The Witch’s Ichor

A First For Everything [22]

This chapter contains SEX!!!
You have been warned.
(Also this came out 3 days early on my patreon <3)

The sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished gymnasium floor. The idle chatter of teens talking amongst themselves. The scent of sweat mixed with an unknown cleaning product. It all paints a picture, and Zoe wants no part in it.

Zoe is sitting by the water fountain with her head hidden in her arms. She's wearing her stupid boy clothes. She's in her stupid boy body.

Gosh this is the WORST!

Footsteps approach her as she sulks. She peeks over her arm to see who it is. She whimpers upon seeing Theo's adorable self approaching her. She quickly shoves her face back into her arm.

Theo finally reaches her. He quietly sits on the floor beside her, and gently rubs her back. Zoe wants to protest, but his touch is too comfortable to resist. Her shoulders relax.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this, Zoe." Theo says quietly.

Zoe peeks at him curiously. He's looking out across the gymnasium. His eyes look so... sad.

"I know it's really hard for you to have to dress like that for classes." Theo sighs.

"I-It's not just the clothes. I hate how this stupid body looks." Zoe mumbles.

Theo doesn't immediately respond. She peeks up at him again. He's smiling to himself now.

"Zoe, I want to tell you a secret." Theo says.

Zoe keeps looking up at him. Her curiosity is piqued.

"I've always thought you were cute." Theo admits softly.

This confuses her. She sits up to respond, and Theo looks over at her. She pouts in disbelief.

"This? You think this is cute?" Zoe replies sarcastically.

Theo blushes slightly, and nods. Zoe can hardly believe it. She rubs her face as if unsure which form she's in.

"Theo, i have a freaking moustache." Zoe hisses.

"I don't see it?" Theo replies honestly.

"That's because I shave it!" She adds.

Theo laughs. The rare light sound of his laughter surprises Zoe. She tilts her head at him.

"I think maybe you're more feminine than you think." Theo says with a smile.

"Hmf. If I'm so cute, then how come you never confessed to me?" Zoe questions.

Theo looks down at the floor. There's a melancholy air about him as he takes a deep breath. He turns to look Zoe in the eyes.

"I... Hold on, have you ever noticed your eyes are the same in both bodies? They're so beautiful." Theo observes.

Zoe squints at him, pouting. She can't hide the blush that colors her cheeks.

"J-Just finish answering my question, Theo" Zoe insists.

Theo smiles at that. She's very cute when she blushes.

"I wanted to wait until I felt I was good enough. I wanted to wait until college. Maybe there I'd be more than just 'a nerd', you know?" Theo explains.

Zoe's doe eyes widen upon hearing his reason. She softly reaches out and hugs him. She doesn't care if her classmates see.

"You aren't just a nerd, Theo. You're my nerd." Zoe whispers.

When Zoe pulls away she wears a cheeky smile. Theo's face is turning pink as he lets her words bounce around in his head. The bell rings.

"Only a little longer before our..." Zoe stops herself.

"Our date?" Theo finishes for her.

Zoe is the one blushing now. She nods excitedly, and stands. The two of them join Derek and Jamison on their way out of the gymnasium. Zoe can't stop smiling.

It's a date!


Theo looks up from his phone in search of Zoe. She still isn't here. Several other girls pass Theo's spot as he waits. None are anywhere near as beautiful as Zoe. Theo leans against the wall, sighing.

"Did I make you wait long?" Zoe asks.

Zoe's sudden appearance is a delightful surprise for Theo. He straightens up with a smile.

"No, you did not." Theo replies.

Before an awkward silence can ensue Theo reaches toward Zoe. He gently takes Zoe's hand, and walks her out of the school. He glances at her from over his shoulder. She's blushing just as much as him.

"So is this... your first date?" Zoe asks shyly as they walk.

Theo slows his speed a little so they can comfortably walk side by side. He nods.

"Yes. Honestly this is my first time holding a girl's hand." Theo admits.

"I-it's my first time holding a boy's hand." Zoe replies, blushing.

Zoe's smaller hand feels dainty in Theo's. She rubs her thumb along his hand. He squeezes her hand in reply.

"It's a lot nicer than I expected, honestly." She giggles.

The couple are in the suburbs now. Other students can be seen walking home, too.

"Honestly I agree... your hands are so soft." Theo says quietly.

"R-Really? Yours are nice and warm." Zoe replies.

The two teenagers hold hands like this for the rest of their walk to Theo's house. They don't say much else, but they don't have to. Zoe and Theo know one another quite well.

"...Is your mom home?" Zoe asks.

"She won't be for a while. We... have time." Theo replies suggestively.

Zoe catches on. For once she picks up the subtle tone of intimacy, and she nearly squeals in excitement. They finally arrive at Theo's place.

"We can just hang out and hold hands, if that's what you want." Theo says suddenly.

Theo busies himself with unlocking the door. Zoe's expression shifts from joy to sadness, and then anger. She waits for Theo to open the door, and pushes him inside.

"Z-Zoe? Did I say something wrong?" Theo stammers.

Zoe's small arms can't push Theo if he resists, but of course he doesn't. She manages to get him inside before turning him around and pushing him up against the door. There's a determined look in her doe eyes.

"Zoe what-" Theo starts.

Zoe cuts him off with a kiss. Her soft glossy lips come into abrupt contact with his, and his heart skips a beat. Theo can hardly believe it.

The warmth of Theo's lips on hers excites Zoe. She lets her softer fuller lips gently embrace his.

Theo isn't experienced, but his attempt to return the favor is passable. Theo's body is growing hot as he enjoys the sensation of Zoe's soft mouth on his.

Zoe suddenly loses her balance. She was standing on her tip toes to reach Theo's mouth.

"Mwa- Ha-? Ah-!" Zoe yelps.

Theo catches her. She looks up at him, and he looks down at her. They lock eyes for several long moments. Zoe's pink lip gloss is visible on Theo's mouth. He licks his lips.

"Strawberry?" He asks.

Zoe nods shyly. He locks the front door without turning around, and takes her hand. Theo wordlessly leads Zoe upstairs. Both of their hearts are beating a mile a minute. They enter Theo's room.

"...I think I would like to kiss you again." Theo states plainly.

"Pfft. Don't sound so excited about it." Zoe replies sarcastically.

Theo squints at her as he shuts his bedroom door.

"Do I not seem excited?" He questions.

"You don't sound excited." Zoe retorts.

Zoe casually steps over to Theo's bed. Theo locks his bedroom door before approaching her. Their height difference may not be large, but it's there.

"I am." Theo mutters.

"Prove it." Zoe taunts.

Theo's advantage in strength proves helpful as he grabs Zoe by her hips and hefts her onto his bed. She yelps in surprise as the normally timid Theo gets on top of her. She's lying on her back with Theo's arms on both sides. He doesn't give her a chance to talk. He presses his lips to hers for the second time.

Zoe's heart is pounding as she feels Theo's legs pressed on the outside of hers. It's all so warm.

"Mmh-" Zoe tries to say something.

Theo gently kisses her lips several more times before pulling his face up and away. He looks at curiously.

"You were saying?" He asks softly.

"I... I want to try something." Zoe murmurs.

Zoe's small soft hands reach up and grab Theo's face. She slides her fingers along his cheek before pulling him gently toward her. She removes his glasses.

"I... can't see..." Theo says.

"You don't need to." Zoe breathes.

Theo's eyes widen a little as Zoe pulls his face to hers. Her plump lips lock onto Theo's. She takes things a step further by gently pushing her tongue against Theo's lips.

At first Theo isn't really sure what to do. He understands how to move his lips, but the tongue is an enigma. Zoe finally gives up on subtlety and presses her tongue into his mouth.

Theo's heart pounds even harder in his chest as he feels the soft warmth of Zoe's tongue rubbing against his own. He reciprocates, and a lewd dance ensues. Zoe passionately slips her arms behind Theo, hugging him close to her body.

An unknown amount of time passes. Neither Zoe nor Theo can really tell how long they've been entangled, but both can feel an ache of tiredness in their lips. They separate. The room is filled with their quiet gasps for air.

"Ha... Heh... Hehe." Zoe giggles.

Theo stares down at her beautiful face. He's never gotten to look at her so closely. The distance is profoundly intimate. He can see every fine detail of her features.

"You're unbelievably gorgeous, Zoe." Theo whispers.

Zoe can't resist giving him a peck on the lips. Their mouths are too tired to resume their make out session, otherwise they would have immediately done so.

"You're pretty hot yourself, Theo." Zoe replies breathily.

"Not compared to you. You're way out of my league." Theo replies with a chuckle.

"Out of your league? I was a boy just last week, you know!" Zoe protests.

Theo rolls his eyes at that. The two teens gaze at one another. Their mouths may be worn out, but the rest of their bodies aren't. The heat of the moment urges Theo to act. He gently grabs Zoe's wrists.

She watches him with a shy smile. Her cheeks are flushed red, and her breath is still coming out in huffs. Theo guides her small hand below his belt.

Zoe's eyes widen as she realizes what he's doing. She could easily tear her hand away if she wanted to. Theo isn't being forceful.

"Are you okay with this?" Theo asks gently.

"...Of fucking course I am, you dummy." Zoe replies obstinately.

Theo smirks at her words, and continues. Zoe feels the denim of his jeans beneath her slender fingers, and the warmth of his body.

Theo releases her wrist. She's on her own now. Her delicate fingers slip down the denim in an exploratory fashion, and she feels a firm lump in Theo's jeans. A suggestive smile slips onto her face.

"I guess this proves your excitement, doesn't it?" Zoe teases.

"Y-Yeah I suppose it does." Theo replies nervously.

The firm warm shape in Theo's jeans fascinates Zoe. She gently slips her palm lower. Her fingers cup the bulge in Theo's jeans as she rubs her palm along what she assumes to be the tip of his shaft.

Theo's reactions fascinate Zoe. His expression shifts from anxious excitement to pure ecstasy as she moves her hand. She wonders if this is the norm, or if poor Theo is starved for affection. Zoe leans close to Theo's ear.

"Does this feel good, Theo?" She whispers.

The warm breath hitting his ear combined with the gentle pressure being applied to his nethers is enough to drive Theo mad. His eyes flicker from Zoe's face to her hand as he struggles to reply.

"Y-Yes..." He manages.

Zoe stops. Theo looks at her expectantly. She smirks, and carefully begins to unzip his jeans.

And then they both hear the sound of a car pulling into the garage.

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