The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 11: Combat

All of the students followed Vivian towards an open space just outside the main building, where a similar type of stadium to the awakening hall was erected.

Inside the building were rows of gym equipment and also rows of weapons displayed on the walls.

It was a very expansive structure with some particular partitions which likely seperated the area for year levels, restricted areas and such.

Vivian then turned her attention to the class as she pointed towards the part of the building which said [Combat Grounds-1st level].

"Listen up, every weapon you could find here is a standard issue used in the labyrinth so it's  quality is guaranteed. For those who still don't have their personal weapon, you may borrow from this section"

Some of the student's eyes lit up as they heard her words but some clearly chuckled at the idea of borrowing such 'standard issue' tools.

"However please keep in mind that you're only borrowing these weapons, if any of you destroy or decide to keep one to yourselves unauthorized, a likely punishment and fines of  about 500,000 Del awaits you" she warned as she swiped her vrace to the device attached to the entrance of the grounds which authenticated entry.

Most of the student's excitement died down after being told of heavy fines and punishment which was understable since not everyone admitted in Uvelia is from a well off and elite family.

Even I was kind of taken aback of the prices of the weapons on the wall and I was technically from an elite family myself.

'I only have about 34,000 Del on me..I'd be out in the streets if I didn't have my Sixth'

I looked over the students which were clearly holding themselves from laughing at the students downtrodden of the fines.

They weren't even entertaining the idea of borrowing since all of them would likely have a family treasure or weapon personally bought for them by their family.

In short, it was a discrepancy brought about the lack of resources from one party to the other.

'Even if Uvelia promotes equality, it still really wouldn't work out in practical terms..' I mused.

The general criteria for admission for Uvelia are skills, intelligence, overall potential and sometimes peculiar  conditions welcomed for observation.

But most of the time, just by looking at one's family name, one is possibly guaranteed admittance which is unfortunately true since family backing and prestige is an asset of an individual in of itself.

"Choose you respective grounds and start your individual practice. I will just be observing for now class"

Vivian then left the vicinity instantly as everyone was a little startled by her actions, she was probably somewhere she could observe the whole class uninterrupted.

After that, every student immediately seperated towards their chosen practice grounds and some went towards the weapon's section to borrow some of it albeit reluctantly.

There were shooting grounds where metal dummies where displayed and then there were obstacle courses and a free space for freestyle practice and sorts.

I looked at Jun who was contemplating by himself, some were still clearly trying to avoid contact with him.

Brian and the gang on the other hand mostly went towards the free space area except for Sophia and Amana which chose the shooting grounds.

'Hmmm might as well start'

I decided to let the MC be since at this point of the story, Ray and him hasn't bonded yet and were still strangers to each other.

I myself wasn't eager to willingly mingle with him nor anyone in particular. I would make my move when the time is right or when it's necessarry.

I started to walk away from the entrance but before I could go towards my spot someone blocked my way.

"Hey Ray!, let's go to the shooting range" said Alice who hid her hands behind her back as she grinned.


"Uhh wait...Alice"

"Hmmm what's wrong?" she tilted her head slightly as if there wasn't anything weird going on here.

"...Wha- I mean our teacher said to do individual practice so.."

"Well it doesn't make a difference does it" she turned her back on me as she took a sneak glance.

"You're a gunner-I mean a gunslinger so you're obviously going to the shooting range anyway. So I thought we might as well go together" her eyes were shining in excitement as she looked at me.

'I see...I knew it. So that's why she wasn't hesitant in getting closer to the alleged pervert'

Well I already knew she was open-minded and had distaste for rumors like that from reading the novel so I already expected that she wouldn't be gullible like the rest of the class.

However it was strange to see her actively trying to get close to me even though it would be still later down the road where Ray and Alice becomes friends through Jun.

Well now I know why she was curious about me. 

I looked at her grinning face then scratched my cheek awkwardly.

"How do I say this...I'm going to the obstacle course"

"Huh? but there's no targets there?"

"..There are though..., so maybe next time I guess" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hmmm interesting, well sorry for bothering you then. I feel kind of silly now" she chuckled as she turned to leave quickly although she waved at me before completely leaving.

'I didn't think buying a gun would result to this..'

I snapped out of my train of thought as I proceeded to the obstacle course.


Vivian was watching her students practice in all sorts of ways as they try to attune and discover their new path to their ultimate growth.

Most of the students were fumbling over themselves as they couldn't match their newly acquired powers but there were exceptions.

"Hmmmm as expected of a Silvious, such beautiful technique and focus"

She felt satisfaction seeing a genius among her students specially someone who acquired the Spear Master class.

Brian's each thrust, swipe, and slash were all smoothly connecting with each other forming a refined set of basic yet deadly forms.

Vivian then observed the rest such as Emily's practice of mana control which was exceptional as mana particles circled around her body coordinately.

Lily's display of fierce and quick thrust with her rapier was outstanding to behold for someone of her age.

It was also an amazing sight to see Sophia's double casting as fireballs and lighting balls struck the dummies.

Same goes for Amana's creative use of spirit infused arrows as if they were alive freely flying all over the shooting range.

'The first year's batch is looking great' a smile formed on her red lips.

She then turned her attention to the oddballs of her class.

In the other part of the shooting range was an ongoing spectacle of small explosions, luckily sound proof spells were inscibed within each area.

"Alice Rozenthine, Artillerist, such an amusing class variation from the normally discrete gunner class" Vivian mused as she recorded her observation of the new variation.

"It seems that the new variations are very peculiar...specially that boy"

Vivian went on to watch a bizarre spectacle which she hasn't seen yet in her career in Uvelia.

A youth was at first going through the obstacle course as he nimbly and quickly passed through the first stage where it focuses on platform difficulty.

The obstacle course wasn't a popular nor an effective training course as a few classes would be directly tested through it but it was still a sight for Vivian to see his exceptional agility which wasn't high for gunners in the first place.

It was going normally until he got to the second stage where not only obstacles are in place but active projectiles such as small metal disc and pellets would assault the individual.

One would normally accelerate through this part or carefully plan out their route but the boy did neither of those and only stood still at the firing area.

The bizarre thing was instead of getting rained down by projectiles he instead-

"...He shot them down at close range and also somehow deflected the irregular shots at that range?"

Vivian was at loss for words seeing a supposed ranged class performing such feats.

"Although he's still a bit rusty seeing that he can't avoid everything he's still-...hmmm Ray Irisville, why do these family members have odd classes?"

Vivian massaged her head as she remembered another Irisville which the word oddball would be an understatement to describe her.

Even so she was excited to see how the two variations would grow.

"Now about the problem child..."

Her brows knit as she read the data on her vrace about Jun Carter, the Duelist and-

"...A possible fallen offspring but the headmaster denied such possibility. Even the church officials and labyrinth inspectors couldn't deny that he was not a fallen but why is his innate skill then..."

She collected herself as she observed Jun's way of practice from the free space area where he displayed basic swinging motion using a broadsword with only one hand.

He then switched the hand holding the sword to his left then made stabbing motions.

He repeated such sets over and over.

It was confusing to see such an ineffective way of testing one's class and not only that, it was an inefficient sword practice itself.

"What are you doing Jun Carter?" 


"Yeah, keep doing that Jun" I said as I looked at his infamous practice.

I had already exited the obstacle course after being warned by the A.I that I had crossed the suppossed hit points.

I plopped down on the floor, sweat soaking my shirt and my face.

'I can only manage that much without my goggles. Well this class is perfect just as I suspected but there's still something missing..'

As I was pondering over that, my eyes caught a slash of condensed mana heading straight towards Jun's direction.

" it's starting?" I said as I watched on, unconcerned in the slightest because I knew Jun had already noticed it beforehand.

Jun quickly jumped to the sides as he dodged the attack by a hairs' breath.

He then looked towards the origin of the mana slash, clearly upset about the unprovoked attack.

"...Hey what the hell was that for?"

Jun's glare directly landed on a buff student with navy blue short hair. He had a shield and a broadsword in hand as he faced Jun.

He was smiling from ear to ear as if he didn't do anything wrong whatsoever.

"Ahh-my bad, my hands slipped you see.."

The student in question, Donovan, grinned as he looked down on Jun.

"..You prick.."

Jun then walked towards him face to face, Donovan on the other hand just welcomed it as he expected it to be.

'..Jun just don't do this. You're still weak as hell remember' I reminded inwardly.

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