The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: The teacher who opposes Long Aotian 5

Starting a company and running a business is indeed glorious to others, but every entrepreneur has a high risk behind his back.

A company with very good profits may collapse one day and fall into hell.

The second sister of the Chen family was standing in the wind.

The company faces the problem of capital chain breakage, and the company has the risk of bankruptcy and bankruptcy.

The huge amount of sales has not been recovered, and the company of the second sister Chen’s family does not have enough funds. She couldn’t pay the supplier according to the agreed time, and the company’s reputation was damaged, she couldn’t get the raw materials from the supplier, and the production could not continue. If she can’t produce, she can’t deliver the products to domestic and overseas distributors on time, and the liquidated damages alone are enough for her to lose her pants.

If the loan can come down smoothly, the crisis will of course be solved.

But now there is news that the loan was blocked, as if it was strangled by the throat.

If emergency funds are not found in time, businesses can collapse like an avalanche.

“Second sister, I’m the one who’s implicated you this time. 80% of the time it’s the Zhong brothers who have done it.” Chen Jun said clearly, so that the second sister would not work hard in the wrong direction.

Don’t count on the bank.

The Zhong family are all in the financial world, and their relationship has no problem in intercepting a small business loan.

It’s okay if the bank directly refuses the loan. The most troublesome thing is that it doesn’t approve but it doesn’t refuse to drag you out, which will take up the time for the company to save itself.

“The Zhong family?” The second sister wondered.

“Tracey’s five brothers are all unreasonable bastards. I broke up with Tracey, I guess this is their little revenge.” Chen Junxin lowered his head.

He’s sorry for hurting his sister. But breaking up, he does not regret it.

“Then you’re right to break up. In such a family, it’s best to break up when the relationship is not too deep.” The second sister was relieved.

In the future, if it is deeply involved, it will be more troublesome, and the points will not be divided.

“I can’t blame you for this crisis. It’s my own risk that I didn’t control well.” The second sister of the Chen family immediately reflected.

Although someone played her behind, the biggest mistake was indeed made by herself.

Money, she can still think of ideas. The fact that banks do not lend does not mean that they are on a dead end.

She can borrow from friends, private lending companies, or mortgage loans from large groups. However, under the weight of high interest rates, life will be very difficult.

“Second sister, don’t worry, I have a good way.” Chen Junxin reassured.

“It’s gone when the loan is gone. Don’t worry about it. This little problem doesn’t bother me.” The second sister pretended to be relaxed: “How many years have I been out? This kind of difficulty doesn’t happen once or twice. You are good. Teach and strive for an early return to normal, so don’t worry about me.”

How can I make my brother worry about me?

“Actually, it’s not troublesome, it’s very convenient. I have a lot of acquaintances in the bank. It’s no problem to sign a loan.” Chen Junxin said.

“Which bank?” the second sister asked.

With the power of the Zhong family… can my brother’s acquaintance resist? Or does he know an executive who is more powerful than the Zhong family?

Chen Jun said in his heart, “It’s an overseas bank. I have to think about which one will be approved faster. No matter how long the Zhong family’s hands are, they can’t manage the issue of overseas banks’ lending.”

Capital seeks profit, and as long as it is profitable, foreign banks will lend.

Chen Junxin used to work on Wall Street and was already a senior account manager at that time.

He also has many friends in the financial world, and he still maintains regular contacts. Among my friends, there are several senior bank managers who are responsible for running loans. Take the initiative to pull a small business for friends, of course they will not refuse.

Chen Erjie wanted to say that there was no need to be so troublesome. She didn’t know English and couldn’t communicate, so she had to hire an interpreter and a lawyer.

Chen Junxin did it all by himself. He called his overseas friends directly and explained the situation.

Why don’t you want a door-to-door business? Several expressed interest.

Chen Erjie watched her brother chat and laugh with foreign financial elites in fluent standard English, and her confident appearance was radiant even at night. He smiled lightly, and a life-and-death problem for an enterprise was easily solved in the chat and laughter.

Loans, stocks, futures, foreign exchange… that’s all, and numbers…

Chen Junxin doesn’t even know how happy he is when he talks about finance-related topics.

On the contrary, when he was a teacher, he went home every day with a bitter face, exhausted.

completely different state.

Chen Erjie didn’t know how many times she began to doubt whether her younger brother was in the wrong profession.

PhD student in the Department of Mathematics…

So far, Second Sister Chen can’t figure it out. Why didn’t Chen Junxin choose to continue to be all-powerful on Wall Street, but chose to return to China to become a teacher in an ordinary middle school?

Of course, being a teacher is good too.

When Chen Junxin finished the phone call, it was dawn.

Loan problem solved.

The Zhong family relied on their status to hold their lifeline, and he could also find a way out through his own relationship.

Of course, the process to go still has to go. During this period of time when the loan is not available, it must be supported by the company’s little cash and their savings.

Chen Junxin was willing to contribute the little money in her passbook, but was rejected by the second sister.

“Keep your money to support the house, the elder sister doesn’t need it.” The second elder sister of the Chen family said.

The younger brother has opened a new way for her, who is exhausted, and the most troublesome thing has been done.

She can handle the rest by herself.


After having breakfast at home and telling the two sisters to go for a medical examination, Chen Junxin hurried to school slowly.

On the way to the school, Chen Junxin called Zhong Cuiying.

“Ethan!” Zhong Cuiying’s voice was crying, obviously she didn’t sleep well that night.

She was very excited, but she didn’t expect to receive a call from Chen Junxin.

“Are you okay?” Chen Junxin’s tone maintained a sense of alienation, but was as gentle as possible.

“I’m not good!” Zhong Cuiying was immersed in sadness and did not notice Jun Xin’s tone.

She held back her tears, not wanting to cry to the point of collapse in front of her beloved, she couldn’t accept the ending of being separated like this.

Zhong Cuiying knew that Chen Junxin did not love her.

But she kept it for so many years, and finally waited until the male **** was willing to give her a chance to approach. But this opportunity was ruined because of the brothers.

How could she accept this? !

For the first time in her life, she had a big fight with her brothers.

I cried all night and didn’t sleep well at all.

“You… quarreled with your brother?” Chen Junxin asked.

“How do you know?” Zhong Cuiying asked.

In fact, she still had a little illusion that the male **** would call just to care about her. She still has hope, right?

“I guess.” Chen Junxin said naturally: “Your brother… is embarrassing my sister, so I can guess.”

“How could this happen? They won’t… They all promised…” Zhong Cuiying weakly denied it, and he didn’t have self-confidence after saying this. She didn’t want the male **** to misunderstand herself, so she could only explain: “Ethan, believe me, I didn’t let them do this.”

Yesterday, they agreed to not embarrass Chen Junxin.

Why do they change their minds? ! Why did the brothers break their promises?

“I know you won’t, you are a good girl.” Chen Jun coaxed her gently, and then asked with concern: “It’s just that what happened to my sister made me think of something, and I think it is necessary to tell you.”

“What’s the matter?” Zhong Cuiying asked, she was very nervous.

“Your former childhood sweethearts, your girlfriends, your friends… They all seem to fall into the fold after quarreling with you, and then move away, and disappear, right?” Chen Junxin continued: “It’s just a small A quarrel, a little conflict, and then the people are gone…Tracey, will they have what I’m going through??”

Zhong Cuiying grew up coddled, but she was very lonely. She had no friends by her side, and the few close to her disappeared after a small quarrel. Most of these are the masterpieces of the brothers.

What a good brother, serious and responsible, even if there is a little quarrel with his sister, the other party will go bankrupt and disappear completely in front of his eyes!

Will Zhong Cuiying like such a brother?

Zhong Cuiying sucked in a breath of cold air, she felt terrible.

She firmly denied: “No! Ethan, no!”

Chen Junxin vaguely hinted that she understood. Zhong Cuiying has the attributes of being silly and sweet, but she is not really low in IQ.

Her brothers will take action against Chen Junxin’s family because of the breakup, and they may have targeted her friends before.

But she didn’t want to believe that her brothers wouldn’t be so scary.

“Tracey, I’m just guessing. If you care, you can investigate.” Chen Junxin urged: “You are a good girl. Although separated, I hope you can have a bright future. But you need to grow up and get rid of Brothers in control.”

Zhong Cuiying was shocked.

Investigate the brothers? Is that necessary?

How to investigate?

Chen Junxin guides Zhong Cuiying to explore and discover the other side of her brother.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Junxin repented for a second. It’s a bit unkind to use a silly white sweet.

For the Zhong family, it is difficult to deal with, and easy to deal with.

Zhong Cuiying is the weakness of the whole family, and it is the most effective way to make her defect and embarrass the Zhong brothers.

Chen Junxin’s plan is to help Zhong Cuiying recognize her brother and help her grow up independently at the age of 28.

Completely destroy the image of the perfect brother of the Zhong brothers in the heart of their most precious sister, and make her stand against them.

This is Chen Junxin’s revenge on the Zhong brothers who abused their power.

For the time being, this is the only way.


Before the early self-study began, Chen Junxin came to the office.

The math class representatives from classes 7, 8, and 9 that he is in charge of teaching have received nearly 150 homework assignments to their desks.

The process of marking homework is tedious, but it has to be done.

Teachers rely on homework to master each student’s learning situation. The progress of each student every day will be reflected in the homework. A serious and responsible teacher can easily capture the progress of the students, and there is no progress without a trace.

When changing homework, students came into the office one after another shouting reports.

The students who were ruthlessly repaired by Chen Junxin yesterday quietly handed over the inspection to him.

Three thousand words to check, everyone densely wrote many pages.

Deep introspection is not a big deal, but it also wrote the whole mental journey and also wrote the guarantee.

They all came alone, standing in front of him respectfully, and the teachers next to him were amazed.

Chen Junxin took out a transparent document bag and stuffed the thick inspection into it.

“I’ll take good care of you, study hard, and don’t make trouble!” Chen Junxin explained in a very ordinary way, basically no different from other teachers.

Each of the students who were asked to check in would be frightened, and they would stand up straighter.

They promised again and again, as if they had been trained, and the place where they were beaten yesterday began to hurt again.

Qin Liangchen pressed the class bell and entered the office. He chose to come in when there were no other teachers.

In front of Chen Junxin, he admitted to stealing the answer and plagiarized, and promised not to do it again.

Long Aotian is a little suspicious of being honest and obedient. He is not a student, he is a middle-aged soul whose three views have been formed, and it is not easy for him to change his views.

Chen Junxin was suspicious of him.

There is no way to pursue cheating. There is no evidence for this. You can’t get the system out, can you?

Fight, he does not intend to pursue.

Insist on putting it away with other people, and people let it go.

“Okay, let’s go, class is over.” Chen Jun was relieved.

Qin Liangchen lowered his head, and a dark atmosphere began to spread.

“What’s the matter?” Chen Junxin asked, he was very vigilant, for fear that Long Aotian would come up with something.

“No, it’s nothing.” Qin Liangchen denied, and then shuddered.

He quickly turned and ran away, with a speed like a 100-meter sprint.

The first class is English class.

The English teacher in Class 7 is very beautiful, even better than the stars on TV. She was very patient and attentive, but unfortunately, her teaching was poor. Except for the good students in the first two rows, everyone else was sleeping.

Qin Liangchen was lying on the desk, and when 8848 was still working, the beautiful teacher was very fond of him and flirted with his beautiful eyes.

Now, she is disdainful of herself, just like in the previous life.

Qin Liangchen looked down at the butterfly knife in his hand, he failed to pierce Chen Junxin’s heart with a knife as 8848 hoped.

Don’t touch human life.

He didn’t know how long he could hold on to this kind of persistence.


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-19 23:25:40~2020-01-2023:37:03~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3852255510 bottles; simple 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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