The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: The teacher who opposes Long Aotian 6

In class 7 math class, Chen Junxin is explaining new knowledge points on the podium.

This is an open class, and the back row is full of teachers listening to the class.

The math group of the first grade sat in the back row, along with the principal, two vice principals, math group leaders of other grades, and the director of the Political and Educational Office for some unknown reason.

The principal nodded while listening.

He is also a math teacher, and it is inevitable that math teachers who see new recruits will be even more critical. But Chen Junxin’s performance satisfied him.

The pen in his hand scribbles a line on a piece of white paper.

[This young teacher has made great progress and has a very method in teaching. 】

Although Chen Junxin did not graduate from a normal school, her resume was outstanding, her image was outstanding, and she performed well in the trial lectures.

Entering the practice stage, the principal has listened to several of his classes, and there is a little problem in teaching.

They are regular secondary schools and a sizable portion of the students struggle with maths. This means that teachers have to be considerate of students and slow down the pace so that they can speak easily and understandably.

In the past, Chen Junxin’s teaching ideas were very clear, but the rhythm was too fast, and the students in ordinary classes were at a loss for half of the class, and their learning efficiency was not high.

Judging from today’s open class, his rhythm has slowed down, his teaching methods and methods have been improved, the teaching language is humorous, and the atmosphere of the class is very relaxed. As long as they pay attention to the lecture, most students can follow from the beginning to the end, and can also complete the teaching interaction with the teacher.

The classroom effect is great.

【Lao Long, you brought it well! 】The principal praised.

Bringing out a good teacher is not easy.

Teacher Long shook his head and responded on the note [It’s Xiao Chen’s own efforts, I can’t help him much. 】

Lao Long is also very happy to be able to bring out a good teacher.

It is not easy for ordinary middle schools to recruit good young teachers, and good seedlings have long been snatched away by key middle schools.

Lao Long is the only math teacher at the school, and he will retire in two years.

The school intends to re-employ, but he undoubtedly continues to teach and wants to rest.

In this way, the training of successors must be cultivated. But it didn’t work out for a few years.

I originally thought that there was no hope. Who would have known that a doctor of mathematics would be sent from the sky, and people would still work so hard. The most rare thing is that Chen Junxin is devoted to studying how to improve the quality of teaching, and thinking about how to teach better every day.

Such enthusiasm is rare. Seeing Chen Junxin’s rapid growth, he was very pleased.


The class continued, and the principal began to frequently pass notes to the people around him.

Everyone is very satisfied with Chen Junxin’s performance and has no opinion.

[Xiao Chen can be changed to positive. 】

According to the school’s rules, Chen Junxin can’t turn into a regular until at least the end of the semester.

But the principal is not a rigid person either.

Good math teachers are hard to find. If you want to keep outstanding talents, you have to raise your salary.

It’s not impossible to make an exception and turn it into a regular in advance.

Among the same group of teachers who entered the middle school, Chen Junxin’s early regularization can also stimulate new teachers to work harder.

The principal passed a note to the vice principals to talk about the new teacher, and the director of the Political and Educational Office suddenly joined the conversation.

She asked: [Is there any plan to arrange for him to take classes in the future? 】

According to the rules of the school, the new teacher must be the head teacher to lead the class. At the end of this semester, the class will be adjusted, and it is likely that Chen Junxin will be the head teacher.

The vice-principal replied: [Not yet. We considered letting him tutor the top students in math competitions. 】

Ordinary middle schools have a heart to go to key middle schools. In the past, they did not pay much attention to the subject competition, but now they have started all over again.

Chen Junxin, who graduated with a Ph.D. in mathematics, is undoubtedly the best person in mathematics in the school, and it is the best choice for him to tutor.

【Why do you ask this suddenly? ] Another vice-principal asked: [Do you have any plans? 】

The director of the Political and Religious Office didn’t hold back any more. She was here to rob people today, and she was going to talk to Chen Junxin specifically.

[I hope that the principal can consider letting Xiao Chen join the Political and Educational Office to manage school ethics with me. Have you heard the recent rumors? The problem students in the senior year have been quieting down a lot recently. He is very capable, very prestigious among students, and has the ability and strength to suppress bad students. 】

[The issue of grades is very important, but school discipline and order are also important. Without a good environment, everyone should not think about studying in peace. 】

In a school like theirs, discipline is the top priority.

Their middle school – 21 middle school, even in ordinary middle schools, is very famous. In terms of popularity, I am afraid that it will not lose to some key famous schools.

However, only a small part of this high profile was obtained by the school sports students who crushed the achievements of the city and the province with brilliant victories. More, it is because of chaos.

How messy can a school be?

A few years ago, Xu Mou, a school tyrant, appeared in 21 Middle School, and joined the underworld gang with bad students.

Not only did they bully the students, but they also bullied the teachers. One teacher was beaten to death.

In addition to harming the school, they also spared the people in the surrounding schools. People were killed in gang fights.

This is no longer a student, but an evil force!

The school expelled these people, but their forces still controlled the school and continued to develop offline. Even the school is used as a cradle for cultivating gangsters.

In the worst case, in order to protect the students, the police at the police station will stand guard at the time of going to and from school to prevent robbery and robbery and prevent vicious fights from happening.

In those few years, the school punished severely when it comes to disciplinary matters, but those who were infected with underworld forces would not be treated with any sympathy.

The director of the Political and Religious Office will inevitably come to power at the weekly meeting. Every time he takes the stage, he announces a list of penalties.

Persevered for a long time, and the school took a lot of effort to reverse the trend, but the influence of this school bully is still there.

The students still think that it is cool to form gangs to mix society, and a movie “Young and Dangerous” makes them full of beautiful fantasies about gangs, and they can’t wait to run down the crooked road, but they can’t pull them back.

The director of the Political and Educational Office treats bad students with two words: expulsion.

Because she couldn’t control them and couldn’t change them.

Since no one wants to listen to her sermons, get out of here. Don’t harm other students.

But she still hopes that there will be a person who can control the bad boy, someone who has the ability to persuade the bad student to turn back.

The news that Chen Junxin singled out unscrupulous students and beat this group of scourges to her conviction had already reached her ears.

She observed silently for a month.

It was found that although this group of problem boys was still very skinny, they really converged a lot. They especially listened to Chen Junxin’s words.

Discipline began to improve throughout the first year of high school.

Talent! want to!


After the open class, Chen Junxin was immediately surrounded by students.

Some students ask questions, while others simply like and appreciate the teacher, and come over to chat.

The principal, vice-principal, and directors were all waiting behind, and Chen Junxin really didn’t have time to answer questions.

He smiled and explained: “The students who have questions come to the office to ask me next class, the principal and they are still waiting for me.”

The classmates let him go giggling.

Corrected, praised.

This is all news to celebrate.

After the morning class, the director of the Political and Educational Office talked with Chen Junxin about the entire class time.

She thought of Chen Junxin to join the post of moral education management, but Chen Junxin was a little hesitant.

The director of the Political and Religious Department asked him to think about it, but looking at her confident expression, she didn’t seem to give him much room for rejection.

There is still some time before the evening self-study, Lao Long asked Chen Junxin to eat together.

The old and the young also chose a restaurant in front of the school to eat.

“Why do you frown in the afternoon, let me know if you have any troubles, and I will help you refer to it.” In fact, Lao Long also knew what was going on.

Chen Junxin didn’t hide it, he said, “Director Li asked me to be recorded in the Political and Educational Office to help her manage the problem students…”

Lao Long said with a smile: “This job is really thankless. It’s hard for problem students to get over it, and it’s not easy to get grades. Most importantly, it’s also annoying to recruit students. But joining the Political and Educational Office will be of great benefit to you… …First of all, you have an extra income, you are paying for the mortgage, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. Second, Director Li will soon be promoted to the vice-principal in charge of moral education. If you do well, I estimate that you will be able to do it in less than two years. Hope to take over the position of director.”

This work is quite difficult. But it’s a bright road. Chen Junxin can be promoted from an ordinary teacher to a school management at the fastest speed.

Chen Junxin smiled bitterly: “Lao Long, I actually just want to focus on the quality of teaching, but I take you as my goal to win the title of super teacher as quickly as possible.”

If he wants a high salary, or if he wants to get ahead as a top executive, he’ll stay on Wall Street and never come back.

“I didn’t ask you to give up teaching. If you join the Political and Educational Office, you will be a little busier and have more work, but teaching still has to be done.” Lao Long was quite contradictory.

Watching Chen Junxin focus on teaching in a blink of an eye, he was very pleased. Isn’t that what being a teacher should be like?

But young people should still go up. If he wanted to persuade Chen Junxin to give up the opportunity, it would be unkind and misleading.

“Old Long, a person’s energy is limited.” Chen Junxin said: “I just turned positive, so I should do my job well first. Those students I meet and can manage won’t stand idly by. But let me focus on this one, grasp it. The whole school’s student ethics…”

He has just turned into a regular and has just stepped on the passing line of a math teacher. Don’t rush to add other work.

Besides, managing and educating bad students in the whole school sounds simple, but it is definitely not that easy to do.

Those children were convinced of him and honest. That’s because he fights violence with violence.

Can’t every time a problem arise, use violence to solve it? This doesn’t solve the problem.

Specifically how to do it, how to educate the problem students, Chen Junxin still doesn’t understand. To continue this job, you have to spend time studying and pondering.

He doesn’t have that much energy.

“Think about it, young people don’t be impulsive.” Lao Long advised. In my heart, I was happy because of Chen Junxin’s choice.

“I’m actually not young anymore.” Chen Junxin smiled.

Twenty-eight to thirty, other people’s careers have begun to take off, he has just begun.


After dinner, Chen Junxin and Lao Long returned to school.

There is still a little time for the evening self-study to start, and the students are now on the school playground, cheering for the basketball team.

Chen Junxin glanced at the game, and the results of the 21 teams were not very good.

Can’t guard against people, can’t grab rebounds, center is not good enough, and was targeted. The score was huge.


A person hates iron and cursed.

When Chen Junxin turned around, he saw the big man Wang Bo was hiding behind a tree, his face full of anxiety.

When he found out, Wang Bo blushed and looked dodgy: “Mr. Chen!”

The preparation bell for evening self-study suddenly rang.

“Go to class, go back to the classroom.” Chen Junxin reminded.

“Oh.” Wang Bo was very disappointed and returned to the classroom with his head down.


o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-2023:37:03~2020-01-2123:54:45~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Suqing 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: keep 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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