The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 75

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons Stewart Baird, Joaquin Israel Mendez Ojeda and HectorXX00.

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Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patrons Arkhad, Lord Blood-Campione, Poke, LastNomai and Bobless. I can't thank you enough for your support.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 75- Wild Domination. [R-18]


"On your feet. Get ready for a wild time." McGonagall ordered, and make no mistake, it was an order, one I eagerly answered as I shot to my feet and stood ready for whatever she had planned next. Standing firmly on the ground, my penis firmly erect in the air ahead of me, I watched as Professor McGonagall raised her legs, kicking off her heels in the process. I watched, disappointed as the heels hit the ground, sad to see them go, but seeing her bare feet and the last vestige of clothing leave her, I was also happy.

She sat on her desk still, and she was bringing her legs up and. I thought she was doing it to shuffle backwards for more room and to lay back, but instead, after she had brought them horizontally to the ground, I was amazed. She started to spread her legs, moving them to the side, and when I thought they would stop, having reached the limit, they just kept going. "I haven't been able to do this in such a long time. I truly forgot what it was like to be young." She says, having reached her final position, which is a full split on the edge of her desk with her leaning back on her two hands and basically presenting herself to me. I have no words, and so I just move forward to get inside of her.

"Hold it." She says, putting her hand out to clasp my cheek and moving my face up to meet her eyes again, not harshly but definitely firmly. Wow, I am saying firm a lot, aren't I? "You are going to clean up this entire room once we are finished. Is that understood?" She says, gesturing with her eyes to the mess on the floor with all her papers on the ground from when Myrtle, who was possessing her body, had swept it off the desk and onto the floor so we could fuck on the desk. I went to protest since it wasn't even me who made the mess, but before I could, she spoke again.

"Is that understood?" She said, somehow being precognizant and knowing I was about to complain and refuse. In the end, I just nod my head, wanting to get on with the activities ahead. Why do I care? I have magic, and I can have this all cleaned up in a jiffy in under a minute; it really doesn't matter in the end. "Good. Now, let's get to the fucking." And with that, she reaches down and grabs me by the shaft and yanks me toward her. She lets go and moves her hand back behind her as I stumble forward, my hand finding stability on the desk behind her legs, ending up face to face with merely an inch between us, me looking into her eyes.

"I'm not here for a gentle time, Gilderoy. Now get to it." Understanding exactly what she meant, I moved back a bit and lined myself in before thrusting inside, my bellend meeting her familiar depths once again and yet for the first time. "Oh, laird. Ah cannae believe tis bin sae lang sin ah did this!" McGonagall screams, and I pause a moment trying to digest and understand what she had just said in her Scottish twang, but then I shrug it off and resume my motions, having gotten the gist of it, and I sat hammering away, my dick slamming into her pussy again and again as she screams in Scottish that I can't really understand but which turns me on none the less.

"Ye cannae stoap noo! let's keep gaun!" She screams when I stop for a moment, and then she pushes me backwards, and I fall to the floor, only McGonagall quickly swishes her wand and adds a cushioning charm to the floor, saving my poor backside. My back slams into the soft ground, and then suddenly, she is off the desk and squatting over me, holding me down with two hands as she slams her pelvis down again and again, not allowing me to move an inch as she does all the work and all the motion, taking full control. In a situation like this, it should feel pretty masculine to just lay there and allow the woman to jump up and down on you. But by that same measure, I am just lying there as she has her wicked way with me, not that I'm complaining.

"Holy shite! Ye'r sae pumpin' beeg!" She says, leaning down onto me and lowering her mouth to mine. I purse my lips expecting a kiss and to have some tongue play, but instead, she grabs me by the head and, pulls me up a bit and then precedes to lick the side of my face with her long tongue, going from the bottom of my chin, over my eyelid and ending at my forehead before leaving over and biting my ear, hard. I can't help but groan at that, to which she cackles in glee as she continues to pound me.

[AN: Just a warning here, things get really saucy after this. Some of you may not like that, especially those of you who are all for that Alpha male stuff. So, I recommend you skip the rest of the chapter, as that will probably not be the case for you. I want to try and cover as many fetishes as I can at some point of the story even if I am not personally into them. Feel free to give me suggestions. Now, onto the spice. Avert your eyes thee of little sexual perversion.]

"Sorry, mah dear. Did that hurt?" She asks, but I can see the smile on her face knowing she doesn't actually care much and knows that while it hurt a bit, I was still going strong as she could feel it inside of her. and then she hops off of me and gets ready to take a new position. I move to go with her, but then she pushes me back to the floor and smiles down at me. "No need, Gilderoy. Just lay back and let me do everything." She says, and I am more than happy to go along with that, but it gets weird when she reaches down and grabs me by the back of the ankles, trying to move my legs, to which I, of course, resist.

"What are you doing?" I ask, confused about what exactly grabbing me by the ankles is going to do for her. "Never done anything like this before? Well, don't you worry. I'll show you the ropes. Just let me do the work and go with it, lad." She says, and deciding to listen to her and go with the flow, I stop any resistance and let her manoeuvre me until she is kneeling in front of me, raising my legs into the air by the back of my ankles. I wonder if she is into a form of weird blowing, but then she pushes my legs even further back, and I go to say something again, but before I can, she shushes me.

"All you've been with so far are little girls who do your bidding, but that changes today. It's time you experience how a real woman does things. A real witch. Trust me, you will love it." Still feeling a bit apprehensive, I eye her with caution, but the promise of pleasure is enough to persuade me. I am a man who sticks by his word most of the time, and I said I would be up for anything and willing to give anything a go, which includes this. But there is no way I am letting anything anywhere near my ass; that's one place I am not about to go, no matter what.

McGonagall pushes my legs back until my feet are facing the ceiling in a kind of curled-up position on my back, my knees going to my chest. Not the most dignified position, but my cock is also pointing straight up at the ceiling as well. I think I know where this is going, and I am proven correct when McGonagall gets on her feet, moving forward over me and squatting down over my ass, still holding onto the back of my ankles. She reaches down and lines up my cock before slamming herself down, and I can feel her ass slap against mine. As a perverted teen in my last life with free internet access, I knew exactly what this was.

"Aye, that is th' stuff. A'm gonnae fook yer heid sae hard!" She says, continuing to squat over me, driving her pussy up and down my cock in the reverse mating press. Something I had seen in my past life but didn't click onto it actually happening before me as I had never thought I would meet a girl that would be into this or that anyone would be into this kind of thing except for the girls being paid to do it, but here I stand corrected... Here I lay corrected as Mcgonagall continues to piledrive me, trying to milk my cock for all its worth.

"As she continues to fuck me, and make no mistake, it is her fucking me now, I think about whether I like this or not. Sure, it's a bit emasculating, and I do feel weird having lost control like this and for her to be so very in control over me at this point. Still, my cock feels so good right now with her cunt just devouring it again and again. I realise that feeling good matters more to me than ephemeral things that don't actually do much for me. This feels amazing right now, and if giving up control and letting Professor McGonagall dominate and use her former student like this keeps her this eager and fast-paced, then I don't give a shit. I am liking this right now.

"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming!" I can't help but shout, the constant pumping of my shaft and the act of gravity on it, along with her ass skimming along my balls, makes me finally reach the limit, and I cum straight up into her, my cum shooting out and filling her up, and then she squeezes down as she comes and I feel like my cock is about to be ripped off. "Bugger! A'm cumming! Pat it a' ben me!" She screams as she quirts, dousing us both in her love juice, and her pussy strangles my cock for all its worth, and then finally, it's over.

After McGonagall comes down from her high, she gingerly gets off me. She then gently lowers my legs back to the ground, and I have to take a moment to just lay there and breathe after that intense experience. "Haah, that was good. Better than good, it was amazing. I haven't had such fun in a very long time." McGonaglls sighs a good sigh, getting up to her feet. "Yeah, it was definitely something, Professor. I had no idea you took your strict and authority-dominant behaviour into the bedroom as well." I breathe out from the floor, feeling an ache in my legs and not trusting them enough to stand correctly on my own at this moment. Just a couple of minutes of rest, and I should be good to go.

"Ah, you poor dear. Here, why don't you take a seat and rest up? I was a bit too rough on a newcomer like yourself." Minerva says, summoning over the student chair that I had sat on earlier as I forced Minerva's head which was full of Myrtle, down on my cock. Now, I found myself working my way off the floor and sitting in it again, but this time, it was McGonagall who was forcing herself down on me. How the turntables have turned... That isn't the correct phrase, but my brain is too overwhelmed by the mind-blowing sex to remember it right now.

"Incarcerous." And then suddenly, my brain is back to full capacity, and I am panicking as ropes shoot out and wrap around my form, bounding me to the chair. And the ropes were incredibly firm and constricting, wrapping around my legs and my arms, tying them against the wood, my arms by my sides. I look on panicked as McGonagall traipses towards me, a while suddenly in her hand that. I have no clue where she comes from, but I am very much not liking this anymore, as I am drawing some parallels to when I was captured over a year ago and detained in my own home.

Thankfully, my senses returned to me. I remember that I had prepared for this circumstance after the last time it happened and the incident in Diagon Alley. I don't know what suddenly got into Professor McGonagall, but I don't have time to question it or talk, and I strath my hand to the floor as much as I can, and then I cast Accio, wandlessly. My wand shoots up off of the ground where I left it and straight into my waiting hand. Although it's uncomfortable and my wrist hurts, I twist my hand and point it toward Minerva, who is very close to me.

"Expeliarmus!" I shout, my spell shooting out, and with her having nowhere to go at such close range, it hits, her wand flying out of her hand and towards me. Of course, I am tied up right now, so it just flies past onto the floor behind me, and I don't take the moment to free myself, keeping my wand aimed at McGonagal in case of any sudden movements or attacks. "Wandless magic? Very impressive, Gilderoy." She says, not looking all that alarmed even though I have my wand pointed at her and she is without hers.

"What is the meaning of this, Minerva? Why am I tied up?" I ask, wanting to know why she had suddenly attacked and bound me. "We had such a good time together, and then you did this. Why did you have you have to ruin it?" I ask, genuinely having enjoyed the time I had spent with her, even if it had started out in an odd fashion. I wonder for a moment if it was Minerva who had found the diary, but then I rid myself of the notion as Myrtle was just possessing her and also she should be aware of who Tom Riddle is, and it says it on the book. So why?

"Ruin it? We had such a good time together?" Minerva says, slowly starting to approach. I am on the edge of cursing her. Still, something in her movement and her tone prevented me from doing so, picking up on something that my panic had kept me from identifying before. "Dear, who said it was over. I am not ruining it. I am enhancing it." She has now reached in front of the chair, and I now realise being suddenly tied had activated my fight or flight response, and McGonagall wasn't actually attacking me; she just wanted to do some rope play. Still, I am reluctant to let go of my wand. McGonagall notices.

"By all means, keep your wand in your hand if that makes you feel better, Gilderoy. But don't allow your fear and caution to get in the way of a wonderful time together. After all, I still have so much to teach you." She says, sliding herself over me and taking a seat on the edge of my knees, sitting on me and still keeping a healthy distance between my cock and her vagina. My eyes trailed her body and magnificent tits, and she reached forward and started to stroke my cock with a single finger, poking the shaft and moving it around, making my cock come rapidly back to life.

"You don't have to say a word. If you want to stop, then use the wand. But I am a hungry woman that has been uncaged, Gilderoy. A starving wildcat let out from behind those steel bars, and you're the piece of meat that I have hungered for." Her hand fully grips my cock now, and she goes back to stroke it up and down slowly, taking her time as she leans forward to start kissing me sensually on the sides of my face, slow and getting close to the edge of my lips but never actually touching them. I can't help but grunt due to her ministrations, her skilled hands getting me worked up again.

"I'm unleashed now, Gilderoy, and there is nothing I can do to stop it now. You're mine tonight, and I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. Do not expect any rest." She whispers softly into my ear. "Now cum for me." And like a miraculous revelation, my body judders where it is tied to the chair as my cum starts to uncontrollably shoot out, moving through the distance and painting her entire abdomen white in the colour of my sperm. She smiles at me, her hand reaching down and scooping some of my sperm with the tips of her fingers and bringing it up to her lips, licking my cum off of them and sucking on her her fingers.

"We are going to have such fun."

She wasn't wrong.

The new season of The Boys is here! I just watched episode 7. Things are coming to a close and that thing with Starlight... I was so happy for my boy Hughie, but then that happened. We don't know whether it is actually a man or a woman, so the degree of fucker uppery is yet unknown, but I do wonder how it is all going to end. That bro thing with Deep and Noir was funny, and so was the flying.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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