The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 47: Cover and Motions [2]

People say to not judge something before even trying it just like the phrase 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'.

However there are many prejudices and misconceptions that guides one's judgement and perception on a predetermined route of outcome.

These could also be called filtering lenses on one's eye that changes how one sees or thinks about certain things.

And once one tries to take off those lenses, they would find that the world that they were seeing is either worse or greater than they thought.

And one of those moments were right before me.

Lifting up the pasta in my plate, I savored the flavor of the cafeteria food that I had not tried all this time.

'..This is...greater than I thought..'

My first impression of this place was great, It was a waste not to come often to this place all because I didn't want to hang out in such a place with the main cast.

And most surprisingly, it was cheap while maintaining good quality. What I ordered was just the basic set standard here.

Normally I wouldn't be found eating in this kind of place but after causing a scene in the classroom, I was taken to this place by this guy.

Jun stared at me, wanting to know why I did those things earlier.

"..Ray about what happened earlier-"

"I did that because I needed you to do something for me" 

"..You need me to do something for you?.."

I let out the real reason for my actions. There wasn't any point in hiding my intention from Jun.

It would be much simpler and faster if I explain my request in a straightforward manner.

And it wouldn't do me no good because this guy is specially sharp when it comes to seeing through hidden intentions.

That ability does come in handy when he tries to figure out the Order's plans and sometimes unconsciously hitting on girls.

Although the latter is wasted because he doesn't do the proper follow up on critical moments.

Shaking off my thoughts, I proceeded to explain my request. From me trying to find the rumored skill book from the library and my recent ban from entering it for ten days.

While he was listening to me, he looked at me with a stupified look

"..So you got into a fight with Sophia Foxx in the library then got banned?.."


"And you want me to find a skill book there?"


"I didn't think you would resort to something like this.."

"Have you seen my marks? It's too late for me at this point. You should understand me because Alice, you and me are in this sinking boat"


Feeling like he got slapped with reality, Jun didn't look into my eyes after I said that. It seems like the study group isn't doing so much help.

It couldn't be helped, all three of us were destined to walk a tightrope in the exams.

"Umm why me? You could have just asked the others. Alice would agree to it I think.."

Jun suggested while contemplating my request.

He couldn't possibly understand that I specifically needed him to find the skill book with his absurd luck.

Plus it was originally supposed to be Jun's job in finding it so I was just basically making him do his job a little bit earlier in the story.

Moreover, It wouldn't exactly be a good idea to seek help from Lily or Emily for this matter. They're very upstanding students after all.

I doubt that they would accept a request that can be considered cheating, they're not people who like underhanded tricks or methods.

"Do you really think that they would agree to what I'm trying to do? Cross and Emily would probably tell me off" I conveyed to Jun.

"'re right. If it's Lily, she would probably kill me if I did what you were doing.."

"..That's a little unsettling.."

"No, that's just probably with me I think.." Jun looked scared trying to imagine the scenario.

'..Is this a sign that they're getting closer? but why does it sound so scary...' I mused while looking at Jun.

Regaining his composure, I continued to explain my reasoning. 

On Alice's part, it wouldn't be a surprise if she accepted because she knows that I don't make request without anything in return.

And she knows she doesn't owe me any favors to use as a material for negotiation.

She would probably ask something I wouldn't like at all if I did come to her for help. Her visiting my villa freely is annoying enough as it is. 

Personal reasons aside, she's one of the people I could freely ask for help but she's not the one I need for this task right now.

Considering all these things, I know some traits of Alice that would convince Jun as to why Alice isn't the person for the job.

"For Alice, do you think she would properly find it?"

"Alice huh....m-maybe?"

"See, even you're not sure. Alice is not incompetent but she would give up the minute she feels it's becoming a chore"

"Alice doesn't even like the library so she won't accept even if I ask" I added.

"...You actually have a point there. You really understand how Alice thinks huh.."

"More or less.." I replied while I finished my pasta.

It seems that Jun was convinced why he was the only option for me. The only thing now would be his response for my request.

"....Are you sure about this? Maybe I can't find it too."

"No worries. I already pinpointed the scope of the search and I probably found it but I couldn't get it in time"

"It's only a matter of going through that process again and I know you can do it.."

"Seriously?..You really found it?.." he asked, a bit surprised by my confirmation.

"Yeah though i have no concrete confirmation"

"..I was true.."

Jun rubbed his chin as he was lost in his thoughts and after a while he replied.

"..I'm still not sure about all of this Ray. You even had to come as my representative to keep them at bay.."

"I just don't th-"

"Don't get me wrong Jun, I did not do that for you. It would trouble me if you keep getting bothered by those guys during your search"

The two weeks before the midterms, Jun would be harrassed and piled on with duel request.

Jun even had to fight some of them in his unstable state because of their persistence.

It was a really bad week for him and it also took up his time to study and do any other productive things.

Me becoming his representative is only temporary until he gets what I need.

Looking at Jun's profile, it's obvious he's conflicted with this arrangement, specially now that he has doubts whether his friends would be safe hanging around him after those speculations spread about him.

If something is told about you by many people so frequently, inside your mind, it eventually form a concept of truth.

And that concept of truth will form if the individual is unable to understand his own truth from those of others.

Those rumours and news article weighs on Jun's own truth becuase he himself doesn't know and grasp his own origins.

In addition, my actions might have further cemented those rumours inside his head.

Even what I did for him probably made more worried that he only brings misfortune to those around him which is kinda true in a sense.

But it's something that the man himself can't control. Giving fault to something like that would be both petty and stupid in my opinion.

"...I'll only be your representative for a while. I know that you don't want me to be some shield for you"

"But with how you are now, you can't possibly fight them with how your mind is all over the place" 

I said while knitting my brow and letting out a slightly serious tone.

"My offer is also a good time for you to think alone. You can't do that if your with them all the time"


With how Jun was with Emily and company during our return, I could see that he was restraining himself from leaving the group.

Jun couldn't find it in himself to ask to be left alone, he was too considerate to do so.

Jun turned silent, absorbing every word I said just now, even then, he still wasn't able to come into a decision which was understandable because it was so sudden.

If at this point he still wouldn't budge then I have no choice but to bring out my trump card but at the start of this talk, I was eager to throw this deal on him first.

Alas I held back because I thought talking it out wouldn't come to this but it eventually did.

And so I brought it out, his weakness.

"Before you say anything, you should know I don't ask for something for free"


"If you agree to my request then, I will lower your payment for Gratis. How about we start with 5%, then Jun what-"

"Yes please! I'll take it!"

"Wait a-"

"You do have a heart Ray! I was wrong about you all this time!" he shouted, not minding the stares of all the students currently eating.

"....Bastard, don't think I didn't hear that.."

"I'll definitely find it! I promise, I'll find it and then some. Studying can come later"

'I don't know if I should be glad that it worked or be dissapointed that the hero of this story has become a slave to debt...' I thought while watching Jun change his mood in a flash.

"..It would have been easier if I started with this" I mumbled in regret.

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