cut that weird, sexy monster lady in my mind in half and then crushed her to death and thought that would be the end of that. Well, surprise, surprise, it wasn't. Yeah, I went back in and found that bitch in my head again, this time in a different location entirely. In the middle of a cornfield, where it looked like some sort of altruistic ritual or some shit was going to occur, blood symbols were painted around the place. Thankfully, it was only the day after I had gotten rid of her, and nothing had managed to corrupt the mind I had restored, but still, if I had not checked, then it would have.

Already having figured out the rules and how she worked, I quickly got rid of her again. But of course, it happened once, so most likely, it will happen again. Somehow, she had gotten in my mind again, and I didn't even really go near anywhere or interact with anything that could have done it, which verily confused me. But yeah, knowing she would somehow come back again, and if this time she was hidden better, I couldn't find her, I put a trap for her. I didn't know how it was getting into my mind, but I could only assume that if I left a weak spot and a noticeable gap for it, it would take it. This thing is not that intelligent.

The next day, I checked my mind again and was pleased to see my trap had worked. I had left a gap that wasn't actually a gap as it was a trap. And the very clearly non-sentient thing fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It slithered in, and given the way I had set the trap, I felt it. It woke me up in the middle of the night, and I immediately checked. And checking my trap, I found the woman trapped in a box, which I had in a void, separate from the rest of my mind. I made sure to not leave any leeway for her to do anything and tightened the box around her further and further until she burst into mist, the box becoming a small cube about fifteen centimetres on all sides, the inside full of black smoke. It was trapped.

Still, this thing was in my mind, and it would keep coming every night, apparently. My only option was to trap it, but that still does not deal with the problem at hand. What is this thing that was affecting my mind? I could not just carry on in good faith and ignore it, thinking I would be lucky enough for nothing to go wrong. I need to find out what this is. And I need to deal with it.

To do that, I must start at the beginning and review everything. Most likely, this thing got into my mind from my very first night spent in Hogwarts. And it had been there all along, influencing my mind and making me make decisions that I would not make if I was in complete control of myself. Then, when I noticed, I found it in my mind. It was in a little sex dungeon place that was named Row and Die to Them... Hmm. That... there is something there. I don't know what, but my brain can see something in it.

Another thing was the appearance of the parasite. A beautiful, sexy woman with pale white skin, icy blue eyes and wavy brown locks that went down to her back. She looked like royalty and felt very regal as if she was above everybody, a superior being. It was as if everybody else was a monkey, and she was the more intelligent one. I'm not focusing on her behaviour but on her general appearance and temperament. How she felt.

The only other thing I had was the secondary location used being the cornfield with blood symbols all around, a ritualistic sort of sacrifice vibe to the place. A bunch of crows surrounded the place, with... a bird blood symbol in the middle of the area, upon which the woman sat on her throne. It's all coming together in my mind now. The colours, the symbols, all of the birds. It's all pointing towards one thing.

Those weren't crows surrounding the sacrificial ritual area in the cornfield. They were ravens. The bird symbol is right in the middle of the site, upon which the woman's throne was, and the symbol is an eagle. The intelligent feel to the figure this parasite was taken and, the blue colour scheme, and finally the name of the bar. Row and Die to Them... Rowena's Diadem. It's the fucking curse that has been affecting me. Shit.

I hadn't even paid it that much attention before I went to Hogwarts, merely thinking it a curse that would make sure that a teacher didn't stay in the position of Defence Against The Dark Arts Teacher for more than a year. After all, others had taken the position, survived, and moved on afterwards. And I didn't plan to stay for more than a year, so I didn't pay much attention to it. And it came back to bite me in my big fat arse.

It seems that the curse on the DADA position doesn't make you unlucky or anything, it just makes your really fucking stupid to the point the some of the people end up gettting themselves killed. And some are lucky enough to get away. It just depends really on what's occurring in Hogwarts at the time and what kind of person you are. So, let's think through how it affected the professors in the book so we can build a better idea of how it works.

So, the first year, Professor Quirell slash Voldemort slash Quirellmort. Obviously, since the curse was put there by Voldemort himself, it didn't affect him, though maybe he did let it affect Quirell. After all, it would make the man more stupid and, therefore, easier to control, given he was on the back of his head. I could imagine being in such a position; Voldemort wasn't entirely secure in the loyalty of his minion. After all, who the hell wants a spirit humping the back of your head. And then it backfired on him when Quirell, being an idiot, used his hands on Harry instead of muggles and got himself incinerated. 

The following year, my year. The year of Gilderoy Lockhart. Originally, he would have come here and been an idiot, making a complete fool of himself and because of the curse, I was ending up doing that purposefully. I can only assume the curse made him extra super stupid because he took on all sorts of things he didn't need to. He tried to heal Harry's arm when he knew he couldn't. 

He set up a duelling class and tried to duel Snape when he was shit at duelling. And most importantly, he didn't run when people were getting petrified left and right. His self-preservation only came about at the end of the year when Ginny was taken to the chamber, and he tried to run for it. But got taken by two kids instead. And then ended up destroying his own mind. I won't be going that way.

The next year is actually pretty tame. Remus Lupin doesn't really do anything stupid, but, well, Hogwarts was plenty dangerous that year without the curse in play. A werewolf around, Dementors around every corner just waiting to suck your soul out, a bit deranged Sirius Black prowling around not of sound mind and a sneaky little rat scurrying around. 

Though I guess Peter Pettigrew was there for the previous two years as well. Lupin wasn't very much affected by the curse, but then again, the guy was so depressed and down in the dumps that the curse probably wasn't doing anything dumbing him down. The only stupid thing he did really was not taking his potion, which he really should have being a werewolf as long as he was. Stupid mopey fucker. I don't know how Nym ended up with him when she is such a vibrant and fun-loving girl. The only thing I could think it is is that her parents disapproved, and with Nym loving to go against her parents, she was stubborn and stuck with the scrubby fucker. Honestly, her life will be better with me in it.

Now, year four. The Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher was Alastor Moody, who was, in reality, a Polyjuiced Barty Crouch Jr. Nothing really happened to Barty throughout the year, and things worked out remarkably well for him as he fulfilled his goal even though he was caught in the end and kissed by Dementors if my memory serves correctly. But then again, Barty wasn't the official teacher, was he? 

It was Alastor Moody, who spent the entire school year stuck in a chest, being plucked for his hair for Polyjuice potions until he was found at the end of the year. He was the official teacher for that year, even if he never actually taught anything. A man as cautious and paranoid as Moody and no doubt skilled would be able to find a way to escape or do something. I find it hard to believe that he couldn't do something. Except he didn't, and it was my theory, it was the curse affecting him, making him stupid and keeping him in the chest. 

After that, it was Dolores Umbridge who taught in the position; though she didn't really teach, she punished them by making them read useless books and other forms of torture. The ways the curse made her stupid... well, she was foolish to begin with. I bet she only got her position as undersecretary to the minister because of the pureblood agenda, and she was probably noshing him off under the table, which would mean that Fudge was a freak, or more likely, Umbridge used a ton of spells and potions to make herself better for it because I couldn't see anyone being with the toad otherwise. Most likely, she just Polyjuiced into someone else for the deed. 

Anyway, back to her time as a teacher. In her time here, she started making the stupidest decrees ever just to be annoying. She wanted control, and the curse made her more laughable, and so she went overboard. Just like it made the original Gilderoy do things he knew he couldn't because he was obsessed with fame. The curse is like that, insidious. Umbridge wanted control and authority more than anything, and that's why she did the decrees.

It's why she started lording her power around and contesting Dumbledore and went against him stubbornly. A very stupid decision because when would that ever work in the long run. She started firing teachers because there was nothing Dumbledore could do about it, and she liked it. She was on a power trip. And she had more power over the students than everything else.

She rewarded those who fell in line and gave them benefits, and she punished those who went against her. And the muggleborns and half-bloods. She started torturing them with the blood quills, and I have no doubt that she probably did worse to the ones that weren't Harry Potter because, like it or not, the kid was in the spotlight; it's the ones who no one paid attention to who probably suffered the worse. Then she was using Veritserum on everyone to drag answers out of them before ultimately she had resolved to use the torture curse on Harry. 

Of course, then she was even stupid and followed them into the forbidden forest with no one else. She followed Harry and Hermione, two students she had been torturing and pissing off, into the forbidden forest. Yeah, she was definitely affected by the curse. And then, when face to face with the herd of Centaurs that were surrounding her and very much not friendly, she preached her superiority over them and attacked them before getting dragged off into the forest to never be seen again. I wish. Somehow, she got out of there. Maybe I would actually interfere in this year and make sure she stays gone.

Anyway, moving on to better thoughts. Severus Snape was the Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor for the sixth year. Yes, he counts as better thoughts when you are moving on from Dolores Umbridge. Now, no one could really call Severus Snape stupid. Maybe in his younger days, but the man was worn down through a lot of bad experiences, which made him the brooding, vicious man he is today. Well, he was quite surly and stuff, to begin with, anyway. But he wasn't stupid.

And in his year teaching this class, he was okay; it was just mainly Harry going through the motions and depression that year. And girls and stuff. No real danger until the end. Where Snape ends up killing Dumbledore. My theory is that he was unaffected by the curse as he is a master Occlumens and practised in the mind arts. Being who he was, he probably checked his mind several times a day to keep him on track since he was playing two sides as a double agent. 

And he probably discovered it straight away and dealt with it. And by that, I mean protecting his mind from it, not dealing with the curse. After all, the curse was put there by his other boss, and he can't very well get rid of it, can he? Even if he did track it down to its source, he would have left it alone. So my bet is Snape was able to avoid the effect of the curse but still had to leave after killing the headmaster.

For the seventh year, the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher was some random death eater who no doubt punished and tortured his students. Maybe he was affected by the curse. Perhaps he wasn't. He probably was, as I don't see why Voldemort would go out of his way to remove it for his subordinate. He is callous like that. Either way, the fucker probably ends up dying in the battle of Hogwarts and never makes it to the end of the year.

And that's everyone. Now, it is time to reflect on how it affected me and what I did. Now, my theory is that the curse makes you very stupid and simple minded, making you obsess over the one thing vital to you and lose sight of everything else to the point of self-destruction. So, beginning this year, my ultimate goal was to keep the story on track and make sure things played out as close to possible as they should so Harry would go on and end up taking care of the Voldemort problem with no interference from me.

The curse made me focus obsessively on this and made me dumb in how I went about it, and so I followed original Gilderoy's actions nearly to the letter. It was only my survival instinct that made me stay a bit off track, such as going to the Death Day party, as that was, in my mind, the safest place to be since there would be an attack that night. But then, when the attack happened, and it was Mrs Norris like I knew, but also Filch, my goals ended up getting changed.

After all, that was a departure from the cannon. Things had changed, and keeping things the same was no longer on the cards. Not if I wanted to survive. And so priorities changed, and preparation was the key now. And time went on. Yet, the curse was still making me dumb, and I still followed cannon for a while. And then, the curse made it worse when my goals realigned from a moment to the more intimate side. I relaxed and indulged for one night, and after that, it became my focus. Sex and women, that was my new goal to the point of obsession and stupidity. 

I still made my preparations, but they weren't such a big priority in my mind anymore. I wanted to spend more time with Aurora and other women. Then I saw Hermione in the toilets that day, and my mind went a bit askew since my ultimate goal was sex, and the girl was masturbating while moaning my name. My goal was there; it took a lot of work to go against it and leave it alone. I quickly moved on and found Madam Hooch to focus on.

And then after that, I was alternating my time between, and I became even more lax because there were no attacks at all. And then, there I sat with my research in front of me, but instead of doing it, I was contemplating on how to get Aurora and Hooch naked in a room together. And other women in the school as well. That was a wake-up call. As was the situation with Hermione.

Still, this could turn out to be a good thing. After all, the curse appears to be connected to Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. That is what is powering it and keeping it going. And it is affecting me. So, surely, through this, I can trace it back to its source, find the Diadem, and then through that, find that blasted book.

This could work out...

I've finally finished Hogwarts Legacy. All things complete, and another Platinum in the bag! I really liked it. If anybody wants to watch it, the final part is out today! Just click the link at the bottom to find my YouTube.

I've started to play One Piece Odyssey as I am a big fan of the series. You can find that on the link as well.

I watched Kung Fu Pand 4, and I really loved it. I've come to realise no one can not enjoy a Jack Black film. Also, damn, that guy can sing. He should do covers for loads of other songs. Tenacious D, indeed.

Invincible, the last part of Season 2 is out, and I'm watching it. I'm really liking it, and damn, that big snake guy was a bloody monster. I have no idea why he was listening to the scrawny, effeminate blonde leader.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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