The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 74 [R-18]

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons Stewart Baird, Joaquin Israel Mendez Ojeda and HectorXX00.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 74- Ghost Set-Up. [R-18]


"Hi, Professor Lockhart!" I can only look on stunned and my mind in a garbled mess as Myrtle Warren, more commonly known as Moaning Myrtle, the ghost, floats in front of me, but looking more different than ever. Before, she had large framed black glasses, but now she had nothing showcasing her bright eyes. Their colour is currently blue, as she is a ghost. Her pigtails are still pigtails, but somehow they are sexy? They are just a lot looser and are placed in different spots on her head that give off a different vibe.

Aside from that, she had gotten rid of the big robe entirely, showcasing her slim body beneath, her shirt straining against the big tits she had underneath. Her skirt is short enough to show off some of that pillowy ethereal ghost ass that peeks out. Overall, it gives off the vibe of a sexy schoolgirl and very much looks like it, with no hint of the former Moaning Myrtle in sight, which is a complete makeover. But what makes all of this the more shocking is that she had just whooshed outside of the now comatose form of Professor Minerva McGonagall, who was just freshly fucked, by yours truly. And I can't help but begin to come to some disturbing conclusions.

"What the hell is..." I'm so distraught that I can't even finish my words. I stare at Myrtle and demand answers with some discomfort and muted horror inside of me. After all, the implications of what had just happened were very clear to me, as she had just poured out of McGonagall after me, and she had done the dance without pants and a lot of it. Even with my very hard countenance, Mytrle is just grinning back, looking nonplussed and actually very proud.

"Why, I took your advice Gilderoy. I changed up my whole look and decided to stop being all mopey all the time and focused on seeing what I could really do as a ghost. You know, people are so down in the dumps or given up and just start going with the flow after their death that they never really figure out just what they are capable of. For some reason, they think death is actually the end even when they end up sticking around after the fact." Myrtle starts to explain, flying through the air and swishing this way and that, and I can't help but glance at her juddering breasts, which she notices and with a sly smirk, she lets them free, allowing me to see her dark blue, glowing see-through nipples before continuing to talk.

"I really went all for it and found out I could do a lot. I can change my form just like that pink-haired girl that left Hogwarts a couple years ago and would spend a lot of time locked away in the cubicles and experimenting by her lonesome in all sorts of freaky ways. Not only that, but I figured out how to possess people just like you told me I could, and then I took your suggestion and decided to possess someone and get fucked. And I chose Professor McGonagall, and of course, my partner for my first time was going to be the handsome you." She chuckles sultrily and leers out at me. "And would you look at that, what you said turned out to be true. I did get held by the pigtails and rammed into." She laughs.

"Do you not understand what you just fucking did? McGonagall is..." I don't know what to even say or how to finish that as I look at the woman resting on the desk, my cum leaking out of her pussy and dripping down the side of the disk and onto the floor. Looking back on it all now, I can see all the points that were off. In fact, everything was off, but I just ignored it, and I didn't even use my mind magic or anything, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth. Of course, you should look a gift horse in the mouth because usually there is a bunch of fucking people hiding inside it, ready to jump out to fuck you up. Goddamn Trojan Horse.

"Of course, I understand what I just did. There is a reason I chose her, you know, I'm not a monster." Myrtle crosses her arm, pushing up those transparent breasts and huffing at me while pouting. I don't know what she is on about. Also, I noticed that although she had changed her mopey personality, a little of it is still there and is showing itself in a tsundere manner, which is honestly quite cute. I shake my head and focus back on the matter at hand. "What does that even mean?" I question, trying to calm myself as I am a bit out of control in a few different ways, and it seems like she actually has a point.

"Come on, Gilderoy. I know she's old and a Professor with a massive stick up her arse, but she's still a woman. She has needs and feelings, even if she never shows them, and completely focuses on doing all the work in this school." Myrtle shakes her head and laughs." She really wanted what just happened, but she didn't have the guts to go for it. She was bogged down by responsibilities, sensibility, morality, insecurity, age, and a whole bunch of other things. I wanted to fuck you, and so did she, so I used her body, and we both got what we wanted." There is a moment of silence as I process all of that, and then I sigh.

"While that may be, that still doesn't justify this. She had no say in this whatsoever, and while I am into all sorts of stuff, I ain't into that. I can talk a woman into getting into bed with me, but I'm not about to physically force one or whatever the hell it is you just did." I say, looking at her with anger. I didn't even have a choice in this, and I am really regretting not giving McGongall's mind a read to see what she was thinking, as I would have discovered all of this. "Relax, she was awake for all of it, and she thoroughly enjoyed it as much as I did." I just look at her blankly, and she quickly expands on her point.

"Seriously, she was loving it. I was inside her; I knew exactly what she was thinking. Hell, there was a part in all of that when I completely relinquished all control and let her do what she wanted. I don't know if she realised, but she could have definitely stopped everything and gotten away from that big dick of yours. But no, she kept bouncing on that cock and screaming her heart out. Hell, she isn't even asleep right now; she's just pretending because she doesn't know how to handle any of this. She loved it." My head spins around to look at the laid-out form of Professor McGonagall, who is still spread eagle on her desk, my seed still dripping out of her vagina, and my eyes widen in shock as her eyes suddenly snap open.

"Miss Warren, make no mistake, I will find a way to punish you for what you have done today. I will find a way to make you hurt, even after death." Her cold voice rings out into the suddenly freezing classroom, and I feel a shiver up my spine and the intensity in her voice. I also realise I might be cold because I am equally as naked as Minerva is as I am currently hanging dong. I feel the urge to cover up but suppress it, seeing no point as we had already done the twisted tango and seen everything there is to see in the most intimate way. I am just glad that the focus of Professor McGonagall's ire is Myrtle Warren right now and not me. I really don't want to know what she is going to do about me.

"Oh, come on. Like that will actually happen." Myrtle laughs tauntingly, suddenly darting through the air and flying through Minerva's body, and I can see the sudden tightening of her body and the mute horror in her eyes, which quickly passes as it's clear that Myrtle had just phased through her and was making a point. "If anything could actually be done to ghosts, then Peeves would be gone by now, Binns wouldn't be teaching History of Magic, and all of the ghosts flying throughout the world with no sanctions or reasons to care would be gotten rid of. It's only because muggles can't see ghosts as they have no magic that the Statute of Secrecy is maintained, and the magical governments of the world don't bother with it." She starts to explain, all the while looking derisively at McGonagall.

"There is nothing that can be done to me, and I am practically unkillable and untouchable, but I am free to do whatever I want. And you know that, even if you are putting up this fierce front, you know it's impossible to actually do anything to me." Given the way Minerva grimaces, that must be true. I hadn't really given it much thought, but if ghosts were roaming around wherever they wanted, then the secret of magic would be in danger but thankfully people without magic can't see ghosts because it is only because of magic that ghosts can even exist and there are no muggle ghosts. Still, I don't know what to say, and I would rather stay out of this until one of them leaves or something is resolved.

"Now, how about you focus on the positives here instead of getting bogged down by the negatives, Minerva. I can call you Minerva, right? I feel that we are close and intimate enough that I can call you that." Myrtle giggles while McGonagall growls lowly but doesn't say anything, and Myrtle continues on anyway. "Now you have no reason to stop here, do you? Forget all of those things that were holding you back because when we get down to brass tacks, Gildeory's big meaty cock has already plundered the depths of your magically young pussy. Been there done that sort of thing, so why not continue?" Myrtle smiles, and no one says anything.

"Right, well then. You guys can decide whether you are going to keep going at it or not. I'm going to make myself scarce, and what you two get up to is your own business. But I would recommend taking her back to Pound Town, Gilderoy. Okay, byeee!" And with that, she cackles in glee and swoops through the air and out of this entire situation by phasing through a wall and leaving behind only silence and two naked Professors in an awkward situation. Well... I don't think I am the only person who wouldn't know what to do in this situation. Hell, I think no one in existence would know what to do. Because I certainly don't, and McGonagall definitely doesn't because we are awkwardly staring at each other.

And now, I'm looking at her breasts and now her genitals. God fucking damn it, what is wrong with me. Not the time, brain! I quickly drag my eyes back up to hers, which is just as painful, and I am surprised to see her own eyes shuddering upwards, making me think that it is possible she is also staring at... No, it's not possible. Still, where to go from her. "I apologise for what has happened tonight, Professor McGonagall. I should have realised that you would not have proposed to me in such a way and that something was wrong. That was my mistake. Of course, you wouldn't do something like this. I think it is best if I leave and we..." I didn't finish that, and I decided it was better to just go and start collecting my clothing, which was thrown all around the room.

"Hold it right there, young man." I freeze, the authoritative tone of that cold voice stopping me in my tracks, and I quickly spin around to face McGonagall, who is looking at me with crossed arms and a stern look which is doing wondrous things to her chest and not so wondrous things to my lower half. "While I don't like the manner in which things had occurred tonight, that thrice-damned ghost is right about one thing. What's happened has happened, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to make the most of it. So you drop those pants right now and walk that arse right back over her right now." I don't need to be told a second time, and I am already in front of her within a second.  

"Now, things are going to proceed in a very different manner to how they did earlier with that stupid little girl. I'm not about to beg under you like a pathetic idiot, and I am very much in control. I am going to enjoy myself, and if you go along with it, then I can assure you that you will be just as satisfied. Is that understood?" She questions as she reaches up and undoes the braids on her head, allowing her silky long hair to drop, which she promptly gathers up and fashions into the tight bun she usually wears. Goddamn, this is so hot and is really getting me hard. Seeing her stare at me with a raised eyebrow, I realise that she asked me a question, and I quickly nod my head in affirmation.

"Good, now show me that tongue you've used on so many stupid little girls." She points her wand at her pelvis and performs some sort of cleaning spell before leaning back against and spreading her legs wide open, allowing me to see her beautiful pussy up close, the hair neatly trimmed up above it. She stares down imperiously at me, and I stare up before looking back down and getting to work, licking up and down on her lips and grinning when I hear her moans.

I'm sure there are some people out there that would have an issue with this sort of thing, Giving up control and being ordered about, but not me. I am as secure in myself as I could possibly be, and I know it. I'm not bothered about this sort of thing because, ultimately, it doesn't mean anything, and at the end of the day, nothing changes for me. I'm not going to do anything I don't want to do, and if I want to stop, then I will. And if I feel like keeping on going, then I fucking will because I want to.

"Ah! Yes, that's a good boy!" She moans, and that is all the incentive I need to transfer from licking to tonguing as I grab ahold of her thighs and mash my face between her legs and stick my tongue into her nether regions and start to furiously tongue fuck her. Getting a bit impetuous, my hand crawls up and latches onto her breast, but that stops when she gives it a quick rap with her wand, the slight sting making me withdraw. "Not yet. Keep doing a good job, and I will reward you." Damn, I definitely have mommy issues because that just really turned me on.

"Ah! Fuck! I'm cumming! Drink it all!" Her Scottish accent makes an appearance as she starts to squirt and drench me in her juices, and I quickly begin to lap it up and take it into my mouth, and to my surprise, it actually tastes sweeter like strawberry. Damn, she knows a spell to make her fluids taste like other things. I will need to learn that from her after this is all over. I continue to lick as she comes down from her high, but my tongue is suddenly lapping at the air as she grabs me by the hair and moves me back, smiling down at me.

"Well, you certainly don't disappoint Mr Lockhart." I can't help but notice how she no longer refers to me as a Professor as the dynamic has changed, and I don't mind it. After all, I do have memories of her teaching transfiguration to me, and she was my teacher. "A very good job, Mr Lockhart. I do believe you deserve a reward." I feel something moving along the bottom of my cock and look down to see the top of her foot lightly skimming along the underside of it with feather-light touches, keeping me on the edge. It's made even more visually appealing as she is still wearing those black high heels, her toes hidden from sight as the pale flesh of the top of her foot stokes me.

"On your feet. Get ready for a wild time."

The new season of The Boys is here! I just watched episode 6. Mother's Milk is now being called Marvin because the milk champion is now someone else. Really good episode; I found the basement cool, and all that nodding was funny as fuck. We are heading towards camps, so cool.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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