The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 9: First Day [2]

'This is..'

I looked towards the directory on a large hologram telling the students to immediately proceed to the school hall.

I followed the directions stated and after a little bit of walking I finally arrived at the huge hall of Uvelia academy.

It was more akin to a large stadium than a gymnasium.

"..Now then, where should I sit?"

The inside of the place was already full of students, more exactly the bleachers were already packed. 

After finding a spot near the entrance, I sat down as I let out a sigh, my tension was rising at each minute.

The event that would take place in this hall and in this moment is very crucial to the story and also important to myself since it would make my survival plans either fail or succeed. 

"Attention Everyone!"

I snapped out of my worrying thoughts as I listened to the announcer at the podium.

"Firstly I congratulate this year's freshman in entering our beloved Uvelia academy, your position is entirely earned with your time, talents and effort"

'Yeah...about that' I mused as I scratched my cheeks in guilt. I sneaked a glance towards some students that were trying really hard to maintain straight faces which I can't even berate at this point since I was the same.

"Second, unfortunately our headmaster can't attend today due to important matters and instead had sent her secretary in facilitating the awakening ceremony"

"The headmaster isn't coming?"

"Man..that's a bummer"

"I wanted to at least see her"

Murmurs of complain and disappointment was being thrown here and there. It wasn't unfounded why these students were like that considering that it was rare to even see a member of the Uvelia household in public, more so in the flesh.

The whole place then went into silence when the secretary mentioned earlier had come in front of the podium. 

She had a bob cut black hair and was pretty small in height but the eye catching thing about her was the two small red horns on her forehead.

'A demonkin..and this pressure too..' 

I felt my face sweating as I tried to keep a calm composure at least because the pressure that she was exerting was much more intimidating than my uncle's.

"Please keep the order as this is a sacred ceremony and I shall remind all of you that this ceremony is still part of your official admittance hence failure to attend would mean immediate expulsion"

No one made a noise as they took the secretary's words seriously.

"Please step forward in front of the crystal when your name is called, we shall start with-"

After that many students had been called over in front of a class crystal which has thrice the size of a person and which the church had provided. 

The crystal acts as a medium for a person to view their possible classes and also ultimately choose one after deliberations.

"A swordsman! Yes!"

A boy shouted as the crystal shined which showed him his classes which wasn't visible to anyone but him. After a while it settled down as the word swordsman was engraved on the crystal which shortly disappeared right after. 

'I wish that thing didn't announce what class one has, it's annoying but..'

It was unavoidable as it was a natural occurrence when one chooses a class and two, it was convinient for research purposes as many delver and non delvers want to know everything about classes and their requirements and conditions.

Although those type of information would already be public in the school database since it is crucial in the party system.

"Brian Uvelia Silvious, come forward"

Murmurs were going on here and there when a certain individual was called out. It was natural since he is the first born of the elite family Silvious and furthermore the rival of the protagonist. 

He was a youth of considerable build and had a handsome face with his hair being silver and having eyes that were enchantingly silver as well.

After coming forward and as the lights of the crystal died down, the hall became noisy once again when they saw the engraving that said-

"S-Spear Master!"

"That's insane.."

"...Brian Silvious"

The class [Spear Master] was considered a high tiered class by the masses as it was the class that the first delver Uvelia had.

'As expected of the this point at least nothing has changed' I thought.

After Brian's awakening, the following students were shocked to see the engravings that came next as one after another, classes of great magnitude was showing up.

"Emily Stranford" a pretty girl with waist-length blue hair adorned with a ribbon and had beautiful blue eyes acquired the [Saint] class.

"Lily Cross" a petite girl with scarlet hair tied in a side ponytail and had brown colored eyes had acquired the [Magic Swordsman] class.

"Amana Reandelle" a high elf with bright green hair that was styled half up and half down and had mesmerizing green eyes. She had awakened as a [Spirit Archer].

"Sophia Foxx" a glasses wearing fox clansmen who had short golden orange hair, a pair of fox ears and six swaying fluffy tails. She had awakened as a [Sorcerer].

"What the.."

"What is up with these people?"

It was an understandable reaction considering that it was the first time that they had seen this many first years who had awakened to powerful and well-known classes.

Even the observers and teachers were paying close attention now, some were even taking down notes.

'..They are the heroines after all..'

Despite the ruckus, the secretary held back on reprimanding the student body's behavior as it was unavoidable and tolerable to some extent although she still made sure they stayed in line.

The noise of the crowd wasn't still dying down even when the secretary was still calling out the remaining students which includes me and the star of the show.

"Where the hell is that guy?"

I looked around for the protagonist even when I knew that he was going to be late for the ceremony.

All I knew that he would be called twice before he appears but I wanted to make sure that everything was still going according to the story.

'It's already ending....'

"Jun Carter, come forward"

'Oh he's already being called....' 

"Jun Carter, come forward! I will not say it thrice"

The secretary waited for a few minutes right after she said her warning and when she was about to move on to the next student-

'Goddammit! it's still too early to give me this type of touble'


"Wait! I'm here!"

I tried to speak out on the protagonist's defense but fortunately he had in fact came in late as originally written as he banged the door wide open which took the attention of everyone in the hall.

"....Are you Jun Carter?"

"Huh? Ah yes I 'am" the youth heaved as sweat flowed down on his face. He had spiky black hair and black eyes.

"....Then come forward we don't have all day"


I looked at Jun Carter, the protagonist of Destiny's Play as he went in front of the crystal.

'You little shit...' I clenched my fists in annoyance towards his very reckless behavior. It was funny reading the event in the novel but when that novel became my reality, it wasn't funny when the world is at stake due to some guy being late on the first day of school.

The crystal glowed for a while then faded right away as if Jun had not took too long to choose. 

The engraving showed an unfamiliar class which took everyone's attention immediately.


"I don't know that one"

"A new class?"

The crowd returned to being rowdy once again as even the observers were frantically taking pictures of the crystal and Jun himself. He ignored the people looking curiously at him as he retreated to the bleachers.

"Talk about first impressions.." I sighed as a weight was seemingly lifted off my chest. I turned my attention again to the podium as I knew it was the side characters time to be called.

"Alice Rozenthine, come forward" a blonde girl  with shoulder length hair partially tied in a bun and had sky blue eyes went in next. 

The crystal glowed and showed the engraving [Artillerist]. The students went into speculation again as a new class appeared, the observers also documented it like madmen.

Most of their speculation revolved around the idea of the class being a variation of the gunner class.

"Ray Irisville, come forward" the secretary continued.

I went towards the large blue crystal and when I touched it's surface, list of classes formed in my mind, exactly three.

[Rogue], a class specilized on close combat and stealth operations. 

[Mage], the original class that Ray had chosen in the novel.  A very standard class but it did not maximize Ray's potential in the end mostly because he only had a compatibility with Null spells and skills.

I looked over the third class and a grin formed on my face.

'Hell yeah!, that training paid off tin can!'

I immediately chose it in my mind and then I looked at the engraving on the crystal.

"I don't recognize that one.."

"What? another one"

"It's another variation..."

'It is in fact a variation' I mused as I turned my back on the crystal, the engraving slowly fading away which said-


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