These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 106: Very suspicious

“I’ve already told you,” Rian said. “I told you we would win. I told you to consider the consequences.”

“Is it only revenge for Earl Rosewood’s family? I don’t believe you,” Count Aegean said.

Rian’s eyelids lowered. “I don’t want to be too candid.”

Count Aegean’s and Duke Mauveine’s faces both darkened.

There were many unspoken words in the air. Was Prince Rian implying what they thought he was implying? That Prince Rian wanted to cause internal strife in Angio and remove King Augustus? Did they want him to state it clearly? Or was it better not to know?

In the end, Count Aegean and Duke Mauveine didn’t push Prince Rian to state it in plain terms. It wasn’t an easy matter to talk about, especially while they were still on Angio soil.

Count Aegean made a grumpy sound. “Well, do you still want to be Crown Prince of Sedaveria?”

“I do,” Rian said.

“Then you should behave appropriately.”

“I do.”

Count Aegean twitched. Oh, he well understood that Prince Rian’s definition of ‘appropriate’ was different!

“Do you have any other plans?” Duke Mauveine asked.

Rian did have another plan—a plan to confess to Ren Xiyang. But he didn’t think that was what Duke Mauveine meant.

“I have many plans,” Rian said.

“I knew it!” Count Aegean said.

“Since I have to attend the Imperial Magical Academy this autumn, there are many things I want done or delegated. And in between that, there are the other visits planned for the spring and summer…”

Rian listed off a long set of plans, including more detail about the Royal Healers’ Service expansion steps, administration for the new ‘seed’ funding, and communication with the Schauss family to improve access to medical teaching and learning.

He spoke about how his new group to improve agricultural practices across the kingdom still needed a name, among a whole host of other important matters like funding and how to reach and support farmers.

He talked briefly about how he wanted to examine the impact of the new laws, regulations, and systems in the Rosewood fief to see whether they were impactful and worth rolling out to other fiefs.

He spoke about how he wanted to increase travel between all their neighbouring countries, including Angio, to improve the flow of goods and talent and knowledge-sharing.

He briefly mentioned some of the new magical research/technology projects that he and Earl Rosewood were working on.

And finally, he spoke about all the work from his tutors, including Count Aegean.

Count Aegean listened with a slight frown, and maybe a little bit of guilt. He hadn’t realised just how packed Prince Rian’s schedule was. Given that, how did he find so much time to play with Earl Rosewood?

Duke Mauveine listened without much expression. Everything Prince Rian said seemed fine on the surface. But he suspected, with Prince Rian’s character, that there would be unexpected details. All these things sounded very much like what Prince Rian had been doing previously—and yet the duel against King Augustus had sprung out.

However, what Duke Mauveine and Count Aegean both acknowledged was that Prince Rian was very forward-looking. He was doing things that had both immediate and long-term benefits.

If King Augustus was disposed of and replaced with someone more favourable to Sedaveria, that would be a benefit.

“—And that’s everything I can remember off the top of my head. Is there anything you want more detail on?”

Count Aegean and Duke Mauveine glanced at each other.

Count Aegean gave Prince Rian a stern look. “I want you to keep us updated on your plans. If you ever commit such a diplomatic mistake again, I hope you understand that we will never let you leave Sedaveria.”

Rian inclined his head. “I understand.”

Count Aegean huffed. “I hope we have a smooth journey back to Sedaveria, as long as you behave.”

Rian inwardly felt a little attacked right now. He wasn’t the one making the problems, other people made problems for him!

But considering how stressed and haggard Count Aegean and Duke Mauveine were about the entire situation, Rian had to acknowledge that now might not be a good time to confess to Ren Xiyang. He’d do it the moment they reached Sedaverian land!



After travelling for half the afternoon, the travelling group took a rest stop.

Rian’s gaze went to the Rosewood carriage, where Rosewood staff were helping Ren Xiyang out. Their eyes met.

Count Aegean, who exited the Imperial carriage after Prince Rian, caught the action. His eyes narrowed.

Rian turned back to look at Count Aegean. “Will you give me a lesson now?”

Count Aegean felt tired. He didn’t have the energy to handle Prince Rian at the moment. “No. You can read the next chapter of Diplomacy II.”

Rian nodded. He called his servants to fetch his books, pens, and Diplomacy II. And then, as expected, he went and sat down in the Rosewood carriage.

Count Aegean rubbed his temples as he entered his own carriage. The way Prince Rian acted with Earl Rosewood was unusual. Prince Rian’s possessiveness a few years ago had seemed childish. Now, it was becoming suspicious.

They were as thick as thieves, plotting together and coming out with useful things like the communication mirrors, and shocking things like the duel—that had happened just this morning.

Oh, Count Aegean felt that it had been a very long, tiring day. He’d keep an eye on Prince Rian later.



Rian relaxed once he was safely inside the Rosewood carriage and once the contingent started moving.

“What did you talk about?” Ren Xiyang asked.

“They wished to know all my plans,” Rian said with a smirk. “So I told them.”


“Of course not. There wouldn’t have been enough time.”

Ren Xiyang’s lips quirked up. “True.”

“And what have you been doing?”

“Oh, resting. Kel won’t let me do any work.”

“Oh, how terrible.”


Rian patted his pile of books. “We’ll now do some work, so I hope you’re happy.”


Rian opened up one notebook. “First, let’s talk about the duel and its aftermath.”


Rian gave a deep analysis of every action during the duel. The aim was to evaluate what they had done, and what King Augustus had done, and to argue over what they could have done better. Such as how Ren Xiyang should have split that final lightning strike evenly (and don’t be so greedy!).

Then came the consequences of the duel. It would undoubtedly affect trade partnerships, and thus Ren Xiyang’s money.

“Marquis Terra might not want to trade with us anymore,” Ren Xiyang said with a frown. “And even if he continues for now, given the agreements, it might leave a bad taste in his mouth.”

Marquis Terra wasn’t the only Angian person they traded with, but he was by far the most important by trading volume.

“However, trading with us has benefits,” Rian countered. “The only way to know is to call him.”


Rian took out his public communication mirror and set it to float in front of him and Ren Xiyang.

It didn’t take long to connect with Marquis Terra.

“Good afternoon, Marquis Terra,” Rian greeted first.

“Good afternoon, Prince Rian, Earl Rosewood,” Marquis Terra returned. He gave a smile. “Congratulations on your victory this morning. I’m sure you’re well aware that you’ve shocked many people, including myself.”

“Thank you, our duelling practice over the last few years has been key to our victory,” Rian said. “If you would like our training plan, come visit us in Sedaveria.”

Marquis Terra’s smile deepened, not surprised by the invitation. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I hope your fief has been going well since we left.”

“The farmers are settling back in,” Marquis Terra said.

“I should also thank you for organising our return trip itinerary and re-arranging it on such short notice. It is a shame that we couldn’t stay longer in Angio’s capital.”

Marquis Terra inclined his head. His gaze turned to Earl Rosewood. “It’s good to see that you’re up.”

“Prince Rian is a good healer,” Ren Xiyang said.

“Allow me to get to the point,” Rian said. “Given the situation, do you wish to continue trading? Do you still want all the floating carriages that you previously ordered, or would you prefer I return your deposit?”

“We’ve signed the contracts, so I won’t pull out,” Marquis Terra said.

Ren Xiyang visibly brightened. “Thank you. We’ll fulfil our sides once we return to Sedaveria.”

Rian tried to suppress his thoughts but failed—Ren Xiyang looks so cute when he’s excited about money!

Marquis Terra nodded. “However, before you return to Sedaveria, you should note that Viscountess Venemum was the person I had been alluding to previously.”

Rian smiled slightly. “Understood, we’ll meet with the Viscountess.”

The Sedaverian convoy hadn’t planned to meet Viscountess Venemum previously. But after the duel, certain nobles cancelled and so they now had a convenient cover reason.

They didn’t talk about any important matters after that and ended the call not long after.

Rian turned to Ren Xiyang. “Look, more work to do.” He chuckled. “Don’t tell Kel.”

They talked about how they would approach Viscountess Venemum and decided how much compensation would be required for different levels of effort. They couldn’t just offer to help without any payment—that would look more suspicious.



As night fell, the travelling contingent pushed onward to reach their destination, while nobles in the Capital gathered at the Angio castle for a court dinner.

It was silent but for the clinking of cutlery on plates.

Upon emerging for dinner, King Augustus had buckled his sword to his belt. He didn’t want anyone to know that he couldn’t activate it. Simply touching the hilt by his waist drew attention to it and reminded others of his power.

No one dared to look him in the eye, except for his son Marcus.

Oh, he knew the kind of thoughts that were swirling around his court. His little nobles will be wondering whether they should try and dispose of him now, or if they should flatter and aid him and thus benefit once he recovered his power.

Every single person was suspect. Every action had ulterior motives.

He was going to watch them all very closely.

Princess Aurelia stood guard by King Augustus. This meant that she couldn’t eat dinner. Her gaze periodically swept across the hall.

She had noticed Prince Pollux’s new wheelchair immediately, and every time her eyes passed over it, she was reminded.

Prince Pollux’s wheelchair looked the same at a cursory glance, but a detailed look showed its differences.

The chair now moved very smoothly, and the wheels didn’t sound as though they were carrying any weight. The servant standing behind had his hand on the chair, but that was only for show. The servant wasn’t exerting any effort to push.

Prince Pollux must have modified the wheelchair that Prince Rian gave him.

This reminded Aurelia that she hadn’t opened the gift she’d received from Prince Rian yet.





Can you believe that it’s the 6th!!! chapter and we’re still on the same day of the duel??????????????????!!!!

Also, we’ve passed the 1st Anniversary of this novel! (First posted online on the 1st May 2022.)


P.S. This chapter is shorter than planned because I’m a bit busy and stressed at the moment _(:_」∠)_

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