The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 10: Uvelia Academy

After the awakening ceremony was over, we were immediately guided towards our respective classrooms.


I sighed as I stood right in front of the door of my assigned classroom. The interior of the hallway was similar to normal school hallways.

The school was divided into 4 levels from A to D. A is the level for freshmen while B for second years and C for third years. D is for the level of teachers and faculty and the number 3 stands for the classroom number.


I let out my breath as I opened the door. The classroom was fairly normal with open windows and the usual square outline and front desk at the other end of the room.

The room was already occupied by many students and so I quickly looked for an open seat.


I turned my head over to the side as I felt some gazes on me.

There were a group of girls looking my way as they pointed at my direction. Some of them were clearly trying to keep a distance away from me as soon as I turned my head in their direction.

Some were even covering their chest.

I knit my brows at their blatant attitude towards me as I ignored them completely.

'Geez, I'm not going to peek, you assholes. It's all that party database's fault...'

The party database is a program that was automatically installed in our vraces as soon as the awakening ceremony was over.

It basically showed public student rosters that displayed information on our identity, profession, class, and innate skills although it can't put out too much details on our skills and class, it only showed surface level information.

'Well that database wouldn't make a difference since Ray's name was infamous even before he came into the academy'

I'm pretty sure that they have confirmed my identity right after the ceremony because I had acquired a new class variation, it was inevitable that I would get some unwanted attention.

As soon as they did an identity check, their point of interest became a point of disdain and warriness.

It was clear as day when I was going to the classroom that the student body was already aware of who I was.

I shake out of my useless thoughts and picked a spot next to the seat from the last row beside the window.

I still felt some gazes on me but it was a little different from the tasteless bunch from earlier.

'Hmmm as expected, they're also wary of me'

I sneaked a glance toward the front rows where the rival and the main heroines were seated.

Brian was explicitly keeping an eye out for me because he's very cautious towards other elite households like the Irisville, Rozenthine and even the Cross family.

Even if Brian Silvious is a prime example of a young master, he still wants to be ensured that he would come out on top specially before a certain someone gets admitted in the academy.

His lackeys were also checking out the competition which unfortunately included me.

Donovan and Teller, the followers of Brian were seated right behind him as they kept a lively conversation going with the girls in the class trying to talk to Brian.

On the other hand were Emily the Saint in a literal and metaphorical sense, and Lily the firstborn of the fallen household of the Cross family were being swarmed by both guys and girls.

Although both of them didn't pay too much mind to them at all, Emily just smoothly excused herself out of the mobs while Lily just straight up ignored all of them.

'It's kinda fortunate that they're ignoring me like the rest but...'

I looked over the rest of the heroines.

One was looking at me with disgust as my eyes glanced at her almost picturesque beauty. Amana the high elf was already blacklisting me among the humans.

"...Hmmph" she turned her body away from my gaze.


'Reel it in man, don't let it get to you' I reminded myself.



I looked over my back and I was greeted with 6 fluffy fox tails swaying that furled to cover the fox girl, Sophia. 

She walked right past me as she picked a seat far away from mine.

I smiled wryly as I tried to keep my anger levels in check as I was getting really annoyed with these people.

As I was contemplating over my sanity, someone had taken the seat left to mine.

"Hey is this seat taken?"


I was stunned for a moment as I gazed upon her flowing blonde hair  and crystal clear sky blue eyes.

'...Alice? Isn't it too early for you to make contact with me and aren't you supposed to be with Emily's group?'

"Ummm, Ray right?"

"Y-yeah, that's vacant" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Sweet! I'm Alice by the way, nice to meet you" she immediately took her seat as she waved at me.

"Yeah...nice to meet you too..." I waved back albeit a little awkwardly.


Alice Rozenthine, a side heroine and a supporting character overall, wasn't supposed to be seated next to me. She was originally supposed to be hanging out with Emily and the other girls.

'....Hmmmmm it because of-'

"Hey aren't you the one that tried to help me from earlier"

I immediately turned my head to the familiar voice and the one I was expecting to be there in the first place.

From the free spot to my right was Jun Carter, taking it as his seat.

'..I didn't notice him despite my high sense stat? as expected from the protagonist..'

"You're that guy right? Sorry if I bothered you. I was running late because I got lost in this big campus" he laughed wryly.

"...Yeah don't mention it. I'm Ray Irisville"

"Oh right! I'm Jun Carter, nice to meet you"

I nodded as I noticed the gazes on me from a while ago dissapeared or more likely got redirected to Jun.

Their eyes however didn't held warriness but instead held disgust and contempt.

Even Emily and Lily that was unbothered by someone like me were looking at Jun like he was someone pitiful.

(It's him right..)

(It's said in the party database, so I'm sure it's him)

(What a shame, he even had a new class)

(Well it is what it is..what was the academy thinking?)

(I can't believe they accepted such a thing here)

Their murmurs weren't even considered whispers anymore since it could be heard loud and clear.

'This is why I didn't want to go to this garbage dump'

Jun, despite clearly hearing those allegations, ignored them and went on his own business.

I knew that Jun was already used to this type of people and this type of treatment but that still pisses me off to no end.

This kind of start on the novel was really irksome to read specially on how it got worse as time passed.

Luckily it all changes drastically once they knew Jun was someone that could potentially become at the top of the delver rankings although there's a lot of death flags along the way.

'I'm going to need to keep an eye on you until then'

However it's really going to take a lot out of me to get along with this guy and while simutaneously trying to not die myself.

As I was contemplating my next possible plans for the future, a beautiful lady walked in the classroom.

She was a mature woman with sharp looking green eyes, big breast, and brown silky short hair.

"Attention everyone!"

She said as waves of mana passed through the classroom which made all the students shut up.

'...What's up with these teachers intimidating us poor kids?' I mused as sweat flowed down my cheeks.

She observed her students as a pleasant smile formed on her lips seemingly satisfied that some exceptional individuals were able to withstand her mana wave.

Except when she slighly furrowed her brow when her eyes glazed over Jun and I.

"Hello class, as you might already know, I'm Vivian Witcher and I will be in charge of this class"

Vivian Witcher, the homeroom class teacher of the protagonist and a fan favorite because of her absurd strength and beauty shown by her delver ranking at the hundreths.

"I'm looking forward on teaching you our predecessors' delver techniques and knowledge and I hope you live up to the expectations of our academy and also the barrier nations"

She then checked her vracer as she inputted the command, [scan]. It lighted up for a bit until she nodded.

"It seems like everyone is here. Now since it's your first day and you've just awakened, it's best we hold off our lectures for now and let you attune to your class skills and stat distributions"

"It won't even be a week before all of you are given practical labyrinth exploration training so getting used to your classes is a must"

Everyone in the class seemed excited at the thought of trying out their newly acquired classes.

Even I was excited like a little kid, wanting to try a new trick I learned. 

It was also a crucial part of forming parties as each students can observe each other skills if given the chance.

Although I knew there was a little surprise at the combat training, still I wasn't worried because the MC is the one that's got to deal with that.

"Follow me, we will be going to our combat facility"

She then turned her back as she exited the room.

'Finally I can test this thing out'

I grinned as I followed the rest of the class.

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