The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 24: Emma Frost Pt. 3

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Things escalate~


“If I can’t trust you, then what’s the point?”

Emma’s shocked expression is a treat to be sure. Thaddeus’ words take her completely off guard, leaving her lips parting slightly and her eyes widening in surprise. Grinning slightly, he shrugs and elaborates.

“I’m not saying I trust you completely or anything. Obviously we’ve both had our secrets… and I suspect we both still have plenty more as well, don’t we?”

After all, he hadn’t told Emma everything about how close he’d gotten with the X-Men sent to spy on him and help him out in the event that she turned out to have bad intentions for him. Just like he was confident she hadn’t told him everything about the Hellfire Club and why they’d truly wanted to recruit him yet either.

But in the end… everyone had secrets. And at this point he and Emma were on a more even playing field than most.

“It all comes back to power, in the end. I’ve got a lot of potential, don’t I?”

Standing in front of him with her hands still on her hips, Emma nods distractedly, murmuring out her response.

“Limitless, really…”

Yeah, he’d kind of figured as much. And that was why Hellfire Club truly wanted him. But was it because they wanted to see him fulfill that potential, or was it more nefarious than that? One way or another… Emma had been a relatively straight shooter with him after a certain point. And he needed to get more powerful. If he was going to face down all of the challenges that seemed to be coming his way, he needed as much power as he could possibly get his hands on.

With that said, Thaddeus rises from the edge of the bed. He surges, really, standing up and reaching for Emma, his hands grasping her hips as he catches the psychic by surprise. It’s like she said before. She’s not used to being with men who she can’t read. She’s not used to having a lover that she can’t adjust herself to fit perfectly by prying his every thought from his head.

The blonde jolts at his touch, freezing in place as he grins down at her.

“Let’s unlock that potential then, shall we?”

The lightest possible dusting of red appears on Emma’s pale cheeks. Not enough to even be called a proper blush, really. But it’s there all the same, even as her eyes slide up and down him, glancing to where he’s holding her by her hips and then along his body and his exposed cock. His member had gone soft for a moment while they spoke, but now as the anticipation builds, he grows hard once more, his prick twitching back to life and growing larger and thicker by the second.

“… Mm. Let’s.”

From there, things descend into what can only be called debauchery. Starting with Thaddeus spinning them both around and tossing Emma Frost onto the bed. She lets out a huff as she lands, but doesn’t hesitate to spread her legs for him, allowing him to climb into position between them and tug her snow-white panties to the side.

Her bosom heaves beneath her matching white corset, but her back only truly arches when he slides home into her a moment later. She’s wet, Thaddeus notices. Almost absurdly so. In fact, her arousal down there doesn’t quite match her carefully controlled reactions up to this point. Raising a brow, Thaddeus grabs Emma by her wrists, pushing her gloved hands up above her head. As he begins to steadily pump in and out of her, he can’t help but ask what’s on his mind.

“You are… immensely turned on right now, Emma Frost. And I have to wonder… is that my doing? Or something else?”

Emma smirks slightly at that, looking up at him as she groans and her cunt clenches along his shaft.

“Excellent powers of deduction, Thaddeus. Mm, don’t get me wrong, you feel very good inside of me. But you’re right… I’m excited more for the potential that we’re both about to unlock, rather than anything else.”

Thaddeus chuckles and transfers her wrists to one hand before using the other to gather up some of Emma’s blonde locks. Physically, she’s acting submissive at the moment. But he sees right through the act, right through the façade. How many men has Emma Frost seduced with just this sort of attitude? He’s getting to see some of the real her though. She probably has a submissive personality to go with her submissive physicality, usually. Instead, while she’s all soft, pliant, and responsive to his actions, she’s also being honest with him. Laying herself bare in a more metaphorical way that he can very much appreciate.

“Such a greedy woman.”

His lips are inches from her lips. They stare into each other’s eyes. His cock continues to slide in and out of her cunt without fail. She’s so wet down there that he barely even has to put his hips into it. And he’s really not either, mostly out of concern that he might go too hard, too fast, and too strong and hurt her.

“I won’t deny it.”



There’s no need for them to kiss. All that needs to happen is the sex. Lots and lots of sex. Every time Thaddeus cums, his powers will grow and so will hers. That’s all that needs to happen. But…

“I guess I’m the same way, aren’t I? Just a greedy young man grasping at every woman I can catch the eye of.”

To his surprise, Emma actually frowns slightly at the comparison.

“You’re nothing like me, Thaddeus. Not yet. And you don’t have to be, either.”

Well now, that was certainly self-deprecating. On the face of it, one might assume Emma was being arrogant. But no, she’s talking mad shit… about herself. To his surprise, Thaddeus doesn’t like that. Maybe he cares about Emma more than he initially thought. Still staring into her icy blue eyes, still fucking her gorgeous, glorious body there on the incredibly expensive bed she’d paid for them to have, Thaddeus grunts.

“And what if I want to be like you? What if I want to learn everything you have to teach me?”

Emma’s eyes widen at that.

“… I’m not a very good person, Thaddeus. There are better role models out there then me.”

Thaddeus scoffs.

“And who said I wanted to be a good person? Besides, what is good and evil, really? The superheroes and their villains might think they have it all figured out… but fuck that. I’m not going to put on spandex and go running around saving the day any time soon. Nor do I have any desire to rob a bank or hold the city hostage for a million dollar ransom.”

He lets out a shuddering breath, well aware that Emma is watching him intently. Sucking in more air, he continues on.

“All I want is to be able to enjoy life. That’s why I signed up with Hellfire Club. Not because of your manipulation, not because of your tricks… though they certainly helped convince me. But because I’m not about to spend my life in service to others. Humans or Mutants.”

Shrugging, his muscles rippling as he leans over her with his cock still buried in her cunt, Thaddeus gives Emma a crooked sort of smile.

“I hate the idea that being selfish is the same as being evil. Why shouldn’t we care more about ourselves then others? Why shouldn’t we care more about the people right in front of us who matter to us over people across the country or even across the world? I’m not a good person, Emma. And just because I know how much of an idiot I was before I developed my powers and got smarter doesn’t mean I’m suddenly some paragon of virtue either.”

He didn’t want to hurt people, necessarily. Especially not people who had never done anything wrong to him. But at the same time, he had no desire to go out and put his neck on the line for people he didn’t know either. He wasn’t a hero. And for all that he’d been making friends and lovers with heroines ever since starting college… he wasn’t like them. In that regard, he was closer to Emma than he was to Laura or Gwen or Kitty. Sure, she might be keeping things from him even now… but she was still his partner in crime in all of this.

“That’s why… I want you to teach me. Mentor me. Show me how to take the world by storm and make it my own. I want-mmph!”

Thaddeus’ eyes widen as he’s cut off mid-sentence by Emma’s lips suddenly on his own. The blonde has leaned up and captured his mouth, which was mere centimeters from hers at this point. He’s so caught off guard that Emma is able to slip her wrists out of his grasp and reach up to grab his face. One hand slides through his hair and pulls him in deeper, lengthening the kiss.

Meanwhile, down below, his hips continue to jackhammer in and out of Emma’s cunt. But the kissing… well, that’s quite the stimulation. A shock to the system if you will. With a muffled groan, Thaddeus tips over the edge and cums inside of the beautiful blonde psychic. As he does so, he feels his mutation activating and his own telepathic powers growing. He feels Emma’s mind brushed up against his as well.

Her eyes flutter for a moment… and then snap open, those icy blues of hers suddenly filled with intense purpose as their lip lock ends and he pulls back.

Suddenly, he’s on his back and she’s on top of him in a surprising display of strength. Thaddeus doesn’t know where she found it… until he looks at her and sees that she’s transformed, right before his very eyes. The presence of Emma’s mind against his vanishes entirely, almost like her telepathy has been pulled back behind steel walls. Or perhaps more accurately… diamond walls.

Emma Frost straddles him in the form of glittering diamonds, still as beautiful as ever but no longer wearing a human body. He expects her to feel… hard. In fact, for a moment he worries what will happen to his dick, still buried inside of her. But… as her inner vaginal walls, now as diamond as the rest of her, flex and clench, it’s not too bad. There’s certainly a lot more tightness than before, but it’s not impossible for him to withstand with his enhanced strength.

Thaddeus’ hands come up and slide along Emma’s glittering sides. At the same time, she reaches back behind herself and deftly undoes the laces on her corset, pulling it away from her body and revealing every last inch of her sculpted diamond form.

“Organic diamond. This is my… alternative body. My strongest defense, if you will.”

There’s a difference in Emma’s voice, Thaddeus notes. As though she’s lost some of her emotion.

“In this form, I cannot use my telepathy. However, I do become much stronger and much more durable. I also have near-limitless stamina since my now-diamond muscles no longer produce fatigue toxins like flesh and blood bodies do.”

Thaddeus blinks as he assimilates that information.

“And while I am no longer psychic in this form… I do have complete immunity to other telepathic powers. I no longer register to most psychics while wearing this body.”

She’s right. Even though she’s right in front of him, even though he’s staring right at her… it’s like she’s not even there. She might as well be invisible to his new senses.

“Finally… in this form, I am far more pragmatic.”

That causes Thaddeus to raise an eyebrow in response.


A wicked sort of grin spreads across the diamond woman’s face as she brings glittering hands down to his cheeks, caressing them gently. But not like a lover would. No, Thaddeus detects a note of… possessiveness in her tough as Emma Frost cradles his face in her diamond palms.

“My heart is that of diamond. There are certainly harder substances out there in the universe, but not many. It’s easier to see the bigger picture in this form. To keep my eye on the prize, so to speak.”

Ah. A hardened heart both figuratively and literally. Thaddeus finds himself wondering if that’s a good or bad thing for him. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to wonder for long.

“You’re in luck. I was letting my emotions get the better of me a moment ago after your little speech. All of that praise, all of that talk of wanting to be just like me… I didn’t know whether to love you or hate you. And I’ve always struggled with the fine line between both, so I just kissed you instead.”

At that, Emma leans forward and presses her organic diamond lips against his in a quick, chaste representation of that kiss. The feeling is undeniably strange. There’s no heat in her lips as they are right now, no softness either. But at the same time, there’s ever so slightly some give to her mouth. Organic diamond. What a fucking rush.

“Before I could get carried away, I decided to give myself some perspective. Fortunately for you, even as I am now… you’re the better call.”

That gets a raised eyebrow from him. He has a suspicion he knows what she’s going to say, but still…

“As opposed to what?”

Grinning as she pulls back from his face, moving back into a sitting position upon his cock once more, Emma slowly gyrates her hips, swiveling herself around his crotch. His cock feels strange, encased in organic diamond as it currently is, but it’s not… not an entirely unpleasant sensation.

“Everyone else. The US Government. The X-Men. The Brotherhood. Even Hellfire itself. You probably already know, but the people in Hellfire who sent me to recruit you have plans for you.”

Thaddeus nods his head in agreement. That much was obvious of course.

“Well, you should also know that you wouldn’t like seeing those plans brought to fruition. Not in their current iteration. At the same time though, we need their assistance to take care of… other elements within the Club.”

That’s… surprisingly candid. Thaddeus would ask Emma why she’s telling him this, but he already knows, doesn’t he? She told him. He’s the better call. Well shit. Even cold-hearted diamond form Emma Frost, lacking in all empathy, was willing to bet on him. A slow grin spreads across his face at that, making Emma scoff down at him.

“Don’t get too cocky now, Mister Cummings. You aren’t ready to take on any of our shared foes yet. But… this weekend can be the start of that. If we’re both willing to go all the way.”

Even with her heart hardened, Diamond Emma manages to sound sultry and seductive as she says that. A shiver runs down Thaddeus’ spine. He’s already decided to go all the way. That’s not in doubt. But… part of him wants to argue with Emma to switch back to her human form. He thinks he might like her a little better like that. On the other hand, a more perverse part of him wants to take her diamond form for a spin at least once, just to get a taste of what it might feel like…

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Ask Emma to change back to flesh and blood - 14%

[X] Take her organic diamond body for a spin - 86%


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