The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 46: Cover and Motions

Duels were a common practice in Uvelia Academy.

It's format works just like my first battle with Amana during Garret's combat class but that was deemed as a demonstration.

It even includes the mandatory performance of demands by the loser of the duel but those demands would have to go through a school staff's assessment whether it is allowed or not.

Official duels is normally a bout between two students that have consentually agreed on the terms of the fight.

However there are strict rules regarding this practice. One, only by common year level duels are allowed because it's obvious that the fight would be heavily skewed in favor of the other.

But there are exceptions wherein if both parties being aware of those rules still agrees to continue their fight then it shall be allowed under heavy surveillance.

Two, one can call for a representative to fight in your stead if you wish to do so but this rule carries risk as it allows others to call their own representative as well.

Another important thing about duels is that once it is accepted, you cannot refuse or back down on the agreed arrangement or else you would be punished by the school.

Duels also wasn't allowed at the start of the semester because we first years had only began to be accustomed to our class.

But with the midterms closing in, the staff and the students are allowed to engage in duels because they assess that it would be possible to do so with their current state.

Most think that having a duel is just to test their abilities against each other but in hindsight, it's also a system of resolving conflicts of students among themselves.

Knowing those things, I presented myself as Jun's representative and by doing so announces to everyone that I would handle any duel that's thrown in Jun's direction.

"...D-don't kid around Irisville!?" the blonde guy said, not believing my words.

"And why would I? I'm totally serious here though.." I said, not breaking eye contact with these fools.

"..B-but this has nothing to do with you so mind your own business.." the freckled one said.

'...Oh it does have something to do with me punk. I'm going to need this guy to get the book for me' I thought of the real reason as to why I was doing this.

I already knew that it was there, the skill book was present in that section but because I was abruptly kicked out, I didn't even think to mark where exactly it was.

I was also wandering aimlessly in that place so finding it again is going to waste a lot of my time.

In addition, I might not be able to use my innate skill again in that place since I think that the librarian is aware of what I did.

Although I'm not completely sure that is the case, risking another ban from her is bad for me, she might even talk to the school staff about this.

And the crucial point was, I can't go inside the library anyway because I was banned for ten whole days.

"What I do is none of your business either. As long as Jun Carter agrees with me, your complaints are irrelevant.." 

Seemingly fed up with my uncomprimising attitude, the blond guy's friend pointed at me in anger.

"..Don't you know who you're messing with.."

He warned as if he was threathening me with his family influence, I already knew that was coming from a mile away.

Most of the students in this class of mine are from elite households and most of their parents hold important position in Durevellis but they seem to forget a certain fact about me.

"I'll ask the same. Do you know who you're messing with?"

I let out a cold voice as I looked down on these people that think they're the only ones with authority in here.

'You're not the only young master here...' I mused.

Feeling pressured from this confrontation, both of them couldn't talk back when I used their own medicine on them.

They could flaunt their family name all they want but the only family with great importance in Durevellis in this classroom are the Silvious, Stranford, Rozenthine and obviously, the Irisville's.

Their so called prestige pales in comparison in front of these family households.

Alas Ray was also challenged to duels because of their disdain in him in the novel despite them knowing his family name.

All of it because every elite knew that even his  own family scorned and was ashamed of his defective eyes.

They knew that even if they treated Ray as such, they wouldn't experience any backlash at all. 

Knowing that, I still gave out a threat even if it was a bluff. It was true that my household wouldn't normally care about this kind of stuff about me.

Roland would only make move once he sees me failing in school which indicates that I'm not trying to uphold my end of the deal.

Still, it was worth a shot. I waited for their response to still challenge me nonetheless.

'..C'mon we don't have all day..'

Looking at the two clenching their fist tightly, I thought that my bluff didn't work.

Everyone held their breaths and Jun along with the girls also just watched with wierd calm expression.

Which was weird since I'm pretty sure these guys are furious.

"..I'll..." the blond guy bit his lips as he looked to the side. His follower also did the same.

'Here it comes..'

I thought he was going to finally snap only to say-

"...Let it slide..this time..' he said as both of them left the classroom in a hurry.

Everyone seemed to understand what just happened but I only had puzzled look on my face.

"...What? where are they going?" I asked myself seemingly the only one without a clue.


Behind the male dormitory after morning classes.

Donovan was waiting leaning on the wall while caressing his face as if touching invisible and nonexistent wounds.

He started to sweat when he moved to cover half of his face with his palm, the look in his eyes unfocused yet filled with rage at the same time.

When he did this, the memories of being burned and hacked by a flaming halberd comes back to him.

The searing pain and the humiliation from that day was unbearable for him. It kept him from sleeping at night, it tortured his pysche in every waking moment.

Even though the wound has healed and the scars are gone, the fear and the pain doesn't go away.

Breathing heavily and sweating bullets, Donovan took out a container with medicinal pills from his vrace.

Consuming one with haste, his condition quickly stabilized.

The drugs that he had just consumed was a prescription that most delvers afflicted with phantom pain would desperately want.

It's a drug that completely wipes feelings of anxiety and reduces the emergence of phantom pain.

It was an extremely effective medicine but it didn't absolve the disease of the mind permanently.

Donovan's doctor had said that he himself could wipe away those pain haunting his mind, the drugs only delayed those episodic attacks.

"..I can't take this anymore.." Donovan exclaimed.

This problem has plaqued him ever since he woke up from the clerical church. 

He didn't understand why the Order attacked them and all he understood was that he came close to dying because of such event.

But more than that, misfortune assailed his life one after another.

Not only did he get a mental disease but he was also booted out from being Brian's follower by the man himself.

(You disgust me, I never thought that the heir of the Yorden family would turn his back on me)

(You're useless, utterly useless. You will only drag me down with you. From today onwards, don't ever come near me)

Those words were the last he heard from Brian as he completely ignored his pleas and apologies.

They were strangers after that and right after, his father heard of the news.

Donovan's father was enraged that relations with the Silvious that had been maintained for so many years have been severed because of the heir made him ballistic.

Any connection with the major families will make any household much more influential and respected.

It also gave them a hold on high positions on the Alliance and the governing body of Durevellis.

Now that connection is gone, their family's downfall is only a matter of time.

As such, his father beat him down that day after he had only got out of the clerical church and the rest of the family refused to give him any sympathy.

Donovan became isolated both in his own home and the academy. His situation only made him go crazy.

All of this because the Order attacked and when got news as to why they did, his rage and his resentment focused on one individual.

The fallen, the Duelist of class A-3.

Jun Carter.

It's highly doubtful whether what he read on the news articles was news or merely speculation but in his mind, it made sense.

To Donovan, it was the truth. The only truth.

The reason that the Order would attack and why he was going though all of this pain was because of Jun Carter.

He gritted his teeth after remembering what just happened earlier.

And when he did, the two parties involved at the time showed up before him.

They were trembling and scared from the vicsious look in Donovan's eyes.

"..D-Donovan, look we tried was already risky knowing that he had Stranford and Cross's support.." Allen explained.

"T-That's right! We're not insane enough to fight an Irisville! We all know that the Irisville head is obviously supporting him somehow" his friend added.

"...And we can't...beat Ray Irisville. If we can't even beat Amana Reandelle in the first place then..." Allen laid out all the red flags from challenging such people. Specially Ray Irisville who bested an amazing archer in a one on one fight.

It couldn't be helped that they would back out. The only reason they agreed to this is to pay back some debt that their family owed to the Yorden's.

Although unbeknowst to them, Donovan doesn't have any say nor authority on his own family anymore.

Listening to the two people in front of him, Donovan released [Force Strike] in an instant when he took out his sword from his vrace.


Surprised from the sudden attack, Allen couldn't move.

Fortunately his friend was able to save him in the nick of time.


"..Hah Hah Hah, are you insane!?" Sam screamed while panting heavily from the shock.

"..Useless.." Donovan mumbled while holding his sword on his side.

"..All of you, each and everyone one of you is useless!? Get out of my sight!" screaming with a crazed look on his face, Donovan brandished his sword.

"What the- Let's get out of here!"


Sam helped Allen up and quickly left the place after seeing how delirious Donovan acted. Paying off their debts wasn't worth taking orders from such a man.

Donovan then crouched down holding his face, the pain resurfacing in his mind.

"...I won't stop. I'll make you pay for making me like this,..Jun..Carter.." he cursed and swore while feeling his phantom pain.

All the while a figure hidden from above looked on with an eerie smile on their face.

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