The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 25: Emma Frost Pt. 4

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Thaddeus and Emma get it on, meanwhile the other pieces on the board continue to shift.


Heh, all the way indeed. Laying there under Emma, Thaddeus can’t deny that she’s heavier like this. But not TOO heavy. And as previously mentioned, the feeling of her diamond form gyrating across his cock isn’t all that unpleasant. She’s not truly diamond, thankfully, or she would have probably crushed his dick by now regardless of just how much durability and strength he’d gained. Sure, it would have almost certainly grown back afterwards, but that would have been little consolation in the moment.

Still… did he really want to fuck her like this? More than that, did he really have a choice? Thaddeus chuckles to himself internally even as he reaches up and grabs Emma by her crystalline hips. He begins with pulling her up his member… only to slam her back down a moment later. Despite being colder and more emotionless like this, he still detects a note of surprise in the diamond woman’s eyes as she bounces on his cock.

“My… you really are unpredictable, aren’t you Thaddeus?”

Oh? Did she think that he was going to ask her to switch back? Well then, he was happy to have caught her off guard once again. Smirking up at Emma as he bounces her organic diamond body upon his pulsing prick and she in turn begins to ride him, he just shrugs.

“In for a penny, in for a pound right? Can’t really say we went ‘all the way’ if we don’t explore every avenue…”

Nodding her head, the diamond woman slides her tight, flexing insides up and down his shaft.

“You’re right. I feel no pleasure like this, of course. But even still, there’s a possibility you might empower my diamond form… and that I might give you something in turn. That makes this worth exploring if nothing else.”

She’s so cold and calculating like this. It’s kind of hot if he’s being honest. Hearing that she’s not actually getting anything from this physically isn’t so hot though. He’s always prided himself in being able to make a woman squeal and cream herself on his cock long before he reached his own climax. But that won’t be possible here with Emma in her diamond form.

Even as she rides him cowgirl and they fuck there on that very expensive bed, Thaddeus is wracking his mind for options. Unfortunately, nothing in his current repertoire seems like it will help. He can’t even focus on pleasuring her with his newly gained psychic abilities because when she’s diamond like this, her mind is completely invisible to him. It might as well not exist.

Before he realizes it, a frown has sprouted across his face, causing Emma to smack his chest lightly with one of her crystalline hands.

“You’re getting distracted by the fact that you can’t get me off. Stop it. This is an experiment. We can’t find out the results of said experiment without you reaching the end.”

So… clinical. Thaddeus huffs out a laugh at that, giving Emma a crooked smile and a nod.

“Of course ‘Professor’. So very sorry.”

He thinks he sees a flicker of a reaction to being called ‘Professor’ but it’s gone so fast he might have just been imagining things. And even if he wasn’t, it was too quick for him to register what that reaction even was. Regardless, he focuses up and gets to work. Emma’s organic diamond form is strange, but strange isn’t a bad thing. And fuck if her insides don’t feel amazing wrapped around his throbbing, pulsating cock.

Finally, with a loud groan, Thaddeus empties himself inside of Emma Frost. As he’s finishing, she goes still on top of him, clearly not feeling it more than a little bit, if at all. There’s a brief moment at the end of his climax where they both pause and wait to see if something happens. Her diamond form trumps psychic powers, but does it trump whatever Thaddeus’ mutation is? Will he get a boost from her or does she count as too much of an inanimate object right now?

The moment passes… and Thaddeus feels something. A hardening, if you will. Not down below, he’s already more than hard enough despite just cumming deep inside of Emma’s crystalline body. But there’s this sensation that his skin, muscles, and bones all just grew a little tougher, a little denser. Like diamond.

“Interesting. It does seem to work after all. I felt something there… and I don’t usually feel much in this form. I believe I’ve become just a bit tougher.”

Blinking up at Emma, Thaddeus slowly nods.

“That’s what I got too.”

Emma’s crystalline face doesn’t quite twist or contort, but it does shift ever so slightly to irritation.

“Unfortunate. I had hoped to perhaps gain access to my psychic abilities while in this form. That would have had intriguing possibilities.”

Oh. Yeah, that would have been great. Still under her, Thaddeus shrugs.

“Well we can keep fucking like this if you want to?”

But Emma just shakes her head.

“No. It makes far more sense to spend the majority of this weekend on fucking in my flesh body and increasing both of our psychic abilities beyond their current levels. That, at least, is a sure thing.”

With that, Emma switches back to her normal form. Immediately, Thaddeus feels her telepathic presence again. He also feels the low hum of ‘horny’ from that weird tingle he’d picked up from Gwen. He’d been feeling it from Emma for most of their time together so far but had been ignoring it. He didn’t need a tingle to know that Emma was ready for action practically from the moment he stepped into the room. Still, it’s more pronounced for a moment after she drops out of her diamond form.

To her credit, even with her emotions back online, Emma doesn’t seem overly embarrassed by how she’d acted when she was cold and calculating. There’s a brief moment where she pauses and almost seems to assess her behavior over the last several minutes… before giving him a nod.

“Let’s continue, shall we?”

Chuckling at that, Thaddeus proceeds to roll them both over, pushing Emma onto her back as he starts thrusting into her right then and there. Moaning under him, she’s far more responsive like this as he pounds her into the bed. They have quite a lot of time ahead of them. All weekend to… enjoy each other’s company and increase one another’s power.

Thaddeus can hardly wait.


“Agent Romanoff, report.”

“Fury. I have reason to believe that the target, Emma Frost, has called Chad ‘Thaddeus’ Cummings to her for a weekend booty call.”

“… Seriously? Why would she… no, wait. Sex Powers. Motherfucking Sex Powers.”

“Yes sir. Orders?”

“Do you have eyes on them right now?”

“No sir. The car carrying Thaddeus to their rendezvous noticed me at one point and I had to allow them to believe they gave me the slip. By the time I was able to get back on their tail however, they’d dropped Thaddeus off at a private elevator. Currently, Emma Frost is renting out the penthouse suite at the richest hotel in New York. It takes up the entire floor. I can get up there, but not without risking detection.”

“… Maintain your distance for now, Agent Romanoff. How do you believe conversion is progressing? Can Mister Cummings be turned?”

“I think so, sir. Especially if he gains psychic abilities of his own. Once he’s able to protect his mind from Emma Frost’s telepathy, he should be easier to persuade to turn on her.”

“Very well. Keep up the good work Agent Romanoff. Maintain your cover as best as possible, but do not hesitate to call in backup if the situation becomes untenable. Is that clear?”

“Crystal, Director.”

“Fury out.”

As the phone call ends, Natasha tucks her phone into her pocket and looks up at the massive hotel in front of her. Specifically, she cranes her neck back to look up all the way to the peak. Up there, Thaddeus Cummings is fucking Emma Frost right this moment. She might not know it for a fact, but she can feel it in her bones all the same.

That did beg the question though… why was she lying to Fury and SHIELD? Natasha wasn’t an idiot. And she wasn’t oblivious either. Thaddeus… his loyalties might not lie with Hellfire as a whole, but they definitely lay with Emma Frost on a personal level. Her surveillance of him and his conversations over the past week had all but confirmed that fact.

Oh sure, he was being careful not to be too open about it with the girls in his dorm. He was stringing along those two from the X-Men as well as Gwen Stacy rather masterfully in fact. Maybe he even thought he meant what he was saying to them. But Natasha knew better. She knew what loyalty looked like and Thaddeus Cummings was loyal to Emma Frost.

… So why had she just told Fury that she was convinced she could convert him? Why was she lying to the Director of SHIELD? Natasha bites her lower lip, worrying it between her teeth for a moment as she finds herself thinking back to that boost of power she’d felt when Thaddeus had cum inside of her. He’d… made her stronger back then. And she’d made him stronger too.

But Natasha didn’t care about that. Stronger? Faster? Sure, those were things that were always good in her line of work. That was undeniable. But she was already pretty strong. Already pretty fast too. The Red Room had given her the tools she needed to survive in this world. It was what they’d taken from her in the process that Natasha wondered if she could get back.

What if? What if fucking Thaddeus more healed her barren womb and cured her sterility? She’d been so frozen with indecision over that possibility that she hadn’t dared to approach him this past week. Probably for the best though, because while Frost almost certainly already knew about Natasha’s presence in the dorm, at least she wouldn’t have any further ammunition.

Still… even if Thaddeus couldn’t fuck her body back to fully healed, there was an almost certainty that he would eventually pick up some sort of healing power. A man like him… his potential was limitless. If she stuck it out and just stayed close to him, she could potentially get her heart’s desire satisfied.

There were other possibilities out there of course. Ways for her to heal her womb and regain the ability to have children. The only problem… was SHIELD. They’d invested in her when they’d allowed Clint Barton to bring her in instead of killing her. They’d turned her from a liability to an asset, but there was no such thing as a probationary period at an organization like SHIELD. She would ALWAYS be on thin ice with them. They would always hold her at arm’s length no matter how high her security clearance got or how much Fury trusted her.

If they found out Natasha was going after a cure for her sterility, they would immediately begin weighing whether to keep her alive or not. But if it just so happened to be a direct consequence of a mission they’d sent her on… well, that was different wasn’t it?

Releasing her lower lip from between her teeth, Natasha Romanoff huffs and finally turns her gaze away from the hotel, beginning to make her way back towards Empire State University. Natalie the RA couldn’t be gone for long, after all. Still, one thing was for sure… keeping secrets about Thaddeus’ loyalty from SHIELD couldn’t last forever. She needed to make her next move sooner rather than later.


“I’m just not sure, Ma. What if I hurt him?”

Mystique is very careful not to groan or rub her face with her hand as her darling adoptive daughter squirms in front of her. The two of them have been in this godforsaken place for a week now and while playing the role of Risty Wilde has been fun… the shapeshifter is pretty sure she’s been made. Thaddeus hasn’t given anything away necessarily, but that in and of itself is pretty telling. She hasn’t lived for as long as she has without picking up a few tricks here and there.

Knowing he probably knows who she is… is one of the reasons Mystique has yet to approach him again in any meaningful way. The other, far larger reason however is right in front of her, fretting for the umpteenth time in the last week. Wringing her gloved hands in front of her, Rogue whimpers.

“I told you, darling… it’ll be fine. He’s been getting stronger and stronger this past week. Eventually he might be able to last long enough under the effects of your power to reach completion.”

The look that the younger female mutant gives Mystique is thoroughly unimpressed. Mystique just grins.

“… Yeah, obviously, we’re not going to wait that long sweetheart. Like I said before, Destiny and I have been exploring… alternatives. When it finally comes time, you two won’t have to do the horizontal tango. Instead… we might just have him jack off onto you while you masturbate, perhaps. Destiny saw a future where that worked with his powers.”

Her darling Rogue goes bright red at that, eyes widening as she sputters in embarrassment. And there it is…

“B-But Ma! That’s… that’s s-so gross!”

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much, Mystique thinks to herself as she resists the urge to roll her eyes. Rogue might say one thing with her mouth, but her body’s reactions give away the lie in her words. Mystique’s adopted daughter is wiggling her hips back and forth unconsciously at the thought, and even tapping her fingers together in a shy manner.

It’s obvious that she thinks having a hunky jock like Thaddeus cum all over her is hot… but equally obvious that Rogue’s religious upbringing is rearing its ugly head. Under normal circumstances, Mystique would be happy that her daughter was a little prudish and easily embarrassed. Would have made it easier to beat off all the boys with a stick, given Rogue’s beauty.

The only problem with that was, she didn’t need to beat any boys off of Rogue with a stick because the poor dear’s own mutation was preventing them from so much as touching her without falling into a coma. In the end… it didn’t matter what Mystique or Rogue felt. If they could get Rogue’s mutation to the state where she could control it, then Mystique was willing to pay whatever price Thaddeus might demand for such a thing.

“Honey. Do you want to be able to touch people? To be touched in turn?”

Rogue flushes… but eventually nods.

“Then you’ll do as I say, alright?”

“… Alright Ma…”

“Good girl.”

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Natasha makes the next move - 34%

[X] Mystique makes the next move - 66%


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