The Witch’s Ichor

Family Dinner [23]

This chappie may contain cute moments and kisses.
(This one was released 3 days early on my patreon <3 )

Natasha carefully hefts the groceries from the passenger seat of her car. Her thoughts wander to what she'll find when she enters the house, and she smirks. She opens the door and steps into the living room. Her ears strain to pick up any sounds.

"I'm home!" She announces loudly

The soft thump of footsteps answers her. Natasha sets the groceries down on the dining table. She glances up to see a very flushed Theo standing with his hands in his pockets. The adorable girl standing just behind him looks vaguely familiar. She is just as flustered as Theo is.

"Hm. Did you use protection?" Natasha asks bluntly.

"Mom! We didn't d-do anything!" Theo stammers.

The girl-who Natasha assumes is Zoe-giggles at his words before gently grabbing him by the hand. Natasha watches curiously as the short dark haired girl whispers something into Theo's ear. Theo's face turns even redder upon hearing her words.

"...Jeez. Correction, we didn't do- well- that." Theo mumbles shyly.

"I see. Well I'm about to get dinner started, so you two can go back to 'whatever' it was you were doing." Natasha says casually.

Theo blushes profusely at his mother's phrasing. Zoe perks up upon seeing Natasha preparing various ingredients. She shuffles over to the counter to get a closer look.

"I don't want to impose, but may I help?" Zoe requests politely.

"You aren't imposing at all, sweetie." Natasha laughs.

Zoe gives her a relieved smile.

"Theo, I think this one might be a keeper." Natasha winks at her son.

"M-Mom it's just the first date!" Theo whines.

Natasha and Zoe share a giggle at Theo's expense. Natasha grabs an array of utensils and dishes from the cabinets. She points to a box sitting on the counter, addressing Zoe.

"Zoe, could you put the garlic bread in the oven?" Natasha asks.

"Yes Ma'am!" Zoe replies enthusiastically.

Zoe quickly starts reading the instructions on the box. Natasha busies herself by filling a pot with water. The pair of them are so engrossed in their activities they don't notice Theo awkwardly standing in the living room.

"I-I'll just watch some TV while you two do that..." Theo announces awkwardly.


Theo moves into the living room whilst the girls enjoy themselves in the kitchen. It feels a bit strange to see Zoe so engrossed in cooking, but Theo knows that's mostly his fault. He turns on the television. It hardly manages to retain his attention.

This is so boring compared to- well, to her.

His phone buzzes. He sighs softly, checking the notification. It's a message in the boy-only group chat.

Derek: How's the date, Theodore?

Theo: Amazing. I don't know where I would even start

Jamison: Honestly idk if I want to hear about it

Derek: Oh loosen up Jamison, it's not like you won't have a turn

Jamison: Now that just sounds wrong. Zoe's a person, not a toy.

Derek: Sorry, came out wrong

Theo: I think I should only share details after making sure its okay with Zoe

Theo: All I'll say is her lips are way softer than I expected

Derek: Damn

Theo's thoughts wander back to that kiss. The way he pinned Zoe beneath him was exhilarating, and her equally passionate touch was more than he ever expected. He blushes softly.

Perhaps I've been underestimating her...


Zoe carefully removes the garlic bread from the oven using an oven mitt. Theo's mother glances over to check on how it turned out. She nods in approval.

"You'd make a wonderful wife, Zoe." She comments.

For some that might come across as crass and sexist, but Theo's mother knows what she's doing. The way Zoe's cheeks redden is exactly what she expected to happen.

"Th-Thank you, Mrs. Ericson." Zoe stammers.

"Just being honest, sweetie." Theo's mother laughs.

With dinner ready, the women begin setting the table. Three plates. Three forks. Three glasses of water. Zoe helps carry the food out to the table, too.

"Dinner's ready!" Theo's mother announces.

Theo hops up from the couch with a spring in his step. He makes his way over to the table. Zoe pulls out his chair for him, and he smiles sheepishly.

"Thanks, Zoe." Theo says.

"Of course!" Zoe chirps.

The two teens sit down next to one another. Theo's mother sits across from them. She gives them a look as they hold hands beneath the table.

"So, how was your day, kids?" Theo's mother asks.

Theo blushes as he recalls the ups and downs of his day. He was embarrassed repeatedly, yet every moment spent with Zoe made it worth it. He would love to repeat today again if he could.

"My day was extraordinary." Theo replies happily.

Zoe glances at Theo shyly. She can't help but wonder if her presence was the deciding factor. Zoe's experiences today have been unforgettable. She relates to Theo completely.

"M-My day was amazing as well!" She replies bashfully.

Theo's mother places her arm on the table, resting her chin on her hand.

"You two are adorable together, you know that?" Theo's mother comments wistfully.

Zoe tightens her hands grip on Theo's hand. The two of them exchange a longing look. Theo's mother takes a bite of garlic bread. She washes it down with water.

"You two should probably eat. Love can't sustain you." Theo's mother teases.

"M-Mom!" Theo protests.

"Inside voices." She replies with mock seriousness.

Zoe giggles at the way Theo's mother teases him. It reminds her of her own mother, albeit Mrs. Ericson's attitude is different.

Theo takes his mother's advice on eating. He takes a few bites of spaghetti, and then tries the garlic bread. Zoe and Theo's Mother watch him eat out of the corner of their eyes. It takes him just a few minutes to clean his plate.

"How was it?" Zoe asks quietly.

Rather than giving her a verbal answer, Theo reaches out for seconds. He dishes himself some more spaghetti and another slice of garlic bread. Zoe smiles wide at the implications of his actions.

"Theo, tell your girlfriend how much you liked it." Theo's mother encourages.

Theo swallows a mouthful of spaghetti before turning to address Zoe.

"It tastes delicious, Zoe." Theo adulates.

Zoe is beside herself with pride. She wiggles a little in her seat, and takes a bite of her own food. Theo was not embellishing things. It is quite delicious.

The quiet clink of tableware punctuates the quality of the meal. Zoe revels in the warm and fuzzy atmosphere. Eating with her parents is lovely, but helping cook a meal for your date with his mother is a different flavor of lovely. Theo clears his throat.

"Thank you for the food. Both of you." Theo says gratefully.

"Aww. It was no trouble at all, Theodore." Theo's mother replies.

"Hm... You owe me for this." Zoe replies sharply.

Theo's eyes take on a sad puppy dog look. Zoe is smiling, but she has her face pointed away from him. Zoe exchanges eye contact with Theo's mother. She smirks.

"What does he owe you?" Theo's mother plays along.

"A kiss, of course." Zoe replies airily.

Theo's look of betrayal morphs into one of surprise. Zoe doesn't give him the chance to speak; She scoots her chair closer to his, and abruptly brings her lips to his. Theo's mother chuckles at Zoe's confidence. Theo and Zoe separate after a brief kiss.

"Y-You're incorrigible." Theo remarks.

"Hehe. Perhaps." Zoe giggles.

The sound of a phone ringing interrupts their conversation. Theo checks his phone, but it's not ringing. Zoe checks hers, but it's not either. Theo's mother finally realizes she's to blame. She pulls out her phone and answers the call.

"Oh? Hey Miranda!" Theo's mother greets.

Zoe and Theo exchange a look. Miranda is Zoe's mother's first name.

"Yes we just finished a late dinner. I'll send them over." She promises.

There's a brief pause.

"Mhm. Goodbye!" Theo's mother finishes.

She turns to address the teens with a smile. Zoe and Theo both straighten up in their seats, separating their hands.

"Your mom wanted to check you were okay, and wants you home soon." Theo's mother explains.

Zoe pouts, nodding in understanding. Theo and Zoe stand up together. Theo gently puts her hand in his. Zoe turns to smile at Mrs. Ericson.

"Thank you for having me for dinner, Mrs. Ericson!" Zoe says gratefully.

"No, thank you for the help!" She replies with a laugh.

"It was my pleasure!" Zoe replies honestly.

Theo's mother stands to join Zoe and Theo. She walks them over to the front door, turning on the porchlight. She turns to address Theo. Her expression grows stern.

"Theo, can I trust you to get her home safely?" Theo's mother asks.

"Of course! I'll protect her." Theo replies without hesitation.

"Good. Run along now, lovebirds." Mrs. Ericson dismisses them.

Theo opens the door for Zoe, and she steps out onto the porch. They're still holding one another's hands. Theo guides her toward the sidewalk under his mother's watchful gaze. She gently shuts the door behind them.

"Sorry if my mom got a little overbearing." Theo apologizes.

Zoe quickly shakes her head.

"Oh no, she was great! I've always liked her, but she seems even more awesome now that I'm myself." Zoe replies thoughtfully.

"I'm glad to hear that, Zoe." Theo replies with a chuckle.

Innumerable crickets chirp just out of sight. Their performance serves as background music for the young couple as they make their way through the suburbs of Witchburrow. The yellow glow of the streetlights battles with the white light of the starry sky. In a way, it's beautiful.

"I wish today could last forever." Theo murmurs.

"Maybe it can." Zoe replies softly.

Theo glances at Zoe as they walk ever closer to her home. He isn't sure how to tell her that he's not the only one pining for her affection. Maybe it isn't his place to tell.

The rest of their walk is spent in silence. The company of the other is felt through the connection their hands form. Neither teen notices the cold autumn wind as they hold onto their counterpart. They finally arrive at Zoe's house.

"We're here." Theo says somberly.

Zoe nods. Her cozy looking house is just a few steps away now, yet she wants to stay here with Theo for a little while longer. Theo turns to face her as she frowns.

"I'll see you tomorrow, silly. It's not the end of the world." Theo comforts her.

"I know, but I want to spend more time with you." Zoe replies sadly.

Theo gently leans down to her level. He carefully grabs her chin. She looks up at him in surprise as he pulls her face closer. They kiss for a final time. The warmth of Theo's mouth leaves a lasting impression on Zoe as she embraces him. Theo reciprocates her hug as they express themselves through their lips. Neither knows how long the exchange lasts.

It takes a few tries for Theo to pull himself away from Zoe's addictive, plush lips. He's breathing a little heavier than before. Both of their faces are flushed. Zoe smiles up at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Theo." She parrots his earlier words back to him.

Theo nods softly. Zoe quickly gives him one last peck on the cheek, and scampers up to her front porch. They make eye contact for a fleeting moment as Zoe opens the door. She steps inside, and Theo is left alone in the night.

The chilly autumn winds sap the warmth from Theo as he stands there. The buzz of his phone pulls his attention away from the door to Zoe's house. He pulls it out, and sees a message from Jamison. He opens it.

Jamison: Did you drop her off?

Theo: Yeah, but how did you know?

Jamison: It's past her curfew.

Theo: I see

Jamison: You know what this means, right?

Theo: Elaborate

Jamison: It's my turn to confess.

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